SAMBUTAN ULANG TAHUN SWCorp KE-7 DAN KONVENSYEN BANDAR BERSIH 1 Jun 2015 (Isnin) Kelana Resort, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDEX (EPI) Bahagian Pengurusan Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim (BPASPI) Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Malaysia (NRE) Dengan kerjasama Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Malaysia EPI Coordinator Prof. Dr. Rahmalan bin Ahamad (UTM) HP: +6012-7095716 Emails: / 1 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Measurement matters Shift from “command and control” to “compliance” Data driven decision-making Emphasis on information DATA INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE INDICATORS Angel Hsu, 2015 2 ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATOR Environmental Performance Index (EPI) A comprehensive environmental performance profiling system to rank how well countries perform on high-priority environmental issues in protecting ecosystems and human health from environmental harm. 3 Why EPI? Angel Hsu (2015) To provide an insight of the existing environmental data and information: • better understanding on the environmental challenges faced at local, national and global levels; • access to important environmental data organized in a way that is easily understandable, useful, and drives productive motivation for improvement. a) Mol A P J, 2006, "Environmental governance in the Information Age: the emergence of informational governance" Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24(4) 497 – 514 b) Esty, Daniel C., Environmental Protection in the Information Age. New York University Law Review, Vol. 79, 2004. Available at SSRN: or 4 GLOBAL EPI Global EPI was initiated by the Yale University (YCELP) and Columbia University (CIESIN) in collaboration with The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and published at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. 5 MALAYSIA EPI From left to right: Prof Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang YAB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin YAB Dato' Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak Mr Ellis Rubinstein, President and CEO of NYAS Dr Robert Chen, Director of CIESIN, Columbia University UTM-Columbia University MOU signing ceremony at NYAS, 16th May, 2012 Collaboration between NRE and UTM MOU and cooperation between UTM with Columbia University and Yale University Past reports: A Self Assessment of Malaysia in EPI 2010 Development of Malaysia EPI, 2012 Second Malaysia EPI release, 2014 6 STEPS IN MALAYSIA EPI Malaysia EPI Framework 1 Selection of Policy Categories and Indicators Parameters and data verification 2 Computation of PTT score for each indicator 6 Weight assignment 7 3 Indicator’s Target and Low Benchmark Data collection and analysis 5 4 Aggregation of indicators States profiling, overall result and trends 8 9 8 INDEX OBJECTIVE POLICY CATEGORY Environmental Burden of Disease INDICATOR Incidents of Dengue Fever Toddler Mortality Rate Access to Connected Water Supply Environmental Health Water Effects on Human Access to Clean Water for Rural Areas Access to Sewerage Facilities Improved Sanitation for Rural Areas Population Weighted PM10 Concentration Air Pollution Effects on Human Population Weighted Ground Level Ozone Concentration Air Quality Index Waste Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystem Water Effects on Ecosystem Biodiversity & Habitat EPI Municipal Waste Generation per Capita Hazardous Industrial Waste Generation per Industrial GDP Sulfur Dioxide Concentration Nitrogen Dioxides Concentration River Water Quality Marine Water Quality Index Terrestrial Protected Areas Marine Protected Areas Forest Cover Ecosystem Vitality Forest & Urban Green Areas Urban Green Areas Urban Tree Planting Fisheries Agriculture & Landuse Fish Stock Overexploited Coastal Fishing Pressure Pesticide Regulation Compliance GHG Emissions per Capita Climate Change Industrial GHG Emissions Transportation GHG Emissions Solid waste GHG Emissions Electricity Intensity Energy per GDP Socioeconomic Sustainability Resource Efficiency Non-domestic Water Consumption