PART I: IEEE 802.15.4, a novel MAC/Phy layer for the Zigbee stack A.G. Ruzzelli Adaptive Information Cluster (AIC) Group, University College Dublin, Ireland. Summary Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) Zigbee generality Overview of the stack The components The primitives Zigbee NWK layer The NWK layer architecture and services The address assignment The AODV protocol IEEE 802.15.4 Generality Prototypes Application Requirements Generality Superframe structure Transmission modes Association phase Conclusion Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) • A large number of tiny wireless devices to sense the environment: – Sensor nodes Sensing unit (temp,pressur e, vibration, sound, etc.) Small Short range processing radio unit unit Small power unit (battery) • Few more powerful devices to collect the data: – Gateways (or sinks or PAN coordinators) Wireless comm. unit High processing unit Wired comm. unit PDA, laptop, PC etc. High power unit Some WSN applications • Remote area monitoring • Object location • • Industry machinery monitoring Disaster prevention • Wireless medical systems Wind Response Of Golden Gate Bridge environmental data collection: temperature light, humidity, pressure, solar radiation. Monitoring nesting patterns of Storm Petrels. medical systems Wireless sensor characteristics • • Sensors are of : • Low cost • Low processing capability System strength based on sensor collaboration • Large scale networks Multihop communication Sensors are battery operated for long unattended period: Saving energy is a primary objective WSN manager WSN issues • Large number of nodes Scalability issues • High dynamic condition (number and position of nodes might change) Network Reactivity and Self-organization • Power management The network needs to be connected as long as possible • System reliability The wireless signal needs to cope with interference Coordination among node communication • Node synchronization (clock skew and offset) To avoid sending to a sleeping node • Robustness Subject to environmental variability (harsh condition) Complex interoperability of network devices Sensor node prototypes Mica2 mote Tyndall sensor Eyes node prototype Philips sand nodes General sensor node architecture: Sensing devices Application Data interpolation Sensing coverage Localization Routing MAC Physical Antenna Cross layer interaction • Any layer try to achieve the task using the smallest amount of energy possible The need of the Zigbee standard • An exponential increase of the interest on WSNs • No communication systems that addressed: – – – – – Energy efficiency; Low cost devices; Low data rate per node; Very low duty cycle; Scalability (e.g. issues with Bluetooth); • WSN proprietary systems cause interoperability problems Stack Reference Model End developer applications, designed using application profiles Application interface designed using general profile Topology management, MAC management, routing, discovery protocol, security management Channel access, PAN maintenance, reliable data transport Transmission & reception on the physical radio channel ZA1 ZA2 … ZAn IA1 API IAn UDP IP ZigBee NWK 802.2 LLC MAC (SSCS) IEEE 802.15.4 MAC (CPS) IEEE 802.15.4 PHY LLC= logical link control SSCS = Service specific convergence sublayer Protocol Stack Features • 8-bit microcontroller • Full protocol stack <32 KB • Simple node-only stack ~4KB • Coordinators require extra RAM – Node device database – Transaction table – Table of neighbours APPLICATION Customer APPLICATION INTERFACE NETWORK LAYER DATA LINK LAYER MAC LAYER MAC LAYER PHY LAYER Silicon ZigBee Stack Application ZigBee Alliance IEEE Z-NWK layer: The components Zigbee coordinator (ZC) •Only one ZC present in the network • Initiates the network formation (PAN ID, channel stack etc.) •It acts as PAN coordinator with FFD capability •It can act as a router to other nodes •It acts as interface between the user and the network Z-NWK layer: The components Zigbee router (ZR) • Responsible for tree/mesh packet routing •Associates/disassociates node to the network •Coordinates communication to children nodes •It is in RX mode when idle (no sleep mode implemeted) •Maintains a table of neighbours Z-NWK layer: The components Zigbee end device (ZED) •It has reduced functionalities • It has reduced duty cycle regulated by the parent ZR •It can talk with the parent ZR only •It cannot associate other nodes Zigbee primitives and services • • • Zigbee primitives are used to communicate between layers 4 primitive types are present: – Request/confirm – Indication/response Layers communicate through the entitities of the Service Access Point (SAP) e.g. NLDE-SAP = network layer data entity-SAP Upper layer Request Confirm Indication Lower layer Response Architecture of the Z-NWK layer • • • • • • ZigBee Device Types Stack Profile, Network Rules Network Management and Addressing Message Routing Route Discovery and Maintenance Security Network formation modalities Star topology Mesh topology PAN coordinator Tree topology Coordinator FFD End device RFD NWK Layer services •Layer management entity LME allow requesting services and interfacing to other layers Layer data entity LDE Allow transmitting data SAP= Service access point Network Initiation by ZCoordinator • NLME_NETWORK_DISCOVERY.request – Performs an Active Scan – Looks for other ZigBee networks on the channel – Selects a compatible network Stack Profile Network Association: ZR & ZED • NLME_JOIN.request – – – – – • Selects the highest acceptable router Link Quality, with capacity Associates with the router Allocated an address on the network Device authenticates with network NLME_START_ROUTER.request – – – – Updates Beacon Payload Depth, Capacity Starts a router Updates Association Permit Status Transmitting data • NLDE-DATA.request – – – – – – • Used by NHL for all data transmissions Uni-casts and broadcasts Accepts the following parameters Destination Address Radius Discover Route NLDE-DATA.indication – Reports the receipt of a data transmission – Includes the following parameters – Source Address IEEE addressing • IEEE provides unique long address of 64bits for nodes that uses 802.15.4 • Long addresses cause high data overhead if used for node communication • Communication relies on not-unique short address of 16bits (65536 devices) • Short adrresses are forged by the Zigbee address assignment procedure Zigbee Tree-structure address assignment Router (FFD) at depth d+1 Cskip(d) = [1 + Cm-Rm-Cm*Rm^(Lm-d-1)]/(1-Rm) N-th end device (RFD) An = Aparent + Cskip(d)Rm+n Note: In order to assign addresses, it is necessary to know a priori maxDepth, maxRouter numbers and maxNumbChildren Ad-Hoc on demand vector (AODV) routing Route discovery • Find or update route between specific source and destination • Started if no active route present in routing table • Broadcast routing request (RREQ) packets • Generates routing table entries for hops to source • Endpoint router responds with Routing response (RREP) packet • Routes generated for hops to destination • Routing table entry generated in source device The ADOV protocol • Route discovery • A routing table is required if a route already exists 2 1 5 RREQ RREP 3 2 1 4 picture taken from “ZigBee” presentation by Jan Dohl et al. THE IEEE 802.15.4 • Defined by the IEEE for low-rate, wireless personal area networks (WPANs). • Defines the physical layer “Phy” and the medium access control layer “MAC”. • low-power spread spectrum signal at: Operating Frequency Bands 868MHz / 915MHz PHY 2.4 GHz PHY 2.4 GHz Channel 0 Channels 1-10 868.3 MHz 902 MHz Channels 11-26 2 MHz 928 MHz 5 MHz 2.4835 GHz Concurrent channel allocation • An example of Frequency Channel allocation for device classes IEEE 802.11b channel Bluetooth cannels in North America and Europe IEEE 802.11b channel in Europe 2400 2401 2402 2403 2480 2481 2482 2483 picture taken from ZigBee Specifications v1.0 IEEE 802.15.4: PHY layer 2400MHz Band specs • 4 Bits per symbol • DSSS with 32 Bit chips • O-QPSK modulation • Sine halfwave impulses Binary Data Bit to Symbol Medium Symbol to Chip QPSK Mod. picture taken from IEEE 802.15.4 Specification PHY layer contd. • General specs and services • • • • • • Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) < 35% -3dBm minimum transmit power (500µW) Receiver Energy Detection (ED) Link Quality Indication (LQI) Use ED & LQI to reduce TX-power Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) with 3 modes – Energy above threshold – Carrier sense only – Carrier sense with energy above threshold Device types • In conformity with Zigbee devices, IEEE802.15.4 are of 3 types: – PAN coordinator • Act as network initiator • Only one allowed in the network – Full functional devices FFDs • That have all access control functionalities implemented (channel scan, beacon transmission, association etc.) – Reduced functional devices RFDs • That can only talk to the FFD that associated them IEEE 802.15.4: MAC layer • Managing PANs • • • • • • • • Channel scanning (ED, active, passive, orphan) PAN ID conflict detection and resolution (in progress) Starting a PAN Sending beacons