Aerosol Lifetimes at High Latitudes Betty Croft1, Jeff Pierce1,2 and Randall Martin1,3 1Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada 2Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA 3Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA NETCARE Workshop 2013 November 18, 2013 Aerosol Lifetimes are Poorly Constrained in Global Models Global mean BC lifetime [days] • Black carbon (BC) global mean lifetime range: 3.3 and 10.6 days (Bond et al., 2013) Similarly, Arctic BC lifetimes are poorly constrained due to several uncertain processes (e.g. Browse et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2011; Koch et al., 2009). • Direct radiative forcing (DRF) depends on lifetime (Schultz et al., 2006) E: emissions rate; L: lifetime governed by removal; MACBC : mass absorption cross-section; AFE: absorption forcing efficiency • Lifetime also controls geographic distribution and indirect aerosol forcing. Radionuclides as a Constraint on Aerosol Lifetime simulated with GEOS-Chem model Croft et al. (submitted), ACP Surface Layer 137Cs/133Xe 137Cs 137Cs Column Burden Fukushima Dai-Ichi accident site (white) CTBTO measurement sites (black) Dalhousie-CTBTO contract for access to radionuclide measurements [Bq m-2] Regionally Varying Lifetime Bias at High Latitude Sites Croft et al. (submitted), ACP Simulated 137Cs / 133Xe Surface Layer E-folding Times • Bias reflects uncertainty in aerosol removal simulation, particularly at high latitudes April-May, 2011 • Fit over days 20-80 after the March 11, 2011 earthquake • Circles: Measurement values • Site-mean measurement e-folding time: 13.9 days Site-mean simulated: e-folding time: 16.7 days Global mean simulated 137Cs lifetime: 1.8 days • • [days] Lifetime Gradients Reflect Differences in Removal Processes Zonal Mean Lifetime with respect to Removal: May-August 2011 137Cs Altitude [km] Black Carbon Latitude oN Latitude oN 0 • 3 10 30 100 [days] Rapid transition of removal efficiency with altitude north of 60oN Need measurements with altitude Challenges in Simulating Aerosol Scavenging in Arctic Simulated Column Black Carbon Lifetime with respect to Removal Winter Mixed phase and ice cloud uncertainties: • ice nuclei number and behavior • impaction scavenging • aging • seasonal changes • influence of processes outside the Arctic Summer 0 3 10 30 100 [days] 60oN-90oN Simulation: Summer Winter Burden: 9.8 Gg 5.4 Gg Removal: 150 Gg 42 Gg (85% wet) (80% wet) Lifetime (removal): 5.9 d 11.6 d Measurements Needed to Constrain Uncertain Processes Arctic Scavenging Sensitivity Studies Black carbon Aerosol fraction in cloud liquid and ice is important for scavenging. 75N-90N 180W-30W Typical assumptions: • 100% over given T ranges or • Verheggen et al. (2007) for T-dependent fraction Winter Summer • Need to understand variation of cloud-borne aerosol fraction with temp, size, and composition (how BC and OC differ). • Concentration vertical profiles are strongly sensitive to transitions between several uncertain processes related to scavenging. Ice Nuclei Number Strongly Sensitive to Aging Arctic Scavenging Sensitivity Studies Black carbon 75N-90N 180W-30W • Measurements of aerosol composition/mixing state are needed to better understand aging. • Need measurements outside Arctic . What happens in the Arctic depends on what happens outside the Arctic! (e.g. winter aging sensitivity) - even tropical convective scavenging affects Arctic aerosol concentrations (Croft et al.,2012) Winter Summer Aging e-folding times: • 1.15 day • Reimer et al. 2007 (1.15 days if no sun and 2 hours if sunlit) • Lee et al. (2013) assigned low uncertainty to aging for CCN prediction, but IN prediction is a different story. Aerosol Scavenging is Strongly Size Dependent • Size-resolved models (e.g. GEOS-Chem TOMAS and APM) allow closer coupling between cloud microphysics and scavenging. • Need measurements of aerosol size and composition in interstitial and condensed phase. Impaction by ice crystals Impaction by rain and snow • Ongoing need for measurements of collision and collection efficiency (Croft et al., 2010) (Croft et al., 2009) Vertical Profiles Highly Sensitive to Scavenging – Need Constraints Black: Measurements Color: ECHAM5-HAM prescribed fraction (0.75) size-dependent scavenging with aerosol processing Black carbon concentration ng kg-1 (Croft et al., 2010) • Common to see two-order-of-magnitude inter-model differences in predicted black carbon vertical profiles in Arctic (e.g. Koch et al., 2009). • Similar situation for organic carbon. • Differences are strongly controlled by scavenging parameterizations. Outlook and Future Research Directions • Scavenging plays a critical role in Arctic aerosol concentrations, but remains poorly constrained in global models. • Measurements are needed to: 1) improve of aerosol scavenging parameterizations and understanding of processes (measurements of interstitial and condensed phase aerosol concentration, composition, size, CCN, IN, deposition and their variation with altitude, temperature and cloud properties) 2) evaluate global model simulations. • Scientific focus: - Understanding and parameterizing aerosol size-dependent removal in the Arctic. - Understanding impacts of scavenging on predicted radiative forcing. - Coupling GEOS-Chem TOMAS (two moment aerosol sectional) microphysics model simulations with upcoming measurement campaigns. Should Cloud-Borne Fractions Differ Between OC and BC? Arctic Scavenging Sensitivity Studies 75N-90N 180W-30W Organic Carbon Winter Summer