per GDP Domestic Water Consumption per Capita Environmental Awareness & Behaviour Environmental Governance Environmental Awareness Environmental Behaviour Environmental Compliance 9 Environmental Health List of Indicators: (11 indicators) 1.1.1 Incidents of Dengue Fever (IDF) (B) 1.1.2 Toddler Mortality Rate (TMR) (B) 1.2.1 Access to Connected Water Supply (CSW) (A) 1.2.2 Access to Clean Water For Rural Areas (RWS) (A) 1.2.3 Access to Sewerage Facilities (ASF) (A) 1.2.4 Improved Sanitation for Rural Areas (ISR) (A) 1.3.1 Population Weighted PM10 Concentration (PM10) (B) 1.3.2 Population Weighted Ground Level Ozone concentration (GLO) (B) 1.3.3 Air Quality Index (AQI) (B) 1.4.1 Municipal Waste Generation Per Capita (MWG) (B) 1.4.2 Hazardous Industrial Waste Generation per Industrial GDP (HWG) (B) 11 Ecosystem Vitality List of Indicators: (16 indicators) 2.1.1 Sulfur Dioxide Concentration (SO2) 2.1.2 Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration (NOX) 2.2.1 River Water Quality (RWQ) (A) 2.2.2 Marine Water Quality Index (MWQI) (A) 2.3.1 Terrestrial Protected Areas (TPA) 2.3.2 Marine Protected Areas (MPA) 2.4.1 Forest Cover (FOC) 2.4.2 Urban Green Areas (UGA) (A) 2.4.3 Urban Tree Planting (UTP) (B) (B) (A) (A) (A) (A) 25 Ecosystem Vitality List of Indicators: 2.5.1 Fish Stocks Overexploited (FSO) 2.5.2 Coastal Fishing Pressure (CFP) (B) 2.6.1 Pesticide Regulation Compliance (PRC) (A) 2.7.1 GHG Emissions per Capita (GHGC)(B) 2.7.2 Industrial GHG Emissions (GHGI) (B) 2.7.3 Transportation GHG Emissions (GHGT) (B) 2.7.4 Solid Waste GHG Emissions (GHGW) (B) (B) 42 List of Indicators: Socioeconomic Sustainability (6 indicators) 3.1.1 Electricity Intensity per GDP (EIG) (B) 3.1.2 Non-domestic Water Consumption per GDP (NDWC) 3.1.3 Domestic Water Consumption per Capita (DWC) (B) (B) 3.2.1 Environmental Awareness (ENA) (A) 3.2.2 Environmental Behaviour (ENB) (A) 3.3.1 Environmental Compliance (ENC) (A) 59 National Range Distance to Target State Performance Low Performance Benchmark 0 Worse Performance 50 Top Performance Benchmark Better Performance 100 Type A: high value equates good performance (16 indicators) Type B: high value equates bad performance (17 indicators) 69 Sources of indicator’s target: • Government policy documents • International references • Expert opinion/Best performance 70 Example: Access to Sewerage Facilities (ASF) Plot of relative performance by all states for the determination of policy target and low benchmark for Access to Sewerage Facilities (ASF) Source: SPAN, 2014 Target: 2,300 PE per 1,000 population Low benchmark: 100 PR per 1,000 population 71 NO2 concentration (ppm) Type A - minimum value e.g.: Accessed to connected water supply Type B - maximum value e.g.: NO2 concentration 72 Indicator’s Target and Low Benchmark NO. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4.1 1.4.2 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 INDICATOR Incidents of Dengue Fever Toddler Mortality Rate Access to Connected Water Supply Access to Clean Water For Rural Areas Access to Sewerage Facilities Improved Sanitation for Rural Areas Population Weighted PM10 Concentration Population Weighted Ground Level Ozone concentration Air Quality Index Municipal Waste Generation Per Capita Hazardous Industrial Waste Generation per Industrial GDP Sulfur Dioxide Concentration Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration River Water Quality Marine Water Quality (MWQ) / Marine Water quality Index CODE TARGET ug/m3 EPI 2014 0 0.0007 100% 100% 2,300 100% 20 GLO ug/m3 0 B 130 AQI MWG Probability of Good AQI kg/day/cap 1 0.823 A B 0.03 2.5 HWG Metric tonnes per industrial GDP 1.1 B 75 SO2 NOX RWQ ppm ppm WQI score 0 0 84.6 B B A 0.014 0.04 45 100% (index) A 40 IDF TMR CSW RWS ASF ISR PM10 MWQI Unit Rate per 100,000 population Rate per 1000 births % of population with access % coverage PE per 1000 population % coverage LOW BENCHMARK TYPE EPI 2014 B 450 B 1.0 A 50 A 75 A 100 A 80 B 70 73 Indicator’s Target and Low Benchmark NO. 