Nursing Leadership from the Bedside to the Boardroom

Nursing Leadership from the
Bedside to the Boardroom
Presentation ID: L13
 Today’s presenters do not have any relevant financial interests presenting a conflict of
interest to disclose.
 Participants must attend the entire session(s) in order to earn contact hour credit.
Continuing Nursing Education credit can be earned by completing the online session
 The American Organization of Nurse Executives is accredited as a provider of continuing
nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
 AONE is authorized to award one hour of pre-approved ACHE Qualified Education credit
(non-ACHE) for this program toward advancement, or recertification in the American
College of Healthcare Executives.
 Describe a state structure to promote nursing
leadership in the boardroom.
 Identify key strategies that can be implemented at
a state level to prepare nurses to lead change from
the bedside to the boardroom.
 Identify successful state-wide strategies to identify
and recognize nurse leaders at all levels.
Loressa Cole, DNP, MBA, RN
 Current Virginia Nurses Association President
 Virginia Action Coalition Leadership Workgroup Co-Lead
 Chief Nursing Officer - LewisGale Hospital Montgomery
 146-bed acute care facility in Blacksburg, Virginia
• Home of Virginia Tech University
• Magnet Designation 2009 & 2013
• Level 111 Trauma Center
• 600 Employees
• Core teaching hospital
Lindsey J. Cardwell, MSN, RN
Virginia Action Coalition Leadership Workgroup Co-Lead
Manager, Professional Nursing Development, Centra
Centra is a non-profit Integrated Healthcare System
• 3 Acute Care Hospitals
• 29 Facilities
• 6,000 Employees
• Long term, assisted living & retirement community
• Regional Cancer Center
• 50 percent ownership in local Health Plan
IOM Future of Nursing
Campaign for Action
Americans have access to high
quality, patient-centered care in a
health care system where nurses
contribute as essential partners
in achieving success
Are you familiar with the Future
of Nursing Recommendations?
Very Familiar
I have heard of them
Not Familiar
Future of Nursing
Remove scope of practice barriers.
Expand opportunities for interprofessional collaboration.
Implement nurse residency programs.
Increase proportion of nurses with BSN to 80% by 2020.
Double the number of nurses with doctorates.
Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning.
Prepare and enable nurses to lead change and advance
8. Build an infrastructure for data collection.
Campaign for Action
 November 2010 Campaign for Action Launch
 RWJ Foundation
 Center to Champion Nursing in America
Campaign for Action:
Key Messages
Interprofessional Collaboration
Access to Care
Workforce Data
State Action Coalitions
Short and long term
• Field strategy to move key nursing issues forward
at local, state and national levels.
• Capture best practices, track lessons learned and
identify replicable models.
• State Action Coalitions – 5 pilots, New Jersey, New
York, Michigan, Mississippi, California.
• In 15 states before moving nationwide.
Virginia’s Action Coalition
 Submitted February 2011 - input from more than
sixty stakeholders.
 Virginia Nurses Association and VA AARP
 Awarded designation in March 2011.
Are you involved in your state
Action Coalition?
1. Yes
2. No
Virginia Workgroups
Interprofessional Collaboration
Education Progression
Workforce Data
Access to Care
IOM Leadership
Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and
other health professionals, in redesigning health care
in the United States.
Nursing must produce leaders, from the bedside to
the boardroom, who can serve as full partners and
be accountable for their own contributions to
delivering high-quality care while working with
leaders from other health professions.
Virginia Leadership Goal
Develop strategies to ensure nursing
is skilled to provide leadership from
the bedside to the boardroom.
Virginia Leadership Objectives
 Continue to determine strategic boards to which
nurses could be appointed and work with stakeholders
to identify, mentor, and recommend individuals for
those appointments.
 Collaborate with schools of nursing to ensure the
curriculum focuses on leadership skills necessary for
today’s complex healthcare environment.
Virginia Leadership Objectives
 Continue “Nurse Leaders in the Boardroom”
program piloted with Robert Wood Johnson and
AARP in September, 2009.
 Recognize leaders “from the bedside to the
boardroom” at the annual Virginia Nurses
Foundation Excellence in Nursing gala.
Virginia Leadership Objectives
 Continue to support the current and expanded
Nurse Leadership Institute (NLI) by participating on
committees, providing scholarships, assisting in
encouraging employers to nominate fellows and
nurses to serve as faculty.
 NLI, a program of the Richmond Memorial Health
Foundation and a 2007 Partners Investing in
Nursing’s Future (PIN) grantee, is a nine-month
leadership development course for nurse leaders
working in all sectors of healthcare across the
The Survey
 Baseline assessment of Virginia nursing board
leadership service.
