Boulder Creek High School 40404 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway Anthem, AZ 85086 623-445-8600 Course: Information Technology Teacher: Ms. Christina Rock Room: 436 E-mail: Phone: (623) 445-8828 Course Description This course introduces computer fundamentals including the basics of internet history, computer evolution, software development, web page development, ethical and safety issues, and current trends in Information Technology (IT). Students will utilize business and industry based software for word processing, information management, and web design. Student Organization: Skills USA or FBLA. Students are strongly encouraged to have an USB flash drive with at least 4gig of memory to store and backup their assignments. This course follows the Arizona State Career and Technical Education Program standards as outlined in the Web page Development Framework (CIP # 15.1200.50). (Yearlong Course - 1 Credit) Course Objectives As identified by the AZ State Standards, students in Information Technology will be able to: 1. Utilize process management concepts (1.0) 2. Maintain a safe green information COMPETENCY/COURSE MATRIX technology work environment (2.0) 3. Examine legal andBUSINESS ethical issues related to information technology (3.0) AGRICULTURE MANTAGEMENT 4. Perform basic computer mathematics in information technology (4.0) PLANT SCIENCE - LEVEL III Competencies 5. Investigateand theIndicators development/evolution of the internet (5.0) Cip Code 01.0304 6. Apply basic search engine optimization (6.0) August 1999 7. Delineate the key components of a web-served platform (7.0) 8. Apply client-side internet software (8.0) 9. Administer internet and intranet sites (9.0) 10. Develop HTML webpages using HTML editors (10.0) 11. Develop HTML webpages using cascading style sheets (CSS) (11.0) 12. Apply client-side scripting languages (12.0) 13. Utilize server-side programming (13.0) 14. Utilize multimedia extensions, plugins and images and multimedia formats (14.0) 15. Outline the core components of the internet infrastructure (15.0) 16. Apply page layout principles in the design of pages (16.0) 17. Examine security issues related to information technology (17.0) 18. Investigate e-commerce in the global economy (18.0) 19. Create web promotion strategies (19.0) Grading Policy The semester grade is a cumulative grade for the 18 weeks weighted at 80% and the semester final exam grade weighted at 20%. Scale Weighting A 90 – 100% Class Work (ISN, Vocabulary, Tutorials, & Reviews) 24% B 80 – 89.9% Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, and Projects) 56% C 70 – 79.9% Semester Final 20% D 60 – 69.9% F Below 60% Late Work Policy In the real world of web development, a deadline is a deadline. If a deadline is missed, the potential for dire consequences may occur: loss of a client, loss of revenue, loss of credibility, etc. This class mimics the real world and your grade will be penalized for late assignments: One day late = 50% reduction in grade for the assignment Two or more days late = No credit will be given Make-Up Work Policy As stated in the student handbook, when the student is absent, he/she has the same number of days missed to turn-in missed work. However, there are a few rules that apply: 1. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding missed work. 2. A student is permitted to turn-in an assignment one day late for 50% credit. 3. Long term assignments with a pre-determined due date are not subject to the make-up policy – see below for the long term project policy. Long Term Project Policy Long term projects are defined as any project assigned with a length of more than a week. These projects are due on the date assigned. If the student or teacher is absent, the project is still due on the day assigned. The project can be turned in at the front office. I will be happy to look at and critique late work for long term projects; however, you will not receive a grade for it. PowerSchool Access The PowerSchool site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades, attendance, and other information. Parents/Guardians will be given information about accessing the PowerSchool site at the Parent-Teacher conferences in October. The web address is: Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences This is a professional course that teaches you a skill that you will be able to use as soon as you learn it, which means that the potential for you to get a job in the tech field is quite possible. If you do land a job in the industry, you will be expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner in your workplace. This is your workplace. While you are here, it is my expectation that you will act professionally. Causing a problem (excessively informal, rude, or insulting behavior) in the workplace will result in the following progression, unless deemed necessary to advance: 1. 2. 3. 4. Warning provided to student Warning and parent contact Parent contact and workplace intervention Referral to administration and parent contact All of the guidelines and consequences presented in the Deer Valley Unified School District’s Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook are applicable to all students in this class. Attendance I do not require you to possess at your home the software we use in the classroom; therefore it is important for you to attend class so that you can finish your projects on time. If you are absent, please be aware that upon reaching any combination of 12 excused or unexcused absences, a student may lose credit in this class. Sweep Policy 1. Students are expected to be on time to every class. 2. Students who are not inside the classroom on the last ring of the tardy bell will be sent to sweep (if you are coming through the door, you are late!). 3. Students who are sent to sweep must turn in any assignments that are due on that same day if they wish to receive full credit. 4. It is the student’s responsibility to get any assigned materials on the day they go to sweep and have it prepared and ready to turn in on the due date – no extensions will be given. Cheating and Plagiarism Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Knowingly using information or property of another, or knowingly sharing academic information to gain an unfair advantage will result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, loss of credit for the assignment or test. Technology Use Unauthorized use of hardware or software, damage to technology equipment, or theft will result in disciplinary action. Students are responsible for the protection of their passwords and may not allow others to use their passwords. My policy regarding use of electronic devices within the classroom is: Cell phones may not be used within the classroom. You may use your phones during passing periods and at lunch, so there should be no need for you to use them during class. MP3 players, such as iPods, may be used while you are working on a project as long as you are listening via headphones. MP3 players must be turned off during classroom discussions and while I am lecturing. Equipment Use Policy Students in this course will be expected to responsibly use technology on a regular basis. All students will be expected to use the internet for coursework and should have their own personal email address. Unauthorized use of hardware or software, damage to technology equipment, or theft will result in disciplinary action. Students are responsible to protect their passwords and may not allow others to use their password. Communication It is crucial that teachers, parents, and students maintain open lines of communication as communication is a key factor for student success during this course. Please contact me using the contact information located at the top of the first page with any concerns you may have (email is the best way to contact me). The Deer Valley Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. For any inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies, please contact the Superintendent's Department at 20402 N. 15th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027 (623)445-5000 Boulder Creek High School 40404 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway Anthem, AZ 85086 623-445-8600 Course: Information Technology Teacher: Ms. Christina Rock Room: 436 E-mail: Phone: (623) 445-8828 Please return this page by Friday, August 14, 2015. I have read the Info Tech Course Syllabus and Guidelines. Student Name (Printed) ___________________________________ Class Hour ____ Student Signature ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian E-Mail _________________________________________________ (By providing an email address you are giving permission for the teacher to contact you in this manner.) Parent/Guardian Preferred Phone ________________________ Home / Work / Cell (Circle one) Additional information/comments for teacher _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________