Biodegradable scaffolds for spinal cord injury


Animal models of spinal cord injury

Dr Lawrence Moon

Please take two minutes to fill in the quick questionnaire

During the lecture, do interrupt with questions if you have any

After this lecture and appropriate studying* you should be able to

1. Define an animal model and discuss why and how they are used.

2. Describe the neuropathology of spinal cord injury (SCI) in humans.

3. Give examples of different animal models of SCI.

4. Critically evaluate different animal models of SCI (pros, cons).


1. Write lecture notes! Read them soon, to refresh your memory.

2. I will cover the key issues but you need to read the recommended reviews and papers. Write notes. Test a classmate on their knowledge and understanding.

3. Be critical. Question what you are told!

4. Before any exams, find and read additional up-to-date papers (e.g. by authors on the reading list)

5. Think about how animal models are sufficient and where they fail.

6. Cite authors (e.g. Smith et al,. 2007) to substantiate written claims.

What is an animal model?

Whereas good looking humans can be supermodels, an “Animal

Model” is NOT a beautiful, photogenic pet.

Thus, the following are NOT examples of good animal models

Dogs as bad supermodels

What is an animal model?

An “animal model” refers to the use of a non-human animal to simulate a human disease or injury.

They are used where it is practically or ethically difficult to use humans.

They can be

Naturally occurring

In a normal animal, e.g. after road traffic accident

In an abnormal (spontaneous) mutant

Induced experimentally


Genetically engineered

Why should you learn about animal models?

We want to discover safe and effective therapies for various diseases and injuries.

Many potential therapies require testing for safety and efficacy in animals before it is possible to move to a clinical trial.

If you understand the pros and cons of each model, you can better evaluate the research (e.g. criticise the papers)

Ethical implications.

What do models of SCI typically involve?

Approval of Personal and Project Licence from Home Office (UK)

Training & supervision

Development of animal model if necessary

Genetic engineering / breeding of mutant, etc.

Pre-training / habituation

Surgery under anaesthetic

Spinal cord injury

Delivery of a therapy

Postoperative care (analgesia, antibiotics, etc.)

Post-injury behavioural testing

Electrophysiology / imaging

Terminal anaesthesia, removal of tissues (e.g. fixation)

Cutting of tissues

Staining of tissues to reveal injury site / regenerating axons, etc.


Introduction to spinal cord injury

Incidence, prevalence


Types of animal model

Surgical / naturally occurring / genetic engineering

Species of animals used

Rats / mouse / cats / non-human primates / dogs

Outcome measures

Behavioural tests


Spinal cord injury

Prevalence in USA 250,000

Incidence in USA 11,000



• Motor dysfunction below the injury site

• Loss of sensation below the injury site

• Pain

• Bladder, bowel, sexual dysfunction

I’ll limit discussion to animal models of locomotor dysfunction after SCI.

Spinal cord injury

Some (v limited) spontaneous recovery / compensation

Few acute therapies

 steroids (SCI) – contraversial

Few chronic therapies

 rehabilitation (locomotor)

 adaptation (sexual, bladder, bowel)

None fully restorative

So we need to develop safe and effective therapies

SFN video

Anatomy of human spinal cord

emphasise CST and sensory axons quad v para






Compression /



Laceration (cut)


Solid core injuries

Why only some spontaneous recovery?

Very few new neurons are born (neurogenesis)

Spontaneous failure of CNS axon regeneration

Limited endogenous repair (adult vs neonate)

Insufficient compensatory plasticity

Poor intrinsic axon growth

Pro-growth molecules down-regulated

Anti-growth pathways switched on

Inhospitable extrinsic environment

Cysts, cavities

Fibrotic scar

Growth-inhibitory molecules (intact & injured)

Lack of growth factors, permissive substrates

Goals for spinal cord repair






Reduce cell death


Promote regrowth of injured axons


Promote compensatory regrowth by uninjured axons

(collateral sprouting)

Demyelination (?)


Goals for animal models of SCI



Model cell death (neuroprotection)

Induce characteristic pattern of cell death ii.



Allow measurement of any neuroprotection



Model axon injury i.

Full transection of some axons ii.



Sparing of other axons

Allow measurement of any regeneration

Allow measurement of any collateral sprouting

Model demyelination (if any)


Model locomotor (or other) deficit i.

Allow measurement of any recovery

Overview of animal models

Different surgical methods

Species (rat, human, cat, dog, non-human primate)

Outcome measures

Other variables

Time until therapy is delivered

Level of spinal cord

Contusion (weight drop)

Usually at midline, mid thoracic (T9) in rats or mice

Basso et al., 1996 Exp Neurol 139:244-256

Also unilateral in cervical spinal cord (C5)

Various impactors:




Hill et al., 2001 Exp Neurol 171:153-169.

Complete transection

Usually midthoracic

Surgical knife cut


True regeneration


Very harsh


Postoperative care de Winter et al 2002

Partial section: dorsal hemisection

Cut or crush with forceps

Often done in rats / mice

There may be no ventral CST in mice

(Steward et al., 2007)

Partial section: dorsal hemisection


Deficits are mild – loss of fine but not gross motor control

Easy to trace

Cuts ascending sensory fibers completely


Does not cut corticospinal tract (CST) completely

Thus cannot be used rigorously to assess true axon regeneration

Steward et al., 2003

Partial section: lateral hemisection

Freund et al., 2006 - primate

• Interrupts tracts unilaterally (e.g. CST in primate; RST in rodents)

• Primate CST is lateral

• Rat CST is mostly dorsal but also lateral and ventral

• Advantage

• Deficits are unilateral

• Contralateral tract / limb serves as within-animal control -> power



Most common; cheap, friendly

Anatomy well understood

Disadvantage: CST lesions aren’t very disabling

Quadruped; does this model us as bipeds?



