What Is CSS Media Queries?


Lloyd-Jamie Bennett – P11228763

Stylianos Michael – P11239856

Aims & Objectives

Briefing on Responsive Web Design (RWD)

What is CSS Media Queries

Importance Of Media Queries & Usability



Responsive Frameworks

Future Developments Of The Technology

Responsive Web Design

A design strategy coined by Ethan Marcotte in ‘A List

Apart’ article 2010.

‘The control which designers know in the print medium, and often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design for this flexibility. But first, we must 'accept the ebb and flow of things .’ - ( Jon Allslop,


He described the theory and practice in a book called

Responsive Web Design in 2011.

RWD Techniques

 Marcotte identifies three main techniques for


 Fluid Grids

 Media Queries

 Flexible Media

What Is CSS Media Queries?

Module in CSS3 specification

Queries that conform to different Media Screens

Allows content rendering to conform to conditions such as screen resolution.

Can be executed Internally & Externally

One of three main techniques of RWD.

External CSS Media Queries

 External - A separate file where you can declare all the styles that you want to use on your website.

Benefits & Constraints Of External

CSS Media Queries

Smaller file size for nonsupporting browsers

Easier to manage and organise.

Can feed to old IE using conditional comments

Extra HTTP requests

Out of sight so could be forgotten when updating

Internal CSS Media Queries

 A stylesheet which is included in the main HTML documents. The style sheet is written within

<style>.....</style> tags and between this tags style properties are listed.

Benefits & Constraints Of Internal

CSS Media Queries

No extra HTTP requests

Visible in one file which can be convenient.

Adds extra kb in file size

JavaScript is required for browser compatibility work around for older versions of IE


 Demonstration Time: Example of a Responsive

Web Page using CSS Media Queries. NOTICE how the elements on the web page adapt to the size of the browser to preserve readability.

Responsive Frameworks

Twitter Bootstrap

Foundation 3

Mobile Boilerplate (Focuses on producing mobile responsive sites)


Developers are also using fluid grid systems such as Golden Grid System, Simple Grid, Columnal etc.

Future Developments Of CSS Media


 New queries for devices.

 Full Support from all web browsers

(Especially Internet Explorer).

 Download speed of Responsive

Websites on mobile devices is still progressing.

 Time taking and expensive.

 Less dependent on JavaScript


ALLSOPP, J. 2000. Dao Of Web Design. [Online] 07 April. Available at: http://alistapart.com/article/dao [Accessed: 24 Mar 2014].

CSSMEDIAQUERIES. 2014. What are CSS Media Queries, and how to implement them.. [online] Available at: http://cssmediaqueries.com/whatare-css-media-queries.html [Accessed: 09 Feb


MARCOTTE, E. 2010. Responsive Web Design. [online] Available at: http://alistapart.com/article/responsive-web-design/ [Accessed: 20 Mar


WILLIAMSON, J. 2012. lynda.com Training | Responsive Design

Fundamentals. [online] Available at: http://www.lynda.com/Web-Responsive-


[Accessed: 24 Mar 2014].

End Of Presentation

 Any Questions?
