Native American Student Services

Native American Student and Community Center Advisory Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2013, 5:00pm-7:00pm
NASCC Chief Joseph Conference Room 180
Introduction & Blessing
Review and Approve Minutes
Message from the Co-Conveners
Student Group Updates – Student Representatives: AISES, Chinuk Wawa Social Club, Healing Feathers, PIC and UISHE
NASCCAB Business
NASCC Reports
 DMSS Executive Director - CeCe
 Center Manager- Rachel
 Native American Student Services – Dean
NASCCAB Reports & Discussions
 PSU Internal Leadership Fundraising Team – Julie
o Scholarship
o Programming Funds
o Emergency Funds
 NASCCAB Fundraising Committee – Rachel
o 10 Year Anniversary Fundraising
 Alumni Group – Stevie
o Community Engagement Component of the 10 Yr.
 Board Member Roles at the 10 Year Anniversary
 NASCCAB Elections
 Meeting in September 2013
 Setting a date for an event to kick off the new academic year
Indigenous Nation Studies Updates - Cornel
Upcoming Community Activities
12 Individuals present: 9 voting members of 17; 2 Ex Officio; and 1 Guest
Members Present
Anderson, Tim –S/F
Foster, Karly
Kaimanu, Theresa
Azule, Dean –NASS
Fry, Donita
Lemke, Stevie
Chilcott, Lois - Comm
Henderson Tamara
Smith, Julie
Members Absent
Begay, Alina – CWSC
Pewewardy, Cornel – INS
Smith, Tyanna – AISES
Corcoran, Carma - CL
Riggs, Larrita - SAL
Tyner, Jessica – CL
Pacific Islander Club
Robideau, Andrea – Comm
Ex Officio
Cushman, Rachel – NASCC Manager
Ridder, CeCe – ED. DMSS
Review/Approval of the May Minutes
Tim motioned to approve the minutes. Theresa seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-0-1
Message from the Co-Conveners
Setting the 2013-14 agenda at the September meeting (scheduled later in the meeting)
1 – Minutes Prepared by Rachel Cushman
Native American Student and Community Center Advisory Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2013, 5:00pm-7:00pm
NASCC Chief Joseph Conference Room 180
Over the summer the executive committee will make board decisions
Student Group Updates
UISHE was the only student group that sent a representative and provided an update.
 In the process of transitioning leadership. Karly is the new Coordinator.
 Salmon bake was rescheduled for the fall when salmon runs are better and more affordable. Possibly on
Indigenous solidarity day. Karly will be planning over the summer.
 UISHE held its end of the year get together and shinny game on Wednesday, June 5th at Blumel field.
Alumni Group Report & Discussion (the Co-conveners decided to move this agenda item up, because Stevie was
in the airport and may have needed to get off of the phone)
 It was decided that this target audience for community engagement portion of the event will be alumni. The
message to alumni is, “we need them and cannot do this work successful without them.” –Theresa Kaimanu
 We also want to know what they would like to see offered by the alumni association.
 We will use the Oregon Food Banks’ community discussion model called FEAST.
 What are we trying to get out of this?
1 Thing that we did well while they were students
1 Thing that they would like to see offered in the future.
 Tom Bull still needs to get a list of alumni to us.
Ideas for Future Conversations (with tribes and community organization leaders)
Closed conversation with the President and Chief Diversity Officer about the direction of PSU and its relationship
with the tribes of Oregon, as well as Native American, Alaskan Native & Pacific Islander community partners.
o Concern is that the president has destroyed relationships with previous comments
to tribal elected officials.
Executive Director Report
Wants to identify people who should be at the 10 Year Anniversary.
NASCC Manager Report
 May User Numbers
Great news, we had 4542 visitors of the NASCC. Of those visitors 3060 were event attendees, and 1482 were individual
sign-ins. The events were comprised of NASCC hosted events, student events, internal events, ENG classes, Cooperative
Community User events, External events, and NASCC pre-arranged visits.
