What is a scientific theory?

What is a scientific theory?
•In 1781, the first planet invisible to the naked eye, Uranus,
was discovered by W. Herschel, through telescopic observations.
By tracking its motion, an accurate orbit was established.
•Initially, the observed motion appeared to be consistent with
the predictions of Newton’s laws. However, by 1840 observations
revealed a growing discrepancy with theory that could not be
attributed to measurement errors.
•The discrepancy could be interpreted as the result of a
gravitational perturbation produced by a yet unseen object.
•A young English student, J. Adams, and a French
mathematician, U. Leverrier, worked on the problem and
independently concluded that the perturbation was produced by
an unseen planet, orbiting beyond Uranus.
•Astronomers at Berlin Observatory checked Leverrier’s
predicted position and discovered Neptune.
Note the process:
•Observations were made
•Theory was applied to interpret
•Discrepancy was noticed
•Existence of unseen object was postulated
•Predictions were made
•Observations confirmed prediction
 theory is alive and well
Systematic, controlled observation/experiment
 Results of which lead to theoretical construct
 The application of which yield predictions, that
can be proved right or wrong by further
A scientific theory then not only describes
known facts; it also predicts the outcome of
new experiments or observations
A scientific theory is then fertile and vulnerable, i.e.
it must offer the possibility of being proved wrong
“Knowledge comes from generalizing from what is
observed” [Francis Bacon 1561-1626]
Classic Greek approach of deduction with logical
rigor from first postulates:
Observe, generalize, distill basic rules; then push
them to their extreme logical power. If predictions
are confirmed, theory lives. If they are not, theory
is rejected  a new, broader theory is needed: one
that explains correctly the results the old one
explained, plus those the old one did not explain:
 we then have a “paradigm shift”
Consider the Newtonian theory of Dynamics and Gravitation:
-3 laws of motion and the law of gravity
Not only can they explain
-The motion of the planets and derive Kepler’s Laws
-Calculate the mass of Earth and the Sun
-Explain tides and precession
-Predict the existence of previouly unseen planets
but also provide the formal tools
-For the construction of machinery
-To power the industrial revolution
-For understanding navigation, weather,
-Many of the workings of the human body, etc etc etc
The variety of the scientific experience is broad, but
scientists speak the same language, albeit in different
-Some disciplines are quite formal, their basic axioms are
very mathematical, e.g. Physics
-Some are “data rich”, requiring attention to sifting the
fundamental from the circumstantial, e.g. Meteorology and
-Some are “data poor”, and a theory’s worth is evaluated
by its ability to extrapolate to currently observable
phenomena, e.g. Early Universe Cosmology
They all agree on being empirical, open-minded, skeptical,
sensitive to the need of theory to be vulnerable,
i.e. open to the possibility of being proved wrong
The language of science is the same across borders, races
and gender; the glue of the scientific community is its
•A brief set of postulates which apply to a broad
set of phenomena
•Capable of describing all extant observations
•And of predicting the results of future ones
•It needs to be fertile and vulnerable,
•Broad and simple
A scientific theory not only describes known
facts; it also predicts the outcome of new
experiments or observations