unfinshed proposal

Exodus Concerned Program was founded in 2009 as CBO and later the organization gain to be an NGO
registered on 28thMay 2012. Exodus Concerned Program now fills an important steward role in the AIDS
crisis through empowering youth, widows, girl’s widowers, grandmothers, orphans and vulnerable
children affected by HIV/AIDS with a mandate to addressing the issue of HIV and AIDS at all levels.
Supports the rights of people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS, particularly those who are socially
marginalized in other ways, to participate fully in decisions that affect them in the community at large.
Exodus Concerned Program is an NGO, non-political, non-religious local NGO with the general objectives
to improve the life for children, widows, and care givers and people affected by HIV/AIDS to be carried
out in Lake Victoria region, areas with a high incidence of HIV/AIDS in rural communities, through
providing potable water, hygiene and sanitation services; introducing modern irrigation systems in their
kitchen gardening; increasing the rural community’s awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention; providing the
necessary care and support for orphans and vulnerable children; reducing gender inequality through
women empowerments. The organization has Four Board of Directors, a governing body that provides
leadership and direction on strategic issues such as strategic and annual plans, annual budget, salary
schemes, and exercise control to ensure that the organization is operating within and in-line with the
laws of the country and its own constitution. It has a General Manager responsible for giving over all
directions for the day-to-day operations of the organization in-line with the directions and decisions of
the Board of Director and has four management staff and ten volunteer working for organization.
Project Vision
Is to attain full health rights and see that all citizens enjoy health and well-being and have full access to
information, skills and services related to the full attainment of their health, including access to the
information, commodities and services necessary to prevent, manage and treat HIV/AIDS in Kenya.
Project Mission
Is to provide compassionate non-medical care to people living with HIV and AIDS, by offering prevention
education in non-discrimination manner to the community at large, in a range of supportive services to
AIDS-impacted persons and their families living below the poverty line in Nyanza region, including
destitute persons who are chronically ill with advanced HIV disease and AIDS prevention
Project Goals
The overall goal is to reduce social, religious, cultural, economic, legal and political barriers that make
people especially marginalized group vulnerable to HIV and AIDS by addressing barriers to accessing
comprehensive health care services in a non-discrimination manner, inline to avert poverty and
HIV/AIDS infections and related deaths, to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS, and
to contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals Vision 2030, particularly to halt
and reverse the HIV and AIDS epidemic.
Project Broad Objectives
The overall objective of this community based development project will be to improve the quality for
children, widows, and care givers and people affected by HIV/AIDS; to be carried out in Lake Victoria
region, areas with a high incidence of HIV/AIDS (15.7% of the total population).
Project Specific Objectives
To increase and ensure timely access to appropriate medical care for PLWHAS.
To offer peer education services to the members and PLWHAS in support groups
Reduce drastically social cultural factors which facilitate HIV/AIDS infection in PLWHAS
To identify and develop a referral system for new diagnosed PLWHAS to health needs.
Advocate for equal access of healthcare for people infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.
To create, raise and promote Public awareness about PLWHAS including youth, Women living
with HIV, male sex workers, married men, elder men etc.
To use different medium e.g. drama, dance and skits, fliers brochures, newsletters & mass
media, to pass messages regarding sexual health and safer sexual practices for the PLWHAS.
Provide community and home-based care and other support to HIV/AIDS infected and affected
people, especially widows and widowers and empower them through establishing IGA
Decrease drastically the number of new HIV infection including prevention of mother to child
transmission PMTCT
Promote awareness of practices that enhance well-being in community with particular reference
to proper nutrition and regular exercising and capacity building of members to instill life skills to
help with living with one-self and emphasize life skills, and development of positive attitudes
and values.
Project Specific Activities
Offering psychosocial and nutrition’s support to infected and affected PLWHAS, OVCs
include chronically ill client, other specific needs to educate 100% of identified community
members to reduce behaviors that put themselves at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.
