Bicameral The U.S. Congress is divided into two “chambers,” so it is

The U.S. Congress is divided into two “chambers,” so it is what type of legislature?
House of Representative The “Lower Chamber” is called what?
_ Members of the House of Representatives serve for how many years?
_ Members of the Senate serve for how many years?
How many Senators are elected from each state?
Speaker of the House The person in charge of the majority party in the House is called what?
Vice President ofUS
The “Upper Chamber” is called what?
What determines the number of House members from each state?
Who (title) is the President of the Senate?
10. President pro tempore
What is the title of the person who takes over the Senate when the President of the Senate is
11. _whip__ What title is used for the assistant leader for both the majority and minority leaders in both Houses?
12. Seniority What determines who gets on powerful committees?
13. Expressed powers
Congressional powers spelled out in the Constitution are called what?
14. Implied powers
what type of Congressional powers arise out of the “necessary and proper clause?”
15. non-legislative powers Impeachment is an example of what type of power?(expressed)
16. Bill of Attainder
Congress cannot pass laws that punish a person without a trial, known as what?
17. Ex post facto law Laws that declare an action as illegal being used to punish a person that committed the act before it
was made illegal. (prohibited)
18. Filibuster _ Talking a Bill to death in the Senate is called what?
19. 2/3 vote An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that begins in the Congress must pass both houses with what
majority at a minimum?
20. House of Representatives All spending bills must begin where?
21. _None __ For a Bill to reach the President, how much difference can there be between the House and Senate
22. The President
Who is the chief diplomat of the United States?
23. 400,000 What is the current salary of the President of the United States?
24. Senate
Who approves the treaties the President negotiates?
25. Four
How many years is one Presidential term?
26. 10 years What is the maximum number of years a person can be President of the United States?
27. two
What is the maximum number or terms a person can be elected to the Presidency?
28. Senate
Who approves Presidential appointments to positions like Federal Judges?
29. Veto
What is it called when the President officially forbids a bill passed by Congress?
30. Commander in Chief
What title goes with the Presidency that means he is in charge of the US military?
31. President Pro Tempore
When something happens to the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House,
who is next in line?
32. Republican (libertarian) What is the major political party that is identified as “conservative?”
33. Republican
What party believes in using strict construction to greatly limit the size of the U.S. government?
34. Democratic
What is the major political party that is identified as “liberal?”
35. Third Party
What party is generally chosen instead of a major party when registering to vote?
36. The Tea Party
What is the newly organized conservative party within the “conservative” party?
37. Platform What is the set of ideas for which a party stands that is decided at the party convention?
38. Plank
What is each individual idea called within the set?
39. Debate What is it called when candidates appear together to each answer the same questions and make their positions
known on issues?
40. Campaign Ads
To what must candidates now add “I approved this message?”
41. Qualifications What term is used to describe a candidate’s experience that relates to the position he/she seeks?
42. Biased The news media might unfairly cover a criminal or political event, affecting the opinions of viewers (making
them ineligible for jury duty).
43. Propaganda
The systematic effort to spread opinions or beliefs is called what?
44. Public policy
_The actions a government makes to solve problems in a community.
45. 120
The Florida House of Representatives has how many members?
46. 40
The Florida senate has how many members?
47. Reserved power
_What type of “power” is administering elections?
48. Concurrent power What type of “power” is levying taxes?”
49. Expressed power What type of “power” is the regulation of interstate commerce?
50. Expressed power What type of “power” is the declaration of war?
51. Criminal What type of law includes felonies and misdemeanors?
52. Civil law What type of law makes use of lawsuits?
53. Military law
What type of law uses the court-martial?
What state cabinet office oversees the following (54-56):
Secretary of State Elections and the licensing of businesses
Attorney General Legal disputes
Commission of Education
Public schools
Judicial Review
The U.S Supreme Court may declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional, a process
called what?
58. Nine
There are how many Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court?
59. Life, death, impeachment or retirement Federal judges and Justices serve for how many years?
60. Impeachment
What is the process that begins removal of a Federal Judge or Justice?
61. senate
Federal Judges are appointed by the President and approved by whom?
62. original The first court that hears a case is said to have what type of jurisdiction.
63. District What is the First U.S Court to usually hear a case?
What is the name of the following cases?
