Construction Industry of Pakistan
Challenges and Opportunities –
Way forward
Engr. Dr. Attaullah Shah
Bio details of the Speaker
• Engr.Dr. Attaullah Shah
– Director ( Planning and Projects AIOU)
» +92-333-5729809, +92-51-9057212
• Qualification
• PhD Civil Engineering ,M.Phil Eco ,MSc Structural Engg
• MBA, MA Eco, MSc Envir Design,BSc Civil Engg (Gold Medal), Post Grad Dip Comp (Gold Medal)
• 25 Years Experience of Teaching research and practice in Civil
Engineering and Construction Management
• :Research Publications in refereed journals and conferences:
– 26 Journals publications+40 Conference publications
• Areas of interests
» Construction project Management
» Structural Engineering
» Sustainable built Environment
Built Environment
• Of the global energy consumption, 75% occurs in cities and
80% of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions emanate from
cities. Indeed, climate change and urbanization are
inseparable. And if cities are part of the problem, they are
therefore inevitably part of the solution.
Some Quotes on Project Management
• Trying to manage a project without project management is like
trying to play a football game without a game plan - K. Tate
• Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately
degenerate into hard work - Peter Drucker
Whatever we do must be in accord with human nature. We
cannot drive people; we must direct their development... the
general policy of the past has been to drive; but the era of force
must give way to the era of knowledge, and the policy of the
future will be to teach and lead, to the advantage of all concerned
Henry L. Gantt
• True motivation comes from achievement, personal
development, job satisfaction, and recognition.
F. Herzberg
• A project is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you
working for it.
• The conventional definition of management is getting work done
through people, but real management is developing people through
• Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and
their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work
and deal with them.”
• Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked;
leadership is defined by results not attributes.”
• good manager is a man who isn't worried about his own career but
rather the careers of those who work for him.”
The tale of construction, in one way or the other,
begins with the beginning of human beings.
Development of infrastructure such as roads,
water supply, power supply, sanitation etc have
always been considered vital for leading a
decent standard of life. The Express Tribune
Size of Global Construction Industry (2005)
Global Construction spending
Role of Construction sector in Global
• Annual global construction output U.S $ 4.6 trillion
• Output is heavily concentrated (77 per cent) in the high
income countries (Western Europe, North America,
Japan and Australasia).
• The high-income countries produce 77 per cent of global
construction output with 26 per cent of total employment.
• The rest of the world (comprising low- and middleincome countries) produces only 23 per cent of output
but has 74 per cent of employment ……….
• The Labor productivity in the developing countries is
low…… What can be the major reasons in your mind?
Global Construction market in 2011-12
• Construction spending growth has stalled and 2011 was
the fourth consecutive year with little or no growth (since
2007) .
• Overall, world construction spending grew by just 0.5% to
$4.6 trillion and is still below the levels achieved in 2007.
• However, on a positive note, 2011 saw the first increases
in world construction spending since the start of the
• Asia and Latin America were the fastest growing regions
in 2011 by a wide margin.
• For the second year running China was the largest
market in 2011, and is forecast to be the fastest growing
market in 2012-13 and onwards
Global Construction Market 2012-13
China-41% of Asia Pacific market twice the Japanese construction Market
Poland Russia and Turkey the leaders in Europe
Global Construction Industry forecast.
Share of spending by region: 2015-20
Global Construction Industry forecastCont’d.
• In the short term: Degree of stagnation
• More sustained growth not expected until 2015
• Developing countries are expected to lead in 201213.
• Asian market to develop from 31% to 46%
• The strongest construction spending growth will
again be in China, followed by India and Indonesia
• Reconstruction in Japan and New Zealand will
provide temporary stimulus
• In Americas, Brazil and Panama expected high
growth rate
Middle East
Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar for 2020 FIFA World Cup
The future outlook
• For developing “megacities,” construction in emerging
markets is expected to double within a decade and will
become a $6.7 trillion business by 2020
• Access to capital, for both public and private sponsors, is
becoming more challenging.
