September Bear Facts

The Bear Facts
Warwick Elementary School
September 2015
Dear Warwick Families,
On behalf of the Warwick Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), I would like to
welcome you back for another great year at our school. My name is Michael Barry and I am
honored to serve as the PTO president for Warwick Elementary School this year.
For those new to Warwick Elementary School, you will find this little school is much more than
just a building. This is a very active, diverse and vibrant community that provides a wonderful
environment for our children to learn, grow and develop friendships. I encourage you to get
involved and play a part in our children’s experience.
The Warwick PTO is an active volunteer team that supports the school in many ways. We fund
various programs and activities to enhance our kids’ experience at the school. The PTO sponsors
4 assemblies, funds field trips, supports author visits, and plans family activities to bring parents
and students together in a social setting. In addition, we recruit and support homeroom parents,
organize and display hallway photos, organize student’s Secret Shop and help beautify the school
campus via gardening.
Further, we support the school by purchasing necessary items that are not provided by the school
district. Items the PTO has funded have included library books, smart boards, playground pieces,
classroom carpets and media equipment.
Communication between families and PTO will be primarily through this newsletter, The Bear
Facts, and our email network. At the Back-to-School Nights we will provide contact information
for the PTO Executive Board and all Committee Chairs. This information can also be found on the
Warwick website under Parents/Students.
Our Executive Board is listed below:
President- Michael Barry
1st Vice President- Kelli Sickles
2nd Vice President- Andrea Feuchter
AM Secretary- Stephanie Carney
PM Secretary- Kathi McKenna
Treasurer- Vai Haridas
Treasurer- Jessica Larsen
Each Warwick family is automatically considered a member of the PTO. Please stop by the PTO
table at Back to School Nights. Our Student Directory is a valuable resource that provides you
with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all Warwick families. It provides the class lists
for each teacher so you and your kids can contact friends and parents. The cost is $10.00, which
can be paid at Back to School Nights or over the next few weeks.
Our periodic PTO meetings alternate between 7:00 p.m. in the library and 10:00 a.m. in the
cafeteria. Every parent or guardian is invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. The
meetings are a great way to stay informed and get involved. So put these dates on your calendar
PTO Meetings 2015 – 2016
Evening Meetings 7 p.m.
September 30th
January 27th
April May 11th
Day Meetings 10:00 a.m.
October 28th
March 9th
June 8th
We are very grateful for the time and dedication provided by our Committee Chairs. Like all of
us, these committee chairs have very little free time, but have stepped up to volunteer and it makes
a huge difference in our kids’ school experience. Anyone interested in joining a committee, the
hard part of leading it has already been assigned – so review the committee options and let us if
you’d like to give a little of your time. A list of committee chairpersons is available on the Warwick
Please mark your calendars for November 6! This is the date of our Race for Education and a
day-long celebration of writing, exercise and community. This really fun school-wide event will
fund the PTO budget for 2 years. With the expected success of the Race, we are able to eliminate
smaller fundraising initiatives like selling wrapping paper, candles, etc. We will need help. Please
support this effort and consider volunteering your time.
In September, you will have the opportunity to purchase Kids’ Stuff Books. While the PTO does
get a small financial contribution from sales, the book is really more valuable to the purchaser as
it is full of coupons for local businesses. The book costs $25 and is well worth it, given all the
coupons inside.
This year, we begin a multi-year effort to fund a new piece for the playground. The main event
for this is a Designer-Bag Bingo Night on April 2 which will be a night out of fun and laughter.
Participation in this event is voluntary, but start getting a group together. Space will be limited
and with your help, we will sell out and raise some funds for the playground.
The PTO will also organize/support several other events throughout the year:
 Family Fun Nights – at local restaurants and/or fun places
 Book Fair – for kids to shop for great books
 Secret Holiday Shop – a perennial favorite for your kids in December
 Box Top Collections – keep sending them in!
Our first PTO meeting will be September 30th in the library at 7 p.m. Come out and get
involved in the school and your child’s world at Warwick. I look forward to seeing you all and,
as always, appreciate and welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.
Best wishes for a great school year!!
Michael Barry
PTO President
Save the Date
6th Grade Halloween Howl will be on Friday, November 6th from 7-9. An invitation
will be going home sometime in October.
The Secret Shop will be held on Wednesday, December 2nd thru Friday December 4th.