64. Marbury V. Madison
Judicial Review
65. Plessy V. Ferguson
Separate but equal
66. Gideon V. Wainwright
Attorney provided for poor
67. Miranda V. Arizona
68. Brown V. Board
69. Tinker V. DeMoines
70. Hazelwood V. Kuhlmeier
Advised of rights before questioning
Separate is not equal
Students have first amendment rights
Student rights are limited
71. U.S. V. Nixon
Executive privilege only for national security
72. Bush V. Gore
Gore’s vote recount canceled
73. Cultural Landmarks
Examples are the Statue of Liberty, White House, Mount Rushmore, Capitol, Empire
State Building, Gateway Arch, Independence Hall, Alamo, Hoover Dam
74. Constitutional monarchy by a King or Queen with an elected legislature.
75. Region
Examples are The South, Rust-belt, and Silicon Valley.
76. Republic Representatives make decisions
77. Territory or Commonwealth Examples are American Samoa, Guam, and Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands.
78. Duties of a citizen Obey laws, pay taxes, defend the nation, serve on juries
79. _conservation
Using resources wisely to make them last.
80. Diffusion/movement
The spread of culture.
81. Border of the U.S. and Mexico
82. The Three Branches of Government
The Rio Grande River
Separation of Powers
83. U.S and Canadian border The Great Lakes and 49th parallel.
84. autocracy Rule by one person
85. communism
The government owns all the businesses – command economy
86. rule by a few_______Oligarchy
87. Enlightenment
was the period of time in Europe, following the Renaissance, during which there was an explosion
in scientific knowledge and political thinking.
88. Founding Fathers is the term for the leaders of the American Revolution who wrote the Declaration of Independence
and U.S. Constitution.
89. Locke
Which political philosopher inspired the reference in the Declaration of Independence to “Life, Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness?”
90. Montesquieu
was the philosopher who felt that government powers should be separated (into branches) to
prevent any part from becoming too powerful.
91. Common Sense
was a pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine that encouraged colonists to rebel against England.
92. Declaration of Independence was written as a final response to British Acts (Coercive Acts, Tea Act, etc.) and fighting
at Lexington and Concord. It referenced “the Laws of Nature” and “unalienable rights.”
93. The Northeast (New England)
(Colonies) had a cold climate and rocky soils, making large scale farming
difficult. They specialized in logging, ship building, fishing, and fur trading.
94. The Southern
(Colonies) had a warm climate and specialized in the large scale production and trade of
agricultural products.
95. The middle
(Colonies) had climate and soils that made the production of cash crops easy, and their natural
resources resulted in mining, ironworks, and industry.
96. Magna Carta
What English document established the principle and precedent of limited government in English
97. direct democracy All citizens vote on all issues
98. U.S. Physical landmarks
Examples are Grand Canyon, Mt. Denali, Everglades, Great Salt Lake, Mississippi River,
Great Plains.
99. Oil
Resource found in The Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, and Texas/Oklahoma.
100. Gold
Resource found in California and several western states.
101. Demographics
Statistical characteristics of a population.
102. naturalization
Method of becoming a citizen
103. English Bill of Rights
established the right to a fair trial and required Parliamentary approval of taxes, moving
England toward a Constitutional Monarchy.
104. Mayflower Compact
was the government established by the Pilgrims in which they agreed to a direct
105. 5th
Which amendment protects persons from being tried twice for the same crime?
106. 10th
Which amendment protects the rights of states?
107. 4th
Which amendment protects individuals from unreasonable search and seizure?
108. 2nd
Which amendment is about the right to bear arms?
109. 1st
Which amendment provides for the following freedoms: speech, religion, press, assembly, petition?
110. 14th
Which amendment guarantees that all people will be treated fairly under the law throughout the U.S..? It
was originally intended to protect the rights of freed slaves.
111. 19th
Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
112. Jury trial The seventh amendment guarantees what?
113. Freed male slaves Who won the right to vote first, women or freed male slaves?
114. 18
How old do you have to be to vote?
115. Self-incrimination
Testifying against yourself is called what?
116. Poll taxes What kept minorities from voting (outlawed by the 24th amendment)?
117. Quartered What is the term for being forced to keep soldiers in your home?
118. Eminent domain
What is the taking of private land for the public good?
119. Federalist What group wanted a strong unifying national government?
120. Anti-federalist
What group insisted the Constitution include a Bill of Rights because they did not trust the
121. Rule of Law
What means that government officials are subject to the same laws as citizens?