• They will need to promote and finance infrastructure and/or
building alliances with investment banks and infrastructure
• Already, Chinese companies, leveraging huge internal
demand, are becoming a force to be reckoned with in global
construction markets.
• Construction companies based in Brazil and India may soon
follow suit and join the new class of powerful emerging
market multinationals
Construction industry segments
• Two very broad categories: - General building construction
- Engineered construction.
• General Building Construction
• Include residential, commercial, institutional and industrial
• Residential construction produces buildings for human
habitation, including single-family dwellings, condominiums,
multifamily townhouses, flats and apartments and high-rise
apartment buildings.
• Commercial construction includes retail and wholesale stores,
markets and shops, shopping centers, office buildings,
warehouses and small manufacturing facilities.
• Institutional construction are medical clinics and hospitals,
schools and universities, recreational centers and athletic
stadiums, governmental buildings and houses of worship and
other religious buildings.
Construction industry segments
• Industrial construction is a special segment of the
industry that develops large-scale projects with a high
degree of technical complexity.
• Such endeavours result in facilities that manufacture and
process products; examples include steel mills, electric
power-generating plants, petroleum refineries,
processing plants
• Engineered construction
• This broad category of construction, sometimes called
engineering construction, is characterized by designs
prepared by engineers rather than architects, the provision
of facilities usually related to the public infrastructure and
thus owned by public-sector entities and funded through
bonds, rates or taxes and a high degree of mechanization
and the use of much heavy equipment and plant in the
construction process.
• Examples: PSDP mega projects in Pakistan
• Two common subcategories of engineered construction
-Highway construction and
- Heavy construction.
Impact of Construction on National Economies
• Construction Contractors
– Companies and individuals engaged in the
business of construction are commonly
referred to as construction contractors
because they operate under a contract
arrangement with the owner.
FIGURE 1-1. Construction of St. Louis Gateway Arch.
(Copyright © American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.
Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.)
• Construction
Industry Divisions
– The major divisions
of the construction
industry consist of
building construction
(also called “vertical
construction”) and
heavy construction
(also called
FIGURE 1-2. Distribution of U.S. new
construction volume. (Source: Bureau of the
FIGURE 1-3. Modern building construction project.
FIGURE 1-4. Heavy construction project—Kennedy
Space Center launch complex. (U.S. Air Force
• Project Development and Contract
– The major steps in the construction contracting
process include bid solicitation, bid
preparation, bid submission, contract award,
and contract administration.
Construction Project Lifecycle.
Construction Project Lifecycle.
• Pre-Project Phase:
An idea or perceived need or desire to improve
Project delivery system to be used
Type of contract to be used with the contractor.
The owner may engage a professional engineer, an
architect or a project manager during this pre-project phase
to advise on these important decisions.
• Planning and design phase
• It is convenient to divide this phase into three stages.
– Stage-I: The goal of the first stage is to define the
project’s objectives, consider alternative ways to attain
those objectives
– Stage-II: Develop schematic diagrams showing the
relationships among the various project components,
– Stage-III: Detailed design of the structural, electrical and
other systems
• Contractor selection phase
– Client: Procurement and tendering methods to be
– Contractor:
• Study of various methods and techniques/equipment by the
to workout the schedule of the project and all activities and
• Second, a priced proposal will be prepared, including the
direct costs of labour, materials, plant and subcontractors,
various overhead charges and a sufficient added amount
for profit.
– The last step in this phase is the submittal, opening
and evaluation of tenders, the selection of the
successful contractor and the finalization of the
construction contract.
• Project mobilization phase
– Various bonds, licenses and insurances must be secured ( Can
you name some)
– A detailed programme for the construction activities must be
– The cost estimate must be converted to a project budget and
the system for tracking actual project costs must be established.
– The worksite must be organized, with provisions for temporary
buildings and services, access and delivery, storage areas and
site security.
