DrQueue Python bindings Howto

Python bindings Howto
Versions >= 0.64.2
Just move to the "python" directory and type: python setup.py install
That should compile and install the package.
Please read README.python to more information on the basic changes in it's structure.
Versions < 0.64.2
Starting on version 0.63.0 DrQueue provides Python bindings giving access to all the functions of libdrqueue
to python scripts.
For compilation instructions go to the python bindings compilation howto.
Added python functionality on PythonUpdates.
More python documentation on PythonDocs.
Basic usage
You have examples of the use of the python bindings in directory python/examples and python/DrKeewee of
the sources.
To browse those examples online:
 trunk/python/examples/
 trunk/python/DrKeewee/cgi-bin/drkeewee.cgi
Object types (data structures for libdrqueue)
The two most important object types are the job and the computer. They represent a job (either already in the
queue or not yet sent) and a computer in the queue, that is a registered slave.
As in Python everything is an object (yes, I know... I guess) , we take advantage of that. The original C library deals
with C structures. But thanks to Swig, we can extend those data structures with methods to treat them like
objects. As mentioned, they're objects in Python.
Job object
A job object stores all job related information like the job status, frames left and done, number of active
processors... as well as the limits related to that job like the maximum number of cpus, the pool to which this
job is assigned, etc. It also has methods to perform actions with it.
We can obtain job instances either requesting the list of jobs to the master or creating a job instance ourselves.
Example: Requesting the list of jobs to the master
>>> # Version >= 0.64.2
>>> import drqueue.base.libdrqueue as drqueue
>>> job_list = drqueue.request_job_list(drqueue.CLIENT)
>>> len (job_list)
>>> # Version < 0.64.2
>>> import drqueue
>>> job_list = drqueue.request_job_list(drqueue.CLIENT)
>>> len (job_list)
As you can see the result is a python list. The environment variables DRQUEUE_MASTER and
DRQUEUE_MASTER should be set, same way as for any other drqueue command line tool.
Example: creating a job instance
import drqueue
# OR if version >= 0.64.2
#import drqueue.base.libdrqueue as drqueue
job = drqueue.job()
Then we can modify it, adjusting values to be sent.
Python 2.4.1 (#2, Jul 21 2005, 15:58:35)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050720 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.1-2ubuntu3)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import drqueue
>>> job = drqueue.job()
>>> job.name = "Test python job"
>>> job.frame_start = 1
>>> job.frame_end = 10
>>> job.cmd = "ls -al"
>>> job.priority = 100
>>> job.send_to_queue()
1 <----- indicates success
>>> job.id
4 <----- the job id number assigned by the master
The are some exceptions implemented to deal with errors. But do not rely only on them yet, try to check the
return codes.
Job Methods
(The argument who will be drqueue.CLIENT)
 job.request_frame_list(who) : Returns a python list of frame_info object instances
 job.job_frame_index_to_number (index) : Returns the frame number asociated to a frame_info index
 job.request_continue (who) : Returns 1 on success
 job.request_stop (who) : Returns 1 on success
 job.request_hard_stop (who) : Returns 1 on success
 job.request_delete (who) : Returns 1 on success
 job.request_rerun (who) : Returns 1 on success
 job.send_to_queue () : Returns 1 on success
 job.update (who) : Will contact the master to update the information about the status of the job. (Not
including the frame list). Returns 1 on success.
the Computer object
The computer object stores all information related to the computer (including limits, pools, tasks...) as well as
methods to perform actions on them.
As a difference with jobs, there is no use (atm) in creating a computer instance directly. They're only useful
when you receive them from the master with drqueue.request_computer_list(drqueue.CLIENT)
>>> import drqueue
>>> computer_list = drqueue.request_computer_list(drqueue.CLIENT)
<---------- retrieves the list of slaves from the master
>>> len (computer_list)
<---------- as a python list
>>> computer = computer_list[0]
<---------- we get the first instance
>>> computer.hwinfo.name
<---------- it's name
>>> computer.hwinfo.ncpus
<---------- number of cpus
>>> computer.limits.enabled
<---------- is the slave enabled for rendering ? nopes, it's disabled.
>>> computer.request_enable(drqueue.CLIENT)
<---------- let's enable it then.
>>> computer.update(drqueue.CLIENT)
<---------- we sent the request but, did it work ? the update method will retrieve the information
from the master, so we can check.
>>> computer.limits.enabled
<---------- is enabled it now ?
<---------- yes, that computer will be active now. :)
In this example we can see how to retrieve some basic information about one of the slaves connected to the
master. It's name, number of cpus and enabled status.
With the method request_enable we request the slave to change it's enabled status to 1 (enabled). With
method update as well as with the method of the same name in the job, we update the information stored in
the object computer from the master.
Note: When we request the slave to change it's status to enabled, we are doing so directly to the slave, NOT to
the master. That means that if we write a program that changes the status of the slaves and right away
requests the information to the master, it won't probably be updated. It takes some seconds to the slave to
report it's status to the master.
computer methods
Other useful info
Independently of the object's method that are python specific we have access to all libdrqueue functions. So
we can call any function using same type of arguments the C function call would use.
For example:
drlist = drqueue.request_computer_list(drqueue.CLIENT)
drlist = None
print "Could not retrieve list of slaves"
# retrieves the list from the master. raises exception on error.
found = 0
for tcomp in drlist:
if tcomp.hwinfo.name == 'slave001': # compare it's name as a string
compid = tcomp.hwinfo.id
# get the id as an integer
found = 1
if found:
# this function requests the slave named 'slave001' to set it's limit of available cpus to 4
rcode = drqueue.request_slave_limits_nmaxcpus_set ('slave0001',4,drqueue.CLIENT)
In this sample code you can see how a regular library function is called:
drqueue.request_slave_limits_nmaxcpus_set (<string>,<integer>,drqueue.CLIENT)
Any other function can be used the same way.
Be careful though with double pointer arguments. Those will probably fail or corrupt your data. I have written
code to deal with some, but it's not complete.