Device discovery Device association/disassociation Synchronization (beacon mode) Orphaned device realignment Beacon/nonbeacon-enable modes •Beacon-enabled mode: •Beacons are broadcasted periodically by the FDD •Beacons do not employ CSMA prior transmission •Beacons contain info related to superframe length and GTS allocation details •ACK is optional •Nonbeacon-enabled mode: •The MAC reduces to a simple unslotted CSMA-CA •No Superframe •No GTS •ACK is optional The superframe structure •Becons, transmitted by FFDs, contain a superframe specification IEEE 802.15.4 association phase Coordinator FFD RFD RFD: Broadcast Beacon request FFD: Superframe spec. RFD: Association req.. FFD: ACK with seq#. FFD: Broadcast standard timezone packet FFD: Broadcast standard data packet RFD: Data request FFD: ACK with seq#. FFD: Association response with short ID. RFD: ACK with seq#. The IEEE802.15.4 chip • IEEE802.15.4 is coded onto the chip CC2420 (partially hard coded) • Zigbee licence must be bought separately • Zigbee compliancy might be lost if some change to the code is made NOT very suitable for research purposes End of PART I PART II: MERLIN over IEEE 802.15.4: routing capabilities without Zigbee A.G. Ruzzelli Adaptive Information Cluster (AIC) Group, University College Dublin, Ireland. Network formation by the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC • • • One PAN coordinator Zero or more coordinators Zero or more end devices • First device starts the network as PAN coordinator A new device can detect all coordinators (both the PAN coordinator and coordinators) A device can join the network by associating with any coordinator in range After joining a device can volunteer as coordinator • • • PAN coordinator Coordinator End device Step 1: Starting a new network • Device starts network scan (MLME_SCAN) • Detects no network • Starts new network as PAN coordinator (MLME_START with PANCoordinator=TRUE) • If PANCoord then other devices in range can discover device 1 by means of a network scan 1 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Step 2: Second device joins the network • Device 2 starts network scan (MLME_SCAN) • Detects PAN coordinator device 1 • Sends association request to device 1 (MLME_ASSOCIATE) • 1 2 Node2 is now and End device Other devices cannot discover device 2 by means of a network scan PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Step 3: Device 2 becomes a coordinator • • Device 2 starts serving as a coordinator of the existing network (MLME_START with PANCoordinator=FALSE, PANId & channel parameters are ignored) Node2 is now Other devices in range can now discover device 2 by means of a network scan 1 2 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Step 4: Device 3 joins the network • Device 3 starts network scan (MLME_SCAN) • Detects coordinator device 2 (assuming device 1 is not in range of device 3) • Sends association request to device 2 (MLME_ASSOCIATE) • Note: Other devices cannot discover device 3 by means of a network scan 1 2 3 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Step 5: Device 4 joins the network • Device 4 starts network scan (MLME_SCAN) • Detects two coordinators: device 1 and device 2 (assuming device 1 and device 2 are in range of device 4) 1 4 2 • Sends association request to device 1 (MLME_ASSOCIATE) (alternatively it could join the network also through device 2) 3 PAN coordinator • Note: Other devices cannot discover device 4 by means of a network scan Coordinator FFD End device RFD Step 6: Device 4 becomes a coordinator • Device 4 starts serving as a coordinator of the existing network (MLME_START with PANCoordinator=FALSE, PANId & channel parameters are ignored) 1 4 • Note: Other devices in range can now discover device 4 by means of a network scan 2 3 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Other devices can join in the same way • • • IEEE 802.15.4 allows only direct (single hop) communication between two devices that are in range of each other. 5 6 IEEE 802.15.4 leaves it to the higher layers to define how network-wide unique short MAC addresses are assigned by coordinators. Extended MAC addresses can be used instead of short addresses High packet overhead 1 4 2 7 8 3 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Other devices can join in the same way A networking protocol (e.g. ZigBee) on top of IEEE 802.15.4 is required to allow communication between nodes that are not in range of each other by routing of packets via intermediate nodes (multi hop). • • ZigBee defines how short NWK addresses are assigned to devices. The short NWK addresses are used also as short MAC addresses. 