– The process of obtaining materials and equipment to be
incorporated into the project must be initiated and arrangements
for labor, the other essential resource, must be organized.
– With the completion of this phase, it is finally time to begin the
actual field construction.
– Project operations phase
– Three majors areas are looked into by the contractors
• Monitoring and control ( Five aspects )
Time Management
Cost management
Quality Management
Work safety and
Environmental issues
• Resource Management
• Documentation and Communication
– Project closeout and termination phase:
• Finally, as the project nears completion, a number of special activities
must take place before the contractor’s responsibilities can be
considered complete.
• Tastings, final verification and acceptance etc
• closing the construction office and terminating the staff’s employment.
• For major projects, steps in the project
development process include the following:
– Recognizing the need for the project.
– Determining the technical and financial
feasibility of the project.
– Preparing detailed plans, specifications, and
cost estimates for the project.
– Obtaining approval from regulatory agencies.
• How Construction Is Accomplished
– Construction employing an owner construction
– Owner management of construction.
– Construction by a general contractor.
– Construction using a design/build (turnkey)
– Construction utilizing a construction
management contract.
FIGURE 1-5. Construction
employing owner
construction forces.
FIGURE 1-6. Owner-managed
construction. [Either (a) or (b)
or both may be employed.]
Many large industrial organizations, as well as a number of
governmental agencies, possess their own construction
forces. Although these forces are utilized primarily for repair,
maintenance, and alteration work, they are often capable of
undertaking new construction projects
More frequently, owners utilize their construction staffs to
manage their new construction.
FIGURE 1-7. Construction by a general contractor.
- Construction by a general contractor operating
under a prime contract is probably the most common
method of having a facility constructed
Design and Build:
Under the design/build or turnkey construction
concept (Figure 1-8), an owner contracts with a firm
to both design and build a facility meeting certain
specified (usually, performance oriented)
Such contracts are frequently utilized by
construction firms that specialize in a particular type
of construction and possess standard designs which
they modify to suit the owner's needs.
Since the same organization is both designing and
building the facility, coordination problems are
Construction employing
minimized and construction can begin before
a design/build firm.
completion of final design. In this case, the
construction contract is normally on a costreimbursement basis. This type of construction is
referred to as fast-track.
The major disadvantages of the design/build concept
are difficulty in obtaining competition
Construction Management contracts:
A professional construction manager (CM)
acts as the owner's agent to direct both
the design and construction of a facility.
-Three separate contracts are awarded by
the owner for design, construction, and
construction management of the project.
FIGURE 1-9. Construction utilizing a
construction management contract.
Methods of Construction Procurement
Methods of construction project procurement (Mastermann,1996).
Design Bid Build vs Design & Build
Advantages of Design and
-Single point of Responsibility
-Price certainty
-Speed and high progress
-Effective Cost control
-Build ability/Constructability.
-Less claims
-Poor quality of design
-Additional fee for design revision and
-Lack of flexibility in the contract
Classification Design & Build projects in China
• Projects constructed in most areas of the world must
comply with a number of governmental regulations.
• Building Codes
– These include building codes, zoning regulations,
environmental regulations, and contractor licensing
laws, among others.
– International Building Code
– Pakistan Building Code ( Seismic provisions 2007)
– Pakistan Energy Code
• Zoning, Environmental, and Other Regulations
• CDA Zoning Code
• Environmental regulations (EIA)
• Safety and health Regulations (OSHA)
Trends in Construction industry
• Green Building
– LEED, an internationally recognized green building certification
system sponsored by the United States Green Building Council
• Alternative/Renewable Energy
– Solar farms, wind turbine facilities, and nuclear-based electrical
generation facilities.
• Information Technology
– Virtual design and construction (VDC)- Building Information
Modeling (BIM)
– Integration of various phases increases speed, reduces costs and
eliminates typical errors caused by manual replication of data.
– Globalization
– Globally-distributed design and project management teams
– Changing competition from local to global levels.
