Towing - US Sailing

Level-2 Instructor Workshop
Overview created by:
Rob Hurd, Cappy Capper, Betsy Alison, Guy Fleming & Kim Hapgood
US Sailing Master Instructor Trainers
The New Course Progression
• December 2012 National Faculty Meeting, the
level-1 working party came up with several
new safety topics to add to the progression.
• Their plan was to add that content to level-2
since there was really no more room in a
jammed packed level-1 course.
• Level-2 working party was not sure that would
enhance the racing portion of the course
Version. 4. 2013
The New Course Progression
• Solution:
– Take the new topics, add in the non-racing
portions of old level-2, and create a new course,
which is now entitled Level-2 Instructor in the
same 2-day format
– Take the racing portions from old level-2 and
create a new one-day level-3 coach workshop
Version. 4. 2013
Level-2 Instructor Workshop schedule
Day 1 (9.5 hrs)
8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 1:30
1:30 – 4:30
4:30 – 5:30
5:30 – 6:00
Arrival & Registration
Team Building & Course Philosophy
Sail Theory & Controls
Program Planning, Lesson Plans, and Curriculum Development
Running an effective class (Land Drills, Water Drills, Evaluating students)
Communication Skills
Debrief of day
Day 2 (7.5 hrs)
8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 1:00
1:00 – 2:00
2:00- 3:00
3:00 – 4:00
Review of Day 1
Safety Procedures – Best Practices (Classroom and OTW)
Advanced Instructor Knowledge
Debrief of Workshop
Version. 4. 2013
Level 2 Instructor Workshop
Certification Qualification Components (16 Hrs)
• Show up and Participate
• Pass On- Line Tests
– (Guide and Situational Dilemmas)
• Current First Aid/CPR & US Sailing Member
• CDC Online Concussion Awareness Training
Version. 4. 2013
Level 2 Instructor Workshop Syllabus
1. Team Building and Course Philosophy (1 hr)
• Instructor Creditability
• Continuing Education (US Sailing Track)
• Resources (websites/apps/books)
2. Sail Theory and Controls: Basic (90 min)
• Chapter 3 Intermediate Book Sail Shape and Controls
• Chapter 4 “ How Sailing works
• Chapter 5 “ Body Position and Balance
• Level 2 Manual pgs 68-74 (5/12/2009) Trapezing (demo)
• Level 2 Manual pgs 75-84 (5/12/2009) Spinnaker Skills
Version. 4. 2013
Level 2 Syllabus (cont.)
3. Program Planning and Lesson Plan, and Curriculum Development:
Season plan (1 Hr)
4. Teaching Techniques & sequence of learning: Skill development (3 Hrs)
– Running an effective class
• Land Drill
• On the water (practical application)
• How to evaluate the students performance
5. Communication Skills: Discussion (1hr)
• Parents
• Peers
• Students
• Employers
Version. 4. 2013
Level2 Syllabus (Day 2)
6. Safety Procedures- Best Practices: Classroom and OTW (4 hrs)
• Emergency Action Plan (level 2 manual pg 88-91)
• BPSR Ch. 9 – Rescues 62-64
• BPSR Ch. 9 Capsize Recovery 65-76
• BPSR Ch. 10 Towing 85-90
• US Sailing Supplement – Entrapment
7. Advanced Instructor Knowledge (1 hr)
• Ch. 2 Intermediate Book pgs 8-15 Wind, Weather, Tides, and
• Ch 10 “ pgs 53-56 Navigation and Rules of the Road (Compass/GPS
L2M pg 94-98)
• Ch. 11 “ Pgs 57-59 Maintenance (L2M pgs 98-104)
• Knots
Version. 4. 2013
Spinnakers & Traps
• Since these sections are to be taught in the same time
block and all require demos, it is important to address
all three topics at the same time.
• Make sure that all instructors have read the relevant
sections in the Instructor Workbook (3-17-13 Version
2): Sail Theory and Controls Part 2 Sections A-E;
Spinnakers Section J; Trapezing Section I) and Chapters
3, 4, 5 in “Learn Sailing Right! Intermediate.
• Chalk Talk: 30 Minutes total (for Sail Theory and
Controls; for Spinnakers; for Trapping)
Version. 4. 2013
Sail Theory and Controls
• Cover basics on assessing sail shape, basic sail
controls and what they do.
• Touch on the fundamentals of how sails and
underwater foils work.
• Briefly discuss how weight placement affects
boat balance.
Version. 4. 2013
• Explain how both a spinnaker and pole are set
up. Go over the basics of launching the
spinnaker and how to fly it.
