BOOK FAIRY Textbook Reimbursement Program Application Form 2013 Supported By: 1 Introduction This year the LSS will continue its successful textbook reimbursement program for students in financial need. The textbooks will be yours to keep. To apply, carefully read, complete and submit the form as instructed below. You will be notified of your application’s success by email within 1-2 weeks of your application. The next step is to submit your receipts and banking information to the LSS. The LSS ‘Book Fairy’ will then deposit the wholesale price of the books (70 to 80%) into your bank account. 1.1 About the LSS Book Fairy Textbook Reimbursement Program 1. The LSS Book Fairy will reimburse students the wholesale cost of prescribed textbooks purchased from Co-op Bookshop located in the Alan Gilbert Building (corner of Grattan and Barry St). The wholesale cost of each textbook is 70 to 80% of retail price. 2. Textbooks MUST be purchased directly from the Co-op Bookshop. Successful applicants must present their original Co-op Bookshop receipt to receive the reimbursement. 3. Students will be reimbursed for one prescribed text per subject. Where there are no prescribed texts, the Equality Directors have sole discretion to reimburse students for recommended textbooks. 4. Accepted LLB students can also gain access to printed subject materials for free. 5. Students who are accepted into the LSS Book Fairy Program in 2013 are eligible to have their books reimbursed for Semester 1 2013, Semester 2 2013 and Summer Semester 2013. 6. In general, the LSS Book Fairy will not provide reimbursement for legislation, except for Torts (LAWS50025), Corporations Law (LAWS50035), and Taxation Law and Policy (LAWS50046). 7. Students may treat LSS Book Fairy textbooks as their own, and are not expected to return them at the end of the semester. However, students are encouraged to return unwanted textbooks to the LSS Office at the end of semester, to be donated to the library. 8. Students who would like to apply for reimbursements for legislation or recommended textbooks should contact Students accepted into the program who are concerned that they will be unable to pay for textbooks upfront should also contact 1.2 The University of Melbourne Privacy Policy This information will be used in the assessment of your application for a Law Student Society Book Fairy Textbook Reimbursement Program. Only Student Financial Aid staff and LSS Equality Directors may have access to the information. An individual has the right to gain access to their personal information held by the University. For further information about The University of Melbourne’s Privacy Policy, please refer to or email 2 Instructions 1. This application form must be completed and submitted, in a sealed envelope, to LSS Book Fairy Reimbursement Scheme Student Financial Aid Baldwin Spencer Building The University of Melbourne Applications must be received by 5PM Friday 8 March 2013. Late applications cannot be considered. 2. After submitting your hardcopy application form you MUST send an e-mail with the subject “LSS Book Fairy Application” to, with your name, student number, university e-mail address and a working telephone number, by 5PM FRIDAY 8TH MARCH 2013. 3. You will be contacted by e-mail or phone, as to the outcome of your application and to give you further instructions on how to submit your receipts and enrolment record to claim your reimbursement 3 Application IMPORTANT: PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR STUDENT ENROLMENT FOR 2013 WHICH HAS YOUR SEMESTER ONE SUBJECTS LISTED. All items must be answered by all students 3.1 Personal Details Family Name: Mr / Ms/ Mrs / Dr .................................................................................................................................... Other Names: .......................................................................................................... Age: .......... Student number: Term Address: ................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... Post Code: Telephone Number: .............................................. Mobile: ……………………………………………… Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Parental / Second Contact Address: ........................