GCSE B451 MR COSTELLOE REVISION SESSIONS 4 KEY CONCEPTS What are the four key concepts? The Four Key Concepts • Competence • Performance You need to have learned the appropriate skills for the sport. You need to be ready both physically and mentally to play the particular sport. • Creativity The concept of creativity in PE is concerned with using your imagination and trying things out before deciding the best course of action. How well a task related to physical activity is completed. If your physical skills and knowledge and understanding of the game are good then you are likely to perform well and achieve success. The link between healthy lifestyles and physical activity. Does the performer follow a wellbalanced diet, suitable level of exercise/work-rest ratio. • Healthy and Active Lifestyles Mind Mapping Skills P/M Creativity Competence Key Concepts Performance Skills & Knowledge = SUCCESS FAILURE Healthy and Active Lifestyles Exam question/s One of the key concepts in physical education is creativity. Which one of the following is an example of creativity in physical education. a). Participating in different physical activities b). Thinking of new movements in gymnastic sequence. c). Being tested on physical fitness d) Learning fundamental motor skills To show competence in physical education, which one of the following would be most applicable. a). To select the right skill at the right time b). To maintain physical health c). To regularly participate d). To understand the aims of physical activity. Which one of the following best describes performance in physical education. a). To be physically fit b). To follow a healthy lifestyle c). To play well d). To be creative when officiating ANSWERS 1. B 2. A 3C The following are aspects of creativity as a physical education concept: Expressing ideas; solving problems; exploring tactics; being effective. Describe, using practical examples, how each of the above can be achieved. Four marks max. One each for each correct response. Expressing ideas 1 Helping a team mate with skills/giving opinion during coaching/telling the exercise trainer about your own idea for exercise/a dancer showing ideas through their movement Solving problems 2 Deciding on the equipment to be used during icy weather/ choosing rehabilitation exercise for a damaged knee/ constructing a gymnastic routine within the confines of the mat area Exploring tactics 3 Using different defence strategies for different teams/as an official talking to the players and explaining decisions Being effective 4 Choosing creative moves that score high points in diving/ the free kick routine devised results in a goal The Five Key Processes Making & Applying Decisions Making Informed choices about Healthy ,Active lifestyles. Evaluating and Improving Developing Skills and techniques Physical and Mental Capacity Mix and Match Descriptors • Developing physical strength, stamina, speed and flexibility to cope with demands of different activities • Developing mental determination to succeed. Developing Skills Making and Applying Decisions Developing Physical and Mental capacity Evaluating and improving Making Informed Choices about Healthy Active Lifestyles • Identify the types of activity that are best suited to you and the type of role you would like to take on • Making choices about involvement in physical activity to improve aspect of health • Select and use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas in different creative, competitive and challenge type contexts • Refine and adapt ideas and plans in response to changing circumstances • Plan and implement improvements • Recognising hazards • Refine and adapt skills into techniques • Develop range of skills • Develop precision, control and fluency in skills • Being able to analyse performance and identify strengths and weaknesses • Making decisions about how to improve your own and others performances and acting on these. Mix and Match Descriptors • Developing physical strength, stamina, speed and flexibility to cope with demands of different activities • Developing mental determination to succeed. Developing Skills Making and Applying Decisions Developing Physical and Mental capacity Evaluating and improving Making Informed Choices about Healthy Active Lifestyles • Identify the types of activity that are best suited to you and the type of role you would like to take on • Making choices about involvement in physical activity to improve aspect of health • Select and use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas in different creative, competitive and challenge type contexts • Refine and adapt ideas and plans in response to changing circumstances • Plan and implement improvements • Recognising hazards • Refine and adapt skills into techniques • Develop range of skills • Develop precision, control and fluency in skills • Being able to analyse performance and identify strengths and weaknesses • Making decisions about how to improve your own and others performances and acting on these. MESHD Mental Evaluate Skill Health Decisions Which one of the following is a key process in physical education. a). Effort b). Competence