• Cover steps in jibing a spinnaker, and how to
douse it.
• Explain what to do if a boat capsizes with a
spinnaker up.
Version. 4. 2013
• First, explain about the trapeze harness, hook and
spreader bar, and how a harness should fit.
• Cover why you use a trapeze, and the basics of
hooking up and unhooking from the trapeze ring
and use of the adjuster system.
• Go over the fundamental steps in “going out”,
adjusting while on the wire to maintain balance,
and “coming in”.
Version. 4. 2013
Sail Control, Spinnakers and Trapping
• Demonstrations: 60 minutes total shared
between Sail Trim, Spinnaker, and Trapping
• Note: It is important to carry out these
demonstrations in a controlled way in order to be
able to conduct instruction in “stop time”
manner. You will want to be able to point out
specific things with regard to the trimming and
adjusting of the sails; the various parts of
spinnaker launch and douse procedure; and all
aspects of the fundamentals of trapezing.
Version. 4. 2013
Sail Trim Demo
• Have a boat rigged up on the lawn with the best main and jib
available (a set of race sails is ideal).
– Position the group so that everyone can see the effect of each sail
control adjustment on the shape of the sail.
– Make the adjustments extreme – from super loose to super tight. If
you don’t have adjustable jib leads, use your hand to mimic a lead and
exaggerate the fore/aft adjustment and its effect on jib shape.
– Have them watch the changes as they happen – not the line being
– Have them see it from an “off the boat perspective” as well as “on the
boat” perspective if possible.
Version. 4. 2013
Spinnaker Demo
Use the same boat on the lawn with jib up and mainsail down and rolled.
– Review the procedure and demonstrate the actual set up of the spinnaker:
attach corners with appropriate knots, properly lead all sheets and explain
guy hook/twing.
– Demonstrate putting up pole, the motions of jibing pole (without
spinnaker up), and take down of pole.
– Show how the topping lift works with regard to pole set up and ball park
– MARK any control lines appropriate.
– Demonstrate a proper setting of the spinnaker and how to fly it (show
common errors i.e. pole too high/low; too much curl; over trimming).
– Show examples of Cause and Effect – If this, then….
– Show jibing procedure and take down.
** If you can only demonstrate rigging of the spinnaker on land due to lack of dollies,
or no ability to put sailors on a boat on land, try to set up the practical demonstration
of set – jibe – douse and flying techniques with the boat in the water, tied up so that it
faces downwind in a stable fashion. Two sailors can then man the boat and
demonstrate the steps above while you instruct the group.
Version. 4. 2013
Trapping Demo
Set the boat up either on shore secured to a dolly with mast secured to a fixed point opposite
the trapping side OR tie the boat up along a dock with the mast secured to a post or cleat on the
opposite side of the dock to stabilize it when sailors practice trapping.
• Demonstrate connecting to and unhooking the trapeze ring from the harness hook.
• Have sailors repeatedly practice hooking up and unhooking from the trap wire while inside
the boat, then practice trapping off of the centerboard trunk.
• Walk through the procedure of 1. Getting out on the trapeze, 2. Adjusting while on the wire,
3. Coming in off the wire (Follow the steps outlined in the Instructor Workbook).
• Have sailors practice hooking up, getting out, adjusting and coming in on the actual boat.
***If you are demonstrating on land, you MUST have a spotter behind the sailor who is going out
on the trap. If boat is tied to the dock, it is preferable to have the sailor go out on the trapeze
over the water as opposed to over the dock. If you do not have a boat that has a trapeze set up,
you can tie a line with a trap ring to a tree, high railing, post or secure structure and demonstrate
the procedure.
NOTE: Make sure you test out your set up prior to using it in the class.
Version. 4. 2013
Water Drills
(Part of the 3 hour session of Running an Effective Class)
Use at least 2 hours of this session to either:
• Run and effective practice session which might incorporate some
spinnaker based drills in its format.
• If the class is small enough, have students run the sessions drills which
should incorporate some spinnaker based drills if possible.
Note: If you have boats with traps, have enough harnesses, enough wind and
skilled sailors, you may try to add in some trapeze skills drills, however, it is
not necessary to do so in order to teach how to run an effective practice
session! Make efficient use of your time.
Version. 4. 2013
Dinghy Entrapment
• Four (4) hours of the new Level 2 is devoted
to covering Safety Procedures (specifically
their best practices).
• Intended to be both theoretical discussion in
the classroom / land drills and practical
experience out OTW.
