Polarized sources and Targets, Section 9a Anatoli Zelenski, BNL • 16 talks in parallel sessions. • New projects J-Park, U-70 Protvino, polarized D in Nuclotron –Dubna. Polarized antiprotons, PAX at GSI ! • Polarized Sources and Targets Workshop PST-2007 at BNL. SPIN 2006 Kyoto, October 5, 2006 • Present. • Spin physics with the polarized electron (muon COMPASS) beams on the fixed target. • Solid targets, gas targets. • RHIC - the first operational polarized proton collider. Projects. • eRHIC – polarized 10 GeV electron +250 GeV polarized proton (He-3) beams. • Polarized proton-antiproton collider at GSI. Polarization must be obtained as an additional beam quality at the maximum possible Luminosity!. Polarization facilities at RHIC. -2 50 < √s < 500 GeV 70% Polarization Lmax the = 1.6 1032 s-1cmCollider RHIC: “Polarized” RHIC pC “CNI” polarimeters Absolute H-jet polarimeter BRAMS PHOBOS PHENIX RHIC STAR Spin Rotators Pol. H- ion source 20% Snake LINAC 200 MeV polarimeter 5% Snake AGS BOOSTER Siberian Snakes AGS inelastic polarimeter AGS pC “CNI” polarimeter AC Dipoles Optically-Pumped Polarized H- Ion Source (OPPIS) at RHIC. RHIC OPPIS produces reliably 0.5-1.0mA (maximum 1.6 mA) polarized H- ion current. Pulse duration 400 us. Polarization at 200 MeV P = 82-87 %. A beam intensity greatly exceeds RHIC limit, which allowed strong beam collimation in the Booster, to reduce longitudinal and transverse beam emittances. Beam intensity (ion/pulse) routine operation: Source - 1012 H-/pulse Linac (200MeV) - 5∙1011 Booster - 2∙1011, 50% - scraping. AGS - 1.7∙1011 RHIC - 1.4∙1011 (p/bunch). SPIN -TRANSFER POLARIZATION IN PROTON-Rb COLLISIONS. Laser-795 nm Optical pumping Rb: NL(Rb) ~1014 cm-2 Rb+ Proton source Na-jet ionizer cell: NL(Na)~ 3•1015 cm-2 Rb+ H+ H+ Sona transition Ionizer cell H- 1.5 kG field ECR-29 GHz Н+ source Supperconducting solenoid 25 кГс Charge-exchange collisions: ~10-14 cm2 Electron to proton polarization transfer Laser beam is a primary source of angular momentum: 10 W (795 nm) 4•1019 h/sec 2 A, H0 equivalent intensity. Polarized H- ion current pulse out of 200 MeV linac. 500 uA cuurent At 200 MeV. 85-hole ECR Source for the maximum polarization. Faradey rotation polarization sinal. 400 uS 12·1011 -polarized H- /pulse. Polarization measurement in 200 MeV polarimeter. 86.7% 200 μA 400 μs pulse at 200 MeV ~4.8∙1011 H-/pulse 86.4% Polarization measurements in RHIC at 100 GeV. H-Jet Polarimeter Upgrades & Status Yousef Makdisi Collider-Accelerator Department, BNL Spin 2006 BNL: A. Bravar, G. Bunce, R. Gill, Z. Li. A. Khodinov, A. Kponou, Y. Makdisi, W. Meng, A. Nass, S. Resica, A. Zelenski, V. Zubets WISCONSIN: T. Wise, M.A. Chapman, W. Haeberli Kyoto: H. Okada, N. Saito ITEP-Moscow: I. Alekseev, D. Svirida IUCF: E. Stephenson Rikkyo U.: K. Kurita Data analysis: H.Okada, O. Eyser, K. Boyle H-jet polarimeter. Atomic Beam Source. Atomic beam intensity- 12 ∙1016 atoms/s H-jet thickness -1.5∙ 1012 atoms/cm2 ANbeam (t ) = - ANtarget (t ) for elastic scattering only! Pbeam = Ptarget . eNbeam / eNtarget B Beam in the Cage Camera Focus on Near Wires Camera Focus on Beam Camera Focus on Far Wires Feasibility studies of new polarization techniques for electron, H- ion and 3He++ ion beams. A.Zelenski, J.Alessi, E.Beebe, A.Kponou, A.Pikin, J.Ritter, BNL R.Milner, F.Simon MIT Bates, E.Hughes , C.O’Connel, CALTEC S.Kokhanovski, V.Zubets, (INR, Moscow) V. Davidenko, BINP Novosibirsk A new generation of polarized electron, H- and 3He++ ion sources will provide polarized beams (if successful after a few years of further development) for RHICII and eRHIC spin physics. Pulsed OPPIS layout. Proton source H2 neutralizer cell Rb cell H0 He –ionizer cell serves as a proton source in the high magnetic field. Proton “cannon” of the atomic H injector. Ion Optical System with “geometrical focusing”. The source produced 3 A ! pulsed proton current at 5.0 keV. ~20-50 mA H- current. P=75-80% ~10 mA , P=85-90%. ~ 300 mA unpolarized H- ion current. EBIS ionizer for polarized 3He gas (proposal). He-3 metastability -exchange polarized cell P - 80-90%. 