nd 2 TIMETABLE GRID 2016-2018 EUROPEAN SCHOOL BRUSSELS II (2) Instructions 1. Subjects on a same line are mutually exclusive. 2. Choose at least one Science class. 3. Highlight with a Stabilo highlighter the chosen subjects, from line 9 on. 4. Choose a Math class, a Sports group and at least two options. 5. Fill in the totals below and in front of each column. Class: 6 Nl… Name ……………………… Surname …………………… CHANGE YES/NO A : Subjects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lang 1 Lang 1 Lang 1 Lang 1 Lang 2 Lang 2 Lang 2 17 Maths 5p 18 Maths 5p 19 Maths 5p 20 21 Maths 5p Maths 5p Totals B : Options (min 2 options) Ethics/rel Hist 2p Hist 2p Geo 2p Geo 2p Philo 2p Philo 2p Bio 2p Bio 2p Column A Column B Column C Subtotal Column D Total Min 29 p C : Advanced Min 31 p Max 36 p If not chosen as options To hand in to Mr. Maes Monday 3rd March at 13.00 hrs at the latest Adv Maths * Adv Maths * If no 4 period sciences Maths 3p Maths 3p Maths 3p D : Complementary courses Sport Sport Adv L2 EN/FR Adv L2 EN/FR L5 L5 Soc E Soc E 22 L3 Geo Music Art Music 23 L3 Geo Music Art Music L3 L3 Geo Geo Music Music Art Art ICT ICT L4 L4 Philo Philo Chem. Chem. ONL ONL Infographie Infographie Intro Eco. Eng./Fr. Intro. Eco. Eng./Fr. 24 25 26 27 Sport Sport 28 Sport L4 Philo Chem. ONL 29 Sport L4 Philo Chem. ONL 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sport Sport Latin Latin Latin Latin Eco. Eco. Eco. Eco. Bio. Bio. Bio. Bio. Art Art Art Art Phys Phys Hist. Hist. Infographie Infographie 36 Sport Phys Hist. Sport 37 Sport Phys Hist. Sport Lab . Chem Lab Chem. Soc. E. Soc. E. ICT ICT Adv Maths * Adv L2 EN/FR 38 Total A ( min 13, max 23) ………. Soc. Fr. Soc. Fr. Total B ……… ( min 8, max 16) Total C ……. Total D ……………. Lab Phys Lab Phys Lab Bio Lab Bio L2 L3 L4 ONL L5 Adv L1 Adv. L2 Adv. Maths Eco Philo4 LANGUAGE CHOICE : circle DE - EN – FR DE*- EN - ES-FR-IT-NL DE*-EN* -ES-IT IR-SV-FI ES EN*-FR-IT EN – FR* DE*-EN – FR –IT*-NL*-PT-SV* DE*-EN-FR EN-FR Remarks : 1. In principle, it is not possible to change an option or a complementary course after the definite choice has been made. a) The school can, in exceptional cases, allow the change if it does not modify the organisation of classes, i.e. if the change concerns a class which is already planned. b) Under no circumstance can a pupil abandon at the beginning of the 6th year a choice of class which has been created within the limit of the required number of pupils. c) No change will be allowed after Friday September 23rd 2016. 2. The 35 period limit cannot be exceeded, except for pupils whose obligatory classes timetable and option classes reach 34 periods. 3. These pupils can choose a single extra 2 period complementary class. The same applies for pupils who choose advanced scientific options (Maths 5 + 2 science subjects). The absolute maximum is therefore 36 periods. 4. The choices offered on this grid are TEMPORARY and could change according to the decisions of the Management. 5. If a student wishes to take, e.g. Eco. 4 or another L3 or L4, but has not studied the subject in the preceding 2 years, a letter requesting the right to sit a test on 23rd May MUST be sent to the Direction before 8th May, 2016. 6. If a 4 period science is not offered in your subject due to lack of numbers, you will be able to take it in your L2. 7. The overall choices MUST leave room for the inclusion of the obligatory two periods of sport. 8. Students must take a minimum of two options in order to fulfill the minimum number of written subjects required for the Baccalaureate. However, it is strongly advised that students consider taking three options in order to give themselves a choice of written examinations in the summer Baccalaureate examinations. Parents’ signature………………………… Pupil’s signature…………………………. Date……………………….. NB : Abbreviations for complementary courses L5 Language 5 Soc E Sociology in English Soc F Sociology in French Sports Sports extra Lab Phys Labo physics Lab Bio Labo biology Lab Ch Labo chemistry Infography Infography ICT ICT Int Eco E Introduction to Economics in English Int Eco F Introduction to Economics in French