• Integrated Project Delivery/Lean Construction
– Innovative contracting and project management approaches build
upon partnership:
• Design collaboration integral to design-build project delivery
• Risk sharing, pull-based project scheduling, inventory
minimization, value stream mapping and waste reduction
• Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
– PPPs are offered as a financing solution for governmental entities
with strapped cash resources and/or limited borrowing abilities
– To leverage private capital and private financing mechanisms to
fund public infrastructure projects.
• Infrastructure Re-building
– Critical infrastructure improvements ……………….
• International Certification
– ISO 9000, ISO14000 ISO…….
Construction Industry of
• GDP contribution only 2.1% as compared to
Employment contribution 6.1%- Low productivity.
• Growth 17.2 % ( 2006-07) as against 5.7 percent (200506)
• Construction Sector has shown 5.2 percent growth in
2012-13 as compared to growth of 3.2 percent in last
year (2011-12).
• Provides linkage to 40 building material industries.
• It provides jobs to about 6.1 per cent of the total
employed labor force or to 2.43 million persons.
• Per capita consumption of cement in Pakistan is one of
the lowest among the developing countries i.e. 72 kgs
as compared to 603 Kgs in Japan, 600 Kgs in Thailand,
450 Kgs in China, 261Kg in USA and 99 kgs in India.
Future demand in Construction industry
• Housing Sector
– Existing house stock: 19.30 Million
• 39 % Kucha houses
• 40 per cent semi-Pucca houses.
• 21 per cent Pucca houses
– 6.5 Million houses backlog.
– 25,000 houses for public servants in five years.
– Annual Requirement
650,000 Houses
– Annual Production /Supply: 350,000
– Annual short fall:
– Workers Welfare Fund was established for providing low
cost housing
Transport Sector:
– The current road network in the country is about 263,415 kms
– NHA road network is around 12,131 kms, 33 highways and
strategic roads.
– 79 projects of 12,131 kms are ongoing at a cost Rs.557 billion.
– Annual growth rate of 7.0 per cent for passenger traffic and 6.0
per cent for freight traffic
– Go Punjab has started a Metro Bus service in February 2013
in Lahore from Gajjumata to Shahdara.
– Karachi Circular Railway comprising of 50 kms track approved
at PKR 247 Bn in Aug,2012
– Feasibility Study on Mass Transit System for Peshawar under
Technical Assistance (TA) of Asian Development Bank (ADB)
– Pakistan Railway has started three trains from Lahore to
Karachi on public private partnership
• Benazir Bhutto International Airport (BBIA) in Islamabad
spread over 3,200-acre
• Passenger handling capacity of 9mn in 2014 expected to
increase to 15mn passengers by 2019 and 25mn
passengers by 2024
• The airport, which will be Pakistan's first Greenfield airport,
entails an investment of more than PKR 60bn
• The 1,800km pipeline project Turkmenistan-AfghanistanPakistan-India (TAPI) is estimated to cost US$7.6bn, with
the supply of gas through the pipeline to fulfill the
increasing energy demand in India and Pakistan
• Industry value of US$5.5bn is expected for 2013
Future demand of Construction industry-Cont’d
• Construction demand is increasing due to:
– Increased Government Spending on Infrastructure Development
– Housing Sector
– Improvement of Water Resources
– Development of Roads Network
– Development of Ports
– Development in Aviation
– Increased World Bank and Asian Development Bank Loans for
Infrastructure Development
– Reconstruction of Earth Quake/flood effected Areas with the help
of World Aid
According to an estimate, $47.85 Billion will be spent on
infrastructure development and construction in Pakistan in the
next five years
Construction Industry Challenges
Ten major causes of cost and time overruns
1. Fluctuation in prices of raw materials and Unstable cost
of manufactured materials
2. High cost of machineries
3. Lowest bidding procurement method
4. Business and Regulatory Environment
5. Poor project (site) management/ Poor cost control
6. Long period between design and time of bidding/tendering
7. Wrong method of cost estimation
8. Additional work
9. Improper planning
10. Inappropriate government policies
• Incorrect Project Estimates
Not based on prevailing market rates.
