Prerequisites Almost essential A Simple Economy Useful, but optional Firm: Optimisation Consumer Optimisation GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM: BASICS MICROECONOMICS Principles and Analysis Frank Cowell Note: the detail in slides marked “ * ” can only be seen if you run the slideshow July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 1 Limitations of Crusoe model The Crusoe story takes us only part way to a treatment of general equilibrium: • there's only one economic actor… • …so there can be no interaction Prices are either exogenous (from the mainland? the world? Mars?) or hypothetical But there are important lessons we can learn: • integration of consumption and production sectors • decentralising role of prices When we use something straight from Crusoe we will mark it with this logo July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 2 Onward from Crusoe… This is where we generalise the Crusoe model We need a model that will incorporate: • many actors in the economy… • …and the possibility of their interaction • the endogenisation of prices in the economy But what do we mean by an “economy”…? We need this in order to give meaning to “equilibrium” July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 3 Overview General Equilibrium: Basics The components of the general equilibrium problem The economy and allocations Incomes Equilibrium July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 4 The components At a guess we can model the economy in terms of: • Resources • People • Firms Specifically the model is based on assumptions about: • Resource stocks • Preferences • Technology (In addition –for later – we will need a description of the rules of the game) July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 5 What is an economy? Resources (stocks) R , R ,… 1 2 n of these Households (preferences) U1, U2 ,… nh of these Firms (technologies) F1, F2 ,… nf of these July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 6 An allocation A competitive allocation consists of: shorthand notation for a collection utility-maximising A collection of⋌bundles (one for each of the nh households) [x] := [x1, x2, x3,… ] profit-maximising A collection of⋌net-output vectors (one for each of the nf firms) [q] := [q1, q2, q3,… ] A set of prices (used by households and firms) p := (p1, p2, …, pn) July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 7 How a competitive allocation works Implication of firm f’s profit maximisation p { qf(p) , f=1,2,…,nf } p, {yh } {xh(p) , h=1,2,…,nh } where do these incomes come from? July 2015 Firms' behavioural responses map prices into net outputs Implication of household's utility maximisation Households’ behavioural responses map prices and incomes into demands The competitive allocation An important model component Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 8 An important missing item For a consumer in isolation it may be reasonable to assume an exogenous income • Derived elsewhere in the economy Here the model involves all consumers in a closed economy • There is no “elsewhere” Incomes have to be modelled explicitly We can learn from the “simple economy” presentation July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 9 Overview General Equilibrium: Basics A key role for the price system The economy and allocations Incomes Equilibrium July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 10 Modelling income What can Crusoe teach us? Consider where his “income” came from • Ownership rights of everything on the island But here we have many persons and many firms • So we need to proceed carefully • We need to assume a system of ownership rights July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 11 What does household h possess? Resources R1h, R2h, … Rih 0, i =1,…,n 0 Vfh 1, f =1,…,nf Shares in firms’ profits V1h, V2h, … introduce prices July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 12 Incomes Resources Shares in firms Rents Net outputs Prices Profits July 2015 look more closely at the role of prices Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 13 The fundamental role of prices Net output of i by firm f depends Supply of net outputs on prices p: qif = qif(p) Thus profits depend on prices: Again writing profits as priceP n f(p):= S i=1 weighted sum of net outputs pi qif(p) directly indirectly So incomes can be written as: n nf i=1 f=1 yh = S pi Rih + S Vfh P f(p) Holding by h of resource i Holding by h of shares in f Income depends on prices : yh = yh(p) July 2015 Income = resource rents + profits yh(•) depends on ownership rights that h possesses Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 14 Prices in a competitive allocation The allocation as a collection of responses {qf(p) , f=1,2,…,nf } p p,p{ } { yh xh(p) , h=1,2,…,nh } Put the price-income relation into household responses Gives a simplified relationship for households Summarise the relationship yh = yh(p) p July 2015 [q(p)] [x(p)] Let's look at the whole process Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 15 The price mechanism* resource distribution share a ownership a System takes as given the property distribution R1 , R2 , … V 1a, V 2a, … R1b, R2b, … V 1b, V 2b , … … … d distribution July 2015 Property distribution consists of two collections Prices then determine incomes Prices and incomes determine net outputs and consumptions Brief summary… a [y] prices [q(p)] [x(p)] allocation Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 16 Overview General Equilibrium: Basics Specification and examples The economy and allocations Incomes Equilibrium July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 17 What is an equilibrium? What kind of allocation is an equilibrium? Again we can learn from previous presentations: • Must be utility-maximising (consumption)… • …profit-maximising (production)… • …and satisfy materials balance (the facts of life) We can do this for the many-person, many-firm case We just copy and slightly modify our earlier work July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 18 Competitive equilibrium: basics For each h, maximise n Uh(xh), subject to S pi xih yh i=1 Households maximise utility, given prices and incomes Firms maximise profits, given prices For all goods the materials balance must hold For each f, maximise n S pi qif, subject to Ff(qf ) 0 i=1 For each i: xi qi + Ri aggregate consumption of good i aggregate stock of good i aggregate net output of good i July 2015 what determines these aggregates? Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 19 Consumption and net output “Obvious” way to aggregate Appropriate if i is a rival good Additional resources needed for each consumption of good i? additional person consuming a unit of i nh xi = S xih h=1 Sum over households An alternative way to aggregate: Opposite case: a nonrival good Examples: TV, national defence… xi = max {xih } h Aggregation of net output: if all qf are feasible will q be feasible? By definition nf qi := S qif f=1 July 2015 Yes if there are no externalities Counterexample: production with congestion… Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 20 To make life simple: Assume incomes are determined privately All goods are “rival” commodities There are no externalities July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 21 Competitive equilibrium: summary It must be a competitive allocation A set of prices p Everyone maximises at those prices p The materials balance condition must hold Demand cannot exceed supply: x≤q+R July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 22 An example Exchange economy (no production) Simple, standard structure 2 traders (Alf, Bill) 2 Goods: Alf__ Bill__ resource endowment (R1a, R2a) consumption (x1a, x2a) (x1b, x2b) utility Ua(x1a, x2a) Ub(x1b, x2b) (R1b, R2b) diagrammatic approach July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 23 Alf’s optimisation problem Resource endowment Prices and budget constraint x2a R2 a Preferences Equilibrium Ra x*a Budget constraint is 2 2 i=1 i=1 S pi xia ≤ S pi Ria Alf sells some endowment of 2 for good 1 by trading with Bill Oa July 2015 R1a x1a Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 24 Bill’s optimisation problem Resource endowment Prices and budget constraint x2b Preferences Equilibrium R2b x*b Budget constraint is 2 2 i=1 i=1 S pi xib ≤ S pi Rib Rb Bill, of course, sells good 1 in exchange for 2 Ob July 2015 R1b x1b Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 25 Combine the two problems x1b R1b Incomes from the distribution… x2a R2 a Ob [R] Bill’s problem (flipped) Superimpose Alf’s problem Price-taking trade moves agents from endowment point… b R 2 …match expenditures in …to the competitive equilibrium allocation the allocation The role of prices [x*] This is the Edgeworth box Width: R1a + R1b Height: R2a + R2b x2b Oa July 2015 R1a x1a Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 26 Alf and Bill as a microcosm The Crusoe equilibrium story translates to a many- person economy Role of prices in allocations and equilibrium is crucial Equilibrium depends on distribution of endowments Main features are in the model of Alf and Bill But, why do these guys just accept the going prices…? See General Equilibrium: Price-Taking July 2015 Frank Cowell: General Equilibrium Basics 27