What is Music? Music Explorations What is Music? • How can we define music? • What types of characteristics can music hold? • Is there a universal definition of ‘music?’ How Can We Define Music? • • • • • Scientifically Mathematically Emotionally Historically Culturally Scientifically • ‘’ the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity’’ Merriam-Webster Dictionary • What does this mean? (hint: temporal= of or relating to the sequence of time) Scientifically Let’s Create Music Scientifically! -Control (time signature) -Variables (key signature) -Experimental substances (notes --Guidlines (rhythmic dos and don’ts) What is Music? Mathematically Mathematically How can we define music using mathematics? Numbers? Equations? Patterns? ‘’ a sequence or pattern of numerically assigned tones, put to a key, whose temporal sum must always be equal to a specific preset variable’’ Huh? Mathematically A scale (CDEFGABC) is assigned scales degree numbers. CDEFGABC 12345678 Choose the order of numbers at random or apply an equation. Ex: +1-2 At Random: Here is where your ‘Do Now’ comes in! Equation: +1-2 1(+1) 2(-2) 8(+1) 1(-2) 7(+1) 8(-2) (for a more interesting composition, try larger jumps in patterns ex: +4-2) What is Music? Emotionally Emotionally Do you know how to define music emotionally? …Urban Dictionary does ‘’ Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you hear but what you feel. It is something your soul can reach out and touch. It originates from all over the world since time began. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It is what you feel, or it could be your method of escape or it could just keep you alive. “ How can we create or recognize music emotionally? Emotionally Choose an emotion and define the musical characteristics of each. Happy Sad Angry Create a song using those characteristics, or apply them to an already existing musical exerpt. What is Music? Historically Historically How would you define music historically? Can you define music with historical characteristics, or would it be more of an explination of music’s importance and influence at certain points in history? You decide. There is no wrong or right. Historically Music is created to fit the characteristics or needs of a specific time. For Example: Renaissance music focused on nature, sprituality and literary advancement. Renaissance= The Re-birth (of society) after the dark ages, which had no advancement in civilization, government, or literary needs. One example of the differences between Baroque and Rennaisance music is rhythm. Baroque music was created because society now needed more structure after the Renaissance. Different types of governments were being created and societies were required to adhere to new laws and guidlines. Baroque music follows more structured guidlines in compositions. Let’s listen to examples of Renaissance and Baroque music to get a better idea. Historically Renaissance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkHSxZrYYv4 Baroque http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LAPFM3dg ag What is Music? Culturally Culturally How can we define music in a cultural sense? Activity/Homework Assignment: Using what we’ve discussed today, create a cultural definition of music. Have them ready to discuss. EVERYONE MUST CREATE THEIR OWN. No sharing work. Culturally ‘a form of expression that reflects the societal needs of the creators. Whether religious, medicinal, or for entertainment, it serves a purpose.’ Music reflects the society that creates it. In order to understand a culture’s music, we must first understand the culture. One way to do this would be to take an anthropological view. What is anthropological? Culturally Anthropology is the study of human kind. By viewing music and musical cultures from an anthropological view, we are able to step back from our biases and view societies as visitors. i.e. explaining texting to someone who has never experienced it (Like your grandparents). America (Anthropological) There are two forms of music in America ‘’Classical’’ referring to music of the past & ‘’Contemporary’’ referring to music of the present. The people who choose to listen to either of the two genres tend to be different from each other in many social and cultural ways. America Classical music refers to music of the past (although there is an era of music specifically named ‘classical’). Music of the past differs greatly from contemporary music in many ways (but this does not mean there are NO similarities). What are the ways classical music is different from contemporary music? America Take a look at the performances of the different music. i.e a classical orchestra concert vs. A rock concert. In a classical performance, the audience sits quietly and applauds when prompted. They dress up and make an evening of the performance. The age of the audience tends to float around the late 30s and up. The people also seem to be in the middle to high range for societal classes. Contemporary Music concerts (rock shows) are filled with younger people that shout and cheer on the music, eat and drink during performances. So why do these two styles of music promote different reactions? Why is the audience so diverse for these styles of music? America The answer is because the needs of society are changing. Years ago, classical music was considered a very noble and highly regarded career. But now that people have realized they can produce music without musicians, the career has fallen short of its earlier reign. America Assignment: Answer the following questions based on our society in America. 1. Is music important? (Why/why not?) 2. Are musicians important? (why/why not?) Have your answers ready to discuss tomorrow.