Transportation Resource Unit By: Amanda Conklin and Kelli Collins ED 417 Resource Unit Who: 2nd-3rd grade What: Transportation When: October 29th- November 9th Where: Fairborn Primary How Long: 10 days Summary of Transportation Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Transportation can take place via air, road, rail, water, and cable routes. People can use cars, boats, trucks, trains, and planes to travel. Transportation over land: foot, animals, wagon, train, automobile, buses, and trucks. Transportation across water: canoe, raft, row boat, steam boat, ferry, and motor boat. Transportation through the air: hot-air balloon, glider, airplane, and jet. Transportation is essential in today’s society. People are better connected as transportation technology improves. Concepts Transportation: is the movement of people and goods from one place to another Airplane: a heavier-than-air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion Truck: any of various forms of vehicle for carrying goods and materials, usually consisting of a single self-propelled unit but also often composed of a trailer vehicle hauled by a tractor unit Car: an automobile Train: a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock Bicycle: a vehicle with two wheels in tandem, usually propelled by pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, and having handlebars for steering and a saddle like seat Vocabulary Land: cars, trucks, and motorcycles are modes of transportation that use land for travel. Water: A body of water such as a sea, lake, river, or stream. Boats can travel on water. Air: airplanes, jets, and hot air balloons are modes of transportation that use air for means of travel. Rail: trains and subways use rails as a means of travel. Timeline: a linear representation of important events in the order in which they occurred. Vehicle: any means in or by which someone travels or something is carried or conveyed; a means of conveyance or transport. Museum: a building or place where works of art, scientific specimens, or other objects of permanent value are kept and displayed. Compare: to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences. Contrast: to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences. Objectives: Students will be able to identify different types of transportation vehicles. Students will be able to work cooperatively in groups. Students will be able to identify which transportation vehicle can travel on land, water, in the air and other places. Students will be able to share the progression of transportation. Students will be able to use a time line to identify important items about transportation vehicles. Students will be able to explain what a transportation vehicle is used for. Students will be able to compare and contrast transportation vehicles. Students will be able to group transportation vehicles based on certain criteria identified by the students. Introduction to Transportation Unit Day One: Students will be divided up into groups of four or five. The teacher will instruct students to list as many different transportation vehicles within a three to five minute time span. Each group will have an opportunity to share their list. The teacher will write their ideas as a whole class list that will be used later in the unit. Transportation Unit Activities Day Two: Teacher will hang up the transportation list that the whole class generated on the first day. The class will discuss what each item has in common. This will help students reason and justify why each listed item is considered to a part of transportation. These ideas will be written in web form and displayed in the room for later use. Day Three: Teacher will split flip chart paper into for different sections. The sections will be labeled as follow: land, water, air, and other. Students will individual charts to fill out that looks the same as the flip chart paper. Each student will fill out the sections. Students can use the class generated lists to help them organize their information. Transportation Unit Activities Cont. Day Four: Students will read Time for Kids Readers: Transportation Yesterday and Today. The students will discuss the book in reading groups. Each reading group will generate ideas about the progression of transportation. The reading groups ideas will be written on flip chart paper that they will present to the whole class the following day. Day Five: Reading groups will present their ideas about the progression of transportation. A whole class list of ideas will be recorded on flip chart paper. These ideas will be used in future activity. Transportation Unit Activities Cont. Day 6: Students will use whole class list on the progression of transportation to create a time lime. The timeline