RI Kalamazoo PR Campaign

A Public Relations Proposal for Recovery International Kalamazoo.
COM 3500: T 5 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
Scott Shank
Jacob Beach
Hailee Neimi
Haylie Dwyer
Kelsey Wilson
Table of Contents
Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………3
Website Proposal…………………………………………………………………...…….5
Social Media Proposal…………………………………………………………………...11
Brochure Proposal……………………………………………………………………….15
Bookmark Proposal……………………………………………………………………...18
Special Event Proposal…………………………………………………………………..22
Special Event News Release…………………………………………………………….27
Appendix I
Media Advisory………………………………………………………………….29
Fact Sheet………………………………………………………………………..30
Rebrand News Release…………………………………………………………..31
Appendix II
Appendix III
Executive Summary
Recovery International is a global organization that has helped hundreds of thousands of people
experience improved mental health. The Kalamazoo chapter has relied on the website and
promotional material from the national office, but would benefit from the development of its
own brand. In this proposal, you will find the materials necessary for a public relations
campaign that will create brand identity for the local RI chapter in Kalamazoo. The campaign
provides a complete package of ideas including proposals for a new website, social media,
promotional items, and a special event. Graphic design elements have been added to appeal to
multiple demographics. The proposals are easy to implement, will increase awareness of RI in
the Kalamazoo area, and will lead to greater involvement in the weekly RI meet ups.
The proposed website, RIKalamazoo.org, will bring consistency to the brand by providing a
venue to disseminate information and the ability to register “RIKalamazo.org” email addresses to
be used by leaders in the organization. It will serve as a hub to direct visitors to the various
social media outlets. The website will link to the national site, but will highlight the local
chapter’s activities and events.
Social Media is an inexpensive, yet necessary component in this PR campaign. The use of
Twitter and Facebook are recommended in addition to RI’s presence on Meetup.com. Attention-
getting graphics are included to use as Facebook cover and profile images. Social media is only
valuable if the sites are actively used. If no one from within the organization is able to update
the sites consistently, it is recommended to seek an intern from WMU’s School of
Communication for assistance.
Promotional items peek interest and inform potential members about the organization and its
services. Brochures from the national office are available for distribution by the local RI chapter.
Bookmarks are available at RecoveryInternational.org for use in recruitment. These promotional
items do not provide contact information for the local RI group or directly link to RI
Kalamazoo’s page on Meetup.com. As part of the new branding initiative, a proposal for a new
brochure and recruitment bookmark are included.
According to a 2011 survey by Kraus, Phillips, and Picket, the majority of participants in RI are
Caucasian women in their 50s who suffer from depression. A special event on the campus of
Western Michigan University will promote the organization to the 18 to 30 demographic. This
point of entry event will allow members of RI Kalamazoo to share their experiences and provide
information with college students on how they could benefit from the program.
Recovery International provides a valuable service to the Kalamazoo area. A new branding
campaign will increase name recognition of the organization to the community, bring
consistency to its various promotional efforts, and make it easier for people to locate information
about the local RI group. The following proposals provide the next step in developing the RI
Kalamazoo brand.
RI Kalamazoo - Website Proposal
Situation: The Kalamazoo, Mich. branch of Recovery International (RI) does not have a
website. When “Recovery International, Kalamazoo” is searched on Google, the “Meet Up” page
is the first response. College students in the Kalamazoo area who have struggled with mental
illnesses need to be able to search online for a local program to provide help. Not having a
personal and interactive website could have a negative impact on Recovery International’s
exposure to its target audiences because the audience cannot find the program. It would benefit
RI Kalamazoo to have its own formal and descriptive website for easy access and transfer
Objective: Objectives for the website campaign are to increase Recovery International’s
exposure to a larger audience; to grow and cultivate a college-aged audience; and to have
meeting attendance increase each month.
1. Motivational: To increase exposure of Recovery International’s voice among the
college-aged demographics in Kalamazoo to motivate students to get involved with RI’s
2. Informational: To increase awareness and inform students of the risks of mental
illnesses, as well as the means to help them recover.
Audience: The ultimate goal of the website is to be multigenerational, but our target audience is
college students. For the motivational objective of growing and cultivating a college-aged
audience, we will specifically make the content of our website attractive to college students
while being sure to appeal to the general population as well.