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Post Code: Relationship Status (please circle): Number…………………of.Children: Single / Partnered (living together) / Partnered (living apart) Please list the age of your…………………………………children: How many children who will be living with you (at your term address) whilst you are studying?................................... Office Use Only: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Application Received: ...... / ...... / ....... Initials: ....... 3 BLANK 4 3.2 Course Status & Subjects JD / LLB (please circle) Full Time / Part Time (please circle) Year level: Please list the law subjects you will be enrolled in 2013 (including semester two, and summer and winter semesters): How many semesters do you intend on claiming reimbursements from Book Fairy? 5 3.3 Your Budget for 2013 3.3.1 EXPENSES (estimated and known expenses for period: 1 January – 31 December) You are required to include your spouse’s (or partner’s) and dependent’s expenditure (if applicable). Weekly Expenses Rent / Board / Mortgage Payment (circle) Bills (gas, electricity, telephone etc.) $ $ Food (lunches, groceries, etc) $ Transport (public transport fare, petrol, parking) $ Spending Money (clothing, entertainment etc) $ Commitments to dependents $ Other Weekly expenses: $ Total Weekly Expenses $ It is not necessary to include ‘cents’ – all amounts should be rounded to the nearest dollar X 52 = $ (A) Annual Costs Accommodation Related: Residential College Fees (if applicable) $ Establishment Costs $ - Bond Furniture $ Connections $ Other Accommodation Costs It is not necessary to provide establishment costs if you are in the same residence as $ Total Accommodation Costs $ (B) $ (C) Course Related: Student Union membership $ Course Fees / HECS up front (circle if applicable) $ Course Materials $ Total Course Related Costs Other Costs: Car Costs – Registration/Insurance etc $ Medical, dental costs $ Outstanding Debts – repayable this year Credit Card $ Short Term University Loan $ Other Due Loans $ Total Due Debts Any other costs (eg. travel, sport, memberships) only provide debt amounts which must be repaid this year. $ $ Total Other Costs $ (D) Total Expenses for the year (A+B+C+D above) $ (1) 6 3.3.2 INCOME (estimated and known net income for period: 1 January – 31 December) You are required to include your spouse’s or partner’s income (if applicable) Employment Income (Average weekly earnings) January – February $ X 9 weeks = $ March – November $ X 39 weeks = $ December $ X 4 weeks = $ Total Employment Income (E) $ Other Weekly Income (Average weekly amount) Type of Allowance? Centrelink payments Scholarship Payments $ $ Partner's Income $ Parental Allowance Other (please $ ---------------------------- $ $ (F) Total Lump Sum Income $ (G) Total Income for this year (E+F+G above) $ (2) Total Other Weekly Income X 52 $ Lump Sum (Annual Income) Savings as at 1 January $ Parental Assistance $ Other………………Grants..)(name Other (please $ $ FINANCIAL NEED SUMMARY Total Expenses $ (1) Total Income $ (2) DEFICIT / SURPLUS FOR 2010 (2) - (1) = $ STUDENT’S GENERAL FINANCIAL POSITION Assets Liabilities Property (present value) $ Outstanding Mortgage $ Vehicle/s $ Loans $ Shares $ Total Credit Card Debts $ Fixed Term Deposits $ Other Debts $ Other $ 7 3.4 Financial Position The LSS Book Fairy reimbursement is awarded primarily on the basis of financial need and it is most important that Student Financial Aid has a full understanding of your current financial position. Please answer the following questions: If you have estimated a deficit greater than $3000, please explain how you expect to meet your costs for the year: Parental Support Do you receive any financial assistance from your parents? If not, please explain. Are your parents assisting with your accommodation? (For example, college fees, free board at home, help with rent.) If you are not employed during your studies, please explain why. How are you funding your living expenses? 8 If you are not eligible for Centrelink payments this semester, please explain why. Is there any additional information which should be considered? (eg. family, health, financial, work or course issues?) 