will be created by teacher. The timeline will highlight significant time periods and important transportation vehicles previously discussed during transportation unit. Students will have to cut out pictures of transportation vehicles and glue them above the proper dates/ in order. Students will also cut out labels for each transportation vehicle and glue the labels above the appropriate transportation vehicle. Transportation Unit Activities Cont. Day Seven: Students will make a transportation book. Students will cut pictures of transportation vehicles out of magazines and glue them on paper. Students will then write about a couple of sentences explaining what the vehicle is and what it is used for. Day Eight: Students will make transportation alphabet pages that will be bound together to make on class book. Each student will draw their letter and transportation picture related to their letter. Transportation Unit Activities Cont. Day Nine: Students will play transportation Bingo. The caller will say a statement or ask a question about a form of transportation. The students will then need to figure out what form of transportation the caller is talking about to mark the correct picture on their Bingo cards. Day Ten: In groups students will compare and contrast two transportation vehicles. Each group will be given different vehicles. The groups will share their results with the class. Culmination to Transportation Unit Day Eleven: The class will make a transportation museum in their classroom. Students will bring in different toy trains, cars, etc. into the classroom for display. If they do not have any of these toys they will bring in a drawling of one for the museum. Students will then decide how to display these toys and drawings in the classroom for their museum. The teacher will be able to assess the students knowledge about transportation with how the students display their museum items. Students can then explain why they group the items that way in their museum. Teacher References Railroad Maps. Website. ID+rrmap)) Accessed 10-31-07. This is a resource for teachers. Teachers can use this website to print off railroad maps. This website gives the reader a variety of webs from different time periods. America On The Move. Website. Accessed 10-3107. America on the Move tells how transportation changed America. A classroom activity guide looks at foods and families on the move (1880s), workers and products (1920s), early highways (1930-40s), suburban communities (1950-60s), and movement of the world's people and products (1970-2000). A collection of 1,000 artifacts and photos can be searched by region, time period, or type of transportation (air, road, water) or vehicle. Teacher References Cont. Traveling the National Road. Website. Accessed 10-3107. Traveling the National Road tells the story of the first road built with federal funds. Construction of the 632-mile road from Cumberland, Maryland, to Vandalia, Illinois, began in 1811. The aim was to improve trade between the east and the emerging western frontier and to avoid losing western trade to England in Canada or Spain in the Louisiana Territory. The website tells how the road was built, how people traveled on it, accommodations they found along the way, and more. Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program. Website. Accessed 1031-07. Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Futures Program invites students of all ages to examine various modes of transportation, explore careers in transportation, and learn about famous people that have affected the transportation field, including the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, and Robert Fulton. Teacher References Cont. The Giant Leap: A Chronology of Ohio Aerospace Events and Personalities - 1815-1969. Paperback book. Tom Crouch. A chronology of the part Ohio and Ohioans have played in the field of flight. Ohio On The Move: Transportation in the Buckeye State. Paperback book. H. Roger Grant. River and lake transport, canals, stream railroads, electric interurban, and mass transit are extensively explored in the Ohio context in this inaugural volume of Ohio University Press's Ohio Bicentennial Series. Student References Flight (Discoveries Series). Hardcover book. Donald Lopez. Barnes and Noble Books, 2003. “Flight is a dynamic reference book for children. Detailed, atmospheric illustrations, revealing photographs and lively descriptions engage and encourage readers to discover for themselves a part of the world's exciting story. Every page is designed to capture the imagination and stimulate curiosity. A dramatic four-page foldout scene and vivid drawings take young readers into the heart of the topic.” I Wonder Why Planes Have Wings and Other Questions about Transportation. Paperback book. Christopher Maynard. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003. This is a reference book that students can use to answer common questions they might have about transportation. No mode of transportation via air, water or land is overlooked, and reader s may well learn some surprising facts about everyday vehicles they thought they knew everything about. Each double-page spread features two or three questions about related concepts, along with detailed, lively answers. The answers in the text are expanded by the addition of full-color illustrations, funny cartoons and fascinating facts, which are sprinkled around the page. This affordable paperback is a perfect introduction to the topic, as well as a wonderful choice for home, classroom, or library shelves. Student References Cont. Trucks. Board Book. Harriet Castor. EDC Publishing, 1993. This books comes for a book series called Big Machines Board Books. Trucks is all about trucks and what makes a truck a truck. Cars (Eye Witness Series). Hardcover Book. Richard Sutton and Elizabeth Baquedano. DK Publishing Inc, 2005. Cars have come a long way in the century or so since they were invented. This superb collection of specially commissioned photographs shows how cars have changed and developed, from the dangers of the early pioneering models to the complicated speedsters of today. Student References Cont. C Is for Construction: Big Trucks and Diggers from a to Z. Catepillar. Chronicle Books LLC, 2003. Exciting photographs are paired with cool facts and simple explanations in this earthmoving ABC. Kids love trucks and diggers and this alphabet book has all their favorites, from the speedy skid steer loader to the giant 797 offhighway truck (one of the biggest trucks in the world!). Seeing real Cat machines at work, digging, hauling, dumping, and lifting, puts young readers right there on the construction site in the middle of the action Train. John Coiley and Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff. DK Publishing, Inc, 2000. Here is a spectacular and informative new look at the fascinating world of trains. Real-life photographs of steam, diesel, and electric locomotives, freight and passenger cars, engines, and signals offer an view of the history and development of railroads. Student References Cont. DK Big Book of Trains. Christine Heap, Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff. DK Publishing, Inc, 1998. All aboard! The Big Book of Trains is setting off on a journey to explore the fastest, heaviest, longest, and most fantastic trains in the world - Features more than 50 of the world's most amazing trains, from the Bullet train-the fastest-and the Rocket-the oldest-to the TransSiberian Express, the longest scheduled train -Explained in simple language and packed with enough fascinating facts to satisfy every avid young enthusiast -Stunning, specially commissioned photos are reproduced in large format. Detailed annotation highlights the unique features of each example from this incredible international collection. Airplane (Machines at Work Series). DK Publishing, Dorling Kindersley Publishing. DK Publishing, Inc, 2003. Watch a plane from take off to landing in Machines at Work: Airplane. A variety of aircraft, from jumbo jets to ultra-lights, as well as army and passenger helicopters, biplanes, and seaplanes, are displayed and dissected in the detail DK is known for and young readers love. Learn how many people can travel in the largest airplane, what the control tower is used for, and much, much more. Student References Cont. Airplanes. Hardcover book. Lola M M. Schaefer, Bridgestone Books. Coughlan Publishing, 1999. This books gives the reader information about airplanes. Children will be engaged in this book. Boats. Paperback book. Paul Stickland. School Specialty Publishing, 2004. Children who are interested in all kinds of vehicles will enjoy the Transport series. With a focus on passenger vehicles, the titles in the Transport series feature information about different types of cars, boats, planes, and trains. A simple definition and colorful illustration introduce each vehicle, followed by explanations of unique features and uses. Media References VHS: In Focus Trains. VHS. By Penton Overseas. Bring the real world In Focus for kids! A perfect learning tool for any child! This awardwinning, live action video series takes children on virtual field trips filled with intimate close-ups, natural sounds effects and entertaining imagery depicting many of life's simple, yet hidden treasures. Webpage: Transportation Clipart and Images. Website. Classroom Clipart. A variety of transportation related clipart and pictures, aircraft, automobiles, blimps, ships, trucks and