Strategy: Reach and connect the college-age students in Kalamazoo with available information
about mental illness recovery by creating a website for Recovery International’s branch in
Kalamazoo. Recovery International seeks to influence college students in Kalamazoo to use its
services by developing and launching a website that will help increase the awareness of mental
illness in college-aged students.
Tactics: To orchestrate the development and launch of a website for the Kalamazoo branch of
Recovery International, we will plan carefully to achieve our objectives.
1. To increase awareness and exposure of RI’s voice among the college-aged demographics
in Kalamazoo: As we develop the website, we will be sure to make it attractive for the
college-aged audience in Kalamazoo. Making the site easily useable, and a viable source
of information. The site will include specific information about mental illnesses that
college students face such as: depression, anxiety, and high-level stress. Meeting times
and places will be prominently displayed. Testimonies from other college students who
have found the program helpful, and a link for the students to click if they have any
questions will also be components of the website.
2. To inform students of the risks of mental illnesses, as well as the means to help them
recover: The site will have a comprehensive breakdown of the Abraham Low self-help
system of recovery; learning to manage anger and fears. Most college students are
unaware that they are suffering from a mental illness, so giving specific examples and
testimonies on the site will help students better understand that they are suffering a
mental illness episode. One message on the site will be inform students of their “next
step”; where after the student has realized they need help, they can find information on
what is next.
3. When the domain name: RIKalamazoo.org is purchased an email extension is included.
As a part of this website launch, Fran also receives her own personal email. Her new
email is: Fran@RIKalamazoo.org. This is a professional email that is included on
headers, contact pages, press releases, and all other professional documents RI publishes.
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): During the development stage of this website, 3 to 5
keywords should be identified and woven into the content. SEO is a strategic tactic to
improve our standings on search engines. Google recognizes and awards credibility to
sites who use keywords correctly.
5. Brand congruence: Having a consistent brand allows RI Kalamazoo to become more
professional. A consistent brand will add credibility to this organization. We have
branded RI with the color green. The color green is “beneficial to reduce anxiety and
bring about a calmer state of mind” (Call & Jantzen, 2012). Logo is visible on header.
Timetable: This campaign is projected to begin Jan. 1, 2014 and be everlasting.
Step one through four will take place over the next six months. Information on the website will
be ever updated - staying relevant with the audience we are trying to reach. Once this website is
launched, all efforts can be transferred to proper upkeep; an ongoing process.
The sequence of events is as follows:
1. Find and purchase a domain name for the Kalamazoo branch of RI .
2. Find a platform to build a website upon. Squarespace is a great option because it offers
flash, e-commerce, reservations and runs with javascript.
a. Staff will need to develop the website. Once the website is developed, interns can
update accordingly. RI may need to hire on a new position for the development of
this website; they may freelance the work, or choose to have it developed on-site.
b. The national organization’s website can be used as an example during
development; because we are an extension of the main branch, the information we
include on our site should be a mirror of the national organization. However, the
content will be made specific to the Kalamazoo community.
3. Host a meeting with current RI Kalamazoo members to sign off on the “look” of the
website. This website should be a mirror of the national organization. This meeting will
make sure RI staff area all on the same page.
4. Build the content of website: make informational and welcoming.
5. Launch: a buzz should be created about the launch of our new site 2 weeks before launch:
announcement of new website launch should be posted to all social media sites: Twitter,
Meet Up, Facebook
6. 1 week before: remind audience on social media sites of our new website.
7. Day of launch: Post the new domain to all social media sites - releasing the public to see
the new site.
Budget: The following is a projection of the potential budget to launch a RI website for the
Kalamazoo branch.
Out of pocket expenses (OOP) - None
Graphics provided on CD
Content can be mirrored from the national organization website.
Staff expenses - None
Bring an intern on the team to upkeep the site.
Website fees:
Squarespace Fees:
Basics Plan: $8/month or $80/year
Price includes:
FREE Custom Domain
When the squarespace site is purchased, so is the
20 Pages
Galleries and Blogs
500 GB Bandwidth
2 GB storage
2 Contributors
Mobile Website
Evaluation: Here are some practical ways to evaluate if this proposed website meets the
Google Analytics: Generates detailed statistics of about a website’s traffic and traffic
Use Google Analytics to see who is searching for mental illnesses in the
Kalamazoo area.
Receive a percentage of those who actually end up on our site who are searching
for mental illness help in Kalamazoo.