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6.1 2.7.1 INDICATOR Terrestrial Protected Areas Marine Protected Areas Forest Cover Urban Green Areas Urban Tree Planting Fish Stocks Overexploited Coastal Fishing Pressure Pesticide Regulation Compliance GHG Emissions per Capita CODE TPA MPA FOC UGA UTP FSO CFP PRC GHGC 2.7.2 Industrial GHG Emissions GHGI 2.7.3 Transportation GHG Emissions GHGT 2.7.4 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3.1 GHGW EIG NDWC DWC ENA ENB ENC Solid Waste GHG Emissions Electricity Intensity per GDP Non-domestic Water Consumption per GDP Domestic Water Consumption per Capita Environmental Awareness Environmental Behaviour Environmental Compliance TARGET Unit Protected forest area (%) Protection Achieved (%) Forested land area (%) m2 per cap % of tree planting FSO Score CFP Score % of compliance GHG Emissions (kg/cap) Tonnes/ Industrial GDP (RM Million) CO2 per Cap (Kg per capita) kg CO2 eq/day/cap GWh/GDP (RM Million) m3/GDP (RM Million) liter/cap/day % of environmental awareness % of environmental behaviour % of compliance EPI 2014 17% 10% 50% 20 100% 0 0 100% 1,260 Cont’d LOW BENCHMARK TYPE EPI 2014 A 0.2 A 4 A 0.2 A 0.45 A 1 B 30 B 2,720 A 90 B 10,500 187.01 B 700 1,149.40 B 6,100 0.380225 0.1584 2,000 200 100% 100% 100% B B B B A A A 0.47 0.25 3,550 470 45 35 75 74 STAR RATING Star Rating based on range of PTT and aggregation score values PTT or Aggregation Score Values 90.0 ≤ PTT ≤ 100.0 Star Colour Status Rating Excellent 5 80.0 ≤ PTT < 90.0 4 Good 60.0 ≤ PTT < 80.0 3 Fair 40.0 ≤ PTT < 60.0 2 Poor 0 ≤ PTT < 40.0 1 Very Poor 75 Environmental Health 1.1.1 Incidents of Dengue Fever (IDF) 1.1.2 Toddler Mortality Rate (TMR) 1.2.1 Access to Connected Water Supply (CSW) 1.2.2 Access to Clean Water For Rural Areas (RWS) 1.2.3 Access to Sewerage Facilities (ASF) 1.2.4 Improved Sanitation for Rural Areas (ISR) 1.3.1 Population Weighted PM10 Concentration (PM10) 1.3.2 Population Weighted Ground Level Ozone concentration (GLO) 1.3.3 Air Quality Index (AQI) 1.4.1 Municipal Waste Generation Per Capita (MWG) 1.4.2 Hazardous Industrial Waste Generation per Industrial GDP (HWG) 76 Ecosystem Vitality 2.1.1 Sulfur Dioxide Concentration (SO2) 2.1.2 Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration (NOX) 2.2.1 River Water Quality (RWQ) 2.2.2 Marine Water Quality Index (MWQI) 2.3.1 Terrestrial Protected Areas (TPA) 2.3.2 Marine Protected Areas (MPA) 2.4.1 Forest Cover (FOC) 2.4.2 Urban Green Areas (UGA) 2.4.3 Urban Tree Planting (UTP) 77 Ecosystem Vitality 2.5.1 Fish Stocks Overexploited (FSO) 2.5.2 Coastal Fishing Pressure (CFP) 2.6.1 Pesticide Regulation Compliance (PRC) 2.7.1 GHG Emissions per Capita (GHGC) 2.7.2 Industrial GHG Emissions (GHGI) 2.7.3 Transportation GHG Emissions (GHGT) 2.7.4 Solid Waste GHG Emissions (GHGW) 78 Socioeconomic Sustainability 3.1.1 Electricity Intensity per GDP (EIG) 3.1.2 Non-domestic Water Consumption per GDP (NDWC) 3.1.3 Domestic Water Consumption per Capita (DWC) 3.2.1 Environmental Awareness (ENA) 3.2.2 Environmental Behaviour (ENB) 3.3.1 Environmental Compliance (ENC) 79 WEIGHT ASSIGNMENT Why Assign Weight? • Reflects relative importance of each index metric • each indicator has different impact, importance and policy implications • Change of impotance over time • environmental indicators are not equal in importance at all times • No commonly accepted methodology to assign weights • Based on expert opinion 80 Weight Assignment Objective Policy Category Note: all indicators in a policy category carry equal weight 81 WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION (POLICY CATEGORIES) Comparison of the policy category weight distribution between 2012 Malaysia EPI and 2014 Malaysia EPI 82 Aggregation of Indicators Raw data Set Target and Low Benchmark Calculation of proximity-totarget (PTT) Aggregation of Indicators to Policy Category Policy category score = ∑(PTT score)/ (number of indicators in the policy category) Materiality Filter (e.g Landlocked states): for an indicator where data is not applicable, the weight is transferred to other indicators in the same policy category and the total PTT score is divided by total number of applicable indicators. Aggregation of Policy Category to Objective Objective score = ∑ [(policy category score) x (policy category weight/100)] Aggregation