more. Barney’s Transportation Matching Game. Website. PBS Kids. Match the correct transportation with each picture. Media References Cont. Bulletin Boards: Transportation Bulletin Board Set. Bulletin board. The Transportation Bulletin Board Set includes 22 modes of transportation (the largest measures approximately 16-inches by 7-inches), 22 transportation labels, a blank airline header piece and a teacher resource guide. Available while supplies last. Transportation. Bulletin board boarder. Trend Enterprises, Inc. Bolder Borders? are fun, easy-to-use borders for your classroom decor. These straight-edged Bolder Borders? fit in any space and coordinate with Trend bulletin board sets. • 35? feet per pack • 11 panels, each 2" x 39" • Precut, durable, and reusable. Transportation Minibulletin Boards. Bulletin boards. Creative Teaching Press. This set includes 2 title signs in English and Spanish, 10 picture cards with Spanish translation cards, and a poem. Great for early childhood theme-based learning. - 10 1/2" x 6" Media References Cont. DVD: The Safety Squadron Rides the School Bus. DVD. Transportation Department. The Safety squadron is an upbeat animated video designed to help young students understand school bus safety rules. The video features Zipp the dragonfly who teaches about bus stop safety, Busby the school bus who explains the danger zone, and Pat the bus driver who speaks about safety inside the bus. The Transportation Department has obtained modification and reproduction rights to this nationally acclaimed school bus safety video. In addition to the original English version, the video has been converted into the predominant languages spoken by District students. School staff may order combined English, Hmong, Spanish and Somali versions on a single DVD, or language specific VHS tapes, for classroom use or distribution to parents of Kindergarten through 3rd grade students who ride the school bus. I Love Toy Trains: I Love Toy Trains 1-3. DVD. PART ONE features Lionel and American Flyer toy trains and accessories, a carnival, rocket's blasting-off to the moon, 4th of July parade and real steam trains from the Hesston Steam Museum. PART TWO continues Part One's style with trains, trains and more trains. Plus lumber and coal loaders, the milk car and real steam engines from the '40s. PART THREE includes still more toy trains, plus the famous Blue Angels jet acrobatic team, a circus parade and heavy machinery at work on the railroad. Also features Utah Phillips singing Daddy, What's a Train? Media References Cont. Photos: COMSTOCK PREMIUM RF IMAGE # PR76297. Picture. Jupiter Images. Children getting on school bus in Autumn. Cruise Ship. Photo. Tim Pannell/Corbis. Picture of a cruise ship. Posters: Chart Transportation. Poster. Trend Enterprises, Inc. Every classroom needs affordable, reusable learning tools for teaching and reference, to help organize classrooms, and to jazz up the environment with great color and design. Trend’s vibrant Learning Charts have it all! -Teacher requested titles. Extra value on back: reproducible, tips, and information - 17" x 22" classroom size -Sturdy and durable Communities Learning Chart. Poster. er_key=&goto=product%5Fsearch%2Easp%3Fterm%3Dtransportation Learn about the types of buildings and modes of transportation used in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Back of chart features reproducible sheets, activities, and helpful teaching tips. 17" x 22" classroom size. Media References Cont. CD-ROM: Terrific Learning Themes Clip Art | Clip Art Books. CDROM. t_key=100256&order_key=&goto=product%5Fsearch% 2Easp%3Fterm%3Dtransportation Creative Clip Art for Popular Classroom Themes - Find clip art for reams of popular early learning themes! Images for decorative and curricular themes include: farm animals, community helpers, transportation, weather, and the ocean. These images are perfect for bulletin board accents, sorting and graphing, math manipulatives, and puppets. Included is a Mac- and PC-compatible CD with color and black-and-white versions of all images. 128 pages Media References Cont. Activity Book: Action Wheeler Project Ideas. Lego Dacta, Inc. A new activity pack provides the teacher with an opportunity to make exciting Lego Action Wheeler activities related to the topic of Transportation. The LEGO activity pack contains four double-sided cards, an extensive teacher's guide, and two large Lego activity posters. Literature Critical Thinking Flip Center, Transportation. Learning Center. der_key=&goto=product%5Fsearch%2Easp%3Fterm%3Dtransportation Critical Thinking Flip Centers strengthen critical thinking skills by creating opportunities for students to think about everyday objects in new ways! As they answer questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, students progress though the levels of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Centers can be used individually or in small groups and include removable answer keys. Each center features and easelbacked stand that allows it to remain upright while students flip pages to work from front to back. Questions can be completed using basic classroom supplies. 