Aviation Unit Activity One Aviation Web Quest - Your teacher will assign you one of the following topics: Flights of Inspiration, Principles of Aerodynamics, How Things Fly, Milestones of Flight, A Soaring Career Hold the CTRL button and click on the link to access the websties. You will begin by researching your chosen topic and filling in your graphic organizer with the topic/web site and your 5 important details. Listen well as the teacher presents “How To Make A Web Quest Poster” information. You will need to take the information you have gathered and put it into a nice finished project. You should also use your rubric to help you as you work on your poster. Activity Two You will complete 4 learning stations. The learning stations will be graded on accuracy and effort. There is a grading rubric for Stations 2 and 3. Station 1 and 4 you must be sure to include the required number of items to receive full credit. STATION 1 – AMELIA EARHART/CHARLES LINDBERGH First, students must choose one of the two famous aviators – Amelia Earhart or Charles Lindbergh. After making their selection, students will use the web sites below to conduct their research and to complete a list of facts entitled, “The Top 20 Things You Should Know About ________________________.” Amelia Earhart Web Sites http://www.ellensplace.net/eae_intr.html http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq3-1.htm http://www.incwell.com/Biographies/Earhart.html http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96jul/earhart.html http://www.ameliaearhart.com/ Charles Lindbergh Web Sites http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/lindbergh/ http://www.charleslindbergh.com/history/ http://www.biography.com/people/charles-lindbergh-9382609 http://www.lindberghfoundation.org/docs/index.php/charles-lindbergh STATION 2 – WRITE A SENSE POEM Search the following web sites: http://www.excite.com/travel/destinations http://travel.lycos.com/Destinations/ After searching the various travel destinations, choose one place you would like an airplane to take you. Using information gathered from the web search, create a Sense Poem using the form at the end of the unit as the rough draft and word-process the final copy. Use as many adjectives as you can to describe each of the senses. The more, the better! STATION 3 – READING SCAVENGER HUNT Find the following books at this center: An Inside Look: The World of Flight by Gunston, Howatson, Quigley Inventions that Shaped the World: The Airplane by Nancy Robinson Masters Airplanes in American Life by Martin W. Sandler Helicopters by Phyllis Emert Using these three books and the form at the end of this unit, go on a scavenger hunt to answer as many questions as you can using the key features (table of contents, timelines, index) of the books. STATION 4 – DICTIONARY OF 10 AVIATION TERMS The web site of the dictionary is http://pilotadvice.com/aviation-dictionary Students should choose 10 aviation definitions to define and illustrate on the Aviation Dictionary form found at the end of the unit. Please explore more than one letter of the alphabet and ensure that your dictionary has words that start with at least 3 different letters. Activity Three Demonstration on flight: Pay attention and try to acquire more knowledge about how things fly. Next you will design, build and test a variety of paper airplanes. Participate in airplane toss tournament. You will be graded on your participation with your team and you will be required to turn in a completed record of your flights. You will also use the distances of your trials to complete a graphing activity in math. RUBRICS # of POINTS EARNED WEB QUEST DANGLING BOXES 4 3 2 1 WEB QUEST POSTER All 5 parts completed Neatest work possible Handed in on time All directions followed Accurate information 4 parts completed Mostly neat Handed in on time Most directions followed Mostly accurate information 3 parts completed Some neat work Handed in on time Some directions followed Some accurate information 2 or fewer parts completed Work not done neatly Not handed in on time Few directions followed Inaccurate information SENSE POEM All 5 facts are on the poster Neatest work possible Handed in on time All directions followed Accurate information 4 facts are on the poster Mostly neat Handed in on time Most directions followed Mostly accurate information 3 facts are on the poster Some neat work Handed in on time Some directions followed Some accurate information 2 or fewer facts are on the poster Work not done neatly Not handed in on time Few directions followed Inaccurate information SCAVENGER HUNT At least 15 adjectives were used Neatest work possible Handed in on time All directions followed Shows great effort At least 10 adjectives were used Mostly neat Handed in on time Most directions followed Shows good effort At least 5 adjectives were used Some neat work Handed in on time Some directions followed Shows some effort Fewer than five adjectives were used Work not done neatly Not handed in on time Few directions followed Shows little effort At least 8 questions solved Complete sentences used Neatest work possible Correct grammar and punctuation Correct spelling At least 6 questions solved Mostly complete sentences used Mostly neat Mostly correct grammar and punctuation Mostly correct spelling At least 4 questions solved Some complete sentences used Some neat work Some correct grammar and punctuation Some correct spelling Fewer than 4 questions solved Incomplete sentences Work not done neatly Incorrect grammar and punctuation Incorrect spelling Five Sense Poem Organizer Name ____________________________________ Place I Wish To Visit By Airplane __________________________________________ I can see __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ I can hear ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ I can smell __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ I can taste ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ I can feel ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________________ Reading Scavenger Hunt Directions: Use the glossary, index, and table of contents to answer as many of these questions as you can in the time you are given at this station. Write your answers in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Which company, UPS or FedEx, began transporting packages in the air first? ___________________________________ 2. Who were the Montgolfier brothers? _______________________________________________________________ 3. Describe what happened to the Hindenburg. _______________________________________________________________ 4. Who was the first airline stewardess? _______________________________________________________________ 5. What is the purpose of radar? _______________________________________________________________ 6. What are the parts of the turbofan? _______________________________________________________________ 7. What is a transcontinental flight? _______________________________________________________________ 8. List the ways farmers can use aircraft. _______________________________________________________________ 9. What pilot proved that panes can fly faster than sound without falling apart? ________________________________________________________ 10. Why does the Army prefer to use a Black Hawk helicopter? ______________________________________________________________ __________________________’s Aviation Dictionary WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION WORD/DEFINITION ILLUSTRATION