Squarespace Analytics: Squarespace has analytics integrated on the dashboard. It allows
the contributor to see the following analytics on a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily
Traffic overview: the count of page views, visits, and audience size.
Allows one to compare and contrast how many visitors are landing on our
Refers: the count and referrer.
Popular content: the count and page.
Allows one to see which sites are referring the audience to our site.
Allows one to see what the audience visits most on our site.
Search engine queries: the count and search query.
Allows one to see what the audience is searching on engines such as
Google and Bing.
RI Kalamazoo - Social Media Proposal
Situation: RI Kalamazoo currently has no staff members who would be responsible for posting
to each social media platform on time. I would recommend contacting the School of
Communication at Western Michigan University and try to get a social media intern who takes
care of the posting. Another situation we will face is the need for community in starting a social
media campaign. I would suggest to combat this we try to get followers and like at campus event
such as Bronco Bash and with those along with members we can get a small following base. To
create more exposure on Facebook we also recommend budgeting $30 to promote a post about
RI Kalamazoo. This will allows the post to be seen by target audiences along with friends of
Objectives: The main objective of this social media plan is to enhance a social media presence for
Recovery International (RI) Kalamazoo. Currently they have the social media outlets but there has
been a struggle to connect to the audience. This proposal will show suggestions for using Facebook,
Twitter and Meet-Up to engage new members to join and to keep current members involved.
Increase number of members by 25%
Increase Facebook page likes by 25%
By reaching out to this audience my hope it to draw in this demographic to RI meetings and
inform them of the programs they have to offer
Strategy: To utilize various social media platforms to reach new and existing audiences of RI
Kalamazoo. By creating constant and reliable content on each platform we hope to create a place for
people to check for information about RI Kalamazoo. We also hope to create unity between social
media platforms with the new RI Kalamazoo brand, examples of the social media RI brad are seen
Twitter and Facebook Cover Photo
Facebook & Twitter Profile Picture
2 status post per week
24 hours response time to all wall post & messages
3 meaningful tweets a week
2 retweets per week
Meet Up
Increased number of RI Kalamazoo reviews
Increase number of members by 25%
Audience: The primary audience will be the current members of RI. The members of RI can range
from all different ages and backgrounds. The secondary audience will be college age students.
Measurement: The measurement of success for this social media plan will be the number of post on
each social media site. If a Facebook post as a post that gets more than five likes or at least one share.
I define a meaningful tweet as a tweet that gets favorite by multiple individuals. After the 3 month
we will evaluate each individual social media platform, to look at success of post, number of
followers, and likes.
We will evaluate the success of the social media posts by measuring the responses on each
platform. Shares and Likes on Facebook and Tweets and favorites on Twitter provides analytics
to assist in the evaluation. RI will collect discovery data about the source of the referral
(Facebook, Meet Up) from participants.
Timetable: this timetable will represent what a week (Oct. 27-Nov. 3) of social media activity
will look like for RI Kalamazoo. All posts will occur either at 11 a.m. or 4 p.m., These times
have been chosen due to high traffic times on the web according to research attached in the
appendix.. I recommend using Hootsuite to schedule post for Twitter and Facebook, you must
manually update Meet Up.
A friendly reminder about
tomorrow's RI Kalamazoo
Meeting. Included Time &
Meeting Place.
A short friendly
reminder about
tomorrow's RI
Kalamazoo Meeting.
Included Time &
Meeting Place.
A short friendly
reminder about
tomorrow's RI
Kalamazoo Meeting.
Included Time &
Meeting Place.
Post a thank you to
everyone who attended
today’s meeting and post
an inspirational quote
from the book.
Post a thank you to
everyone who attended
today’s meeting.
Post a mental health fact.
Something along the lines
of 1 in 3 people suffer
from mental health
Wish them a happy
Halloween and post a
reminder about next
week’s meeting
Wish them a happy
Reminder about Monday’s
meeting! Be sure to
include the date, time and
Reminder about
Monday’s meeting! Be
sure to include the date,
time and place
Reminder about
Mondays meeting! Be
sure to include the date,
time and place
A friendly reminder about
tomorrow's RI Kalamazoo
Meeting. Included Time &
Meeting Place.
A short friendly
reminder about
tomorrow's RI
Kalamazoo Meeting.
Included Time &
Meeting Place.
A short friendly
reminder about
tomorrow's RI
Kalamazoo Meeting.
Included Time &
Meeting Place.
