Station 1

Symbiosis lab
Station 1
Station 1
Athlete’s foot is a skin disease, usually
starting between the toes or on the bottom
of the feet, which can spread to other parts
of the body. It is caused by a fungus that
commonly attacks the feet, because the
wearing of shoes and hosiery fosters fungus
growth. The signs of athlete’s foot are dry
scaly skin, itching, inflammation, and blister
Station 2
Termite intestinal
Station 2
Termites are nature's recyclers, breaking
down and returning to the soil the cellulose
containing materials of fallen trees and
decaying wood. Termites derive nutrition from
wood and other cellulose materials.
They cannot digest the cellulose themselves.
Instead they are dependent on one-celled
protozoa in their stomachs that break down
the cellulose into simpler compounds that the
termites can use as food
Once considered a parasite of southern climates,
the heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is now recognized
as a major, global pest affecting dogs, wolves,
coyotes, and foxes. A mosquito serves as the
intermediate host for the larval stage of the worm.
Adult heartworms can reach 12 inches in length and
can remain in the dog’s heart for several years.
Female heartworms bear live young – thousands of
them in a day. The worms grow and multiply,
infesting the chambers on the right side of the heart
and the arteries in the lungs. They can also lodge in
the veins of the liver and the veins entering the
Epiphytes, or air plants, grow everywhere but can
be found mainly on the branches, trunks, and even
the leaves of trees. The name 'epiphyte' comes
from the Greek word 'epi' meaning 'upon' and
'phyton' meaning 'plant'. Epiphytes grow on sides
of tall trees in an attempt to be closer to the
sunlight. They have no roots, and collect water
and nutrients from the air. They begin their life in
the canopy from seeds or spores transported there
by birds or winds.
Cerambycid beetle
Pseudoscorpions are small, predaceous arthropods, mostly less
than 1 centimeter is length. These scorpion like animals have
pincers (chelicera) like scorpions, but lack a sting.
Pseudoscorpions are common, but usually overlooked because
of their small size and because they are concealed in the soil or
under the bark of trees.
A few species of pseudoscorpions disperse by concealing
themselves under the wing covers (elyatra) of large beetles such
as the cerambycid beetle. The pseudoscorpions gain the
advantage of being dispersed over wide areas while
simultaneously being protected from predators. The beetle is,
presumably, unaffected by the presence of the hitchhikers.
In many bee-pollinated flowers, there is a
region of low ultraviolet reflectance near the
center of each petal. This pattern is invisible
to humans because our visual spectrum does
not extend into the ultraviolet. Bees, however,
can detect ultraviolet light. The contrasting
ultraviolet pattern (called a nectar guide) helps
a bee quickly locate the flower's center. This
adaptation benefits both the flower (more
efficient pollination) and the bee (rapid
collection of nectar).
Station 7
_____ barnacle/whale
Barnacles create a home site by attaching themselves
to whales. This neither harms nor benefits the whales.
_____ mistletoe/spruce tree
Mistletoe extracts water and nutrients from spruce tree
to the tree’s detriment.
_____ yucca plant/ yucca moth
Yucca flowers are pollinated by yucca moths. The moths
lay their eggs in the flowers where the larvae hatch and
eat some of the developing seeds. Both species benefit.
_____ hermit crab/ snail shell
Hermit crabs live in shells made and then abandoned by
snails. This neither harms nor benefits the snails.
_____ cowbird/ buffalo
As buffalos walk through grass, insect become active
And are seen and eaten by cowbirds. This neither harms
nor benefits the snails.
Station 8
_____ mouse/ flea
A flea feeds on a mouse’s blood to the mouse’s
_____ wrasse fish/ black sea bass
Wrasse fish feed on the parasites found on the black
sea bass’s body. Bothe species benefit.
_____ deer/ tick
ticks feed on deer blood to the deer’s detriment.
_____ cuckoo/warbler
A cuckoo may lay eggs in a warbler’s nest. The cuckoo’s
Young will displace the warbler’s young and will be
raised by the wa
Station 9
_____ honey guide bird/ badger
Honey guide birds alert and direct badgers to be
bee hives. The badgers then expose the hives
and feed on the honey first. Then the honey
guide birds eat. Both species benefit.
_____ hookworms/ humans
Hookworms enter the human body by
burrowing into the skin of feet. Once in the skin
they enter the bloodstream and travel to the
small intestine where they attach to the walls
and begin to drink the person’s blood and
weaken the victim.
_____ kapoc trees/ orchids
Types of orchids grow high on branches of tall
Kapok trees of the jungle. This adaptation
allows the orchid to receive enough sunlight to
perform its photosynthesis but the kapok tree
is unaffected.
_____lichen algae/lichen fungus
Lichens are close associations of fungi and
algae. The fungi hold the water supply and the
algae perform photosynthesis and manufacture
the carbohydrates for both.
Station 10
_____ acacia tree/ants
In the jungle of South America live a thorn tree
called an acacia. A species of ant eat secretions
of the acacia, drink its sap, and raise its young in
the hollow thorns. The ants also keep
competing vines from growing near the acacia
tree and they help repel any insects that would
damage the acacia tree.
_____ moose / tapeworm
In the flesh of the moose are cysts (dormant
stage) of a worm that makes the muscles of the
moose stiff and sore. If the moose is killed and
eaten raw, the predator species will develop a
form of tapeworm.
_____ lactobacilli/ humans
Lactobacilli are a type of bacteria that live in our
lungs and destroy many microorganisms that
enter our respiratory system. They are highly
adapted to living in our lungs and can’t survive
in many other habitats.
_____ soybeans/ bacteria
Soybeans require nitrogen from their
environment. This nitrogen is provided by
bacteria that live in special root nodules. In
return, the bacteria receive some of the sugar
(carbohydrate) manufactured by the soybeans.
Station 11
Choose the correct answer
Station 12
In the graph above the predator line is _____________ (color) and
the prey line is __________(color).