slides - Acadia University

COMP 4923 A2
IT for a Greener Planet
Danny Silver
JSOCS, Acadia University
Application Areas
Green/Environmental Accounting
Green/sustainable building planning
Energy management
Environmentally-friendly manufacturing
Green transportation / routing systems
Green / Environmental Accounting
• Type of accounting that attempts to factor
environmental costs into business finances
• Previously ignored at corporate and national
levels (GDP does not consider environment)
• First used by economist and professor Peter
Wood in the 1980s
• Considers depletion and pollution
• Controversial – standard practice needed
GDP –vs- GPI
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
- (OECD) aggregate measure of
production, value add
GPI = Genuine Progress Indicator
- incorporates environmental and
social factors
GDP gains double the amount
when pollution is created, since it
increases once upon creation and
again when the pollution is cleaned
up, whereas GPI counts the initial
pollution as a loss rather than a
Green / Environmental Accounting
• Identifies resource use and measures and
communicates costs of an organizations
economic impact on the environment
• Costs include:
– clean up or remediation of contaminated sites
– environmental fines, penalties and taxes
– purchase of pollution prevention technologies
– waste management
Green / Environmental Accounting
• Why do companies do it?
• Assessment of complete costs of business
– Environmental remediation
– Long term environmental consequences and
– Risk reduction
Green / Environmental Accounting
• Green accounting seeks to incorporate costs
and benefits of:
– environmental protection
– depletion of natural capital
• Two measurements not typically included in
national accounting systems such as gross
domestic product
Green / Environmental Accounting
• Integrates social and ecological costs and
benefits resulting from the natural
environment into traditional economic
accounting systems
• Aims to capture the interdependency and
dynamic interactions between the three pillars
of sustainability (economy, society, and
Green / Environmental Accounting
• Would see the capital value of certain
resources of an organization decrease in
favour of alternatives (oil , solar )
• No substitutes for the life-sustaining services
of nature; but how to account for such is the
source of many ongoing debates
• The Satellite Economic and Environmental
Accounts (SEEA) - widely discussed framework
Green / Environmental Accounting
• At present, national economic accounts fail to
include non-market goods and services, such
as those provided by natural resources and
the environment.
• Until this obstacle is overcome, a full system
of green accounts is not possible.
• United Nations Environment Program has
developed Green Accounting: A Virtual Resource Center
Key Issues of Green Accounting
• How will it affect organizations?
– To reduce its carbon footprint, an organization must first measure it.
– Organizations will have to report measures to regulators, taxation
officials, carbon credit trading organizations, etc.
• Who will be affected?
– Energy-reliant manufacturers and power-generating
– Other business sectors will also be effected:
• Retailers, may need green accounting software to calculate carbon ratings
for each product on their shelves.
• Businesses may need to use carbon accounting programs to calculate
taxes based on the amount of energy consumed.
Key Issues of Green Accounting
• Green accounting information technology areas:
– Accounting and ERP (enterprise resource planning)
– Software vendors beginning to add more green-oriented features into
their products business system products
– Carbon unit measurement and management tools
– Programs designed to enable companies to trade carbon credits
– Software that preps data / interfaces with climate change regulations
Key Issues of Green Accounting
• Business Costs:
– Vary depending on your company's size and line of business
– Small firms with a relatively modest CO2 impact - costs could be
– Many finance and accounting software vendors may simply
incorporate green accounting features into upgraded versions of
existing products.
– Heavy users or producers of energy, or those with large CO2
emissions, will have significant costs:
• Specialized software and collection instrumentation that will track
• Organize and report vast amounts of carbon data
Major Players
Enablon - Management & performance software. World’s largest sustainability s/w provider
Enviance - Environmental ERP system is comprised of the three components of sustainability:
air, water and waste. It is a Cloud-based, on-demand platform. 12,000 users, 45 countries.
Hara - Closed a number of deals in 2009 with industry leaders including Coca-Cola, News
Corporation, the City of Palo Alto and the City of San Jose.
IHS - 50 year old company provides a full suite of environmental and chemical management
software and service solutions for EHS and sustainability management.
Johnson Controls - The Energy and Emissions Management System analyses energy use
trends and calculates greenhouse gas levels. Annually monitors 63 million metric tons of
greenhouse gas emissions for 5,000 buildings in 88 countries.
PE International - SoFi-Software provides data collection supported by interfaces to ERP
systems; carbon footprint measurement; performance tracking; and analysis software.
ProcessMAP - Measures and tracks environmental and carbon footprint as well as, inform on
their performance in the Global Citizenship and Annual Sustainability Reports
SAP - Carbon Impact enables reporting from a single repository to voluntary or mandatory
registries, such as the Carbon Disclosure Project and U.S.
TED Talks
• Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to
• Ray Anderson: The business logic of
Sustainable Building Planning
• Where can energy/money be saved in a
Sustainable Building Planning
• Where can energy/money be saved in a
– Electrical system
– Heating system
– A/C system
– Lighting
– Transportation
– ICT systems
– Structural system
CAD/CAM Building Planning and
Analysis Software
• Autodesk BIM Software
Building Management Systems
• BMS - a computer-based control system that
monitors, controls and optimizes a building’s
environmental components:
Power systems
Electric power control system
Security and observation system
Lifts, elevators, escalators, etc
- Illumination system
- HVAC System
- Fire alarm system
- Plumbing system
• Systems linked to a BMS typically represent
40% of a building's energy usage, 70% if
lighting included
Building Management Systems
• BMS usually delivered as fully integrated
systems and services
• Major players are:
– Siemens
– Severn Controls
– Johnson Controls
– TAC(Schneider Electric)
Trend Controls
Energy Management Systems
• Avantech iBuilding Solutions
• Energy Management Systems | Next Energy
• Cool video of the near future:
Energy Management Systems
• EnerNOC - leading provider of energy intelligence
software (EIS). Web based tools allow users to
monitor and manage energy use in real time from
anywhere in the world
Projections for Energy Consumption
• US Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecast that energy
consumption will continue to increase - up 56% by 2040.