Post about next week’s
meeting reminding them
to come out.
RI Kalamazoo - Brochure Proposal
Situation: Recovery International currently uses promotional material created by the national
organization. RI Kalamazoo does not have a printed brochure with its own brand identity to
provide information to direct people to the Kalamazoo chapter.
Objective: The objective is informational. A new brochure would increase awareness of RI
Kalamazoo by providing a brief description of the organization, its services, and contact
information of the local community.
Audience: Recovery International targets anyone over the age of 18 interested in overcoming
obstacles relating to mental health. According to a 2011 survey by Kraus, Phillips, and Picket,
the majority of participants in RI are Caucasian women in their 50s who suffer from depression.
Most participants earn $20,000 or less per year, and are unemployed. The campaign will include
this audience while also targeting a broader demographic regarding race, gender, and income.
Tactic: A brochure will be created to communicate the local Kalamazoo chapter of Recovery
International. It will include pictures of women and men from various racial backgrounds to
promote a diverse, inclusive community. Concise descriptions will provide information of the
national program as well as the local chapter. Contact information will direct people to the local
chapter’s website, email address, and Meetup.com page.
The brochure will use a green color palette. An article in “Behavioral Healthcare” states the
color green is “beneficial to reduce anxiety and bring about a calmer state of mind” (Call &
Jantzen, 2012). Green is also associated with grass and trees, which signifies growth and health.
Strategy: The brochure will provide a resource for current members to spread awareness of
Recovery International’s Kalamazoo chapter to other in the Kalamazoo area. The brochure will
communicate a distinct brand identity with a new logo and attractive images that communicate a
healthy, inclusive community. Information about RI’s Kalamazoo community on Meetup.com
will be included on the bookmark. This will help individuals connect via the social media
platform most frequently used by the RI leadership in Kalamazoo.
Timetable: The promotional campaign requires approximately three weeks to enact. A brochure
design is included for approval. Once the final edit is complete and the quantity is determined,
there are several options. Overnightprints.com will print and ship to Kalamazoo in 10 to 14 days.
Another option is to visit a local printer.
Budget: Below is a table with pricing estimates for several competitive printers. A-1 Printing
and Allegra are local print shops with professional to assist in the proofing and printing process.
Overnight Prints is more cost effective, but requires the user to upload the file. The file will be
printed as uploaded without professional analysis. Shipping to Kalamazoo is included in the
Overnight Prints estimate.
A-1 Printing
131 E Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(269) 381-0094
6054 Lovers Lane
Portage, MI 49002
(269) 324-0040
Overnight Prints
Cost Per Unit
Total Cost
RI Kalamazoo - Bookmark Proposal
Situation: Recovery International receives referrals from various organizations in Kalamazoo,
including the Kalamazoo Public Library and Gryphon Place. RI’s page on Meetup.com also is an
important avenue for promoting the organization. These efforts rely upon potential members to
take initiative to discover RI and learn of its services. A promotional campaign would help the
Kalamazoo community to better recognize Recovery International and understand how to get
Objective: The objective is informational. The primary purpose of the campaign is to increase
awareness of the organization and provide information to make it easier for potential members to
find its Kalamazoo Meet Up page.
Audience: Recovery International targets anyone over the age of 18 interested in overcoming
obstacles keeping them from mental health. RI Representative Fran Miller mentioned that
reading is a characteristic common among individuals who experience success in the self-help
program. Those who read the texts used during the support group are more likely to benefit from
the principles.
Creating a campaign directed toward library patrons strategically targets readers who will benefit
from the self-help program and will build on the positive relationship RI has with the Kalamazoo
Public Library.
Tactic: A promotional bookmark will be created for free distribution at the Kalamazoo Public
Library. The bookmark will include an attention-getting photo, brief information about Recovery
International, and the web address for its Kalamazoo Meet Up page. The initial push will occur
at the Kalamazoo Public Library. After evaluation, the campaign can be implemented in other
libraries in the greater Kalamazoo area.
Strategy: The bookmarks will increase awareness of Recovery International to patrons of the
Kalamazoo Public Library by engaging them with attractive images that communicate peace and
calm. Information about RI’s Kalamazoo community on Meetup.com will be included on the
bookmark. This will help individuals connect via the social media platform most frequently used
by the RI leadership in Kalamazoo.