2.5·1011 He++/pulse Pumping laser 1083 nm. He(2S)→ He(1S) EBIS-ionizer, B~ 50 kG He-transfer line. Valve. ~50·1011 , 3He /pulse. RFQ The HERMES Polarized H&D Gas Target: 10 Years of Operation Erhard Steffens University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and HERMES Collaboration (DESY-Hamburg) • Introduction and history • Polarized gas targets in a high energy storage ring • Overview of HERMES H&D target • Summary of runs 1996 to 2005 (H║, D║ H┴) • Conclusions The Clue to High Density: Storage Cells Storage Cell proposed by W. Haeberli • Ballistic flow from Atomic Beam •Proc. Karlsruhe 1965, p. 64 •Proc. Workshop IUCF 1984, AIP Conf. Proc.#128, p.251 • Flow driven by pressure gradient Laser Driven Sources (H, D, 3He) Source (H, D) Polarized atoms from source Target areal density given by t = L ro T-shaped storage cell with ro = It / Ctot and Ctot = S Ci Note: Conductance of tube proportional to d3/L Density gain compared to Jet of same intensity can be up to several hundred! October 3, 2006 E. Steffens – Spin 2006 Target Performance Target/year H║ (1997) D║ (2000) H┴ (2003) recombination Dar 0.055 0.003 0.004 spin exchange DPSE 0.035 ≤0.001 0.055 wall depol. DPWD 0.02 ≤0.01 0.055 beam induced DPBI absent absent 0.015 calculated target polarization → target areal density → Figure Of Merrit October 3, 2006 PT 0.851±0.033 0.845±0.028 0.795±0.033 t 0.7 2.1 1.1 0.5 1.5 0.7 (1014 nucl./cm2) FOM (PT2·t) E. Steffens – Spin 2006 Conclusions • Polarized H&D target successfully operated over 10 years in a HE electron storage ring more or less continuesly • Several problems solved during commissioning phase(s) thanks to many enthousiastic collaborators – impossible to name them all! • Nature was kind to us (no show-stopper) • Technology ready to be used for other projects! www.fz-juelich.de/ikp/pax October 3, 2006 E. Steffens – Spin 2006 The Polarized Internal Target at ANKE: First Results Kirill Grigoryev Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich PhD student from Petersburg Nuclear Physic Institute (PNPI), Gatchina, Russia Kyoto October 03, 2006 Polarized Internal Gas Target, ANKE Summer 2003 – Atomic Beam Source is ready for using in experiments End of 2004 – Start of the PIT transportation to the COSY experimental hall PIT main components: July 2005 – ABS is installed at the ANKE-experiment area at COSY ABS • H or D • H beam intensity (2 HFS) 7.6 . 1016 atoms/s • Beam size at the IP σ = 2.85 ± 0.42 mm • Polarization for hydrogen PZ = 0.89 ± 0.01 PZ =-0.96 ± 0.01 Lamb-Shift Polarimeter Target chamber with Storage Cell Setup at the COSY experimental all Future plans ongoing – Teflon coating and new cell production Autumn ’06 – studies of nuclear polarization of molecules from recombined polarized H and D atoms use of the ABS in the other project ( ISTC #1861 ) December ’06 – PIT reinstallation with Lamb-shift polarimeter at ANKE January ’07 →→ – First double polarized experiment: dp → (pp)n see talk D. Chiladze The Impact of Dissociator Cooling on the Beam Intensity and Velocity Spread in the SpinLab ABS M. Stancari, L. Barion, C. Bonomo, M. Capiluppi, M. Contalbrigo, G. Ciullo, P.F. Dalpiaz, F.Giordano, P. Lenisa, L. Pappalardo and M. Statera University of Ferrara, Italy and INFN Ferrara ABS Intensity over time Is there an emperical limit on the intensity of an ABS, perhaps due to intra beam scattering? (Novosibirsk, PST01) Evidently not! (PST 03, SPIN 04) The RHIC H-jet polarimter dissociator. SpinLab ABS1 Dissociator Cooling We observe that: • all temperatures rise with input flow for fixed cooling power