US Sailing Website: Resources, Safety
RYA Report on Dinghy Entrapments
Orange Bowl Trapeze Safety Clinic
Scuttlebutt Article on the Pros and Cons of Ball &
Socket v Hook style trapeze harness connection
Results of US Sailing led capsize and entrapment
research Fall 2012 in LIS
Safety, Rescue and Support Boat Handling
Ch 4 pgs 60 - 74
Version. 4. 2013
Key Points for Discussion
• Preparing for the unexpected
• Important for both Instructors and Sailors to
be aware of the issues and how to respond
• Both Instructors and Sailors need to prepare
for and practice recovery from the turtled /
entrapped position – it is not enough to
simply talk about it
Version. 4. 2013
Key Points for Discussion: Instructors
Starts w/properly identifying sailor skill levels and
making sure sailors have the fundamental skills
needed before beginning training on trapeze:
• Eyes out of the boat watching
• Understand and be familiar w/available
equipment (knives/bolt cutters)
• Know what additional resources are available
(additional hands to help w/capsize recovery/FA)
• Call for help immediately – know the EAP
• Practice, practice, practice OTW
Version. 4. 2013
Key Points for Discussion: Sailors
Must know their equipment (harness and boat
familiarization – esp. lines), practice on land and OTW
in a controlled environment (tied at the dock) before
going out on open water.
• Important to teach sailors to stay calm – comes
w/practice and familiarization
• Importance of skipper/crew communication
• Use of whistle for attracting attention
• Teaching sailors good housekeeping in the boat
(tidy lines/working shock cord)
Version. 4. 2013
Safety, Rescue & Support Boat
Towing – Level 2 Manual
Pages 37 through 46
• This section is to be taught prior to the onwater session that deals with entrapment,
capsize recovery, towing in day to day
situations, regattas, prior to or during storms
and other crisis situation.
• Build your lesson plan to include the section
of the book and what type of drills, exercises
you will be conducting on-the-water.
Version. 4. 2013
Information on Pages 37-46
• Proper set up for towing
• Bridles
• Bowline on a bite
• Lineman’s Loop
• Towing Concepts
Speed & Length of Tow
Towing Powerboats
Towing Sailboats
Towing a string of Boats
Version. 4. 2013
• Pick up a Tow
• Approach
• Adding boats to the tow line
• Maneuvering with a tow
• Tow methods
• Towing options:
Single Line
Daisy Chain
towing alongside
• Securing
» Bowline to Bowline
» Emergency Release Knot
» Rolling Hitch
• Boat Specific
Version. 4. 2013
• Boat Specific
Small sloops like 420s $ Flying Juniors
Prams – Optimist
Small Keelboats like Sonars and J-22s
• Tow Communication
Hand Singles
Sound Singles
Rescue boat to rescue boat
Rescue boat to shore
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Homework--Candidates Read the section on
capsized and Turtled recoveries in Basic
Power Boating Safety and Rescue --Pgs 66-74
• Chalk Talk--15 Minutes
• Land Drill--15 Minutes
• Water Drill--30 Minutes
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Chalk Talk Points:
• Cover Perpendicular Position and Head on
Position--Discuss the advantage of being able to
observe the skipper and crew
• Cover Centerboard Push and Mast Tip Recovery-Discuss when to turn off the engine.
• Cover Turtled Recovery
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Land Drill Points:
• Staging--Have a boat rigged on the lawn with half the class
on the mast side and half on the centerboard side.
• Do a walk through of the Mast Tip and Centerboard Push
• Mast Tip--Key Points:
• Where the sailors are in relation to the safety boat.
• Winds Strength: In high winds do not let go of the shroud.
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Centerboard Push--Key Points
• If the sailors are tired, this may be an
easier way to scoop them.
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Water Drill:
• Set Up--It would be ideal to have two chase boats and one
capsizeable dinghy. Alternatively, you could stage the class
on a dock and have part of the class in a chase boat.
• Manned or unmanned?--These Instructor Candidates are
practicing. Have the boat unmanned. Also, to save time,
Have a buoy on the ball so the boat does not turtle. The
important aspect of the drill is to provide for repetition. If
you want to cover turtling at the end, (and your area is not
too shallow) you can untie the buoy for the last drill.
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Water Drill Prep (20 Min):
• Rig at least one Capsize-able Dinghy (More if you can spare)
• Buoy--Tie buoy to the top of the mast to prevent turtling until
you wish to cover that topic.
• Tow Lines--For after the drill is done
• Area--You may be able to do this fairly close to the facility and
you may be able to work off of a dock.
• Safety Boats--At least one, (two is preferred)
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Running a water drill ( 1 hr 30 minutes):
• Sail or tow your sailboat out to the working area.