Current data about input prices not available.
Non Responsive bids.
Incorrect estimates leads to releases of funds.
Lack of qualified quantity surveyors.
Estimates are based on preliminary designs and at
detailed design stage, many parameters change.
– Estimates are tended to be on lower side.
Financial Issues
– Lack of financial facilities restrict growth of
construction industry.
– Disbursement and payments procedures
cumbersome and lengthy, lead to delays.
– Cost of doing business is high.
– Payment procedures hamper progress.
Management Deficiencies and Capacity Building
Some Contractors and Consultants lack
professional management
Inadequate Research and Development.
Lack of capacity in the project managers.
• Management Deficiencies and Capacity Building
– Inadequate capacity of contractors to ensure value
addition in construction sector.
– Limited use of IT in Construction Industry
• Trade Policy and Regulatory Framework
– Import policy regarding construction equipment is not
– Trade Policy does not facilitate constructors.
– Regulatory Framework discourages international
contractors / consultants.
– Audit should play a positive role.
• Unprecedented Increase in Construction Material
– Price variation due to Govt. policies.
– No insurance cover provided
– Rapid escalation and instability of market prices is
causing serious problems in managing cash flows.
– Lack of data on materials availability affects project
planning and execution.
– Government controlling agencies are not in a position
to control cartels and monopolies.
– Shortage of major construction materials---Bitumen,
steel etc.
• Size of Projects and Quantum of work
– Current practice in some sectors of splitting major
projects into a number of smaller projects
discourages foreign investors / contractors.
• Human Resource and Management
– Shortage of qualified and skilled manpower at all
– Lack of vocational training facilities for the
of required human resources.
– Quality of human resources available with clients,
contractors and consultants needs improvement.
• Escalation of Material Costs
– Prevailing bidding documents do not cater for due
– Statistical bulletin---Not reflective of real market rates.
– All major material inputs should be covered in
permissible escalation.
• Integrated Construction Contract and Project
– Deficient and non-comprehensive
– Liable to abrupt changes which adversely affect cash
flow, budget and time frame.
Recommendations for revival of construction
• Implementation of National Housing Policy-2001
• The presumptive tax on construction companies
should not be more than 1% on yearly receipts
• Reduction in Stamp Duty
• Credit facilities for Housing Industry
– State Bank: to ensure a certain portion say minimum
5% of annual investment in housing mortgage
• House Building Finance Co. Ltd
– Minimum Rs. 10 Billion to be invested by HBFC on
annual basis in small housing and low cost housing
• Import of Machinery for Construction industry-Zero
• Public Private Partnership (PPP) must be encouraged
in the mega projects particularly hosing and transport
• Strategic Board for promotion of construction
• Industry Academic linkages must be improved
• Abolition of Sales Tax on Construction
• Many more recommendation would come from the
conference ……………………….
Course outlines
 Status of Global and Local Construction industry- Past Present and Future
 Course Introduction
 Corporate and Project Management
Effective and Efficient Site Management
- Workforce Organization and Supervision
- Management Styles/ Leadership
- Defining Construction Site Management
Planning and Programmes
- Construction Planning
- Construction Programmes
- Computer Applications for Planning and Programmes
- Case Study Planning Examples Summary
Operation, Cost Planning and Monitoring Expenditure
- Operations Strategy
- Productive Systems
- Managing Resources
- Business Process Re-engineering
- Partnering
Site Establishment.
