Project Charter

Project Background
The Executive Committee at I-Tech Consortium has recently come to BAMP Professional
Management Group, LLC to express the need for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) patient
database to be developed and implemented in all Aurora Healthcare facilities in Southeast
Wisconsin. Those facilities include hospitals, walk-in clinics, pharmacies, family service
centers, and rehabilitation centers. Even though many of the varying branches of Aurora
Healthcare are located under the same roof, there is still a need to have a shared database that
will allow a patient to walk from one room to another without having to fill out new paperwork.
Currently, Aurora Healthcare is unable to share patient data among all of its facilities to allow
the medical staff to accurately treat and diagnose their patients no matter which facility the
patient visits. Patient’s records often times need to be mailed or faxed between facilities which
result in delays in patient care. Many times the patient is responsible for filling out new
paperwork when he/she visits a new doctor or hasn’t been seen by their current doctor for an
extended period of time. The result is that important information pertaining to his/her medical,
as well as family, history is sometimes omitted. Therefore, Aurora Healthcare, along with the
help of I-Tech, has requested that an EHR database be created that will allow a patient’s
information to be available in real-time regardless of the facility the patient is visiting.
Aurora Healthcare requests that the EHR database gives their staff the ability to view and
upload such patient information as pre and post-op documentation, patient appointment
scheduling, lab orders and test results, x-rays, prescription drugs, problems and diagnosis,
allergies, insurance information, family history, and general doctors’ notes. With the staff
having this type of access to a patient’s most current information, Aurora Healthcare is
confident that both patient care and employee productivity will increase.
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has been hired on by I-Tech Medical Consortium
to complete this project within a project budget of $16 - $20 million. This cost includes new
software applications, initial data storage usages, business class network provided by AT&T,
and consulting costs. There is an understanding between I-Tech Medical Consortium and
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC that project costs could fluctuate but I-Tech has
ensured that there is sufficient funding in place to see this project through.
There is currently no scheduled completion date for this project because Aurora Healthcare and
I-Tech are more concerned that the requirements of the project are met before releasing the EHR
database into all of the Aurora facilities. However, the desire is to implement the database in ten
facilities within the next 24 months. After the initial testing has been deemed a success, the
implementation into the remaining facilities will occur within the next 6 months.
BAMP Professional Management is fully aware of the importance in ensuring that the EHR
database meets all of the requirements of Aurora Healthcare. They also understand such a
database will give the patient flexibility to get the medical attention they need wherever it may
be convenient to them. Because of the ease-of-access the new database will provide the Aurora
patients, the expectation is that there will be an increase in patient retention as well as new
patient potential.
Due to the support and excitement that the Aurora Healthcare Board of Directors has shown,
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has been given the green light to proceed on this
project by I-Tech Medical Consortium. Therefore, BAMP has created this Project Charter as a
guide to detail and follow their plans to see the project is completed in a timely manner and
within the project budget that has been set forth.
The purpose of this Project Charter is to define how BAMP Professional Management Group,
LLC will develop and implement a shared database to be utilized by all Aurora Healthcare
facilities in Southeastern Wisconsin and in collaboration with participating insurance groups.
The database will allow a patient’s most current and accurate records to be retrieved in realtime regardless of which facility the patient is being seen at. It will also provide the patient with
the most up-to-date insurance information.
Project Objectives
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has defined the following list of objectives that
must be met in order for the project to be completed successfully:
Develop a new software program that will allow existing data to effectively interface
with the new EHR database
Contract with a data storage company that will be able to store and secure patient
medical information within the first 6 months of the project
Work in compliance with HIPAA regulations to ensure all patient rights are protected
Develop tier levels of access into the EHR database that will limit access to sensitive
patient records to only individuals that require this information to perform job duties
Ensure the EHR database will be functional and accessible 24/7/365 to all Aurora
Healthcare staff that require access to the database
Ensure each facility is equipped with the proper amount of servers to eliminate any
potential down time due to maintenance issues
Develop a web access portal which will allow doctors and other staff to access and
update the EHR database through their PDAs, smart phones, and tablets in real time
Contract with a local company to provide business class internet solutions within 8
months of the projects commencement
Hold weekly meetings with Aurora Healthcare representatives over the first 2 months to
discuss their requirements of the EHR database
Integrate the EHR database with insurance companies processes and procedures in
order to accurately provide patient’s most up-to-date insurance information
Provide weekly training seminars to all potential users 2 months prior to the initial roll
out to allow for easier transition by medical staff
Ensure the EHR database is accessible at all locations at the same time
Provide patients with access to a web portal that will allow them to see their
information that the medical staff has updated and/or uploaded into the EHR database
Project Milestones
The following is a list of major milestones that must be met for the project to succeed:
May 1, 2012 - Meet with Aurora Healthcare representatives, I-Tech Medical Consortium
executive committee members, and insurance company representatives to discuss the
requirements of the EHR database
June 29th, 2012 - Aurora Healthcare signs off on requirements of EHR database
October 12, 2012 - Contract with a data storage company that will provide enough
storage and security for the new EHR database
December 31, 2012 - Initial testing begins to ensure the EHR database is working
February 2, 2013 - Trusted, reliable, secure internet provider has been contracted
March 1, 2013 - Begin to transfer information from existing database into new EHR
March 10, 2013 - EHR database is tested to ensure information has transferred
April 20, 2013 - Meet with Aurora Healthcare representatives and I-Tech Medical
Consortium’s executive committee to discuss the current state of the EHR database
May 1, 2013 - Tier access levels have been created
May 17, 2013 - Testing occurs to ensure access levels are functional
July 24, 2013 - Creation of the staff and patient web access portals are completed
August 31, 2013 - Portals are tested to ensure they can be accessed via various electronic
methods and are equipped with the proper security requirements
December 31, 2013 - Users are compliant with HIPPA regulation training associated with
patient records
January 2, 2014 - Implementation into Aurora Healthcare facilities commences
March 1, 2014 - Training on the new EHR database by all potential users is complete
April 1, 2014 - Go-live in 10 Aurora Healthcare facilities with the new EHR database
Requirement Breakdown Structure (RBS)
Table 1.1 below describes the requirements of the new EHR database as drawn out by Aurora
Healthcare and I-Tech Medical Consortium. These requirements are necessary in order for the
new database to successfully integrate with Aurora Healthcare’s existing database. If BAMP
Professional Management Group, LLC is unable to integrate the new database in a timely and
cost effective manner, the project will be deemed a failure.