Green Manufacturing
• Manufacturers under increased pressure to
– Proactively manage their energy consumption
– Maintain compliance with evolving sustainability
• A better understanding of the energy consumption
allows manufacturers to better manage:
Production planning and execution
Strategic contracting
Environmental impact
Profit / Loss
Projections for Energy Costs
• US Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecast that energy prices will
continue to escalate
• California Department of Water Resources predicts similar for water.
• Expected price increases predicted by 2040:
– 71% for oil
– 41% for water
- 20% for natural gas
- 57% for electricity
• Current portion of direct product cost due to energy consumed during
the manufacturing:
24.5% Cement
14% Glass
3% - 8% Brewing
4.4% Wet Corn Milling
2.7% Fabricated Metal Products
20.4 Iron & Steel
8.8% Pulp & Paper
6.7% Metal Finishing
3.3% Food Manufacturing
Green Manufacturing
• Two reactions:
– Academia – let’s study it
– from 2:50 onward
– Business – GM at Frito Lay
Solutions are Maturing
• Entegreat has developed enCONTEXT. A cloud-based
SaaS energy and water management system for
manufacturing sustainability:
– Captures near-real-time energy, water, production and
environmental data from manufacturing sources
– Data is streamed to the Cloud for integration and analysis
– Provides dashboards & metrics for better decision
• Reduce production costs
• Conserve energy and deliver environmental stewardship
• 5 Ways to Reduce Your Energy Intensity
Emissions Management Systems
• Enablon – Software solutions that make companies
– help companies manage environmental and social
performance, ensure compliance, minimize risks and
improve profitability by leveraging some of the world’s
most advanced technologies.
• INTELEX – Empowering sustainable business
– empower organizations to meet the challenges of an
increasingly complex marketplace while minimizing their
negative social, environmental and human impacts.
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Transport systems
– 20% and 25% of world energy consumption and
carbon dioxide emissions
– Greenhouse gas emissions from transport are
increasing at a faster rate than any other energy
using sector
– Road transport is a major contributor to local air
pollution and smog
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Social / Economic costs of transport
– Road crashes
– Loss of physical inactivity
– Time taken away from the family
– Vulnerability to fuel price increases
– Traffic congestion wastes time and slows delivery
of goods and services
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Q: So what is the real purpose of transport?
• A: Access to:
Goods and services
Friends and family
• There are proven techniques to improve access while
simultaneously reducing environmental and social
impacts, and managing traffic congestion
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Focuses on strengthening or replacing the current
transport systems with more fuel-efficient, spacesaving and healthy lifestyle-promoting alternatives
• Includes:
– human or animal muscle-powered vehicles
– low-carbon fueled vehicles
– renewable sources of energy for propulsion
• Q: What is the best form of transportation?
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Forms of green transport
– Walking
– Cycling – bi-, tri-, quad- cycling (even icebiking)
– HPVs – Human Powered Vehicals:
• Planes:
• Helicopter?
• Boats:
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• What is a Green vehicle? – One that burns
biofuel …
• Made from living things, or the waste of living things:
vegetable oil, biodiesel, or bioalcohol (ethanol)
• Supporters: biofuels could significantly reduce
greenhouse gas emissions; while burning the fuels
produces carbon dioxide, growing the plants or biomass
removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
• Detractors: biofuel production poses a major threat to
global food systems and the natural environment
– Panda Poo Powered
– The Butterfly Effect
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• What is a Green vehicle? - One with lower
emissions than the average new vehicle
– TLEV-Transitional Low-Emission Vehicle (pre-2004)
– LEV-Low-Emission Vehicle (2004+) – initial hybrid vehicles
– ULEV-Ultra-Low-Emission Vehicle 50 percent cleaner than average
new vehicle
– SULEV-Super Ultra-Low-Emission Vehicle 90 percent cleaner than
average new vehicle
– PZEV-Partial Zero-Emission Vehicle SULEV + 15-year/150,000-mile
warranty and zero evaporative emissions
– AT-PZEV-Advanced Technology PZEV (e.g. Prius hybrid)
– ZEV – Zero emissions Vehicles (electric, hydrogen fuel cell, e.g. GM
EV1 1996, Tesla) – Telsa vs Lamborghini
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• What is a Green vehicle? - self charging electric
– Electric cars / bikes use battery packs, charging systems,
electric motors and controllers. Problems? IT solutions?
– Solar vehicles – electrically powered by solar energy
panels. Problems? IT solutions.
– Wind-powered electric vehicles - uses wind-turbines to
convert wind energy into stored electric energy.
Problems? IT solutions?
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• All of the above must be coupled with public
transportation strategies and tactical plans (walking
and bicycling paths, fuel sources, etc)
• IT will be used to:
Monitor current traffic
Better urban planning (work, service, play area placements)
Plan new pathways, roads and rail, routes and schedules
Control vehicle movement in urban centers
Connected Vehicles:
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Sustainable Freight Transportation Systems
– Europe:
– Canada:
Sustainable / Green Transportation
– The Future of Transportation:
• Planes: First solar-powered airplane
• Boats: Large solar-powered boat
• Electric Helicopter?
• Electric Hoverbike?
• Hyperloop
Debate / Discussion
• Be it Resolved:
Highway systems in Canada should be downscaled
and replaced with modern highspeed train systems
–The world’s busiest freeway
–What it’s like in Europe:
–High speed rail network to be doubled
Sustainable / Green Transportation
• Workshop -- Find 3 innovative methods to
Green Transportation !!