32 pp, two sided. Measure 5½ x 6". Media References Cont. Games: Transportation BINGO. Game. Stages Learning Materials. A fun twist on traditional Bingo! Transportation Picture Bingo combines the tried and true fun of bingo with beautiful real photos of 50 common modes of transportation. Kids won’t even know they’re learning while they search their players’ cards to match the beautiful photographs with the transportation names called by their instructor. Just a few of the featured transportation items include: airplane, motorcycle, mail truck, police car, bicycle, escalator, tow truck, fire truck, car, golf cart, tractor, ambulance, horse, tricycle and more! This wide variety of transportation pictures will provide a great stimulus for discussions about the way people get where they go! Game contents include 36 durable players cards, caller’s mat, 50 calling cards, bingo chips, an instruction sheet, and a durable box for years of fun. Ages 3 and up. ant digraphs, and r-controlled vowels. 88 two-sided letter tiles are divided into 6 color-coded categories Activity book. Media References Cont. Music CD: Honk, Honk, Rattle, Rattle. Music CD. uct%5Fsearch%2Easp%3Fterm%3Dtransportation From “The Wheels on the Bus” to “A Bicycle Built for Two,” children will sing and learn about different types of transportation. The enclosed CD features 25 songs—old favorites and originals—and the book offers more than 300 activities that creatively expand on the transportation theme. - Every song has: - Literacy Links to teach comprehension skills, letter knowledge, and phonemic awareness - Curriculum Connections to integrate the content of the song with curriculum areas such as math, art, sand and water play, science, outdoor play, field trips, and discovery - a “Did You Know?” section with fun and interesting facts related to the song - a vocabulary list to enhance children’s language skills theme connections - home activities to extend the learning - related children’s books - All children love to sing and learn, so the book includes both English language learner strategies and special needs adaptations. - Songs include: - 1. Honk, Honk, Rattle, Rattle - 2. If I Had Wings - 3. Bumping Up and Down - 4. Down by the Station - 5. Buckle Up - 6. Clickety Clack - 7. Crocodile Song - 8. Jingle Bells - 9. Walk, Walk, Walk Your Feet - 10. Little Canoe - 11. Barges - 12. White Wings - 13. A Sailor Went to Sea - 14. Alice the Camel - 15. This Little Train - 16. A Bicycle Built for Two - 17. Airplane Flyers - 18. Little Red Caboose - 19. Windshield Wiper - 20. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean - 21. The Wheels on the Bus - 22. The Train - 23. Dip, Dip, and Swing - 24. City Travel - 25. Put Your Little Foot Media References Cont. Music CD cont.: Roth; Kevin: Train Songs & Other Tracks CD $14.98 JAK 12CD. Kevin Roth, dulcimer, pianos, vocals ; with various performers. Recorded at Marlboro Records and Target Studios. Tracks Include: 1. Train Going Home 2. I've Been Working On A Railroad/ She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain 3. The Circus Train 4. City Of New Orleans 5. Slow Down 6. Take A Little Time To Smile 7. The Little Toy Train 8. Shining Time Station 9. The Train Of Beauty 10. Kevin's Place 11. Flowers In The Snow 12. New River Train 13. If I Had A Hammer 14. Five Hundred Miles 15. "Out Take“ Media References Cont. Flash Cards: Transportation Flash Cards. Flash cards. Trend Enterprises, Inc. Pop ''em in pockets and backpacks for skill-building on the go. Kids love these colorful cards for learning new facts and practicing new skills. • Durable cards; no see-through • Quick-sorting, rounded corners • 56 two-sided cards • 3.125" x 5.25” Transportation. Flash Cards. Carson Dellosa. "Whether by train, plane, or automobile, your students will enjoy this journey into learning! These (45) 4.25 x 5.5 inch cards feature various transportation vehicles including special-interest items such as a skateboard and electric wheelchair. Perfect for sorting and classifying, guessing games, memory matching, and related activities that develop expressive and receptive language skills, these cards are also a great resource for English Language Learners. A resource guide and vocabulary lists in English, Spanish, and French are included." books align with NCTM standards. 96 pages. "e trademark and copyright holders.)"