Establishing effective linkages and referrals systems to infected and affected PLWHAS tofriendly VCT and other health services care providers for ART services.
Conducting home and community based Care train for PLWHAS on ART adherence and
access to primary health care STI/HIV and AIDS testing and treatment providers
Distribution of condoms and to address behavior change communication (BCC) targeting
men, women girls, boys, and fishermen, youth in and out of school, commercial sex workers,
widows, widowers, pastoralists, PLWHAS, MSM, the elderly, people living positive with HIV
and AIDS (PWDs) and long truck drivers, Taxi drivers etc.
Provide maximum care and support services to 100% of identified orphans and vulnerable
children to access education, by providing scholastic materials and school fees.
Conducting wellness workshops that include safer sex awareness, in supporting prevention
through people living positive with HIV and AIDS (PwP)
Peer education and counseling interventions that utilize a wide range of strategies, including
peer education, support groups, public debates, telephone hotlines, the internet and the
media. PLWHAS will be trained us peer and peer support counseling group e.g. (10 staff peer
educators) will hold group discussions moonlight outreach activities, around bars, clubs,
lodges, pool competitions and streets, at during that time 300 condom dispensers will be set
up and educators will distribute over 60,000 condoms including male and female
Open forum for HIV and AIDS discussions and mobilization community wider campaigners to
educate residents on HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease and preventing
transmission of HIV and AIDS from mother to child during birth and one day a week drop
packed food in day care for OVCS age 0-13 in project community Centre Stipend for one
teacher and provision of one meal for 70 orphans and vulnerable children.
Post Test Clubs [PTC] and community mobilization through various outreach activities
provide Income Generating Activities (IGA) input advice to accelerate poverty reduction
among the vulnerable and less fortunate groups and Grandmother Support like building
semi-permanent house and direct aid support.
Offering psychosocial and nutrition’s support to
infected and affected PLWHAS, OVCs include
chronically ill client and other specific needs to
educate 100% of identified community
members to reduce behaviors that put
themselves at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.
Establishing effective linkages and referrals
systems to infected and affected PLWHAS tofriendly VCT and other health services care
providers for ART services.
Conducting home and community based care
train for PLWHAS on ART adherence and access
to primary health care STI/HIV and AIDS testing
and treatment providers
Distribution of condoms and to address
behavior change communication (BCC)
targeting men, women girls, boys, and
fishermen, youth in and out of school,
commercial sex workers, widows, widowers,
pastoralists, PLWHAS, MSM, the elderly, people
living positive with HIV and AIDS (PWDs) and
long truck drivers, Taxi drivers etc.
Provide maximum care and support services to
100% of identified orphans and vulnerable
children to access education, by providing
scholastic materials and school fees.
Conducting wellness workshops that include
safer sex awareness, in supporting prevention
-Number of provision and nutrition
support supplemented and therapeutic
support for person on care and treatment.
-Number of people who get tested and
referred/ taken by HBC workers to health.
-Goal is to get 50% of these 2,480 to go for
-Number of HBC PHBC volunteers trained.
-Number of sick that are visited by Project
HBC volunteers.
-Number of youth reached
through school based HIV/AIDS
prevention/other braille communication
-Increase number of campaigns to
reinforce partner reduction, supported by
condom use, HIV testing and counseling,
communities to general population
-Number of OVCs who received support to
attended high school and OVCs progress
reports based upon observations.
-Goal is to reach a total of 2,480 people in
the community with workshops and
Team Group
Team Group
Team Group
Team Group
Team Group
-ECP, Project
through (PwP) HIV/AIDS.
Peer education and counseling interventions
that utilize a wide range of strategies, including
peer education, support groups, public
debates, telephone hotlines, the internet and
the media. PLWHAS will be trained us peer and
peer support counseling group e.g. (10 staff
peer educators) will hold group discussions
moonlight outreach activities, around bars,
clubs, lodges, pool competitions and streets, at
during that time 300 condom dispensers will be
set up and educators will distribute over 60,000
condoms including male and female
Open forum for HIV/AIDS discussions and
mobilization community wider campaigners to
educate residents on HIV and AIDS and other
sexually transmitted disease and preventing
transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother to child
during birth and one day a week drop packed
food in day care for OVCS age 5-13 in project
community Centre Stipend for one teacher and
provision of one meal for 170 orphans and
vulnerable children.