• This will be an unmanned sailboat for the purpose of this drill.
• If you are in a confined area, you may wish to tether the boat to a
dock or anchor it so it does not drift. (When possible, allow for
• If you have two boats, have one set up on the mast side and the
other set up on the centerboard side. Alternate between the two
methods and then switch positions.
Version. 4. 2013
Safety Boat Assisted Capsize Recovery
Concluding the Drill:
• You can switch into towing on the way in.
Version. 4. 2013
Team Building
• For instructors working w/sailors
• For instructors working w/staff
Team Building
Introduced at Level 1, important for instructors
on a number of levels:
• Breaking the ice between new sailors/instructors,
sailors/sailors and instructors and peers
• Team building essential to group learning
• Important to establish bonds between members
in the group for reasons including trust,
constructive communication and sharing in the
teaching and learning environment.
Version. 4. 2013
Team Building
Beyond Name Games
• Important to progress beyond basic name
games (though they remain important)
• Instructors should look at activities and games
that focus on:
– Communication skills
– Challenges that involve participation of everyone
Version. 4. 2013
Sail Theory & Controls by Betsy
In the discussion on Spinnakers
and Traps Betsy talked about
sail trim. In the interest of
time, we will not repeat that
topic at this time
Version. 4. 2013
Program Planning
• Lesson Plans and Curriculum Review
• Developing a Lesson Plan
» Structured Format
» Program Flexibility
Version. 4. 2013
Daily Goal______________________________
Plan: List Method (Chalk Talk, Land Drill, Water
Drill etc. and Equipment Needed
Plan For Tomorrow________________________
Version. 4. 2013
Elements of a Lesson Plan
• Date and Weather Conditions
• Class List and Attendance
• Goal For the Day
• Desired Student Outcomes
• Time Frames-• Equipment Needed
• Notes
NB: Candidates still create a lesson plan
between day 1 and day 2 to be reviewed at the
start of day 2
Version. 4. 2013
Curriculum Review
• How Did the Student Outcomes Compare
With The Goals Set in the Pre-Season?
Version. 4. 2013
Program Planning: Conclusion
• Are There Better Methods to Teach the
Skills Needed to Reach the Desired
Outcomes? (Land Drills, Water Drills,
• Did the Program Flow In Terms of Skill
Progression ?
• Does the Program Have the Right
Equipment to Teach the Desired Skills?
Version. 4. 2013
Communication Skills
Communication skills are essential to effective teaching.
The L2 Course presents the opportunity to re-visit with the
course candidates some of the experiences they had during
their first season of teaching:
•Who did they find themselves communicating with in their
•What were key elements of the communication that was
successful, as well as when things went pear shaped.
•What were challenges OTW and off?
Team BuildingSkills
Split the CC’s into two groups.
• ½ the group thinks of an example of a experience
where their communication w/their students was
successful, and one example where their was
• ½ the group thinks of an example of where their
communication with an individual other than a
student (co-worker, boss, parent, official) was
successful, and one example where their was
Version. 4. 2013
Team BuildingSkills
What were the key elements of successful
• importance of non-verbal cues
• importance of not just what you say, but how it is
• good communication involves not just the
sending of the message, but listening skills
• value of the content of the message
– effective
– appropriate for the situation
– consistent
Version. 4. 2013
Team BuildingSkills
What were key elements where there was
• failure to actively listen
• non-verbal cues confuse the message
• not considering the nature of the relationship
with the other party
• message was inconsistent
Version. 4. 2013
Team BuildingSkills
Fundamental purpose of the exercise is to
challenge the CC’s to think about their
communication skills.
• minimize miscommunication
• improve on the effectiveness of their
communication in teaching and relationships
Version. 4. 2013
Advanced Instructor Knowledge
(aka Seamanship)
Marlinspike Seamanship
Tying a Boat to the Dock
Chart Reading
Aids To Navigation
Version. 4. 2013
Advanced Instructor Knowledge
(aka Seamanship)
• Marlinspike Seamanship
Trucker’s Hitch
Rolling Hitch
Whipping a Line
• Maintenance
Sail Care
Version. 4. 2013
Advanced Instructor Knowledge
(aka Seamanship)
• Tying a Boat To the Dock
(Spring Lines and Fenders)
• Basic Chart Reading
Aids to Navigation
Version. 4. 2013
Topics covered in Level-3 Topics
Teaching Rules
Race management
Regatta Etiquette
Strategy & Tactics
Tuning (more advanced)
Managing your team
Version. 4. 2013