VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE TO: DANE C. BRAGG FROM: SCOTT D ANDERSON SUBJECT: FY 2013 PRELIMINARY PROPERTY TAX LEVY DATE: 3/15/2016 In conjunction with the development of the FY 2014 Village Budget, staff is currently working on a recommendation for the FY 2013 Property Tax Levy (collected in 2014). The current year’s levy (2012 Tax Levy) is $14,201,796 and was an increase of 1.16 percent from the previous year’s levy request. The components of the change were: Corporate Levy +1.5% Special Purpose/IMRF +2.0% Public Safety Pensions +1.38% Debt Service -3.88% For the FY 2014 Budget the following methodologies are contemplated. Corporate Levy Historically the amounts requested to support the core functions of government are based on inflationary growth values published by American City & County as the Municipal Cost Index (MCI). This index is then added to the previous year’s levy request. The MCI is a blended index that factors for the Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, and other relevant inflationary indices applied to how municipalities traditionally acquire goods and services. For the year ending August, 2013, the cost index is 1.7 percent. This inflation growth will generate an additional $129,931 in property tax revenue for general fund core service operations. In addition to the increase for inflation, staff requests an additional 1.3 percent to help reduce the current deficit in the General Fund. In conjunction with the property tax increase, staff has implemented and increased other revenues, reduced staffing, and is evaluating a series of program and services eliminations (deemed as Tier 3 expenditures) as explained in a memorandum by Deputy Manager Maltas. The additional 1.3 percent would result in nearly $100,000 of additional revenue. A proposed Corporate Levy of three percent would result in a three-year average growth of 1.39 percent per annum. Debt Service Last year’s debt service requirement was $1,321,300. In December 2013, the final principal and interest payment will be made on the 2003 bonds. After the approval of a $419,000 tax abatement the net property tax supported debt service amount was $902,300. Next year’s debt service is $1,101,513. It is staff’s intention to abate approximately $200,000 of that levy to maintain level debt service. There will be no growth in the debt service levy. The following is a summary of the Village’s Page 1 of 4 debt position through FY 2030. Additional debt issuance is projected to occur by FY 2016 to refinance the EAB line-of-credit. Debt Service Schedule by Fiscal Year 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 2012 2010B 2010A Pensions Both the Police and Fire Pension Fund annual required contributions are being calculated by the Village’s independent actuary. Staff has received notification from the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) that the employer portion of the pension will increase .07 percent in 2014. The current year’s levy for IMRF and employer FICA and Medicare cost was $1,600,793. The request for FY 2014 will be approximately $1,558,030 a reduction of 2.7 percent. The net decrease is $42,763. For purposes of this analysis the public safety pensions are estimated to increase by 5 percent. Staff should receive the final report and recommendations within the next several weeks. Applying five percent growth nets additional levy amounts of $107,991 and $100,187 for the Police and Firefighter’s Pension Funds, respectively. The total additional required amount for all pension levies is estimated to be $165,415. E.A.V Over the last three years the equalized assessed value of property in Buffalo Grove has dropped 17.4 percent from $1.89 billion to $1.56 billion. Staff anticipates another year of decline in the range of 2.5 to four percent as the last wave of property value appeals are meted out. The decline in EAV, and the unequal distribution of those declines, has put much pressure on the tax rate and resulting property tax liabilities. Below is a graph depicting the growth, and decline, of EAV over the last ten years. Page 2 of 4 Equalized Assessed Valuation 2,000,000,000 1,800,000,000 1,600,000,000 1,400,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,000,000,000 800,000,000 600,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 Cook County 2009 2010 Total EAV 2011 2012 2013 2014 Lake Couty Impact The result of the increases noted above would result in a tentative levy, after abatements, of $14,764,027 or 2.8 percent growth. The first hurdle in the process is the truth in taxation report. If the Village’s tax levy request exceeds the prior year’s tax extension (less debt service levies) by more than five percent the Village must publish for, and conduct a public hearing. Using the amounts above, the increase would be under three percent. At this point in the process, staff anticipates the tax levy (less abatements) to resemble the table below; Village of Buffalo Grove Preliminary Distribution of 2013 Property Tax After Tax Abatement Consideration Cook County Cook Lake County Lake 2013 Total 2012 Levy* County Levy* County Extension Levy Request 23.08% Rate (1) 76.92% Rate (1) 100.00% 100.00% Corporate 532,737.43 0.1324 1,775,483.67 0.1444 2,308,221.10 2,240,991.36 Street and Bridge 169,887.53 0.0422 566,193.61 0.0461 736,081.14 714,641.88 242,290.35 Tax Levies: Street Lighting 57,598.23 0.0143 191,960.83 0.0156 249,559.06 Police Protection 127,733.62 0.0318 425,704.92 0.0346 553,438.54 537,318.97 Fire Protection 913,395.30 0.2271 3,044,123.31 0.2476 3,957,518.60 3,842,251.07 ESDA 3,047.52 0.0008 10,156.67 0.0008 13,204.19 12,819.60 12,537.15 0.0031 41,783.27 0.0034 54,320.42 52,738.27 1,816,936.78 0.4517 6,055,406.27 0.4925 7,872,343.05 7,643,051.50 359,594.00 0.0941 1,198,436.00 0.0975 1,558,030.00 1,600,793.10 0.00 0.0195 0.00 0.0000 0.00 330,400.00 Corp. Purpose Bonds Facilities (2010A) 114,413.33 0.4035 381,311.67 0.0310 495,725.00 483,638.00 Corp. Purpose Bonds Facilities (2010B) 61,915.10 0.0053 206,347.90 0.0052 268,263.00 88,263.00 Corp. Purpose Bonds Facilities (2012) 31,740.77 0.0000 105,784.23 0.0086 137,525.00 0.00 Police Pension 532,830.53 0.1296 1,775,793.97 0.1444 2,308,624.50 2,198,690.00 Fire Pension 490,107.69 0.1202 1,633,409.16 0.1329 2,123,516.85 2,022,397.00 3,407,538.20 0.7743 11,356,489.19 0.9121 14,764,027.39 14,367,232.60 Crossing Guard Sub-Total:Corporate IMRF/Social Security Corp. Purpose Bonds Facilities (2003) Total Page 3 of 4 The components of the levy are distributed as follows; Dollar Percentage Change Change 2013 Request 2012 Request Corporate 7,872,343.05 7,643,051.50 229,291.55 3.00% Special Purpose - IMRF 1,558,030.00 1,600,793.10 (42,763.10) -2.67% Pension 4,432,141.35 4,221,087.00 211,054.35 5.00% 901,513.00 902,301.00 (788.00) -0.09% 14,764,027.39 14,367,232.60 396,794.79 2.76% Debt Service Total Over forty-two percent of the proposed growth in the levy is due to employer pension obligations. Staff continues to monitor legislative movement in Springfield for substantive pension reform. Until reform is passed, employer’s pension obligations will continue to drive most of the growth in the tax levy requests. One of the strategic goals set forth in FY 2013 was to present a tax levy that represents no more than 11 percent of the total property tax bill. That goal was attained in the current year’s tax levy. Property Tax Distribution - 2013 County of Lake 7% Buffalo Grove 11% Township & Forest Preserve 4% Library 3% Schools 69% Park District 6% The levy numbers are still tentative and will be further refined as the independent actuaries provide the police and fire pension levies and the FY 2014 Budget process is completed. Page 4 of 4