Timetable: The promotional campaign requires a short amount of time to enact. A bookmark
design is included for approval. Once the files are uploaded to Overnightprints.com and ordered,
the bookmarks will arrive in 10 to 14 days. Prior to ordering, a meeting should be scheduled with
a library administrator to receive permission, discuss details of where and when the bookmarks
will be placed, and determine the quantity of bookmarks to be ordered. The administrator should
be asked for referrals of other organizations that meet in the library for potential partnership in
the campaign.
Budget: Overnight Prints provides a user-friendly interface and offers high quality products for a
reasonable cost. The current price to have 1,000 bookmarks printed and shipped to Kalamazoo is
$57.69. The number of bookmarks can be increased to 2,500 for a total cost of $96.18. While
the price per unit is 5.8 cents to order 1,000 bookmarks, this cost drops to 3.8 cents per unit for
an order of 2,500.
Evaluation: The success of the campaign will be evaluated through the measurement of several
variables. Recovery International will count the number of bookmarks taken by library patrons.
This will provide the number of impressions the campaign has made.
The number of views to RI’s Meetup.com page will also be tracked using Google Analytics.
Tracking should begin one month prior to the campaign to provide a baseline of the amount of
traffic the page receives. Tracking will continue until one month after the campaign is complete.
Google Analytics also allows the location of the visitors to the page to be tracked. This helps to
count traffic specifically from Kalamazoo.
After the launch of the campaign, new participants in the Monday support community will be
asked how they heard of the meeting. These measures will provide a picture of the number of
individuals reached with the bookmarks, the number of page views to the Meet Up community,
and the impact the campaign had on attracting new members.
Proposed Bookmark
RI Kalamazoo – Special Event Proposal
Situation: Recovery International Kalamazoo is need of increasing its members. To create
public awareness a point of entry event will be hosted by the organization on Western Michigan
University’s campus.
Audience: The primary audience is anyone 18-years and older with a mental illness or crisis.
The secondary audiences are family members, the Kalamazoo community, and Western
Michigan University.
Objectives: The informational objectives will be to educate WMU students about the overall
benefits RI can provide to lead them to recovery. Motivational objectives will include increasing
members 18-30 years old by 50% from the previous year, and increasing member return rate
from the event up 50% from the previous year.
Strategy: The main goal is to increase public knowledge, reach out to more 18-30 year olds with
a focus on WMU students, and increase long-term membership within RI.
Our strategy is to raise awareness of RI Kalamazoo around WMU through a Point of Entry
Event. A Point of Entry Event is designed to introduce an audience of the who, what, where,
when and how’s of the organization.
Tactics: The Point of Entry Event will be used to inform the public of the organization on
February 17, 2014. A room at the Bernhard Center will be rented out for the event and will
include WMU catering for snacks and refreshments. The BHC will provide tables, chairs, and a
projector. All refreshments and snacks will be ordered through WMU Catering. The catering can
be ordered by calling the Bernhard Center office, at 387-4868, and having a representative
assist in the ordering process. Pricing will vary depending on chosen items.
The event will provide a panel of RI members who have been through the program to explain
their experiences, provide information about RI and its holistic benefits, and answer questions.
After the speakers have finished, there will be time for new comers to mingle with current
members. Engraved wrench shaped key chains will be passed out at the event to remind
members to “practice the Recovery International tools in their everyday life.”
A news release will be sent out three weeks prior to the event to Western Michigan University's
paper, The Western Herald. Posters will be 11x17 inches and will be placed on WMU’s campus
in all residence halls, academic buildings, on bulletin boards, and kiosks. The posters will be
printed from RSO Design, located in the Bernhard Center, and be presented to the Student
Activities and Leadership Programs office, room 223 also on the top floor of the Bernhard
Center, to be approved.
December 30, 2013- Order key chains and posters
January 1, 2014- Book room and catering at the Bernhard Center.
January 7, 2014- Invite members and guest speakers and distribute posters.
February 1, 2014- Send news release to The Western Herald.
February 15, 2014- Send a reminder email to speakers and current members.
February 17, 2014- 5:30 pm -Point of Entry Event held at The Bernhard Center.
-Repeat annually.
75 color posters at 11x17 inches
($1.10 each)
A room at the Bernhard Center at Western
Michigan University.
- Includes chairs and a projector.