PTO Meeting Minutes June 3, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:05pm by PTO President, Andrea Feuchter
Members present: Kelli Sickles, Stephanie Carney, Rachael Cherry, Vai Heridas, Jenn Maddox,
Elizabeth Tolis, Jen Miller, Andrea Feuchter, Chad Watters, Kathi McKenna, Michael Barry,
Jennifer Andra, Lynn Hartzell, and Perri Stark, Tracy Zimmerer
President Update-Andrea Feuchter
Thank you for all volunteers and Perri Stark for a successful Family Fun Picnic
Welcome 2015-2016 PTO Board Members
President, Michael Barry
First Vice President, Kelli Sickles
Second Vice President, Andrea Feuchter
Secretary, Stephanie Carney (Day) and Kathi McKenna(Night)
Treasurers (payable and receivable), Jessica Larson & Vai Haridas
Secretary Update- Tracy Zimmerer
Motion to approve May 20, 2015 Minutes- Approved 1st Stephanie Carney, 2nd Jenn
Committee Report Updates
Box Tops - Goal 34,000
Designer Bag Bingo - Save the Date, April 2, 2016, 6pm
Warwick Night Out
- Menchies, June 10th
- Received Silver Level Award from Chick-Fil-A for Warwick's fundraising efforts
Race for Education - November 6, 2015
Principal's Report - Chad Watters
Thank you to Christine Albor and Aimee Schnapf for outstanding job coordinating the
Upcoming Events:
- June 9th - Field Day
- June 17th - Move Up Day/Promotion
- August 13th - Summer Tours/ Parent Portal for 2015-2016 Class Placement
Principal's Report Continued
Thank you to previous Board Members and welcome new Board Members
Discussed success of the Giant Rewards Program and encouraged all families to sign up.
Each family must renew each year. More information will be sent out in the beginning of
the 2015/2016 school year
Reviewed 2015/2016 Budget Line Item listed below
Treasury Update
Motion to approve 2015/2016 Budget- Approved 1st Tracy Zimmerer 2nd Stephanie
Carney. No objections.
Discussed Adjusted Budget Line Items
a. $15,000 ear marked for playground equipment (approved May 20, 2015). New Line
Item added to budget
b. Market Day, Nurse, and Car Fundraiser/Lafferty - deleted from budget
c. Increased Author's Visit up to $2,000
d. Boomerang Recognition - breakfast replaced with purchasing books.
e. Brain Pop- Need to review in 2015/2016 school year to continue program for
2016/2017 budget
f. Carpets - Annual line item
g. 6th Grade Flower Promotion- Increased due to student increase
h. Classroom Allocation assumes full time staff of 46
Motion to Adjourn at 7:40pm- 1st Andrea Feucther, 2nd Kathi McKenna
Warwick PTO Directory
The student directory is a great resource for your child/children’s class lists,
phone numbers, addresses, and parents’ names. Help support our school and
order your directory now. Make checks payable to “Warwick PTO”.
Parent’s Name:
Phone Number:
Child’s Name: __________________ Grade: _____ Teach er:
Child’s Name: __________________ Grade: _____ Teach er:
Child’s Nam e: __________________ Grade: _____ Teach er:
Directory cost $10.00. Supports activities like:
Assem blies, Class Trips, Family Fun Even ts, and much more!
Please return by September 15th
Giant A+ School Rewards
Dear Parents:
Welcome to the start of a new school year and a year of A+ School Rewards. Beginning October 9,
2015 through March 17, 2016 Warwick Elementary will have the opportunity to earn cash through
the Giant A+ School Rewards Program.
All you have to do is:
• Log on to to designate our school online using your Giant
• Call the A+ Hotline at 888-448-4642 for assistance
REMEMBER: If you registered your card last year, you DO NOT need to re-register this year.
You can visit the website to verify correct school assignment. Also, don’t forget to encourage your
friends and relatives to do the same. It could mean more CASH for our school.
After you register your card, each shopping trip at Giant using your BONUSCARD earns CASH for
our school. Each month, the amount of CASH awarded will be updated on the Giant A+ website. You
can track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online
when you create an account at Our school will receive a check at the end
of the program and the money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs.
Thanks for supporting our school.
Any questions contact Rachael Cherry, (school coordinator).
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to an exciting year at Warwick Elementary! This year, our school will be participating in the
Labels for Education program. My name is Rachael Cherry and I am the Labels for Education coordinator
for our school. Through the program we can collect UPC's and beverage/sauce caps from participation
products to earn points that can be redeemed for FREE educational merchandise!
Our goal this year is to collect 5000 points that we can redeem for recess equipment. It's easy to helpsimply save UPC's and beverage/sauce caps from participating products and send them into school.
Send in labels with your child in a sandwich bag to be sent to the office.
Please note, this is different from the Box Tops collection, and it is appreciated if you send in separately.
If you have any questions, or would like to help with our Labels for Education collection drive, please
contact me at
Thank you for your support. Together with the Labels for Education program-we can build a better
school for our children.