Smaller – behaviour can be tougher to measure

Transgenics / knockouts exist

Zheng et al,. 2006

Anomaly - very little cyst formation

Disadvantage: CST lesions aren’t very disabling


Non-human primate

Similar anatomy to human

Similar pathology

Disadvantages: Expensive; ethically challenging


Used less often nowadays

Earliest trials based on cat studies


Naturally occurring injuries

Road traffic accidents

Spinal disc herniation (hernia / prolapse / “slipped”)

Chondrodystrophic dogs

Bassets, dachshunds, bulldogs

Commonly cervical or thoracolumbar


Compression / contusion

Use autopsy material to understand SCI

Test out new therapies in dogs?

Ethical opportunity

Jeffery et al,. 2006a,b



Not controlled – variable (but this models human)

Phylogenetic differences

• Most species are not bipedal (but consider birds).

• Species can have different musculoskeletal arrangements

• e.g. rat has fused radius and ulnar bones

• Species can have different neuroanatomical arrangements

• e.g. amount of direct cortico-motorneuronal synapses

Lemon &

Griffiths (2005)

Overview of outcome measures

Behavioural testing

Locomotion (forelimb, hindlimb)


Bladder function

Electrophysiology / imaging

Histology (Tissue processing)

Size of injury

Axon growth

Myelination (traditional stains)

Transplant characteristics

Behavioural testing

Grid walk / beam – show Schallert video

Rats / mice


Sensitive to deficits (e.g. after CST injury)

Quantitative (count faults)

Forelimb and / or hindlimb

Behavioural testing

Forelimb reaching

Non-human primates


Show rat reaching video from Tim Schallert

Behavioural testing

Open field locomotion

BBB test

Basso, Beattie, Bresnahan, 1995 A sensitive and reliable locomotor rating scale for open field testing in rats. J Neurotrauma. 12:1-21.

Contusion / weight drop


Forelimb and hindlimb

Rats (BMS for mice)

Electrophysiology / imaging

Connectivity / electrical properties of axons

MEP – motor evoked potential

SSEP – somatosensory evoked potential

TCMS – transcranial magnetic stimulation

EMG - electromyography

CT – computed tomography

MRI – magnetic resonance imaging fMRI – functional MRI

PET – positron emission tomography

Allows repeated measurements (longitudinal)

Histology (study of tissue)

To study tissue / cells / molecules

Traditional histology

H & E

Nuclei - cresyl violet

Solochrome cyanine – Myelin

Modern histology

Tract tracing – anterograde / retrograde / transsynaptic

Protein expression


Western blotting / proteomics

Gene expression

In situ hybridisation

Northern blotting / microarray / real time PCR

How to select a model....

What do I want to model or measure?

Cell loss / Neuroprotection?

Contusion / compression best?

True axon regeneration?

Complete section of tract required

Collateral sprouting?

Partial sparing of tract required

What animal should I use?

What axon tracts do I want to cut?

Primate CST is in different location to rodent CST


Animal models allow controlled simulation of a human SCI and testing of therapies

Different types exist to model different aspects of SCI

Majority use surgical, a few use naturally occurring

Pros and cons to each model.

Any questions?

Reading list

Anatomy of human spinal cord: Kandel, Schwartz & Jessell, Principles of Neural Science

Spinal cord injury statistics:

Reviews on animal models for spinal cord injury

Courtine et al., 2007 Can experiments in nonhuman primates expedite the translation of treatments for spinal cord injury in humans? Nat. Med. 13(5):561-6

Moon & Bunge, 2005. From animal models to humans. Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy


Brosamle & Huber, 2006 Cracking the black box. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models.

Jeffery et al., 2006. Clinical canine spinal cord injury provides an opportunity to examine the issues in translating laboratory techniques into practical therapy. Spinal Cord. 44:584-593.

Zheng et al., 2006. Genetic models for studying inhibitors of spinal axon regeneration. TINS


Steward et al., 2003. False resurrections. J Comparative Neurol. 459:1-8.

Lemon & Griffiths, 2005. Comparing the function of the corticospinal system in different species: organizational differences for motor specialization? Muscle and Nerve. 32:261-79

Key papers to read critically

Jeffery et al., 2006. Autologous Olfactory Glial Cell Transplantation Is Reliable and Safe in Naturally

Occurring Canine Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma 22:1282-1293

Freund et al., 2006. Nogo-A-specific antibody treatment enhances sprouting and functional recovery after cervical lesion in adult primates. Nature Medicine. 12:790-2 and pages 1220,

1231-1233. Include Supplementary Materials.

Optional reading list

Articles on ethics of using animals in research (optional)

The animal ethics reader (eds. Susan Armstrong and Richard Botzler)

Articles on ethics of using non-human primates in research (very optional)

The Great Ape Project (eds. Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer)