Post Test Clubs [PTC] and community
mobilization through various outreach activities
provide Income Generating Activities (IGA)
input advice to accelerate poverty reduction
among the vulnerable and less fortunate
groups and Grandmother Support like building
semi-permanent house and direct aid support.
Monitoring and Evaluation
increase their knowledge.
-Number of clients reporting better
mental health (will be given mental health
assessment each month to check for
-Number of clients reporting better
physical health, weight gain
-Number of clients reporting better
physical health, weight gain and number
of condom distributed in bars dispenser.
-Number of clients on ARVs who have
positive change in CD4 count
-Number of open forums participation.
-Strengthen female involvement and
couples counseling, quality assurance and
early infant diagnosis.
-Number of children who are reading and
writing at age appropriate level (progress
reports based upon observations and
quizzes of children by teacher). Percentage of children with weight gain of
(Community nurse will weigh children
every three months- establish a baseline
-Number of outreach and Home Based
Care for PLWHA, chronically sick and
vulnerable children.
-Number of Income Generating Activities
provided to marginalized group.
-Number of direct aid support to
Caregivers in the community.
Monthly reports given to CACC
coordinator. Quarterly narrative
submitted to SLF on progressive
Team Group
Team Group
-Ministry of
-Ministry of
Gender and
-Ministry of
Team Group
-Liverpool VCT
-ECP, and
X Hired
Outcome Result
Improve health of chronically sick and people living with HIV and AIDS.
Increase health of children less than 0-13 years who are HIV positive with nutrition.
Increase number of individuals who go for VCT, ARV treatment and primary care services.
Increase skills and knowledge of Home Based Care volunteers and community members.
Increase emotional health and physical well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS.
Increase health and well-being of clients and other people living with HIV/AIDS in support group.
Increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS to infected or affected persons in the community at large.
Increase care and educational support and learning activities for vulnerable Orphans children.
Increase health and well-being of these children suffering from malnutrition abilities in rural.
Increased capacity of local community religious leaders in project area to fight the spread of HIV.
Increase in the number of most-at risk population with HIV and their partners realizing their
rights to services that will enable them to live longer, healthier and lead more productive lives.
Increases enrollment of HIV positive and high-risk negative people in appropriate medical care,
treatment and other support services available for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Increased and improved coordination of local community structures to mobilize resources for
Orphans and Vulnerable Children then school dropout, Stigma and discrimination decreased in
the project area.
Basic physical and economic needs of OVC are met i.e. OVC are attending age appropriate levels
of schools, they have support for their medical needs.
People living with HIV and their partners benefit from increased incomes and more secure
tenure resulting in improved livelihoods.
Measurable improvements in relationships between men and women leading to an increase in
the practice of safer sex and greater uptake of HIV services by those who need them.
People living with HIV and their families experience a measurable reduction in stigma and
discrimination, which leads to more equitable access to services, increased understanding and
reduced fears about HIV and AIDS.
Increased numbers of new youths to addressing the impact of HIV in the workplace, leading to
increasing number of staff and volunteers accessing HIV prevention and care services, reduced
levels of stigma, and discrimination to better organizational performance as a result of these
policies and practices.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Periodic monitoring focuses on the day-to-day activities of the project. It uses clearly stated activity
indicators in the plan for monthly, quarterly and annual targets to be accomplished. Monitoring activity
includes measuring the physical performances, budgetary utilization, quality and quantity of work done,
correlation of the work done with the set objectives and the set plans and timetables. A midterm
evaluation will be jointly held with all stakeholders including beneficiaries, donors, community, and
relevant government counterparts with the active participation of project beneficiaries including people
living with HIV/AIDS, Youths, religious leaders, widowers, widows older orphans and grandmother even
community social workers. During the evaluation process the following indicators will be considered:
Number OVC and PLWHA supported by the project and the progress they have shown.
