Interactive Notebook

Why Interactive
Carla Stutts, IF
Shepherd Elementary
Dec. 2013
How do I use interactive
notebooks to engage learning in my
How can interactive notebooks be
used to integrate across the
What are Interactive Notebooks?
A note taking process that allows
students to record information in a
personal and meaningful way.
 A way for students use teacher
supplied notes to draw whatever
illustration makes sense to them.
 A way for students to personalize
their work.
This Process…
Can be challenging
 Takes a bit of patience
 Requires modeling, modeling, modeling
 Must consistently be reinforced
 Learning curve for both the teacher
and the students
The Payoff…
Students are learning one way to organize
their work
 Uses reading strategies within a content
area, such as science, social studies or
 Helps parents to understand some of what
is going on in the classroom by seeing the
examples in the Interactive Notebook
 Helps students to understand what they
know and what they need to focus on
…And Finally
Students make their own
meaningful connections
 It encourages pride in student
 It encourages cooperative learning
 It appeals to multiple intelligences
 The kids love it and learn so much!
Why Interactive Notebooks?
Students use both their visual and
linguistic intelligences.
 Interactive Notebooks allow visual
learners to use their best medium to
explore and share ideas
 Both types of learners will utilize
their writing skills
Interactive Notebooks Allow
Students to…
Record information in an engaging way
Rehearse and retell information
Discuss and accept other’s ideas
Identify main ideas
Transform written concepts into visuals
Become more independent thinkers
Notebooks Help Students to
Organize as They Learn…
Students record ideas about
activities they engage in during
a unit
 A variety of organization
techniques will be used
 Assignments will be kept
together in a regular place and
in logical order
Notebooks Become a Portfolio on
Individual Learning…
Notebooks become a record of
each student’s growth.
 Teachers, students, and parents
can review a student’s progress in
writing, recording, thinking, and
organization skills.
In an Interactive Notebook,
Key ideas are underlined in color or
 Arrows are used to show
relationships between graphics and
 Diagrams, sketches, cartoons,
charts, graphic organizers, songs,
really anything can be included
How Do I Get Started?
Identify which subject and unit you
want to begin with
 Let students know what supplies are
 Make sure you have copies of
notes/worksheet for each student
What Students Need…
The notebook-loose leaf paper in a three
pronged folder, spiral notebook, or
composition book
Pencils, regular and colored
glue stick
Teacher supplied notes/worksheets
Grading expectations
Some of the Components of
Interactive Notebooks:
Personalized Page
Unit Title Page
Table of Contents
Unit EQ’s
Vocabulary Activities
Graphic Organizers
Studying with Interactive
Notebooks (more for older
Read the notes. Marking and
highlighting key concepts helps them
to focus on main ideas.
 Paraphrasing helps them to process
the information.
 Studying the graphics help students
to create pictures in their minds.
This is a fundamental difference
between good and poor readers.
How is the Notebook graded?
Explain rubric to students
 Conferencing-teacher and peer
 Notebooks may be collected with or
without notice, so….
students MUST have their notebook
A Final Thought….
There is no right or wrong way to use
They can be used for any subject
You know your students!!
Notebook Rubric
Notebook grades will be based on:
 Thoroughness (Every page must be complete)
 Organization / Neatness
 Mark ups
 Boxing in
 Graphics
Now Lets Get Started!!
Example photos
What is a Science?
5 senses
5 Senses and science
Pumpkin Science & Math
Pumpkin Science & Math
Inserting a book into IN
Diary of a Worm and Dirt Study
Number bonds
More number bonds
Note Taking
Word Problems
 –
geared for older grades but great explaination of all that can go into an
interactive notebook
 Classroom Instruction That Works!
by Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, and Jane Pollack
Miss Van Maren’s Fantastic First Graders
Room 36 Blog
Teaching, Learning, & Loving Blog
Teaching Bits and Bobs
First Grade WOW blog
Chalk One Up for the Teacher Blog