9 BOOK FAIRY BOOKLIST CORE SUBJECTS Subject Text Price1 LMR Catriona Cook (et al), Laying Down the Law (latest edition) $85.55 Principles of Public Cheryl Saunders, The Constitution of Australia: A Contextual $36.36 Law Analysis (Hart Publishing, 2011) James Crawford and Martti Koskenniemi (eds), The Tick $51.10 Cambridge Companion to International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2012) Obligations Paterson, Robertson, and Duke, Contract: Cases and $135.78 Materials, Lawbook Co/Thomson Reuters, 12th ed, 2012 (PRD or PRD Casebook) Dispute Resolution Bamford, David, Principles of Civil Litigation (Lawbook Co $85.56 Australia, July 2010) Constitutional Law TBA Contract Law (See Obligations) Torts TBA Legal Theory TBA Property Bradbrook, MacCallum, and Moore, Australian Real Property $143.22 Law, 5th Edition Trusts Administrative Law Peter Cane and Leighton McDonald, Cases and Materials $102.30 for Principles of Administrative Law Criminal Law & Rush and Yeo, Criminal Law Sourcebook, LexisNexis (latest Procedure edition) OR Gans, Modern Criminal Law of Australia, Cambridge UP $107.42 $100.10 (latest edition) Corporations Law RP Austin and IM Ramsay, Ford's Principles of Corporations $153.45 Law (latest edition) Remedies Tilbury, Gillooly, Bant and Witzleb, Remedies: Commentary $153.40 and Materials (latest edition) Evidence and Proof Legal Ethics Gans and Palmer, Uniform Evidence (latest edition) $121.78 Palmer, Proof (latest edition) $83.65 G E Dal Pont, Lawyers' Professional Responsibility (latest $136.71 edition) TOTAL 1 $ The prices quoted are Co-op membership prices as at 11 Feb, 2013. Please check with your Reading Guide or stream Co-ordinator before purchasing texts. 10 ELECTIVES Subject Text Public International Law The Cambridge Companion to Public International Law Price Tick (CUP, 2012) Advocacy November and Summer 2014 $83.65 Proof: How to Analyse Evidence in Preparation for Trial (2nd ed, Thomson Reuters, 2010) Semester 2 $189.00 George Hampel, Brimer and Kune, Advocacy Manual, published by the Australian Advocacy Institute (1st ed) Taxation Law &Policy One of: Australian Tax Practice, Fundamental Tax Legislation (Kendall and Pinto eds.); OR CCH Core Tax Legislation and Study Guide (Barkoczy, ed.); OR LexisNexis Concise Tax Legislation (Kenny, ed.) Stream 1 $111.75 Frank Gilders et al, Understanding Taxation Law (LexisNexis Butterworths, Latest Edition) Stream 2 $88.35 Kobetsky, et al, Income Tax: Text, Materials and Essential Cases Competition Law Semester 1 $115.32 Alex Bruce, Restrictive Trade Practices Law In Australia, 2010, LexisNexis January 2014 $136.71 John Duns and Arlen Duke, Competition Law: cases and materials (3rd ed, 2011) Employment Law Andrew Stewart, Stewart’s Guide to Employment Law $74.35 (latest edition, Federation Press) European Civil Law M Vranken, European Civil Law and Impact of the $68.20 European Community (latest edition) International Commercial Pryles, Waincymer and Davies, International Trade Law: $174.79 Law & Disputes Commentary and Materials Media Law Des Butler and Sharon Rodrick, Australian Media Law $115.32 Other TOTAL $ 11 3.5 Student Declaration I declare that all the particulars provided in this application are correct. I understand that the LSS Book Fairy Textbook Reimbursement Program relies on the goodwill of its participants. Student’s Signature: Date: / / 3.6 Application Checklist □ □ □ □ All questions have been answered and your application is complete. A copy of your Enrolment Record is attached. You have signed the above declaration. You have photocopied this application for your records. IMPORTANT REMINDER: After submitting your hardcopy application form, you must send an EMAIL with the subject “LSS Book Fairy Semester One Application” to, with your name, student number, university email address and a working telephone number. 4 Statistical Information How did you hear about the Book Fairy program? (please tick) LSS class announcement Student Portal posting Friends told me LSS Newsletter email LSS noticeboard Poster elsewhere in the law-building LSS Facebook Group Other............................................................................................................... 6 Other Grants A range of grants are available through Student Financial Aid for students in financial need, including the Housing Grant. For further information and applications, visit the Financial Aid website at Financial Aid also provides advice on financial matters such as Centrelink, budgeting, and also interestfree loans. 12