Financial system, cost effectiveness and budget utilization.
Participation of stake holders in the implementation of the project.
Amount of resources mobilized by the community to support OVCs.
Number of community members mobilized.
Over the past 27 years, the HIV/AIDS epidemic in our country has escalated enormously. According to a
World Health Organization (WHO) report 2007, there are currently 1.5 million infected people living in
the country. This project is specifically aimed at ensuring that every Orphans and Vulnerable Children
and other people living with HIV/AIDS in the country has the social, psychological and material support
required to fulfill his/her potential. This because silence surrounds children and that of their parents are
affected by HIV/AIDS and the inaction that results is morally reprehensible and unacceptable. If this
situation is not addressed, and not addressed now with increased urgency, millions of children and their
parents will continue to die, and tens of millions more will be further marginalized, stigmatized,
malnourished, uneducated, and psychologically damaged. “In Kenya HIV and AIDS or Orphan and
vulnerable children is a national problem! ‘‘Each day children all over the country increase steadily after
the death of their parents, due to HIV/AIDS disease and poverty. The problem is getting worse. It is an
epidemic: Hence our program is needed more in Kenya compared to other countries.
1. Ngolo Community Health Care Centre.
Community Based Organization Formed2001/CBO
Title: Health care community provide
Po. Box. 100 kojwang Via Kendu Bay
Email. Address: ngolohealthcarecentre.@gmail.com
2. Kokidi Kanjira Self Help Group Project
Community based organization founded 2007/CBO
Title. Care and support to OVCs
Po. Box. 100-44 kojwang Via Kendu Bay
Email. Address: kokidikanjira@rocketmail.com
3. Nyangere Widows Women Project
Community-based organization Established in 1988/Reg/CBO-2012
Offer supportive Aid to widows, orphans, and Grandmother.
Title Community in support of AIDS orphans and their Caregivers
Po. Box. 16 Muhoroni Awasi, Nairobi-Kisumu Highway Road.
Email. Address: nyangerewidowswomen@yahoo.com
4. Usenge Disable Group
Self Help-Group Established in 2001/Reg/under CBO
Title. Care for disability and Right
Pox 300123 Bondo Usenge
Email. Address: usengedisblegroup@yahoo.com
1. Letter off Declaration.
2. Organization names of trustee and staffs.
3. Latter for support requesting funds.
Exodus Concerned Program
Box 44 Kojwang via Kendu Bay
Telephone Mobile +254 705 038 100
Email: exodusconcernedprogram@gmail.com
Or our previous Email. pumpselfhelpgroupproject@yahoo.com
Date 10-01-2013
The Stephen Lewis Foundation
260 Spadina Avenue Suite 501
Toronto, Ontario M5t 2e4
E mail: proposals@stephenlewisfoundation.org
Dear Madam/Sir
Official declaration by Exodus Concerned Program to The Stephen Lewis Foundation
Requesting Fund for Support.
I hereby declare on behalf of Exodus Concerned Program that:
Exodus Concerned Program is registered as a legal entity in our country of origin. We have not
received funding from any other source to carry out the activities described within our proposal
Exodus Concerned Program is not bankrupt, being wound up, is not having its affairs
administered by the courts, has not entered into an arrangement with creditors, has not
suspended business activities, has not been the subject of proceeding concerning these
matters, and is not in any similar predicament arising from national or international legislation
or regulation
Exodus Concerned Program and its officers have not been the subject of any judgment with the
force of law for fraud, corruption or other illegal activity detrimental to the financial and
reputational interests of SLP. We have not been declared to be in serious breach of contract for
failure to comply with our contractual obligations
Yours faithfully
Geoffrey Omondi Aroko
Exodus Concerned Program