of Objective to Index EPI score = ∑ (Objective score) 84 AGGREGATION OF INDICATORS SCORE INTO POLICY CATEGORY SCORE (2014 Malaysia EPI) Policy category score = ∑(PTT score)/ (number of indicators in the policy category) INDICATOR No. Name of Indicator POLICY CATEGORY Weight (%) PTT Score 1 1.1.1 Incidents of Dengue Fever 3.59 89.8 2 1.1.2 Toddler Mortality Rate 3.59 50.0 3 1.2.1 Access to Connected Water Supply 1.86 96.0 4 1.2.2 Access to Clean Water For Rural Areas 1.86 95.4 5 1.2.3 Access to Sewerage Facilities 1.86 62.2 6 1.2.4 Improved Sanitation for Rural Areas 1.86 91.4 7 1.3.1 Population Weighted PM10 Concentration 2.53 61.4 2.53 37.7 2.53 71.8 3.59 90.1 3.59 90.1 8 9 1.3.2 Population Weighted Ground Level Ozone Concentration 1.3.3 Air Quality Index 10 1.4.1 Municipal Waste Generation Per Capita 11 1.4.2 Hazardous Industrial Waste Generation per Industrial GDP Name of Policy Category Weight (%) Aggregation of Indicators into Policy Category Score 1.1 Environmental Burden of Disease 7.18 69.90 1.2 Water Effects on Human 7.44 86.24 1.3 Air Pollution Effects on Human 7.60 56.97 1.4 Waste 7.18 90.10 Note: State of Pahang 85 AGGREGATION OF POLICY CATEGORY SCORE INTO OBJECTIVE SCORE (2014 Malaysia EPI) Objective score = ∑ [(policy category score) x (policy category weight/100)] POLICY CATEGORY OBJECTIVE Aggregation of Policy Category into Objective Score Name of Policy Category Weight (%) Aggregation of Indicators into Policy Category Score 1.1 Environmental Burden of Disease 7.18 69.90 5.02 1.2 Water Effects on Human 7.44 86.24 6.42 Objective 1. Environmental Health (29.41%) Objective Score 22.24 1.3 Air Pollution Effects on Human 7.60 56.97 4.33 1.4 Waste 7.18 90.10 6.47 Note: State of Pahang 86 AGGREGATION OF OBJECTIVE SCORE INTO THE EPI SCORE (2014 Malaysia EPI) EPI score = ∑ (Objective score) OBJECTIVE Objective Objective Score 1. Environmental Health (29.41%) 22.24 2. Ecosystem Vitality (48.89%) 40.07 3. Socioeconomic Sustainability (21.70%) 19.71 EPI Score 82.01 Note: State of Pahang 87 2014 Malaysia EPI Results STAR RATING & RANKING 2014 MALAYSIA EPI RESULTS • • • • ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE PROFILE TRENDS • • • • Index Objective Policy Category Indicators •Bar Chart •Spiders Web Index Objective Policy Category Indicators 88 2014 Malaysia EPI Results STATES PROFILE (BAR-CHART) Pahang Selangor Sabah Kelantan Sarawak Perak Kedah Melaka Johor Putrajaya Terengganu Pulau Pinang Negeri Sembilan Perlis Labuan Kuala Lumpur 89 2014 MALAYSIA EPI 90 Pahang (69.9 {IDF: 89.8; TMR: 50.0}) (97.6 {ENC: 97.6}) (81.3 {ENA: 92.7; ENB: 69.9}) (86.2 {CWS: 96.0; RWS: 95.4; ASF: 62.2; ISR: 91.4}) (57.0 {PM10: 61.4; GLO: 37.7; AQI: 71.8}) (93.5 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 80.4; DWC: 100}) (90.1 {MWG: 90.1; HWG: 90.1}) (89.7 {SO2: 92.9; NOX: 86.4}) (89.9 {GHGC: 81.7; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 77.8}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (77.1 {RWQ: 100; MWQI: 54.2}) (100 {TPA: 100; MPA: 100}) (75.2 {FSO: 56.7; CFP: 93.7}) (41.5 {FOC: 100; UGA: 10.3; UTP: 14.2}) 91 Sabah (87.7 {IDF: 95.3; TMR: 80.1}) (71.5 {ENC: 71.5}) (68.4 {ENA: 77.0; ENB: 59.7}) (57.2 {CWS: 72.0; RWS: 64.8; ASF: 67.9; ISR: 24.3}) (74.2 {PM10: 64.8; GLO: 66.8; AQI: 91.0}) (100 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 100; DWC: 100}) (99.8 {MWG: 100; HWG: 99.5}) (89.3 {SO2: 91.6; NOX: 87.0}) (97.7 {GHGC: 94.2; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 96.8}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (79.4{RWQ: 100; MWQI: 58.7}) (63.2 {TPA: 100; MPA: 26.4}) (76.3 {FSO: 53.3; CFP: 99.3}) (39.3 {FOC: 100; UGA: 13.8; UTP: 4.2}) 92 Sarawak (79.5 {IDF: 88.9; TMR: 70.0}) (89.5 {ENC: 89.5}) (62.8 {ENA: 76.4; ENB: 49.2}) (84.0 {CWS: 87.6; RWS: 89.3; ASF: 85.7; ISR: 73.5}) (66.9 {PM10: 62.1; GLO: 57.1; AQI: 81.4}) (100 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 100; DWC: 100}) (98.9 {MWG: 100; HWG: 97.8}) (88.6 {SO2: 94.0; NOX: 83.1}) (85.7 {GHGC: 73.9; GHGI: 81.4; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 87.4}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (58.8 {RWQ: 80.6; MWQI: 37.1}) (50.0 {TPA: 