Corporate, or Company, Structure
Organizational Management Systems
Project, or Site, Structure
Site Organisation
Site Layout
Case Study – Site Layout
Plant and Materials
- Plant Management
- Terotechnology as a Management Technique
- Materials Management
- Just-In-Time Concept
- Supply Chain Management
Course outlines
Mid Term
Progress and Control
- Basic Concepts of Construction Progress and Control
- Benefits of Effective Progress Control
- Progress Control
- Progress Charts
Quality Assurance
- Various Quality standards
- Quality Control at construction sites
- TQM in construction
Health and Safety
- Issues in health and safety
- Health related legislation (OSHA)
- Health and Safety issues in construction industry of Pakistan
- Impacts of Construction industry on natural environment
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Role of Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Case Study – Exercise on EIA
Post-Contract Review
- Post construction audits
- Post construction review meetings
- Contract closure and related issues
Project Presentations
Final Paper
Grade Distribution
On Campus
Mid Term Exam
20 Percent
20 Percent
Final Exam
40 Percent
40 Percent
Class Assignments
10 Percent
10 percent
10 Percent
Project Presentation
10 Percent
10 present
Group project
10 Percent
10 percent
Summaries (Special Assignments)
10 percent
Assignments and quizzes
• 4 Home assignments– 2 before mid semester and 2 after mid
• 4 Class Quizzes
– After every two classes, there will be a class quiz of
30 minutes to cover the previous lectures.
– For DL students special activity based assignment will
be given
Individual Project (10%)
• The student will take the projects from the following list as per last digit
of their Roll No:
1. Corporate and Project Management
2. Effective and Efficient Site Management
3. Planning and Programmes
4. Operation, Cost Planning and Monitoring Expenditure
5. Site Establishment.
6. Plant and Materials
7. Progress and Control
8. Quality Assurance
9. Health and Safety
0. Environment
The project presentation will be comprised of the following three parts
- Literature review
- Case Study
- Final report
Format of Project report
Title Page
Acknowledgments (if any)
Table of Contents
Executive Summary (total 1000 words or less, 3 paragraphs)
– Brief introduction of the chosen topic
– Advantages and disadvantages
– Possible Applications
Main Body of the Report (10-15 pages including tables and pictures)
– Introduction (1-2 pages)
– History (if any)
– Possible applications in construction with special reference to Pakistan (1-2 pages)
– Case Study
The actual application of the proposed topic in the construction site for ,medium or large
projects and check the compliance and deviations in real cases.
– At least 5 for undergraduate students
– At least 10 for graduate students
All references must be properly cited in the report using numbers or last name of the
authors with year of publication. ( [1] or (Shah, 2005) ). Use APA referencing style.
Group Project 10%
• This activity is aimed at developing better coordination and
integration amongst the students.
• The class will be divided into 3-4 groups and they will select
the group leader.
• The group will select a project, where they can visit in
group, study the site etc, collect some first hand data and
present their group study to the class. The evaluation of the
group project will be done on the basis of the following
– Research Activity: 35%
– Group Reprt: 35%
– Final group presentation: 30%
• After formation of the group and selection of the group
leader, the group will give the selected project/site for
approval on or before the 3rd class of the session.
Assignments No.1
– By Dr Graham Brewem and Thayaparan Gajendran
– Journal of Information Technology in Construction - ISSN 1874-4753
– Summary:
• This paper describes the design, implementation and findings of a project funded by the
• Institute of Building(CIOB) in Australasia to investigate the evolving use of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in construction projects. It describes the context provided by
literature relating to ICT enabled project team performance and proposes an on-line, modified
Delphi methodology based on the Blackboard educational delivery platform to facilitate the
asynchronous participation of a panel of experienced practitioners in the generation of data. The
paper closes by reporting the study findings and their implications for professional practice,
concluding that clear leadership in the fields of ICT standardization and ICT-mediated project
procurement could foster supply chain integration. Such leadership has the potential to optimize
project outcomes, but only if a clear potential for all stakeholders to increase their levels of
profitability is demonstrated.
• - What is Delphi technique- How it is used to address the problem
stated in the paper - What are the major findings and
recommendations - What suggestions would you recommend?
Essence of Survival
“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle ( small dear) wakes up,
it knows it must run faster than the fastest Lion or it will be
Every morning a Lion wakes up, it knows it must outrun the
slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.
It does not matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle –
when the sun comes up; You’d better be running.”