5 6 1 4 2 7 8 3 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device Issue 1: The hidden association problem • • The IEEE 802.15.4 does NOT provide coordination between coordinators End devices (RFDs) can talk to its coordinator only 5 6 1 packet collisions might occur • • 4 1) Eg. Node9 transmitting to node2 might generate collision at node8 that is receiving from node11. 2) Eg. Either node10 and node7 transmission might prevent correct neighbouring node reception 9 2 8 11 3 7 10 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Issue 2: Beacons are weak • Beacons are more prone to collide as transmitted without CSMA • If a beacon collides then no children RFD devices can transmit or receive. 1 4 9 8 11 Tx Beacon 2 Beacon Beacon 3 10 7 Question • Q.1 How can we avoid packet collisions? • A.1 By using RTS/CTS/ACK – Cons1 We lose the 802.15.4 compliancy – Cons2: Results show a very long delay when associated to low node duty cycle 1 9 RTS 11 8 CTS ACK 2 PAN coordinator Coordinator FFD End device RFD Can we at least mitigate collisions without lose the compliancy? • YES 5 – 1)You let all nodes become full functional devices (FFDs) 6 1 4 • PROS: – FFDs can perform carrier sensing before transmitting a packet – Any node is free to talk to any other node peer-to-peer communication 9 8 • CONS: – IEEE 802.15.4 does not define any sleeping mode for FDDs High energy consumption 2 11 3 7 10 PAN coordinator A sleeping scheduling for FFD devices is needed! Coordinator End device How all nodes can become FFDs void mlmeAssociateIndication(ADDRESS deviceAddress, BYTE capabilityInformation, BOOL securityUse, UINT8 aclEntry) { // We accept all association requests here. if( gAF_ApplInfo.appCoordinator == IAM_COORDINATOR || gAF_ApplInfo.appCoordinator == IAM_COORD_W_BEACON || gAF_ApplInfo.appCoordinator == IAM_ASSOCIATED_COORD ) //By Ruzzelli … … void mlmeAssociateConfirm(WORD assocShortAddress, MAC_ENUM status) { if( status != SUCCESS ) return; if( assocShortAddress == 0xFFFD ) return; gAF_MyShortAddr = assocShortAddress; gAF_ApplInfo.appCoordinator = IAM_ASSOCIATED_COORD; //by Ruzzelli TICOSS: TImezone COOrdinated Sleeping Scheduling for FFDs – We organize nodes in timezones (TZ) based on the number of hops to the PAN coordinator 5 TZ 2 1 –We address nodes either –solely based on their TZ –using the short address provided by the Zigbee address procedure –We inject a sleeping scheduling table to coordinate FDDs’ activitiy TZ 1 6 TZ 1 4 TZ 1 9 8 TZ 2 11 2 TZ 1 TZ 2 7 TZ 1 TZ 1 3 10 PAN coordinator Coordinator End device The origin of TICOSS • TICOSS is derived from the routing characteristic of MERLIN [1] adapted to the IEEE 802.15.4 •DESIGN goals: •MAC+Routing integration into a simple architecture; •No usage of handshake mechanisms; •No specific node addressing Upstream/downstream Multicast; •Reduced latency along a very low energy consumption •Increasing communication reliability while limiting packet overhead; [1] Ruzzelli, A.G., O’Hare, G.M.P., O’Grady, M.J., Tynan, R., MERLIN: A synergetic integration of MAC and routing protocol for distributed sensor networks, In SECON06, Third Annual IEEE Communication Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Reston, VA, USA, September 25-28, 2006 Timezone data traffic scheduling Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Downstream multicast: Packets transmitted to higher zones Sleeping Upstream multicast: Packets are forwarded to lower zones Local broadcast: Packets reach all neighbours. No forwarding performed Global allocation Frame Frame Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 The allocation of further zones can be obtained by appending the same table. The allocation of further frames is obtained by flanking the same table. Accessing the table NZONE = 4 NSLOT =9 To access the current slot in the table: SLOT# = GlobalTime/SLOTTIME currentSlot = Mod(SLOT#, NSLOT) Nodes in the same timezone contend the slot for local broadcast only once each 4 frametimes If Mod(FRAME#, NZONE) = Mod(myZone,NZONE) TICOSS over 802.15.4 PAN coord • Nodes in the same zone share the same slot for activity • Intra-zone transmission is regulated by IEEE 802.15.4 • Inter-zone transmission is regulated by the scheduling The network-wide unique address • Recall that with TICOSS as a routing protocol, we can 1. Address nodes solely based on their TZ (MULTICAST) a node transmits data packets only specifying the timezone of the receiver • PROS: – – – • Avoid problems of address conflicts