

Young Professionals Registration Form

The Australian Podiatry Association SA (APodA SA) offers a

Young Professionals Program (YP) at no cost to students and graduates 0-5 years. The YP program has three district areas to ensure participants get the most out of the program according to where they are in their career development.

Stage 1: Students (1-4th years)

Co-ordinator Caitlin Pratten

What’s on offer: specific CPD events focusing on employment, Awards, contracts, conditions, assistance with finding employment. Orthotic Factory site visit. Networking.

About Mentoring

The APodA SA's Mentoring program is designed to support early career podiatrists make the transition from student to confident clinician.

Stage 2: First year graduates

Co-ordinator: Kristin Graham

What’s on offer: Peer 1:1 mentoring for 12 months. Specific CPD events, Medicare & DVA billing, Orthotic Modifications Workshop. Networking.

The mentoring program and our mentors provide support, advice, encouragement to early career podiatrist on matters outside of the workplace. For example, an early career podiatrist may want advice on how to manage their busy schedule. They may want to connect with like-minded professionals in a specific area of interest or they may wish to build on their networks to access information, suppliers and other health care professionals.

The APodA's mentoring relationships are complimentary to other workplace relationships.

Mentoring does not get involved in performance issues in employment relationships, nor does mentoring get involved in clinical judgements or patient assessments.


Are you a Student, New

Graduate or Young Professional

What year did you or will you graduate?

Stage 3: Young Professionals (2-5 yrs)

Co-ordinator: Katie Kneebone

What’s on offer: What next, business and career development education and resources.

Case Studies. Networking.

For all groups we offer a Young Professionals Facebook page to share and network online.


If you would like to join the Young Professionals Program please complete the form and return to the Association office. Don’t forget to stay in touch with the Association on

Facebook (you can join the YP Facebook Group) https://www.facebook.com/PodiatryAssocSA


Free to join and participate


First Year Graduate

Young Professional


Contact Phone

Postal Address

PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES . Please tick those areas in which you would most like to develop.

Areas of Mentoring Support

High risk foot care, public health

Sports & Biomechanics


Orthotic Therapy

Aged Care

Community Health



Complimentary Health

Private Practice

Other: please insert other areas where you feel you would like support...

Work/life Balance, self & time management

Stress Management, problem solving

Emotional Intelligence

Networking and working with Multi D’s

New technology


Business ownership

Financial management


Committees & Boards

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Young Professionals Registration Form


What has been your career to date? Please provide a snapshot of your career history …

What career and/or professional challenge(s) do you perceive you may encounter in the next 12 months where a mentor could assist you?

What are your career aspirations?

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. (Please tick to confirm)

I have read the information attached to this registration form and understand the requirements of participation.

I understand my participation in the Young Professionals Program is voluntary.

I have / will advise my employer of my participation. If applicable

I understand that I may be using a range of communication methods to manage my mentoring relationships including face-to-face contact, email and telephone.

I understand if I participate in the 1:1 mentoring my mentor will not be involved in my employment

I understand that my relationship with my mentor is different to the relationship I have with my employer, and activities such as performance appraisal and clinical decisions at the place of my employment will not form part of my mentoring relationship.

I understand the 1:1 mentoring program has a ‘no fault exit clause’ from mentoring relationships which means that either the Mentor or Mentee can exit the relationship with ‘no fault’.

 I acknowledge the importance of maintaining confidentiality of matters discussed with my Mentor.

 I understand that I must join the Australian Podiatry Association SA for member benefits outside of the YP program.


Bartold Simon, Bertram Peter, Bishop Chris, Bowen Brenton, Castello Andrea, Gibbs Daniel, Graham Kristin, Heard Mark, Heuch Lisa, Jedynak Ted, neebone Katie, March Lucinda, Mavrou Maria, Murphy Sean, Nitschke Michael, Pogas Kathy, Pratten Caitlin, Rowe Nigel, Salerno Angelo, Scharfbillig

Rolf, Soeffky Jennifer, Stirling, Leah Torpey, Ereena van, Essen Andrew, Wiles Adam



If you would like to know more about the YP program, feel free to contact one of the following:

Name: DATE: YP Co-ordinator Kristin Graham mentoring@podiatrysa.net.au

YP leader Katie Kneebone katiekneebone@internode.on.net


YP leader Caitlin Pratten pracy003@mymail.unisa.edu.au


The Australian Podiatry Association SA

50 Hutt Street, Adelaide SA 5000

Tel: 08 8210 9408 Fax: 08 8210 9438

Email: podiatry@podiatrysa.net.au

Web: podiatrysa.net.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PodiatryAssocSA

* Note: Membership of the Association is not included with the YP group. To join the association as a member to receive our full benefits go to www.podiatrysa.net.au/membership/

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