100; MPA: 0.1}) (71.1 {FSO: 43.3; CFP: 98.9}) (66.7 {FOC: 100; UGA: 100; UTP: 0.0}) 93 Kedah (80.6 {IDF: 91.1; TMR: 70.0}) (81.6 {ENC: 81.6}) (66.9 {ENA: 75.9; ENB: 57.9}) (88.3 {CWS: 96.6; RWS: 92.7; ASF: 67.9; ISR: 95.9}) (56.7 {PM10: 58.6; GLO: 45.2; AQI: 66.2}) (82.0 {EIG: 75.8; NDWC: 79.4; DWC: 90.7}) (81.1 {MWG: 85.6; HWG: 76.7}) (88.9 {SO2: 96.1; NOX: 81.6}) (90.0 {GHGC: 86.2; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 73.6}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (78.7 {RWQ: 96.8; MWQI: 60.7}) (100 {TPA: 100; MPA: 100}) (82.0 {FSO: 80.0; CFP: 84.0}) (27.9 {FOC: 72.9; UGA: 6.8; UTP: 3.8}) 94 Johor (64.6 {IDF: 69.1; TMR: 60.0}) (92.3 {ENC: 92.3}) (64.2 {ENA: 73.6; ENB: 54.7}) (89.9 {CWS: 99.6; RWS: 98.5; ASF: 63.6; ISR: 98.0}) (43.6 {PM10: 43.7; GLO: 36.0; AQI: 51.1}) (76.9 {EIG: 39.3; NDWC: 100; DWC: 91.5}) (90.4 {MWG: 95.7; HWG: 85.1}) (74.2 {SO2: 74.2; NOX: 74.1}) (84.2 {GHGC: 67.3; GHGI: 92.6; GHGT: 93.8; GHGW: 83.0}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (61.0 {RWQ: 68.8; MWQI: 53.3}) (100 {TPA: 100; MPA: 100}) (67.1 {FSO: 43.3; CFP: 90.9}) (53.3 {FOC: 48.9; UGA: 11.1; UTP: 100}) 95 Terengganu (69.0 {IDF: 88.0; TMR: 50.0}) (99.9 {ENC: 99.9}) (58.7 {ENA: 69.3; ENB: 48.0}) (81.8 {CWS: 92.0; RWS: 90.0; ASF: 54.7; ISR: 90.7}) (44.2 {PM10: 33.5; GLO: 48.0; AQI: 50.9}) (71.8 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 19.4; DWC: 95.9}) (42.2 {MWG: 72.2; HWG: 12.2}) (91.3 {SO2: 92.5; NOX: 90.1}) (86.5 {GHGC: 84.8; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 61.2}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (69.4 {RWQ: 99.1; MWQI: 39.7}) (100 {TPA: 100; MPA: 100}) (79.9 {FSO: 70.0; CFP: 89.9}) (49.6 {FOC: 100; UGA: 11.7; UTP: 37.0}) 96 Negeri Sembilan (72.6 {IDF: 75.1; TMR: 70.0}) (95.1 {ENC: 95.1}) (56.1 {ENA: 68.5; ENB: 43.6}) (95.4 {CWS: 99.8; RWS: 99.4; ASF: 85.7; ISR: 96.9}) (28.3 {PM10: 42.0; GLO: 15.4; AQI: 27.5}) (71.1 {EIG: 69.2; NDWC: 54.2; DWC: 90.0}) (88.2 {MWG: 80.5; HWG: 95.9}) (75.4 {SO2: 78.0; NOX: 72.9}) (83.7 {GHGC: 65.7; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 68.9}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (75.1 {RWQ: 88.4; MWQI: 61.8}) (79.0 {TPA: 100; MPA: 58.1}) (100 {FSO: 100; CFP: 100}) (22.1 {FOC: 47.4; UGA: 7.3; UTP: 11.6}) 97 Labuan (83.4 {IDF: 96.7; TMR: 70.0}) (97.5 {ENC: 97.5}) (78.2 {ENA: 88.6; ENB: 67.8}) (62.9 {CWS: 100; RWS: 64.8; ASF: 62.4; ISR: 24.3}) (70.4 {PM10: 70.6; GLO: 49.4; AQI: 91.2}) (73.0 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 19.0; DWC: 100}) (98.6 {MWG: 100; HWG: 97.1}) (95.8 {SO2: 97.3; NOX: 94.3}) (97.7 {GHGC: 94.2; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 96.8}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (56.4 {RWQ: N/A; MWQI: 56.4}) (50.0 {TPA: 0.0; MPA: 100}) (44.6 {FSO: 83.3; CFP: 5.8}) (3.9 {FOC: 0.0; UGA: 11.7; UTP: 0.0}) 98 Selangor (33.7 {IDF: 7.4; TMR: 60.0}) (96.8 {ENC: 96.8}) (66.0 {ENA: 76.7; ENB: 55.4}) (89.7 {CWS: 99.6; RWS: 100; ASF: 68.6; ISR: 90.6}) (32.6 {PM10: 37.9; GLO: 26.0; AQI: 34.0}) (95.7 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 100; DWC: 87.0}) (98.3 {MWG: 100; HWG: 96.5}) (63.5 {SO2: 76.0; NOX: 50.9}) (90.0 {GHGC: 71.8; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 88.1}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (62.5 {RWQ: 79.4; MWQI: 45.7}) (50.0 {TPA: 100; MPA: 0.0}) (64.3 {FSO: 53.3; CFP: 75.3}) (56.9 {FOC: 63.1; UGA: 7.6; UTP: 100}) 99 Kelantan (65.5 {IDF: 81.0; TMR: 50.0}) (96.8 {ENC: 96.8}) (65.0 {ENA: 74.2; ENB: 55.8}) (48.4 {CWS: 23.0; RWS: 56.8; ASF: 21.3; ISR: 92.4}) (57.2 {PM10: 57.2; GLO: 63.1; AQI: 51.3}) (100 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 100; DWC: 100}) (93.3 {MWG: 88.9; HWG: 97.7}) (91.1 {SO2: 94.3; NOX: 87.9}) (86.8 {GHGC: 94.4; GHGI: 76.2; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 76.7}) (83.5 {PRC: 83.5}) (65.8 {RWQ: 100; MWQI: 31.5}) (50.0 {TPA: 100; MPA: 0}) (30.4 {FSO: 30.0; CFP: 30.8}) (36.4 {FOC: 100; UGA: 0.1; UTP: 9.1}) 100 Perak (63.5 {IDF: 77.0; TMR: 50.0}) (89.1 {ENC: 89.1}) (68.8 {ENA: 80.6; ENB: 57.0}) (85.6 {CWS: 99.2; RWS: 89.2; ASF: 58.8; ISR: 95.0}) (35.1 {PM10: 40.5; GLO: 13.7; AQI: 51.1}) (84.5 {EIG: 66.1; NDWC: 