A 15-column inch ad in the Western
WMU Catering-Estimate
(Cost will vary depending on items)
250 Engraved wrench key chains, from
ucts/en graved-wrench-keychain.html
Total Cost
Evaluation/Measurement: At the end of the event, an anonymous survey will be handed
out to each person to get feedback. The survey will be a combination of questions regarding
their age, what they thought of the event, why they are attending, how they heard of the
event, if they are new or existing members, and if new, are they interested in becoming
members. A sign in sheet asking their name and age will also be placed at the entrance of
the event room and again at each RI meeting. This will be used to keep track of how many
event attendees continue to go to RI meetings, and thus measure the success of the event
by the amount of new and reoccurring members.
Sample Survey for Evaluation:
Recovery International Kalamazoo
Age: _____
Are you currently a member of RI? Yes
How did you hear of the event? Check all that apply:
Personally invited by a member
Word of mouth
Saw a flyer / brochure
Social Media / RI website
Other: _________________
Did you find the event personally helpful? Why or why not?
Would you be interested in attending an RI meeting?
What topics would you be interested in hearing about at meetings?
Reason(s) for attending:
Recovery International Kalamazoo Point of Entry Event
KALAMAZOO, Mich: February 1, 2014- Recovery International (RI) Kalamazoo will host a
Point of Entry Event at the Bernhard Center on Western Michigan University’s (WMU)
campus Monday, February 17 at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of the event is to inform WMU’s
students of the organization. RI members will have the opportunity to talk about their life
experiences with RI and share the holistic benefits of attending meetings. Refreshments
and snacks will be provided.
“This event is our chance to let WMU’s students know there actually is help for them in our
community,” says RI’s Kalamazoo main contact, Fran Miller.
Recovery International is a peer lead, self-help support group designed in meeting format.
The organizations goal is to provide support and approaches to recovery for ages 18-years
and up who have suffered from mental illness or crisis, including depression and anxiety.
For more information on the Point of Entry event, look for posters around WMU’s campus
or contact Fran Miller at 269-344-9143 or Fran@RIKalamazoo.org.
Appendix I
Fact Sheet
Abraham Low, MD, founded Recovery International at the Institute of Illinois Research and
Education Hospitals in 1937.
The mission of Recovery International is to use Dr. Low’s cognitive-behavioral, peer-to-peer,
self-help training system to help individuals gain skills to lead more peaceful and productive
RI’s self-help system consists of Low’s theories of will training, temper control, and
symptom analysis, rather than psychoanalysis.
In 1952, RI became an independent organization and select members began to facilitate the
self-help meetings without professional supervision.
The Recovery International system helps people overcome a variety of mental illnesses
including but not limited to anger, anxiety, compulsions, depression, eating disorders, fears,
panic attacks, social anxiety and stress.
Recovery International has grown to 600 community-based meetings in the U.S., Canada,
Ireland, Puerto Rico, Spain, Israel, India, and the United Kingdom.
RI offers meetings available in person, via telephone, and online.
RI Kalamazoo hosts meetings on Mondays at 11 a.m. in the First Congregational Church on
S Park in Kalamazoo, Mich.
More information can be found at Recoveryinternational.org, Rikalamazoo.org, or by
searching RI Kalamazoo on Meetup.com.
Recovery International of Kalamazoo: The Rebrand
KALAMAZOO, Mich.: November 25 2013 - Recovery International (RI) has rebranded their
Kalamazoo branch in hopes of increased connection with the community. RI is a cognitivebehavioral, peer-to-peer, self-help training system to help individuals gain skills to lead more
peaceful and productive lives. RI’s goal is to provide support and approached for ages 18-years
and up who have suffered from mental illness or crisis, including depression and anxiety.
Fran Miller, area 100 contact for the Kalamazoo region, says, “We believe this rebrand will
allow us to connect with the community in ways we couldn’t before.” RI has rebranded their
materials and since launched their new website: www.RIKalamazoo.org, earlier this week.
Complete with a new logo, Facebook and Twitter handles, and a freshly launched website, RI
Kalamazoo’s transition is nearly complete. RI has been active in Kalamazoo for over 40 years
and is hoping to increase meeting attendance through re-branding and website launch.
RI Kalamazoo meets Mondays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at First Congregational Church: 129 South
Park St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Fran Miller can be reached at 269-344-9143 or at
Fran@RIKalamazoo.org. To find more information visit RIKalamazoo.org. Find us on Twitter:
@RIKalamazoo and Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/RIKalamazoo.
Appendix II
A Few Words About Us
Cont act
Appendix III