but do not change with increased microwave power (600-1000 W) • the beam parameters are not sensitive to variations in the cooling water temperature • the beam parameters are sensitive to variations in the collar temperature Beam Response to Collar Temperature Changes Inlet Pressure 75 sccm H2 1.5 sccm O2 4 mm nozzle at 115 K Chamber pressures molecules Beam density atoms Nozzle temperature = 115 K Spin-filter technique for antiproton beam polarization was originally discussed by E.Steffens at the meeting on polarized antiproton beam polarization organized by O. Chamberline (in A. Krish talk). Polarized by spin-exchange technique He-3 target at J-lab operates at 15 bar, 50% polarization. Continuous operation. Spin2006 Oct. 6 2006 3He Progress in Polarized Ion Source at RCNP M. Tanaka Kobe Tokiwa College, Ohtani-cho 2-6-2, Nagata-ku, Kobe 653-0838, Japan Principle of SEPIS Spin-exchange B collisions between Polarized alkali atom Rb + 3He+ ion 3He+ Incident 3He+ Pseudo Molecule Outgoing Basic drawings of practical SEPIS designs Method I Ionization by stripping after acceleration Pumping Laser Method II 3He+ ion source Solenoidal coil Focusing lens 3 Ionization by tubular EBIS Ionizer He+ 0 ~ +1 kV Polarized Rb cell Accelerating tube Decelerating tube -(150 ~ 200) kV 3 He2+ Expected Performance Tanaka et al: Nucl. Instr. Meth. 2005 ○ ○ Polarization degree > 80% ○ Beam intensity > 4.2 pmA for CW beam on target at RCNP > 5×1012 particles/pulse with a tubular EBIS ionizer. This number is an order of magnitude larger than that planned at RHIC, BNL Polarized Proton Solid Target at high-T and low-B Tomohiro Uesaka Center for Nuclear Study, Tokyo T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Proton Pol. at low-B and high-T Idea: use of electron polarization (population difference) in photo-excited triplet state of aromatic molecule H.W. van Kesteren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 1642. A. Henstra et al., Phys. Lett. A 134 (1988) 134. Energy diagram of pentacene molecule Singlet state Triplet state mixing due to spin-orbit int. in molecule population S2 S1 Electron polarization Laser T1 S0 on B nor T depends neither +1 (12%) 0 (76%) -1 (12%) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Electron population difference z y Pentacene molecule x B // x B // x : Pmax = 73% B // y : Pmax = 48% B // z : Pmax = 70% B // y 0.12 0.45 0.76 0.16 B // z 0.46 Population 0.08 0.12 0.39 Crystal alignment is essential for large polarization 0.46 System for basic study with Ar-ion laser T. Wakui et al., NIM A 526 (2004) 182 & NIM A 550 (2005) 521. Polarization in p-terphenyl at 0.3T, room temperature 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Polarization 偏極度 [%] [%] Polarization in naphthalene at 0.3 T, 100K [%] Polarization Polarization (%) T. Uesaka, Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo CNS Optical pumping by Ar-ion Laser crystal size 4×4×3mm3 6 4 2 00 0 2 4 6 8 Time (hours) 10 12 50 100 時間 [分] 150 Time [min] Time [hours] Proton polarization : 36.8±4.3% (39.3±4.6%) 4.8±1.2% enhancement factor > 5×104 • Fabrice Gautheron-Performance of the Newly upgradedLarge COMPASS Polarized Target. • T. Nakajima –Nuclear spin polarization by Ultrafast laser Pulses • Arnold Honig- Polarized D, He-3-in the Tokamak. Polarized Sources and Targets PST 2007 Workshop. • • • • • • • • • • Date: September 10-14, 2007 Possible place – Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY Focussed discussions on: Polarized Ion, Electron and He-3 polarized sources. Polarized internal targets. Polarimetry. Invited speakers. Round – table discussions. Posters on status and summary talks. One day –lectures for students and BNL staff at BNL. Expected number of participants ~80 (~20 students). Registration fee - $300 (reduced for students). • Publication in AIP Proceedings.