
Prepared by
Esra’a Nassar
Mona Amer
Dr. Samer Arandi.
Snake and Ladder
‫السلم والثعبان‬
Why games?
 Why iOS devices ?
 Why cocos2d-x ?
 Main overview about the games
 Snake and ladder game
 Wall Jumper game
 Demo time
Why Gamming ?
 Gamming vs. application in marketing
 Gamming Faming and globalization
 Gamming is Harder than app in developing.
 entertainment.
 Better in working result.
History of gamming
 Industry of the games was in 1952.
 The first game on a mobile phone was a Tetris
game on the Hagenuk MT-2000 device from
1994 .
History of gamming
 Nokia launched the very successful Snake on
selected models in 1997.Snake and its variants
has since become one of the most-played
video games and is found on more than 350
million devices worldwide.
Why we use these game?
 Snake and ladder
To put our mediterranean touch on this classic game.
Make our Arabic_version computirized.
 Wall Jumper
 Idea took from our environment life (Apartheid Wall)
 Make game that deal with our real life.
 Why gaming?
Why iOS devices ?
 Why cocos2d-x ?
 Main overview about the games
 Snake and ladder game
 Wall Jumper
 Demo
Why iOS ?
 Try Some thing new.
 iOS marketing (Apple store ).
 Related research.
iOS Device
 An iOS device is an
iPhone, an iPad, or an
iPod Touch (a device
that runs the iOS
Operating System)
iOS Device
 Why games?
 Why iOS devices ?
Why cocos2d-x ?
 Main overview about the games
 Snake and ladder game
 Wall Jumper game
 Demo time
Cocos2d vs. cocos2d-x
Cocos2d is an open source 2D
game framework. The original
Cocos2D framework is written in
Python but has since been
ported to other languages and
platforms such that the
cocos2d-x .
Why cocos2d-x ?
 Portable
 Using C++ language
 Open source
 Support multiplatform
Language and programs
used :
 Languages used :
 C++ Language
 Xml Language
 Tools used :
 Visual Studio 2010
 cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4
 xcode (Mac device )
 Texture Packer GUI
 Why games?
 Why iOS devices ?
 Why cocos2d-x ?
Main overview about the games
 Snake and ladder game
 Wall Jumper game
 Demo time
Game Overview
 Why games?
 Why iOS devices ?
 Why cocos2d-x ?
 Main overview about the games
Snake and ladder game
 Wall Jumper game
 Demo time
Snake and Ladder
 Classic bored game with 10 x 10 grid, each cell has a
number from 1-100 but we make our own grid 8x8.
 Some cell contains snake and other ladders.(special cases)
Snake and Ladder
 Dice that rolled randomly.
 Two choices weather to play automatic or drag and drop.
Snake and Ladder
 Layers in arranging
 algorithm in
classify the grid
Snake and Ladder
CCtextField for keypad
Snake and ladder
 Adding sounds using
e()- >playBackgroundMusic(
"soundeffect.wma", true);
Adding more features
 To increase the performance
Adding xml files that generate the second level by using the same functionality but
different places of the snake and ladder on the grids.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<level> -<config> <name>level1</name> <atlas>level_1</atlas> <sprites>9</sprites>
<background>gameScene.png</background> <music>music.mp3</music> <
<win>welcome.mp3</win> </config> <sprite> <image>l1.png</image> <sound>bounce.mp3</sound>
<x>227</x> <y>135</y> </sprite>
 Why games?
 Why iOS devices ?
 Why cocos2d-x ?
 Main overview about the games
 Snake and ladder game
Wall Jumper game
 Demo time
Wall Jumper Game
 Runner Game depending on parallax
 Back ground layer runs in different speed
_backgroundNode->addChild(_pieceofwall1,1 , Speed , ccp(_fort1->getContentSize().width-40,-20) );
CCPoint Speed = ccp(0.08, 0.08);
CCPoint bgSpeed = ccp(0.05, 0.05);
CCPoint bgSpeed1 = ccp(0.1, 0.1);
 Continuous of the background movement, just like camera sensing
by adding objects in the update method.
_backgroundNode->setPosition(ccpAdd(_backgroundNode->getPosition(),ccpMult(backgroundScrollVert,dt))) ;
Idea Cont
 Walls and rocks appear in a specific time to let the jumper jump over it.
method name
class name
 Label test speed
m_time += dt;
sprintf(string, "%2.2f dist", m_time);
Idea Cont
 Sprites that decrease when the player collide the walls (soul will
disappear will be invisible.
CCSprite *soul0 = CCSprite::create("sprit.png");
Collision Detection Method
int xd=destenationsprite1->getPositionX();
int xp=pSprite2->getPositionX();
int yd=destenationsprite1->getPositionY();
int yp=pSprite2->getPositionY();
int width=destenationsprite1->getContentSize().width;
int height=destenationsprite1->getContentSize().height;
//pointes initialize
int upperleftx=xd-width/2;
int upperrightx=xd+width/2;
int lowerrightx=yd-height/2;
int upperrighty=yd+height/2;
Collision Detection Method(cont)
if((xp>=upperleftx && xp<=upperrightx)&&(yp>=lowerrightx &&
startflag=1; // collision detected
startflag=0;// no Collision detection
Jump method
void HelloWorld::jump(CCObject* sender){
if ( start_jump == 0)
start_jump = 200;
if ( start_jump > 100)
int y = m_pSprite1->getPositionY();
else if ( start_jump > 0 )
int y = m_pSprite1->getPositionY();
start_jump = 0 ;
Called by updated method
that call them each time
New technical Way in
presenting the images
 The most important thing in the game is the size.
Decrease the size of the images by using texture packer.
 Downloading the Mac on windows machines .
 Transferring from win32 to Mac took our time because some variables,
methods and functions defined in the windows, deprecated in Mac.
 The MAC LAB was too late for us to transfer our project.
 The xcode programmers has two many pauses during the compile.
Demo time  
Questions ? ! ? !