Rachael Cherry
The participating products are:
BEVERAGES •Campbell’s® Tomato Juices* •V8® Vegetable Juice* •V8 V-Fusion® Juice* •V8 Splash® Juice
Drinks* BREAD •Pepperidge Farm® Breads, Croutons, Rolls & Stuffing COOKING •Campbell’s®
Condensed “Great for Cooking” Soups •Swanson® Broth, Canned Chicken & Cooking Stock •Campbell’s®
Beans FROZEN PRODUCTS •Pepperidge Farm® Frozen Garlic Breads, 3-layer Cakes, Turnovers and Puff
Pastry PASTA •SpaghettiOs® pasta SAUCES & GRAVIES •Campbell’s® Gravies •Pace® Salsas & Picante
Sauce* •Prego® Italian Sauces* •Campbell’s® Skillet Sauce •Campbell’s® Slow Cooker •Campbell’s®
Oven Sauce •Campbell’s® Grill Sauce SNACKS •Pepperidge Farm® Goldfish® Crackers and Grahams
SOUPS •Campbell’s® Chunky™ Soups •Campbell’s® Chunky™ Chili •Campbell’s® Condensed Soups
•Campbell’s® Homestyle Soups •Campbell’s® Healthy Request® Soups •Campbell’s®
SoupsMicrowavable Bowls •Campbell’s® Soup on the Go •Campbell’s® Slow Kettle Soup •Campbell’s®
Organic Soup PROTEIN •V8® Protein Shakes •V8® Protein Bars STATIONERY •BIC ® Dry Erase Markers
•BIC ® Ecolutions™ Products •BIC ® Highlighters •BIC ® Mechanical Pencils •BIC ® Ball Pens •BIC ® Roller
Pens •BIC ® Gel Pens •BIC ® Wite-Out® Brand Correction Tape
Dear Parents,
We are writing to announce the “kick-off” of our biggest fundraising event at
Warwick Elementary School, which in the past, has enabled us to fund the PTO
budget for 2 years. The proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to directly
benefit your child’s educational experience at our school.
On Friday, November 6, Warwick Elementary PTO will be conducting its third
“Race for Education.” The purpose will be to raise funds for assemblies, field trips,
library resources (e.g., books, periodicals, & technology), and other essential
educational needs.
Students will walk or jog around the “Way Out Warwick Loop” as many times as
possible in a one-hour period. Each student will raise funds by asking sponsors to
contribute a tax deductible donation to Warwick PTO.
On September 10, your child will be coming home with a “Kick-off Packet” of
information about our “Race for Education.” Please review the packet carefully.
Your participation is essential to the success of this program.
Our PTO’s goal is to raise $28,000. You can enable us to reach this goal by
spending a minimal amount of time filling out a label sheet with the names and
addresses of potential sponsors. The label sheet and instructions will be included
with the “Kick-off Packet” that your child brings home next week.
Warwick Elementary PTO will reach its goal of $28,000, if we receive an average
of ten (10) label names per student. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and
Mr. Chad M. Watters, Principal Suzanne Curran & Jen Andra Race CoCoordinators
September 3, 2015
Welcome back to another great school year!! My name is Perri Stark and I am your volunteer
coordinator for our "Box Tops for Education" program. I am looking forward to an awesome year of Box
Top collections. Just to give you a heads will be hearing a lot about Box Tops throughout the
Our goal this year is to collect 35,000 box tops in order to earn $3,500 for the school. (We
collected close to 34,000 Box Tops last year – which was a new school record - way to go Warwick!!)
We receive 10 cents for each Box Top submitted. According to the "Box Tops for Education Website", we
can obtain this goal if each student submits just 6 Box Tops a month from now until June!!
There are many easy ways to earn Box Tops cash for our school. Clipping the Box Tops coupons
from the hundreds of participating products will be the main focus of our program. Many products are
currently offering bonus Box Tops during this hectic “back to school” season, so please make sure that
you clip and save ALL the Box Tops on the product.
I would also like to urge everyone to visit the "Box Tops for Education" website"! The site contains a lot of great information about the program. When you register,
Warwick with automatically receive 5 Box Tops and you will receive information on products (including
coupons), special offers such as on line promotions for chances to win bonus Box Tops, recipes, and
even Box Tops statistics about our school. This is a win-win situation for everyone!! You can also "like"
Box Tops on Facebook, and you will receive postings about products and other information on a regular
There will be several contests throughout the year (including the popular PIZZA PARTY!!) The
winning class will receive a special treat as the prize. I will post class totals on a monthly basis (in the
Bear Facts and at the school) so you will know exactly where your son/daughter's class stands!! Our first
contest will begin as soon as school starts and will end:
Friday October 23rd!!
(This coincides with the first Box Tops submission on October 31st.)
Since this first contest begins NOW, please start sending in any Box Tops you may have and ask your
child to place them in the designated collection bag in his/her classroom. Attached is also a “Collection
Sheet.” Please feel free to make multiple copies and when the sheet is completed, send it in to your
child’s classroom and he/she will automatically be entered into a drawing for some great individual
Good luck to everyone and best wishes for a great school year!!
Perri Stark (