John Vig Candidate for 2007 IEEE President-elect IEEE Region 1 BoG Meeting Syracuse, NY, USA August 19, 2006 Outline • Brief bio • Contributions to IEEE • Major challenges • A few ideas for dealing with the challenges Who am I? Born in Hungary (R8) Retired Feb 2006; after 36 yrs of R&D in a gov’t lab >100 publications; 9 book chapters 55 patents IEEE Fellow; IEEE Cady Award, IEEE Sawyer Award, Distinguished Lecturer… 2005 VP for Technical Activities 34 years of accomplishments (pubs, conferences, membership, standards, finances/investments…) Contributions to IEEE Founded the IEEE Sensors Council IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, IEEE SENSORS Associate/senior editor of two IEEE journals (T-UFFC, SJ) >30 years experience as conference chairs: technical program chair, general chair, editorial & publicity chair ~25 yrs w. standards (IEEE; Chair, SCC-27; IEC; NATO) Membership: MDC, REP list simplification/elimination, website, IEEE Press new initiative Contributions to IEEE - BoD Investment Operations Manual E-mail voting by OUs Trust issues – budget CD, BoD archives, tax returns on website, confidentiality policy Conferences & publications strategic planning Marketing & Sales Comm.; initiatives, rebate program Transnational scorecard Challenges Reserves vs. investments: +$31M $169M vs. <$3M invested Publications: Open Access, timeliness, practical content Membership value (IEL impact*), dues structure Marketing, PR; the image of IEEE & of engineering and science Agility, innovation & risk taking – “Venture Capital Fund” Globalization (“flat world,” networked world, piracy of IEL?) Member involvement – only 14% voted in 2005 Complexity – resource and overhead allocations Trust (19 mentions of “trust” in BDO Seidman report) Transnationality (at OU series’, ~10% are non-US!) * ~36% of members have “free” e-access to our IP ~2M nonmembers have free access to our IP 2005 Sections Congress Priority #1 of top 10 recommendations: “Increase membership value. Include as part of the basic membership free limited access to online publications…” Membership Dues Membership dues are on autopilot "Membership is too expensive" is the number one reason, by far, for non-renewal (membership peaked in 2002) 2005 IEEE dues revenues w. assessments ~$35M ~12% of total revenues; IEEE reserves ~$169M We can afford to experiment! Experiments: Lower dues for fewer services? Lower dues for IEL org’s? Any others??? Membership strategy (especially for less developed countries)? Membership “New Initiative” Proposal For An Experiment (2007 New Initiative proposal) IEEE Press has >300 out-of-print + >250 in-print books Press books have lots of content for practitioners Member Value Project: 33% of members would include IEEE Press books online in their ideal membership (10th) IEEE Press has lost $4M since 1995 Make IEEE Press books available in Xplore to members, and to members only (i.e., NOT to IEL customers) Membership by Employment Category Private industry Academia Public/Government Self-employed Retired Other Unemployed 2005 50.6% 23.5% 8.3% 6.0% 4.7% 4.7% 2.0% 2004 49.6% 24.8% 9.0% 5.7% 3.9% 4.5% 2.7% 2003 52.3% 20.3% 8.6% 6.5% 4.9% 3.4% 3.9% 2002 54.8% 16.6% 9.6% 5.8% 5.3% 4.0% 4.0% Source: IEEE Member Satisfaction Surveys from 1999 to 2005 Margin of Error ± 5% > Two-thirds of members have no Ph.D. 2001 60.3% 15.8% 8.7% 6.7% 2.9% 3.7% 1.9% 2000 62.9% 10.6% 10.6% 7.1% 4.4% 2.7% 1.5% 1999 59.2% 13.7% 13.7% 5.4% 3.9% 2.9% 1.3% Content for Practitioners What Has Not Worked Well Enough - Solicit "practical" papers - Solicit more review and tutorial papers - Special issues devoted to practical content What May Work Create a new class of peer reviewed publications, Application Notes: “How to…,” state-of-the-art design solutions, “Understanding…,” case studies… Add blogs to Xplore: practical impact statements & other comments by author, reviewer, editor, or ANY reader! E-books. Any other ideas??? Let’s Experiment! Why John Vig? • Knowledge and broad experience • Accomplishments – lots of them • Ideas – lots of them; willingness to experiment • Ability to lead – to get things done Please vote! • Only 14% of eligible members voted in 2005 • Therefore, 7+% can determine the future of IEEE • Division 8 director’s winning margin was 3 votes • • 36% voted when a controversial petition candidate, Irwin Feerst, ran for IEEE president. Lesson? “THE INSTITUTE is the newspaper of the IEEE.” Is it a newspaper or a “house organ?” • Per Capita Gross Domestic Products (in US $) Luxembourg Norway USA Switzerland Denmark Canada Belgium 63K 42K 42K 35K 34K 33K 32K Lithuania 13.7K Russia 10.7K Bulgaria 9.0K Armenia 5.1K Egypt 4.4K Serbia-Mntgro 2.6K Kenya 1.2K Japan 30K Eritrea 1.0K Sweden 30K Tanzania 0.7K The electric lightbulb was not discovered via incremental improvements to the candle. Mildred Dresselhaus, MIT, 2 May 2006 TAB Complexity Stifles Success* • In 2006 there are eighteen different factors on which TAB revenue and expense allocations are based • The situation is so complex that no volunteer or staff person can figure out the impact of a change in any one of these factors until the whole series of recursive allocation algorithms is run * From “A New Organizational Structure: The Status Quo is No Longer an Option,” Gerald Engel, 2005 CS Pres., Nov. 2005 You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. Albert Einstein