c). Developing skills and techniques d). Performance One of the key processes in physical education is physical and mental capacity. Which one of the following best describes the physical aspect of this key process? A) Developing determination B) Developing a positive attitude C) Developing decision making D) Developing stamina C D Decision making is an important key process in physical education. Describe two examples of decisions that might be made in each of the following roles: - Performer Decision 1 Decision 2 - Coach or leader Decision 1 Decision 2 - Official Decision 1 Decision 2 i) Performer Two marks for two from: Max of 2 marks for 2 separate decisions for a performer 1st example of a decision made by a performer, eg to pass the ball in rugby 2nd example of a decision made by a performer, eg to shoot the ball in netball (ii) Coach or leader Two marks for two from: Max of 2 marks 2 separate decisions for a leader/coach 1st example of a decision made by a coach/leader, eg Deciding to have a time out in basketball 2nd example of a decision made by an coach/leader, eg substituting a player in a hockey match (iii) Official Two marks for two from: Max of 2 marks for 2 separate decisions for an official 1st example of a decision made by an official, eg indicating that a player is offside in football 2nd example of a decision made by an official, eg indicating the time as a table official in basketball D/S-Fundamental Motor Skills Running Throwing Jumping Catching Kicking Hitting Which Motor Skills are Predominant in the following:- Which one of the following is the best example of a fundamental motor skill? a) Simple pass of a football b) Simple shot in basketball (c) Simple run up the pitch in football d) Simple save by a goalkeeper in football C Identify four different fundamental motor skills and describe why each one is important in physical activities. Four marks for four from: (Sub max one for 4 i/d’s only) Running – eg need to run well to throw further in the javelin Throwing – need to throw well to score highly in javelin Jumping – need to jump as a follow through in javelin Kicking – need to kick to pass the ball in football Catching – need to catch as wicket keeper to get batsman out Hitting – need to hit to strike the ball in rounders to score D/M – Tactics and Strategies Tactics - how you achieve the overall goal within the demand of the game. For example attacking and defensive play. Strategies - the overall aims and objectives of a game. Defensive Tactics Set-Piece Tactics Overall Strategy Positional Tactics Attacking tactics M/A – Decision-Makers & Roles Question Stem – Decision making is an important key process in physical education. Command Word – Describe two examples of decisions that might be made in each of the following roles (i) Performer (ii) Coach/Leader (iii) Official (6marks) P/M Components of fitness CV Endurance Speed • TEST-Cooper Test, Multi-Stage Fitness Test • Required – Aerobic Activity, Jogging, Cycling, Rowing • TEST- 30m sprint test • Required - Approach for Long Jump, Chasing the ball, Scoring a try Flexibility • TEST- sit and reach test • Required – Gymnastics, High Jump, Goal Keeping Muscular Endurance • TEST- Sit-up test • Required – Boxing, 400m, Weight Training Strength • TEST-Grip dynamometer test, 1 Rep max • Required – Scrum in rugby, Weightlifting holding off an opponent M.E.S.S.F.C P/M Components of fitness Strength, Speed & Muscular Endurance? Speed, Flexibility P/M Performing a Warm-up is essential WHY? Reduces the chance of injury Increases the body temperature Increases the range of movement Gradually increases effort to full pace For psychological preparation (Increases awareness and alertness). Practise movement skills through the whole range of movements Increases heart rate Increases breathing rate BITES P/M Stages of the Warm-up... STAGE 1- Pulse Raiser STAGE 2- JOINT MOBILITY STAGE 3- Stretching Also- movement activities or skills activities Also- mental Preparation P/M Performing a Cool-Down is essential…WHY? A cool down allows the body to recover by removing waste products from the body. Lactic Acid, and Carbon Dioxide. If we don’t cool down and allow Lactic Acid to build up then we are more likely to feel stiffness in the joints and soreness in the muscles. When cooling down we are returning our body to its pre-exercise state. Stopping exercise quickly and abruptly can also cause blood to ‘pool’ in the veins which leads to stiffness and soreness. P/M Stages of the Warm-up... Cooling-down should consists of : • • • • • Low intensity movement exercises. Basic mobility movements. Stretching exercises. Warm shower followed by a short, cold shower. Eventually a massage. • Predetermined • Co-ordinated • Aesthetic • Fluent • Efficiency Novice (Unskilled) Elite (Skilled) E/I – Skilled/Unskilled Performer • Hit ‘n’ Miss • Inconsistent • Ungainly • Awkward • High effort • Long Time E/I PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOME GOALS Goal setting: By setting goals you can - Take up an activity - Achieve more - Improve your performance - Improve your training - Increase your motivation - Increase your pride and