Avoid issues of running out short addresses Reduce the actual byte transmitted (for special transmission I can still use the long address) CONS: – – multiple copy of the same msg sent can be generated increase transmission overhead! ACK not used (the original MERLIN version uses burst tone instead) 2. Use the Zigbee address assignment procedure to address a secific nodes (UNICAST) a node transmits data packets to the node with highest cost link function Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 A PAN coord B Zone 4 Zone 5 Packet ACK • In TICOSS, packet transmission can be: – Multicasted to higher or lower timezones • No ACK is performed – Unicasted to a selected node that is chosen based on a tunable cost function • Successful reception are ACK by transmitting back the IEEE802.15.4 sequence packet number Routing characteristics (I) Controlled multipath • 3 small buffers of upstream, downstream and local broadcast are provided • Packets organised in multiple msgs of the same data traffic type; • Packets contain a msg-ID index of included msgs; • Nodes, which lose the contention, keep on listening to the beginning of the transmitted packet then go into sleep; • Nodes discard from their buffer the msgs already fowarded. P Msg-index a c k e Channel contention t messages Pro : Reduce overhead in transmission! Con : Small increase of node activity; Increase complexity. Discard msgs already forwarded from their queue Listen to the packet index Routing characteristics (II) Timezone maintenance • Timezone update are sent periodically; • Failed reception of timezone update from zone N-1 node to zone N node triggers a upstream multicast of Timezone Update request (TUR) – • N-1 failed local broadcast TUR – • N-1 node/s reply Connection reestablished At least one reply change of zoen to N+1 N failed downstream broadcast TUR 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 TUR 4 3 TUR 5 TICOSS/MERLIN analogy • Similarities – Both protocols use same routing features; – Both protocols use a slotted CSMA to access the channel • Differences – MERLIN is a proprietary integrated MAC and routing protocol, instead TICOSS uses the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC+Phy features, – MERLIN uses burst ACK to notify correct incorrect receptions, instead TICOSS has two ACK modalities: • Multicast with ACK disabled • Unicast with ACK enabled MERLIN Assessment Simulation tool: OmNet++ Framework: EU EYES project Evaluation of MERLIN against SMAC+ESR Experiments: Philips Sand node implementation Evaluation of TICOSS in progress Scenario and Setup •Scenarios •Metrics: •5 nodes two-hops Forwarder Sources Destinations •Energy consumption per RX packet •Network lifetime •E-to-E latency •Total packet overhead •% sleeping time •Parameters: •70 nodes Random multihop •Duty cycle (acting on CW and frametime size) •Low traffic conditions (12 packet/min) •High traffic conditions (60 packet/min) V scheduling Network lifetime. V-scheduling The network lifetime depends linearly on the frame length; 300 V-Scheduling 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Frametime (sec) 1 Gateway 800*500 area network 50 msg/min sent by 5 rand. nodes 100 Nodes rand. Distributed. Min signal strength(12 m) Static network •The network is considered to fail when 30% of nodes are depleted. •Lifetime calculated for a linear depletion of 2 AA batteries. V scheduling setup time V-Scheduling Network Setup 10 Time (sec) 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 Node Density (nodes/100 m^2) 250 V scheduling can be setup in less than 10 seconds up to 250 nodes/100m^2 of network density. End-to-end packet delay V-scheduling Node density = 125 nodes/100m^2 5.12 5 5.52 5.45 2.87 2.31 6.18 6.38 7 4.12 4 7.51 8 5.52 Latency (sec) 6 Latency (sec) 9 6.31 7 3 Node density = 275 nodes/100m^2 7.51 7.52 8 2.52 6 5 4.01 4 3 2 2 1 1 4.52 6.85 8.02 8.52 6.52 4.18 3.52 1.61 1.52 1.51 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Node hop count 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Node hop count • The controlled multiple path mechanism may cause a lower delay for nodes farther from the gateway; • An increase of latency at the intersection of data traffic flows due to periodical stop of nodes activity that go into sleep. •V-scheduling delay obtained for 2sec frametime length Frametime length should be based upon application requirements. Low traffic 2-hops scenario High traffic 2-hops scenario Multihop scenario: Lifetime Note: These graphs have little relevance if not related to the EtoE latency Multihop scenario: Latency/energy Given a certain sustainable latency, MERLIN consumes between 2 and 2.5 times less energy than SMAC+ESR Total packet overhead The MAC routing integrated nature MERLIN results in a smaller packet overhead than SMAC+ ESR. Conclusion • PART I: – The Zigbee stack has been presented; – A focus on IEEE 802.15.4 has been given; • PART II – We described how to build networking capabilities over IEEE 802.15.4 – We presented TICOSS, which is derived from the MERLIN protocol, as a tree-based routing layer – MERLIN simulated results have been presented Thank you! (Prism LAB web site) (AIC project) An application for TICOSS • Sensor-based wireless medical systems Appendix: MERLIN MAC features Intra-zone MAC features Zone N+1 Zone N Zone N-1 Recall that • Nodes in the same zone share the same slot for activity • transmission in MERLIN (multicast) do not address a specific receiving node How can simultaneous transmission be handled? How can correct/incorrect receptions be notified? Burst tones can help • Properties – Are signal impulse Do not contain any coded information – Are robust Several simultaneous burst can still be identified as one burst – They are shorter that a normal ACK • Utilization In transmission to the gateway Multicast: Bursts identify correct receptions BACK In local broadcast Broadcast: Bursts identify reception errors BNACK Asynchronous transmission Mechanism Tc Tc CCA Tx1 Preamble CCA Packet Sleep Tc Rando m CCA Preamble CCA Packet Sleep Tx2 Rando m Sleep Listen Sleep Transmit CCA Rx1 Burst* Listen Sleep Sleep Burst* CCA Rx2 Listen Sleep Sleep Slot length Rx1 * burstACK if local broadcast, burst NACK if multicast Rx1 Tx1 Tx1 Tx2 Rx2 Rx2 Tx2 Disadvantages 1)MERLIN does not address a specific receiving node Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 A multiple copy of the same msg sent can be generated B increase overhead! 2) Some collisions due to the Hidden Terminal Problem (HTP) Zone 3 A ? B Zone 4 Zone 5 Something more about the work that we do at the PRISM group: Autonomic WSNs: • Origin of autonomic computing by IBM Relieve human of the burden of managing large scale computer systems • Autonomic WSNs properties: – – – – – Self healing Self protection Self configuration Self optimization Self managing Agent technology for autonomic WSNs • Agent properties: – Sense-deliberate-act cycle • Sensing data is used as input for the decision making process – Mobility • Useful characteristic of agents that well map onto WSNs • Agent can migrate from one node to another processing data as it goes – Fault tolerance • Agents can still take decision if some data are missing An example: Network anomaly intervention Possible solution Multiple Notification messages (High energy consuming) Proposed solution: Migrating agent (Moderate energy consuming) Contribution of autonomic computing to WSNs • Self configuring nodes (1) can set up a network; (2) might not be well positioned but still work; (3) can evaluate network gaps; (4) can decide communication schedule. • Self protection attribute – Migrating agents check channel condition and battery level before migrating • Self healing – – – – • Repair network damage due to hash work condition Negotiating new routes; Activating redundant nodes; Ask for replacement of damaged nodes. Self optimization – Quality of service – Network efficiency – Delay control and data prioritization Intelligence-aided sensor network • Opportunistic power management • Intelligent coverage • Intelligent routing Opportunistic power management (1) • Increase network longevity by deactivating redundant nodes: node hibernation • Sensing Coverage: – All points within the sensed area need to be covered by at least 1 sensor. Traditionally, a point is covered if it is within the sensing range of a given sensor. Gateway Redundant based on sensor coverage Intelligent sensing coverage • It deals with the quality of sensory data provided to the application which is using it; • Data sampling frequency at the node and surrounding nodes should be enough to have a certain detail of the phenomena of interest; • Migrating agents control: – Sensor sampling rate by tuning it; – Might request an increase of node density in an area Intelligent routing • By interacting with different layers the agent can check several parameters MAC Physical Antenna table • Even with incomplete data an agent can figure out the best neighbours to which to forward the data to Routing Route managing Agent • A look-up table with neighbouring nodes parameters (RSSI, battery level, location) is provided