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Matakuliah : J0114/Manajemen Pemasaran

Tahun : 2008


Pertemuan 24

Bina Nusantara

Learning Outcome

•Students can explain in details a proper selling methods required by corporation.

Material Outline:

• Product-selling strategies that add value

• Developing and qualifying a prospect base

• Approaching the customer

• Creating the consultative sales presentation

Bina Nusantara

Product-Selling Strategies that Add Value

• Generic product:

– Basic, substantive products. Generic product describes only the product category, e.g. life insurance, rental cars, personal computers.

• Expected product:

– Is everything that represents the customer’s minimal expectation. The minimal purchase conditions vary among customers, so the salesperson must acquire concerning the expected product.

• Value-added product:

– Exists when salespeople offer customers more than they expect.

• Potential product:

Bina Nusantara

– What may remain to be done.

– The potential product is more likely to be developed by salespeople who are close to their customers.

Developing and Qualifying a Prospect Base

• Importance of prospecting:

– Every salesperson must cope with customer attrition, that is, the inevitable loss of customers over a period of time, which can be attributed to a variety of causes.

• The customer may move to a new location outside the salesperson’s territory

• A firm may go out of business or merge with another company

• A loyal buyer or purchasing agent may leave the position because of promotion, retirement, or serious illness

• Sales are lost to the competition

Bina Nusantara

Developing and Qualifying a Prospect Base

• Prospecting requires planning:

– Increase the number of people who board the wheel. If the number of potential prospects declines sharply, the number of sales closed also declines.

– Improve the quality of the prospects who board the wheel.

– Shorten the sales cycle by quickly determining which of the new prospects are qualified prospects.

• Sources of prospects:

– Friends, family members

– Directories

– Telemarketing

– Website

– Networking

– Educational seminars

Bina Nusantara

Developing and Qualifying a Prospect Base

• Qualifying the prospect:

– Does the prospect have a need for my product? Get permission to ask questions and then determine the person’s real needs.

– Can the prospect make the buying decision? Ideally you should talk to a person who has the authority to buy or can influence the buying decision.

– Can the prospect pay for the purchase? Salespeople must be aware of the possibility that a customer may provide incorrect or misleading information

– Will anyone close the sale?

Bina Nusantara

Approaching The Customer

• Planning the preapproach:

– Establishing presentation objective

• Obtain personal and business information to update the customer’s profile

• Conduct a needs assessment to determine if your product is suitable

• Involve prospect in a product demonstration

• Make an appointment with the prospect’s boss who is the decision maker

• Secure a list of referrals

• Provide postsale service

Bina Nusantara

Approaching The Customer

• Informative, persuasive and reminder presentation objectives:

– Informative presentation: the objective of a presentation that involves a new or unique product is generally to inform customers of its features and explain how these features can benefit the customer.

– Persuasive presentation: the act of presenting product appeals so as to influence the prospect’s beliefs, attitudes, or behavior

– Reminder presentation: the primary objective of the sales call is to remind the prospect of products and services offered by the company.

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Creating the Consultative Sales


• Be a consultant, a partner, an extension of your client’s business. Be a friend, a problem solver.

Balance your client’s best interests with those of your own and your company.

Bina Nusantara

Creating the Consultative Sales


• Need discovery:

– Review of the behaviors displayed by high-performance salespeople helps us understand the importance of precise need discovery

– Unless the selling situation requires mere order taking

(customers know exactly what they want), need discovery is a standard part of the sales presentation

– The pace, scope, depth and time allocated to inquiry depend on a variety of factors.

– Some of these include the sophistication of the product, the selling price, the customer’s knowledge of the product, the product application and the time available for dialogue

Bina Nusantara

Creating the Consultative Sales


• Selection of the product:

– The salesperson must choose the product or service that can provide maximum satisfaction.

– Salespeople = trusted adviser

• Need satisfaction:

– Communicating to the customer, both verbally and nonverbally, the satisfaction that the product or service can provide.

– The salespeople places less emphasis on the use of questions and begins making statements.

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• Value-added product exists when salespeople offer customers more than they expect.

• Every salesperson must cope with customer attrition, that is, the inevitable loss of customers over a period of time, which can be attributed to a variety of causes.

• Be a consultant, a partner, an extension of your client’s business. Be a friend, a problem solver. Balance your client’s best interests with those of your own and your company.

Bina Nusantara