satisfaction E/I PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOME GOALS Write your own practical example of an outcome and a performance goal. E/I PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOME GOALS Performance goal: Directly related to the performance or technique of the activity e.g. Improve passing in netball • Outcome goal: Goals concerned with the end result – whether you win or lose e.g. To win an individual game PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOME GOALS Q. Which one of the following is an example of a performance goal? (a) To win the competition (b) To improve your technique (c) To beat your personal best (d) To please your coach E/I PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOME GOALS b E/I Which one of the following is an example of an outcome goal? A) A tennis player trying to improve his serve B) Trying to win a netball match against a local school C) A footballer trying to improve her shooting technique D) Trying to outwit an opponent when passing the ball in basketball Answer (b) Trying to win a netball match against a local school E/I PERFORMANCE AND OUTCOME GOALS Describe, using practical examples, performance and outcome goal setting when trying to improve performance in a physical activity. Describe, using practical examples, performance and outcome goal setting when trying to improve performance in a physical activity. Six marks max. One mark for each correct response Performance: 1 Performance relates to techniques/skills/how well you carry out skills 2 Suitable practical example, eg set a goal to improve my forehand in tennis 3 Performance also relates to strategies/making the right decision at the right time 4 Eg set a goal to work on when to use the dummy pass in rugby Outcome: 5 Outcome relates to the result of an activity 6 Eg goal is to win all the remaining home games in netball 7 Outcome also relates to how others rate your performance/judged 8 Eg to score a high mark for the gymnastic floor routine Other factors: 1 Both can be motivating 2 Eg setting a goal to improve your personal best in Athletics 3 Make your goals relevant/achievable 4 Eg In Netball scoring 9 out of 10 shots/goals E/I - Assessing body’s readiness for exercise and training through Health Screening This is an essential part of fitness testing, for sport but also for general exercise The most common health screening measurements are: Body mass index (BMI) Blood pressure Cholesterol Glucose Resting Heart Rate Hydration Flexibility MAKING INFORMED CHOICES ABOUT ACTIVE, HEALTHY LIFESTYLES What is ACTIVE, HEALTHY LIFESTYLES? MAKING INFORMED CHOICES ABOUT ACTIVE, HEALTHY LIFESTYLES HEALTHY BALANCED DIET (7 COMPONENTS) Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Fibre Water Contributers to a healthy, balanced lifestyle Minimising stress Ideally 5 X 30mins Adults/ Young People 1hr per day Not smoking Eating a healthy and balanced diet Regular exercise Sensible alcohol consumption Factors Affecting Participation Advantages Disadvantages Social Mental Physical Factors Affecting Participation Methods of Exercise for HAL Aerobics/Aquarobics Circuit Training Body Pump Spin Yoga Pilates Dance Exercise Reasons for Participation (POSITIVE) Friendship/Social Image Vocation/Profession Enjoyment/Hobby Role Model/Parents Reasons for Lack of Participation (NEGATIVE) Cultural Other pressures/interests Lack of confidence/self esteem Discrimination Peer pressure Injury Lack of role model/parental support Lack of opportunity Sedentary lifestyle Specific Social, Cultural and Location Reasons affecting participation Possible positive and negative affects of the following on participation: Religion Environment Disability Family Age Climate Ethnicity Education Gender School Influences on Participation Making & Applying Decisions Making Informed choices about Healthy ,Active lifestyles. Evaluating and Improving Developing Skills and techniques Physical and Mental Capacity Identification and Description of pathways for involvement in Physical Activity PE • Regularly getting involved in Physical Education, sport, dance and healthy physical activity- this involves active participation and regular attendance at PE classes. Sport • Taking part in school and community sport and dance opportunities- taking up the opportunities either in your school, college or community. Roles • Deciding to become a performer, leader, coach or official and working towards accreditation- coaching badges and awards for participation. This can really motivate people to want to participate. Eg Sports Leader Award. Beyond • Being involved in increasingly complex and challenging tasks and activities- to go further and gain more experience. This can often be very motivating and rewarding as you are challenging your self. Make sure the goals are not too over ambitious! • Pursuing routes into sport and physical activity through volunteering- there are many roles you can play, especially in helping to organise and lead. Voluntary Other School Influences Sports Colleges- Sports Coordinators Health Awareness Programmes Extra Curricular Activities Examination Courses Related Qualifications