 Revenue and Maintenance Plans
We are doing really well revenue wise. For the first time we have a surplus. We should be expecting roughly $60,000 in
revenue for the year. $30,000 of the revenue will go towards paying off the rest of the $150,000 loan that the Center
had previously taken out. That leaves roughly $30,000 to allocate towards maintenance and repairs. $667 of that money
needs to automatically be allocated toward the kitchen fund, as was required by the SFC when the NASCC received
funds for our kitchen renovation last year. We need to replace the fire suppression system, which alone costs nearly
$50,000. We have several maintenance demands. We are in the process of deciding which ones cannot be over looked.
 Grounds Plans (see below)
Notes from Grounds Maintenance & Gardening Plan Meeting
We went over the Facilities and Planning Billing Summery Report for MAX345.
Billing Run Dates From: 2012-07-01 to 2013-05-30
We looked at work orders: 13-10158 and 12-35214 to get a better understanding of what Landscaping has been doing
around the NASCC.
Quickly we noticed some problem areas. Those included, but were not limited to: weeding, pruning, and mowing. Most
of our maintenance charges are spent on those three things.
2 – Minutes Prepared by Rachel Cushman
Native American Student and Community Center Advisory Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2013, 5:00pm-7:00pm
NASCC Chief Joseph Conference Room 180
Firstly, we do not have property that requires mowing. Those charges need to be removed. The bridge is not the NASCC
property, it is ODOT's (Oregon Department of Transportation) property.
Secondly, we recognize and discussed the importance of Landscaping continuing to maintain irrigation and watering. We
do not have the capacity to deal with those things. However, when it comes to plant maintenance we are developing a
plan to cover that.
We propose that the NASCC develops a formal agreement with the Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS) Garden
Coordinator about ongoing and seasonal maintenance and garden planning. Judy also offered (once her position is
confirmed within INS) that her classes each have two work days a term dedicated to garden and grounds maintenance.
Therefore we can say in our conversations with Grounds and Landscaping that we are developing an ongoing and
seasonal grounds maintenance and gardening plan with ISS and INS Faculty.
1. Judy and I developed the following action items:
2. Rachel will email Dan Valles, advising him of the invalid mowing charges that have been made.
3. Rachel will email Landscaping and explaining our plan. Asking that no plant maintenance be done, but
expressing our desire to have them continue to maintain irrigation and watering.
4. Judy will email Birdie over in ISS to develop and agreement over there
5. Judy will email Stven about the hillside and bridge maintenance - He is a representative with ODOT. He will help
us setup a meeting with NASCC, Facilities, ODOT, and the Deer Walk folks (Deer Walk is a student group not
associated with the NASCC, however many of the students involved are regulars of the NASCC).
6. Judy's summer class will develop a 6 minute mandatory training video for people volunteering with plant
maintenance at the NASCC
 DMSS Marketing Committee
Rachel is working with DMSS to better market all of DMSS’s programs. This includes the NASCC and NASS.
 10 Year Anniversary Sponsorship Request
The students have contacted all of the folks that we sent requests to. We are in the process of having discussions with
them. Some of them did not receive the initial letter and Rachel is sending digital copies to folks.
 Beautification Days
Beautification Days were a success. We were able to get a lot accomplished. Over 15 people showed up during the two
days. This is the biggest turn out yet.
 Honor Day
We had 190 attendees at Honor Day. Some folks complained about the ticketing process. We will discuss this in the
Honor Day debrief. Evan Adams was by far the best keynote we’ve had. (Rachel passed around a thank you card for
NASCCAB members to sign).
 United Nations’ World Environmental Day
The NASCC is the North American host for World Environmental Day and the Sixth Annual North American Exhibition of
the 22nd Annual International Children’s Painting Competition on the Environment. Please come and check out the
exhibition. Tell other folks to check it out as well. Before bringing a big group, see if the space is available.
 Creation of Professional Development List serve
The Cultural Centers are working on developing a system to disperse information regarding educational, job, career,
internship, volunteer and youth program opportunities to our students. We already send out opportunities as they
arrive by forwarding them to the Cultural Centers' list-serve, but that means students and staff on the list-serve are
bombarded with tons of emails to dig through each day.
Currently, I receive lots of emails that I forward to the student groups housed at the NASCC, but I think there is a better
way to consolidate the information that our students receive.
Here is what we are working towards:
Develop a system that would allow us to consolidate the information.