122. Bill of Rights
What part of the Constitution safeguards individual freedoms?
123. Reserved powers
What type of powers belong only to the states?
124. Enumerated powers What type of powers belong only to the US government? (expressed or exclusive power)
125. Checks and balances
What principle guarantees that each branch of government can limit the power of the
other branches of government?
126. Absolute location
An address or exact latitude and longitude.
127. citizens Members of a country who owe it their loyalty
128. Ohio
Columbus (capital of?)
129. Maine
Augusta (capital of?)
130. Delaware Dover (capital of?)
131. Concurrent powers What powers belong to both the US government and state governments?
132. The U.S Constitution What is the “supreme law of the land?”
133. Cpommand system
The government answers the “economic questions,” and owns the means of production.
134. Mixed Market system
Individuals and the government play a role in answering the “economic questions.”
There is private ownership, but some government involvement, in some means of production and/or services.
135. Equilibrium Point
is the point where demand and supply meet.
136. Shortage
Too few goods are produced to satisfy demand.
137. Surplus
Too many goods are produced relative to demand.
138. __________________________The next most attractive alternative to what you decide to do with your money (the
next-best trade-off).
139. Democracy
A market economy lends itself to what type of system of government?
140. Scarcity
The lack of resources to meet all of one’s wants and needs.
141. Needs
Goods or services you must have in order to survive.
142. Wants
Goods or services you desire because they are shiny!
143. Producer
The people or businesses that provide goods and services.
144. Consumer
The people or businesses that buy goods and services.
145. Demand
The amount of goods or services that people are willing and able to buy at a specific price.
146. _Supply
The amount of goods or services individuals and business are willing and able to produce at
a specific price.
147. _Market Economy
Individuals and businesses answer the three “economic questions,” and there is private
ownership of the means of production.
148. __Profit
The amount of money left over from the sale of goods and/or services after subtracting costs.
149. __Competition
The struggle among business with similar products to attract customers.
150. __GDP___
The total final value of goods and services produced in a country in one year.
151. Entrepreneurs
Risk taking people who start and run businesses.
152. Incentive
A reward for taking a risk.
153. _credit____________ To use borrowed money to buy something now is called what?
154. _interest__________ The fee charged for borrowing.
155. _loan____________ The money lent at a rate of interest.
156. _apr_____________ The (%) cost of credit for a year.
157. _credit card________ Stores and banks let you spend up to a dollar limit on “plastic.”
158. _FDIC___________ Your bank deposits are insured for $250,000.
159. _SEC_____________ Who is the investment police?
160. _advantage of credit___ You get to buy items you might never be able to afford.
161. _disadvantage of credit_ Everything you buy this way costs more.
162. _stock______________ What is the name of ownership of tiny parts of a corporation?
163. _bond______________ What is the name of a loan to a corporation or government.
164. _mutual fund_________ What companies buy pieces of other companies and sell their own pieces.
165. _taxes______________ The government gets most of its money from what?
166. _The Federal Reserve Bank_ The Bank of the U.S. is called what?
167. _Monetary Policy______ Deciding interest rates and dollars in circulation is called what?
168. _Fiscal Policy________ The U.S. deciding how much to spend and on what.
169. _monopoly___________ One business is the only provider of a good or service.
170. _anti-trust____________ What laws break-up companies controlling a good or service?
171. _merger______________ What is the uniting of two (or more) companies to form a larger company.
172. _per capita GDP_______GDP/population
173. _import______________ Goods brought into a country for sale.
174. _export______________ Goods sent to another country for sale.
175. _tariff______________ A fee charged on goods brought into a country.
176. _protectionism________ Fees and rules used to shield domestic businesses from competition.
177. _quota______________ A set number of goods allowed to enter a country.
178. _comparative advantage__ The country with the lowest opportunity cost for producing a good.
179. _exchange rates_____________ What is the ratio of one currency’s value to another?
180. _one crop/resource/product______ What economies are vulnerable to the change of price of a single good?
181. __World Trade Organization______ The group that settles international trade disputes.
182. __United Nations_______________ The “global government” headquartered in New York City.
183. __Non-governmental Organization__ What is the abbreviation for an international private charity organization.
184. Multi-National Corporations
Large businesses that operate in many countries are called what?
185. __Federal Open Market committee__ What powerful committee regulates the U.S. money supply?