Case Conference November 20th, 2012 Jiten Patel & Alisha Lacour Chief Complaint Headache X 1 week HPI 49 year old woman with history of COPD and nephrolithiasis (first diagnosed 2011) 4 Weeks ago: She presented to an outside hospital with urinary symptoms, nausea, vomiting and flank pain. HPI 4 Weeks ago: Urine cultures showed mixed flora Sent home on ciprofloxacin Follow-up with urology. She presented to the urology clinic 2-3 days later Clinically looked poor so she was admitted from the clinic for: IV antibiotics Placement of stents for hydronephrosis. She was sent home with ciprofloxacin and clindamycin Urine cultures drawn prior to discharge were negative. . HPI Continued 2 Weeks ago: Followed up with urology Had successful laser ablation of the kidney stone 5 days ago: She presented to the an outside hospital complaining of a headache Constant and aching Fluctuated in intensity from 8/10 to 10/10 No radiation Diffusely throughout the head No alleviating factors Worsened by light and sounds HPI Continued 5 days ago (cont.): CT showed a possible subarachnoid hemorrhage She was transferred to UH for neurosurgical evaluation. She was admitted by neurosurgery and observed in the ICU. A repeat head CT showed a stable subarachnoid hemorrhage She was discharged home with follow-up. HPI Continued 3 days ago After being home for a few days she presented to UH with persistent headache. Also complained of: Mild dysuria No increase in frequency or incontinence No flank pain Low grade fevers Past Medical History Kidney Stones ESWL 2011 COPD Past Surgical History Cystolithotomy 2005 Medications Ciprofloxicin 500mg PO BID Oxycodone-Acetaminophin 5-325mg PO Q4-6 hours Tamsulosin 0.4mg PO QDay Allergies Penicillin – swelling of extremities Family History Father passed away from cardiac disease – 70’s Mother passed away from lung cancer – 60’s Siblings healthy Several family members with kidney stones Social History Smokes 1-2 packs per day for 35 years Quit 3 weeks ago Denies any current alcohol use Denies any illicts Lives with her fiancé Health Maintenance Up to date on influenza immunization Up to date on pneumococcal immunization Up to date on Tetanus immunization Up to date on PAP Up to date on Mammogram No colonoscopy ROS Gen: No weight changes HEENT: no visual changes, sore throat, rhinorrhea CV: Per HPI RESP: Per HPI GI: no N/V/D/C/melena/BRBPR Neuro: No dizziness, numbness, seizure Skin: no new rashes GU: Per HPI Physical Exam Vitals Triage BP 110/60 P 68 RR 18 T 99.2 O2 100% on RA 5’6” 77kg BMI 27 Exam BP 125/79 P 61 RR 16 T 98.8 O2 98% on RA Physical Exam GENERAL: Awake, alert, and oriented. No acute distress. HEENT: The patient does have a hyperpigmentation over her left eyebrow. Normocephalic, atraumatic. Mucous membranes are slightly dry. No papilledema. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs RESPIRATORY: Mild expiratory wheezing bilaterally. ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds present. Soft. Nontender. Nondistended. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Physical Exam NEUROLOGIC: Mental: Awake, alert, and oriented x4. Sensation intact to light touch. Reflexes are 2+ in biceps, triceps, patellar, ankle Strength is 5/5 bilaterally in the upper and lower extremities. Cerebellar function intact to finger to nose and heel to shin CN II-XII: EOMI intact, PERRLA, sensation intact to light touch, raises eyebrows, closes eyes tight, symmetric smile, tongue midline, good palate elevation, phonation/cough intact, shoulder shrug appropriate Labs OSH (Day prior) 134 3.8 98 13 29 0.93 (24-32) Ca 8.2 (8.4-10.3) Mg 1.6 P 2.1 131 TP Alb TB AST ALT ALP 7.2 2.7 1.6 20 20 61 (3.5-5.0)(<1.3) Received dose of Gentamicin (4.5-11.0) 18.0 13.3 93 224 40.0 13.3 N 92 L 4 M 3 UA: Sg pH Prot Glu Ket Bili Blood Nitrite Urobiligin LE 1.010 7.0 25 Neg Neg Neg 25 Pos 4.0 500 RBC WBC Sq Bact Casts 6-10 >100 20-100 Many 3-5 Hyaline Labs Admit 134 102 13 4.0 26 0.9 150 (4.5-11.0) 13.9 93 224 36.2 13.3 N 96 L 3 M 1 Ca 8.5 Mg 1.6 P 2.1 Blood Cultures drawn 12.6 UA: Sg pH Prot Glu Ket Bili Blood Nitrite Urobil LE 1.011 7.0 25 Neg Neg Neg 25 Neg 8.0 500 RBC WBC Sq Bact Casts 0-2 3-5 1-2 negative 0 CT Head 2/18 CT Head 2/18 CT Head 2/18 CTA Brain (2/19) CTA Brain (2/19) CT Brain (2/24) CT Brain (2/24) Labs LP CSF Clear Glucose 12 Total Protein 100.4 WBC 198 SEGS 67% LYMPHOCYTES 33% RBC 0 Gram Stain: Many WBC’s Few Gram negative rods Gram Stain Gram Stain Gram Stain Hospital Course She was admitted: Placed in respiratory isolation Treated with: Dexamethasone Vancomycin Imipenem due to her penicillin allergy. Her headache improved. Hospital Coarse Day 2: Urine Cx from OSH: E. Coli >100,000 Resistant to Ciprofloxacin Susceptible to ticarcillin/clavulinate, ampicillin, gentamicin, nitrofurantoin, piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sublactam, tetracycline, cefazolin Intermediate to cephalothin Blood Cxs and CSF Cxs with Gram negative rods MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRI Brain MRA Brain MRA Brain Hospital Course Day 3 of hospital course She had a seizure sending her to the ICU Cause due to the carbapenem or meningitis Neurology was consulted EEG done Mild to moderate abnormality Diffuse slowing Excessive beta activity Imipenem stopped and treated with gentamicin Hospital Coarse Repeat LP Clear Glu 37 Pro 64 WBC 130 N 9% L 89% M 2% RBC 0 Gram Stain: No Organisms Hospital Course Hospital Day 4 Initial Blood and CSF cultures : E. Coli CSF sensitive to aztreonam, ampicillin, piperacillin/tazobactam, imipenem Blood sensitive with above and gentamicin, bactrim, cefazolin Blood resistant to ciprofloxicin, moxifloxicin Antibiotics changed to aztreonam Somnolent from seizure Hospital Day 6 Clinically improved Reported feeling the best she had in weeks Stepped down to the floor Hospital Course Hospital Day 7 Became more lethargic On call intern notified Evaluated patient, noted papilledema STAT CT head Ordered CT Brain CT Brain CT Brain CT Brain CT Brain CT Brain CT Brain Hospital Course Transferred back to ICU Neurosurgery Consulted Subdural Hematoma with midline shift Taken to the OR for emergent hemicraniotomy Mental status did not improve Family elected for palliative care Passed away Thank You