Table 1.1
Secure, meets patient privacy
needs. In compliance with
HIPPA standards.
User friendly , allows for ease
of training and
Expandable, available at
multiple locations
Consider Future Direction for
the Business
Secure data storage with a
backup facility
Provide patient information
over a secure network that is
only accessible through a user
name and password
Develop a manual which
outlines step by step use of
the system
Create an intranet network
which would allow multiple
locations to access via internet
Access medical information
via a network without the
need for physical documents
which can be integrated to
insurance and financial
Contract with a 3rd party data
storage facility to provide
secure patient record storage
Integrate with Insurance and
financial institutions
Create partnerships with
insurance providers detailing
the benefits of the system.
Real time patient information
Design a solution that
provides a standard set of
tools which will allow
healthcare facilities to share
patient records
Protected firewall provided to
reduce chances of hacking/
illegal activity.
Screens are easily identifiable
and navigated. Help icon with
Intranet will be easily
available with a URL. System
will have identification log ins
which will allow access.
Aurora Healthcare will see
benefits through use of
system. Increased customer
satisfaction and ease of use
will be gained.
24 hour assistance will be
available for system, multiple
storage locations for increased
Increased efficiency will be
provided by integrating
insurance contract options
into the system where they
will be easily accessible via a
click of a button.
Updates on new system will
be automatically saved and
available within a relatively
short wait period. Allowing
healthcare providers to
instantaneously look up
patient records.
Project Overview Statement
The project overview statement (POS) is a condensed version of all of the information that was
previously covered. The POS contains the following information about the EHR database
project for Aurora Healthcare and I-Tech Medical Consortium: problem being addressed,
project goal, project objectives, how BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will measure
success, and the assumptions and risks associated with the project.
This statement will be available to all stakeholders upon request. The POS will be kept at the
corporate facility of BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC. All requests should be
submitted via email or fax.
Project Name:
Electronic Health Record
Project No.
Project Manager:
Favi Alvarez
Amir Beshiri
Marc Majewski
Jason Prothero
Problem / Opportunity:
Aurora Healthcare is unable to share patient data among all of its facilities to allow the medical
staff to accurately treat and diagnose their patients no matter which facility the patient visits.
Currently patient’s records need to be mailed or faxed between facilities which result in delays
in patient care. Often times the patients are responsible for filling out new patient medical
forms at each facility and important information pertaining to the patient’s medical, as well as
family, history is sometimes omitted. A “one-stop-shop” database would provide doctors and
other medical staff a greater opportunity to serve and adhere to the patient’s needs.
Create and implement a shared database for Aurora Healthcare that will accurately detail a
patient’s current medical and insurance history.
Synchronize existing data with new operating systems
Contracting with a data storage company that will be able to store and secure patient
medical information
Work in compliance with HIPAA regulations to ensure all patient rights are protected
Develop tier access levels into the system that will limit access to sensitive patient
records to only individuals that require this information to perform job duties.
The systems database will be functional and accessible 24/7 to all Aurora staff that
requires access to the database
The system will offer a web access portal which will allow doctors and other staff to
access and update the database through their PDAs, smartphones, and tablets in real
Contracting with local company to provide business class internet solutions
Improve workflow efficiency and client satisfaction
Success Criteria:
All patient information is transferred successfully
Contracted company has sufficient data storage capacity
Users are compliant with HIPPA regulation training associated with patient records;
system administrators will select user clearance
Trusted, reliable, secure internet access
Measurable departmental improvements and patient satisfaction
Assumptions / Risks / Obstacles:
Confidentiality, HIPPA, Integrity
Database does not meet the requirements necessary to comply to HIPPA standards
Lack of knowledge on the requirements needed to create and maintain the database
Lack of resources
Insufficient data storage space
Poorly designed software
Existing database isn’t able to interface to the new system
Inadequate data transfers
The central database would need to be staffed with an IT specialist 24 hours a day
Prepared By:
BAMP Professional
Management Group, LLC
Approved By:
Barkhaus W.
Project Alignment
As outlined in our RBS and POS, the purpose of the project is to create and implement an
Electronic Health Record database that will be shared among all Aurora Healthcare facilities.
The RFP provided by the I-Tech Medical Consortium outlines the requirements of this system
as one that can create and store patient records, is available on-line, and conforms to the privacy
requirements outlined by the HIPAA law. (For more information on HIPPA, please see the
Project and Product Objectives portion of the Scope Management Plan).
The EHR database project aligns with BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC’s
organizational goals by adhering to the requirements proposed by the RFP. The team has
created a project scope which outlines the problems and opportunities found with the project
proposal. I-Tech Medical Consortium’s executive committee and board of directors have assured
that Aurora Healthcare has sufficient funding in place to see the project through completion.
The EHR database project as outlined by the project scope will consist of the combination of
multiple programs that are currently used separately. Each program deals with a healthcare
related aspect from in-patient/out-patient information gathering to financial and health
insurance records. The project in alignment with the customers vision, will integrate all systems
related with patient information into a database that will allow healthcare professionals access
to the information they need when they need it.