100; DWC: 87.4}) (76.1 {MWG: 88.3; HWG: 63.9}) (84.7 {SO2: 92.2; NOX: 77.3}) (81.4 {GHGC: 76.9; GHGI: 72.8; GHGT: 99.6; GHGW: 76.2}) (88.3 {PRC: 88.3}) (67.7 {RWQ: 98.5; MWQI: 37.0}) (50.0 {TPA: 100; MPA: 0.0}) (47.1 {FSO: 63.3; CFP: 31.0}) (40.0 {FOC: 99.7; UGA: 6.8; UTP: 13.4}) 101 Melaka (60.4 {IDF: 60.8; TMR: 60.0}) (98.2 {ENC: 98.2}) (69.8 {ENA: 72.8; ENB: 66.8}) (93.0 {CWS: 100; RWS: 100; ASF: 71.9; ISR: 100}) (24.8 {PM10: 26.3; GLO: 31.5; AQI: 16.7}) (67.9 {EIG: 77.5; NDWC: 39.8; DWC: 86.3}) (94.5 {MWG: 90.6; HWG: 98.4}) (76.4 {SO2: 75.8; NOX: 77.1}) (85.4 {GHGC: 66.4; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 96.9; GHGW: 78.2}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (40.4 {RWQ: 74.4; MWQI: 6.4}) (10.1 {TPA: 17.4; MPA: 2.9}) (100 {FSO: 100; CFP: 100}) (37.9 {FOC: 6.2; UGA: 7.6; UTP: 100}) 102 Putrajaya (73.5 {IDF: 67.0; TMR: 80.1}) (75.4 {CWS: 100; RWS: N/A; ASF: 50.9; ISR: N/A}) (N/A) (63.2 {ENA: 70.5; ENB: 56.0}) (33.6 {PM10: 56.0; GLO: 14.1; AQI: 30.5}) (95.7 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 100; DWC: 87.0}) (100 {MWG: 100; HWG: N/A}) (69.6 {SO2: 81.2; NOX: 58.0}) (86.7 {GHGC: 71.8; GHGI: N/A; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 88.1}) (87.6 {RWQ: 87.6; MWQI: N/A}) (N/A) (0.2 {TPA: 0.2; MPA: N/A}) (N/A) (62.8 {FOC: 13.7; UGA: 100; UTP: 74.8}) 103 Pulau Pinang (77.8 {IDF: 85.6; TMR: 70.0}) (99.3 {ENC: 99.3}) (61.6 {ENA: 71.2; ENB: 52.0}) (90.6 {CWS: 99.8; RWS: 92.4; ASF: 73.0; ISR: 97.1}) (38.7 {PM10: 48.2; GLO: 24.1; AQI: 43.8}) (70.7 {EIG: 58.8; NDWC: 88.9; DWC: 64.4}) (85.9 {MWG: 84.3; HWG: 87.4}) (77.3 {SO2: 85.9; NOX: 68.8}) (74.3 {GHGC: 46.4; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 78.2; GHGW: 72.5}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (49.0 {RWQ: 65.3; MWQI: 32.8}) (16.9 {TPA: 33.8; MPA: 0.0}) (76.0 {FSO: 66.7; CFP: 85.4}) (6.0 {FOC: 14.7; UGA: 3.3; UTP: 0.0}) 104 Perlis (49.6 {IDF: 79.2; TMR: 20.0}) (81.1 {ENC: 981.1}) (60.7 {ENA: 71.6; ENB: 49.9}) (83.5 {CWS: 99.0; RWS: 93.6; ASF: 49.2; ISR: 92.3}) (56.8 {PM10: 58.1; GLO: 47.3; AQI: 65.0}) (79.5 {EIG: 53.9; NDWC: 100; DWC: 84.4}) (82.1 {MWG: 70.6; HWG: 93.6}) (93.1 {SO2: 97.9; NOX: 88.3}) (61.2 {GHGC: 83.0; GHGI: 2.2; GHGT: 100; GHGW: 59.7}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (59.8 {RWQ: 99.0; MWQI: 20.5}) (39.8 {TPA: 79.7; MPA: 0.0}) (52.2 {FSO: 50.0; CFP: 54.4}) (12.2 {FOC: 28.7; UGA: 7.9; UTP: 0.0}) 105 Kuala Lumpur (68.5 {IDF: 67.0; TMR: 70.0}) (96.8 {CWS: 100; RWS: N/A; ASF: 93.5; ISR: N/A}) (93.21 {ENC: 93.21}) (59.3 {ENA: 65.1; ENB: 53.3}) (24.5 {PM10: 45.8; GLO: 6.7; AQI: 21.1}) (95.7 {EIG: 100; NDWC: 100; DWC: 87.0}) (53.2 {MWG: 7.6; HWG: 98.8}) (69.2 {SO2: 84.0; NOX: 54.3}) (25.6 {GHGC: 0.2; GHGI: 100; GHGT: 0.8; GHGW: 1.4}) (100 {PRC: 100}) (39.0 {RWQ: 39.0; MWQI: N/A}) (0.2 {TPA: 0.2; MPA: N/A}) (N/A) (13.2 {FOC: 13.7; UGA: 24.4; UTP: 1.4}) 106 STAR RATING PROFILE BY STATE Objective 2014 Malaysia EPI State Pahang Sabah Sarawak Kedah Johor Terengganu Negeri Sembilan F.T. Labuan Selangor Kelantan Perak Melaka F.T. Putrajaya Pulau Pinang Perlis F.T. Kuala Lumpur Score Target Score (%) 82.0 78.8 78.8 78.8 75.7 74.4 74.2 72.6 71.4 69.5 68.8 68.4 68.0 66.1 65.3 Star Rating 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 55.9 2 100.0 Environmental Health Score Star (%) Rating 75.6 3 79.5 3 82.1 4 76.5 3 71.9 3 59.3 2 70.8 3 78.6 3 63.4 3 65.8 3 64.9 3 67.8 3 70.2 3 72.9 3 68.0 3 60.6 3 29.4 Ecosystem Vitality Score (%) 81.9 78.0 74.5 81.1 77.1 82.4 76.4 64.3 69.7 63.7 65.8 64.3 61.7 57.1 59.8 Star Rating 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 41.1 2 48.9 Socioeconomic Sustainability Score Star (%) Rating 90.8 5 79.9 3 84.1 4 76.8 3 77.8 3 76.9 3 74.2 3 83.0 4 86.2 4 87.3 4 80.8 4 78.7 3 79.4 3 77.3 3 73.8 3 82.7 4 21.7 107 States ranking in 2014 Malaysia EPI State Pahang Sabah Sarawak Kedah Johor Terengganu Negeri Sembilan F.T. Labuan Selangor Kelantan Perak Melaka F.T. Putrajaya Pulau Pinang Perlis F.T. Kuala Lumpur Score Target 2014 Malaysia EPI Score (%) 82.01 78.84 78.81 78.80 75.74 74.39 74.23 72.56 71.41 69.46 68.78 68.45 68.04 66.14 65.26 55.87 100 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Environmental Health Score Rank (%) 75.65 5 79.47 2 82.12 1 76.49 4 71.90 7 59.30 16 70.76 8 78.56 3 63.39 14 65.81 12 64.85 13 67.79 11 70.16 9 72.92 6 67.99 10 60.57 15 29.4 Objective Ecosystem Vitality Score Rank (%) 81.93 2 78.01 4 74.48 7 81.06 3 77.11 5 82.38 1 76.36 6 64.35 10 69.68 8 63.74 12 65.80 9 64.30 11 61.72 13 57.12 15 59.85 14 41.13 16 48.9 Socioeconomic Sustainability Score Rank (%) 90.81 1 79.87 8 84.07 4 76.83 14 77.84 11 76.86 13 74.16 15 82.95 5 86.18 3 87.27 2 80.82 7 78.69 10 79.41 9 77.28 12 73.76 16 82.70 6 21.7 Note: Scores are shown in two decimal points to differentiate States ranking. 