3 – Minutes Prepared by Rachel Cushman
Native American Student and Community Center Advisory Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2013, 5:00pm-7:00pm
NASCC Chief Joseph Conference Room 180
Step 1) we create an email account (with the help of the help desk) that we all forward the information to.
Ex. (ccpd standing for Cultural Centers Professional Development)
Step 2) as a team create a format for the consolidated Cultural Centers' Professional Development and Other Important
Resources News Letter. (The title is a bit long, but we can work that out). It is best if the format of the email is as easy for
our student readers to follow as possible.
Step 3) we designate a person on staff (professional and/or student staff) that is responsible for compiling the content
that we gather (in the format that we decide upon). I suggest that we create a rotating designee so everyone takes on
the responsibility at some point (kind of like the system that was developed for DMSS tabling).
Step 4) once every week we send the newsletter.
Native American Student Services
 Creation of NASS Freshman Program
Completed DMSS mentoring application modeled after GANASS format. Program, still finalizing, is
tentatively titled “Native Development & Networking for Student Services” (NDNSS). Mentoring program is for firstgeneration, low income and first time students at Portland State University. Program is designed to help new students
transition to PSU from high school or community college. Participants will learn skills to enhance their success at PSU
from staff and student mentors. It will also provide guidance and assistance in financing their education. Selected
NDNSS participants will enroll in a College Success Course per Fall 2013. Currently NASS staff is collaborating with
Latino(a) Student Services and African American Student Services, plus Diversity Scholarship Program. Further planning
and discussion will be carried out at the June 18th DMSS retention coordinators retreat.
 Honor Day
Kudos to all, for carrying out another successful Honor Day Graduation Ceremony. Twelve NA/AN students and four PIC
graduates were recognized. Our keynote speaker Dr. Evan Adams provided a wonderful and sensitive speech. The class
of 2013 was well represented by a variety of tribes and islands. A big thank you goes out to the tribes, community
people and staff/faculty who donated to Honor Day. Without their generous support the 2013 event would not have
been possible.
 Healing Feathers
The program is being represented by Katie Gargan and Jessica Carroll at the National Garrett Lee Smith Convention.
Garrett was the son of former Congressman Gordon Smith who committed suicide while he was attending college.
Gordon Smith was the driving force in generating funding through Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
(SAMHSA). Both Katie and Jessica are traveling with the NARA Life is Sacred Project, of which Healing Feathers falls
under this umbrella.
Healing Feathers will assist the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board in hosting the THRIVE Native American
Student Leadership conference being held here at the NASCC the last week of June. Students attending summer classes
will provide some service hours to working the conference.
The project will conduct a workshop for the Wellness & Success, 477 Self Sustainability Conference on July 24th in Lincoln
City and hosted by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz. Healing Feathers will conduct two sessions for the event. Students
will be collaborating with Central Oregon Community College and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs to provide
QPR training for the Native American student club at COCC. This event will occur either in late August or mid-September.
PSU Internal Leadership Fundraising Team (ILFT) Report and Discussion
ILFT is comprised of CeCe, Julie, JR and Rachel. ILFT has been working with the University Advancement Office trying to
secure large donors and build capacity through the Annual Giving Department. The following are what we are working
towards (at the direction of NASCCAB):
 Scholarship
 Programming Funds
 Emergency Funds
Rachel and Julie met with Annual Giving and it was an interesting conversation.
4 – Minutes Prepared by Rachel Cushman
Native American Student and Community Center Advisory Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2013, 5:00pm-7:00pm
NASCC Chief Joseph Conference Room 180
This is what we got out of the conversation:
NEXT STEPS (notes taken by Julie Smith)
 Lisa to run scholarship case statement copy by Kristin Coppola. Please have her send edits as soon as possible.
We just about have the case designed and ready go.
 Rachel to provide list of Walter Echo-Hawk attendees to be input into the ONE database (again).
 Theresa/Lisa to pull list for all Native American, Alaska Native and Pacific Islander alumni and former donors to
the center.
 Theresa/Lisa to combined lists alumni/donors/event attendees and provide us cost scenarios for a solicitation
that should hit mail boxes on September 1. The solicitation will be primarily for fundraising for scholarships and
will include an invite to attend the 10 year anniversary.