 Survey was released in January 2012.
 Closed in March 2012.
 282 completed the survey.
Do you currently serve on a local
board or organization’s board of
1. Yes
2. No
Do you currently serve on a local
board or organization’s board of
What type of local board are
you serving on?
Local Boards
 Free Clinics
 Crisis Pregnancy
 AORN, VNA, Black
Nurses & other
professional nursing
 Public Health Advisory
 Red Cross
 Alzheimer’s Association
Church Affiliated Boards
Performing Arts Council
Historical Councils
County Board of
 University & Community
College Councils
Do you currently serve on a statewide board or organization’s board
of directors?
1. Yes
2. No
Do you currently serve on a statewide board or organization’s board
of directors?
What type of state board are
you serving on?
State Boards
 Virginia Partnership for
 Virginia Board of
 Virginia Nurses
 Virginia Nurses
 Multiple professional
nurses associations
 Virginia Board of Health
 Virginia Association of
 VCCS Associates Degree
Nursing Program Heads
 Virginia Association of
Colleges of Nursing
 Health Insurance
Exchange Governing Body
Do you currently serve on a national
board or organization’s board of
1. Yes
2. No
Do you currently serve on a national
board or organization’s board of
What type of national board are
you serving on?
National Boards
 American Nurses
Association & Political
Action Coalition
 National eHealth
 Nurses Organization of
Veterans Affairs
 American Midwifery
Certification Board
 AORN Journal Editorial
 National Kidney
 American Academy of
Nurse Practitioners
 American Organization
of Nurse Executives
 Various National Nursing
Future Nurse Board Leaders
 Of the Registered Nurses surveyed, 60.3% of
those not currently serving on a board, were
interested in future board leadership.
 181 Virginia Registered Nurses are future board
Experienced Nursing Board Leaders
Willing to Mentor New Board
 64.1 % or 118 Experienced Nurse Board Leaders
were willing to mentor other Registered Nurses
interested in board leadership.
Board Appointments
 Virginia Nurses Association submitted resumes of
qualifies nurses for state gubernatorial appointments.
 Nurses from survey interested in board service.
 VNA advertisement for interested candidates.
 Appointments made by the Governor from the
candidates recommended by the Virginia Nurses
 One successful recommendation for a hospital board.
Leadership Toolkit
 Imbed link to toolkit to show resources available:
 Mentor/mentee database
 Resources
 etc
Mentorship Structure
 Nurses may submit name and resume to database
if interested in serving and be connected by action
 Mentor of new nurse board leaders.
 Mentee of experienced nurse board leaders.
 Future goal to provide a “” type
database and allow individuals to select their own
mentor or mentee.
Nursing Leadership on
Hospital Boards
 Gallup ranks nurses as most ethical and honest.
 Opinion leaders say nurses should have more
influence on health systems and services.
 Nursing currently ranked sixth behind other
stakeholders to influence health reform.
 Top barrier to nurses influence and leadership is
not being perceived as important decision makers.
Does your hospital currently have a
nurse serving as a voting member of
the board?
1. Yes
2. No
Nursing Leadership on
Hospital Boards
Nursing Leadership on
Hospital Boards
Next Steps:
 Collaborate with the Virginia Hospital Association to
assess the number of nurses serving on hospital
boards in Virginia.
 Identify barriers to nursing service on hospital
 Develop relationships and strategies to promote
nursing leadership on hospital boards.
Does your state nurses association or
action coalition formally recognize
nurse leaders?
1. Yes
2. No
Recognizing Nursing Leadership
 40 Future Nursing Leaders Under 40 recognized at
the annual Virginia Nurses Foundation Gala.
Recognizing Nursing Leadership
 40 Nursing Leaders Under 40
 Leadership development education day offered in
collaboration with the Virginia Organization of Nurse
Executives, Virginia Nurses Association, and Virginia
Nurses Foundation.
 Recruited to participate in Virginia’s Action Coalition.
 Assisted to pursue board positions.
Recognizing Nursing Leadership
 Virginia Nurses Foundation 2013 Gala “Every
Nurse a Leader”
 Nursing Leadership Excellence Awards in areas of:
 Administration
 Education
 Research
 Direct Care
 Advocacy
 Retirement and Lifetime Achievement
 Entrepreneur
Recognizing Nursing Leadership
 Virginia Nurses Foundation
2013 Gala “Every Nurse a
Leader” Award Recipients
 Institute of Medicine. (2010). The Future of
Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.
 Articles
Contact Information and Resources