108 Comparison of 2012 and 2014 Malaysia EPIs * Comparison based on 2014 Malaysia EPI targets, weight assignment and low benchmark values 100.0 2012 EPI 2014 EPI 90.0 80.0 80.6 68.8 71.8 72.1 70.5 68.6 70.0 68.7 64.8 Score 60.0 50.0 EPI: Environmental Performance Index; EH: Environmental Health EV: Ecosystem Vitality SS: Socioeconomic Sustainability) 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 EPI EH EV SS 109 Performance comparison of Policy Category for 2012 and 2014 Malaysia EPI EBD: Environmental Burden of Disease; WEH: Water Effects on Human; APH: Air Pollution Effects on Human; WST: Waste; APE: Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystem; WEE: Water Effects on Ecosystem; B&H: Biodiversity and Habitat; FUG: Forest and Urban Green Areas; FIS: Fisheries; A&L: Agriculture and Landuse; CLC: Climate Change; RSE: Resource Efficiency; EAB: Environmental Awareness & Behaviour; ENG: Environmental Governance 110 Comparison of indicators proximity-totarget (PTT) performance between 2012 Malaysia EPI and 2014 Malaysia EPI IDF: Incidents of Dengue Fever; TMR: Toddler Mortality rate; CWS: Access to connected water supply; RWS: Access to clean water for rural areas; ASF: Sewerage facilities; ISR: Improved sanitation for rural areas; PM10: Population weighted PM10 concentration; GLO: Population weighted ground level ozone concentration; AQI: Air Quality Index; MWG: Municipal waste generation per capita; HWG: Hazardous waste generation per industrial GDP; SO2: Sulfur dioxide concentration; NOX: Nitrogen oxides concentration; RWQ: River water quality; MWQI: Marine Water Quality Index; TPA: Terrestrial protected areas; MPA: Marine protected areas; FOC: Forest cover; UGA:Urban Green Areas; UTP: Urban Tree Planting; FSO: Fish Stock Overexploited ; CFP: Coastal Fishing Pressure; PRC: Pesticide Regulation Compliance; GHGC: GHG Emissions per Capita; GHGI: Industrial GHG emissions; GHGT: Transportation GHG emissions; GHGW: Solid waste GHG emissions; EIG: Electricity Intensity per GDP; NDWC: Non-domestic water consumption per GDP; DWC:Domestic water consumption per capita; ENA: Environmental awareness; ENB: Environmental behaviour; ENC: Environmental compliance 111 Indicators performance and trends during 2005 - 2013 Environmental Health • • • • • • • • • • • AQI: Air Quality Index ASF: Sewerage facilities (2009 – 2013) CWS: Access to connected water supply GLO: Population weighted ground level ozone concentration HWG: Hazardous waste generation per industrial GDP. IDF: Incidents of Dengue Fever (2009 – 2013) ISR: Improved sanitation for rural areas MWG: Municipal waste generation per capita PM10: Population weighted PM10 concentration RWS: Access to clean water for rural areas TMR: Toddler Mortality rate (2005 – 2011) 112 Indicators performance and trends during 2005 - 2013 Ecosystem Vitality • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CFP: Coastal Fishing Pressure FOC: Forest cover FSO: Fish Stock Overexploited (2010 – 2013) GHGC: GHG Emissions per Capita (2010 – 2013) GHGI: Industrial GHG emissions (2010 – 2013) GHGT: Transportation GHG emissions (2010 – 2013) GHGW: Solid waste GHG emissions MPA: Marine protected areas MWQI: Marine Water Quality Index (2011 – 2013) NOX: Nitrogen oxides concentration PRC: Pesticide Regulation Compliance RWQ: River water quality SO2: Sulfur dioxide concentration TPA: Terrestrial protected areas UGA: Urban Green Areas (2011 – 2013) UTP: Urban Tree Planting (2006 – 2013) 113 Indicators performance and trends during 2005 - 2013 Socioeconomic Sustainability • • • • • • DWC: Domestic water consumption per capita EIG: Electricity Intensity per GDP (2010 – 2013) ENA: Environmental awareness (2012 – 2014) ENB: Environmental behaviour (2012 – 2014) ENC: Environmental compliance NDWC: Non-domestic water consumption per GDP 114 Poor* and very poor performing indicators in 2014 Malaysia EPI Objective Environmental Health Policy Category Air Pollution effects on Human Code PTT Score and Star Rating PM10 Concentration PM10 50.4 Ground Level Ozone GLO 36.4 Air Quality Index AQI 52.8 MWQI 42.5 Water Effects on Ecosystem Marine Water quality Index Biodiversity & Habitat Marine Protected Areas MPA 42.0 Forest Cover FOC 56.8 Urban Green Areas UGA 20.7 Urban Tree Planting UTP 29.3 ENB 56.1 Ecosystem Vitality Forest & Green Areas Socioeconomic Sustainability Indicator Environmental Awareness Environmental Behaviour & Behaviour *Note: poor and very poor performance refer to two star rating and one star rating performance, respectively. 116 MALAYSIA EPI WEBSITE 117 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) for Malaysia is funded by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) with the cooperation of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The Malaysia EPI working group acknowledges cooperation and support from various ministries, departments and agencies of Malaysian Government as well as environmental non-government organizations. 118 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. Economic Planning Unit Malaysia (EPU) 2. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia (NRE) 3. Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (MOA) 4. Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) 5. Ministry of Environment and Resource Planning Sarawak 6. Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) 7. Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities 8. Ministry of Rural and Regional Development Malaysia (KKLW) 9. Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) 10. Ministry of Transport Malaysia (MOT) 11. Ministry of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government (KPKT) 12. Ministry of Works Malaysia 13. Department of Environment Malaysia (DOE) 14. Department of Agriculture Malaysia 15. Department of Agriculture Sarawak 16. Department of Drainage and Irrigation (DID) 17. Department of Fisheries Malaysia 18. Department of National Landscape Malaysia 19. Department of Statistics Malaysia 20. Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia 21. Department of Wildlife Protection and National Parks 22. Biodiversity and Forestry Management Division, NRE 23. Energy Commission (EC) 24. Environment Protection Department, Sabah 25. Federal Town and Country Planning Department 26. Fisheries Development Authority Malaysia (LKIM) 27. Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) 28. Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) 29. Forestry Department Sarawak 30. Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. 31. Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) 32. Land, Survey and Mapping Division, NRE 33. Malaysian Center for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaGCDI) 34. Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (MGTC) 35. Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) 36. Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency 37. Marine Park Department Malaysia 38. Mineral and Geoscience Division, NRE 39. National Hydraulic Research Institute Malaysia (NAHRIM) 40. National Hydrographic Centre (PHN) 41. National Solid Waste Management Department 42. National Water Services Commision (SPAN) 43. Public Works Department (PWD) 44. Road Transportation Department Malaysia 45. Sabah Agriculture Department 46. Sabah Forest Department 47. Sabah State Economic Planning Unit 48. Sarawak State Planning Unit 49. Solid Waste Management and Public Cleasing Corporation (PPSPPA) 50. Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA) 51. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) 52. The Nuclear Agency of Malaysia 53. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 54. Water Resources Drainage and Hydrology Division, NRE 119 120