 As we discussed, we'd ideally like to secure an endowed scholarship gift as soon as possible and need guidance
from Lisa/Kristin on who we can approach and how to facilitate that. The idea of having CeCe and Judy
Bluehorse Skeleton or Rachel meet with prospects sounded a like a good approach. We just need to get the
meetings going and start talking up the scholarship in our networks. It sounds like this is the first thing we need
to address. Should JR, CeCe, or Jackie Balzer schedule a meeting with Kristine or someone else about making this
happen soon?
Below is the most recent response from Annual Giving:
Hello everyone,
Attached is the drafted case statement with a few changes and notations from Kristin, Tanya Gross and
me. Please see the comment boxes. The last section regarding the scholarship is a bit tricky. Unlike perhaps in
previous years, we don't have a $25,000 donor waiting in the wings to ask to endow the scholarship. Liz will
keep this effort top of mind as she meets with donors, but once we move forward with a prospect list it will be
important to identify prospects with capacity that we would approach strategically for this effort.
Julie and Rachel: has legal taken a look at this to ensure it doesn't go against protected class issues? Based on
how the last section is worded about awarding the scholarship, it would appear you already have this
handled. Kristin just wanted me to ask to make sure.
A couple of other thoughts/comments:
You'll see we added in the 5% Foundation management fee (this is required for endowed funds).
Kristin talked with Jilma about equal access scholarship funds and if, in the future, some of these funds might be
allocated through the NASCC to support scholarships.
Kristin did talk with Irving Levin and Stephanie Fowler about the NASCC opportunity. He acknowledged the
great program but prioritized other areas for their giving.
The new director of annual giving, Meagan, starts on June 17th. Meagan and Theresa will be coordinating the
database process (getting the Echo-Hawk attendees entered, and working on a prospect list to use to identify
people with capacity and for the September mailing). Also, to gather information regarding the cost for Telefund
and the direct mail. My understanding was that getting approval on the case for support was most urgent; the
list process will begin after Meagan arrives.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or if it might make sense for us to talk through some of this in
Thank you.
Some other things that were discussed during the NASCCAB meeting were:
 It was discussed that there are problems with fundraising for a scholarship when it is not endowed because we
have to allocate that money right away.
 Theresa made it clear that all fundraising efforts that she is involved with go towards the scholarship not the
emergency fund. She doesn’t believe in the emergency fund.
5 – Minutes Prepared by Rachel Cushman
Native American Student and Community Center Advisory Board Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2013, 5:00pm-7:00pm
NASCC Chief Joseph Conference Room 180
CeCe suggested that we move have the funds in a programming account and NASCCAB votes quarterly on how
to spend the funds.
Board Member Roles at the 10 Year Anniversary
Will be discussed more in depth at the September meeting/retreat.
It is the hope that all board members will participate in some way. We do not want any attendees to be ignored.
It will be the board’s duty to ensure that everyone is being greeted and acknowledged.
It is important to have key individuals there helping as well. Those individuals include, but are not limited to:
Rose and Sylvia. Both were integral to the creation of the NASCC. Donita and Lois both pledged to be there as
well and help.
NASCCAB Elections
Theresa motioned for renewing board members positions in closed sessions based on an oral review rather than
a written application process. Tim seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-0-1.
Theresa motioned to keep Julie on the board. Time seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-0-1.
Theresa motioned to approve Judy’s application with the understanding that the position may change. Tim
seconded the motion. The motion passed 9-0-0.
Theresa motioned to approve Melissa as the tribal liaison. Lois seconded the motion. The motion passed 9-0-0.
It was also discussed that the NASCCAB board asks Cornel if he would be willing to have Judy act as INS
representative when she is hired full time. The board understands that Cornel is very busy directing a
department and his teaching schedule often doesn’t allow him to attend meetings. Rachel and CeCe will talk
with Cornel when the term ends.
Meeting in September
We need to meet sometime during the week of September 16-20th. A doodle will be sent out to check everyone’s
Indigenous Nations Studies Update
No information provided.
Upcoming Community Activities
Community members will send Rachel their updates via email and Rachel will forward to board members.
6 – Minutes Prepared by Rachel Cushman