Imperialism and colonization Workbook Page 145 1, 2, 3 and 4 Page 146 6, 7 and 10 Page 150 All Page 151 All Page 154 1 & 2 Page 155 ALL Page 158 2-5 Page 159 All Pre-colonial Africa It is believed by many archeologists that Africa is the birthplace of the human race. Early African peoples did not usually leave a written record. Instead, they passed on their histories through oral traditions and stories. The first civilization to appear in northern Africa was that of the Nubians. The Nubians lived in villages along the Nile River just south of Egypt around 3000 B.C. The fertile soils and endless fresh water from the Nile made Nubia the perfect location to build a city. The city they built was one of the most sophisticated of the time. Nubian kings, noblemen, and merchants grew wealthy through trade with Egypt and other peoples. Elaborate Nubian tombs have been found, showing that the kings of the time were as wealthy as the Egyptian kings of the same era. The Kingdom of Kush After a thousand years Nubia gradually evolved, becoming larger and more powerful. By 2000 B.C., Nubia was known as the Kingdom of Kush. The people of this kingdom traded ivory and other treasures from southern Africa with the peoples who lived further north. Axum The Axums controlled a territory along the Red Sea that allowed them to prosper from trade. After defeating the Kingdom of Kush, Axum was able to control trade into and out of much of Africa. Cargo ships from Rome, India, Persia, and Egypt brought goods in, and took ivory and other goods out to the rest of the known world. Around 330 A.D., the king of Axum was converted to Christianity by a pair of shipwrecked missionaries. This king declared that Christianity was to be the official religion of the nation. The Christian nation of Axum thrived until the A.D. 600s when Muslim raiders and bandits began seizing Axum goods and territory. Unable to adequately fight back, the Kingdom of Axum became smaller and less influential. Gradually, the people of Axum began calling their kingdom Ethiopia. International trade: Today, countries need to get their hands on raw materials to manufacture goods. This is done through international trade. These manufactured goods are then sold worldwide for profit. Unfortunately, not all countries benefit from World trade Poor countries are often exploited (taken advantage of) by rich countries. Richer countries make lots of profit by exploiting the raw materials from poorer countries. Poorer countries are desperate for business and are not in a strong position to take a stand and demand for better deals. Nationalist movements (18th century) Colonists living on colonies that were controlled by imperialists eventually became fed up of being occupied and started fighting for independence. The U.S.A., which started off as 13 British colonies, declared independence in 1776 from Great Britain and became a nation in 1783. South American colonies, such as Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Peru forced Portugal and Spain to grant them independence in the late 19th century. The abolition of slavery Africans were forced into slavery on the plantations in America. This violated human rights. Christian values deemed slavery to be unjust and cruel. As a result, European countries were pressured to put an end to it. By 1850… Most plantation colonies had become nations. Europeans stopped hunting and trading Africans. In 1848, the government of France ended slavery in the French colonies. French Laws Regarding Slavery Article 1 stated that slavery was abolished in all the colonies. Article 8 forbade any Frenchman to possess, to buy and to sell slaves etc. Then… Europe began colonizing Africa, Asia and the South Sea Islands (1850s). WHY? 1. Economic motive: Europe had most of the world’s factories. Europe, however, needed… 1. Raw materials to make things 2. More places to sell factory-made goods 3. To invest money in new companies 2. Political and social motives: Controlling other countries gave them prestige. Europe was overpopulated and needed more space (encouraged emigration/exiled). Nearly 50 million Europeans emigrated to the colonies by the mid-19th century. Colonialism: Sins of Europe in the Scramble for Africa Age of Imperialism Scramble for Africa Vodcast #1 Age of Imperialism Scramble for Africa Vodcast #2 How did Europeans colonize Africa? By 1914, Europe had explored and taken almost complete control of Africa Africans were taken over by force The main colonizers were: United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Germany Why explore Africa? Continent had lots of natural resources Excellent soil and climate for growing crops After conquering the coast of Africa, the Europeans began exploring the interior. Unarmed Africans were no match for the aggressive Europeans. The Berlin Conference Other Europeans hoped to have a share in Africa too. Their race to take possession of it was called the “scramble for Africa”. The meeting was organised by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and represented 15 countries. The purpose of this meeting was to settle the differences between European countries competing for African colonies. In 1914, Africa was almost entirely controlled by European colonial powers, which had raced one another to acquire territory in the so-called “Scramble for Africa. Agreement included: 1. Everyone could use the Congo and Nile rivers for shipping. 2. Slavery and the slave trade was prohibited. 3. Importing weapons into Africa was illegal. 4. In order to “possess” a region, a colonizing country needed to occupy it. European imperialism in Africa Imperialism is a system in which a rich and powerful country controls other countries. Racial discrimination based on racist mentality Europeans felt superior t0 Africans. They believed Africans were inferior to them. The idea of superiority was promoted through newspapers and school textbooks. Economic exploitation The merchants and entrepreneurs made their way into Africa and built a transportation infrastructure, including canals, roads, and railway lines. Mines were built and exploited too. Africans worked at low wages and under horrible work conditions. Africa was solely used to exploit raw materials. Raw materials were processed back in Europe. Manufacturing jobs left to Europeans. Suez Canal The canal was strategically important to the British and other European powers. It was Britain's ocean link with her colonies. The Suez Canal provided a vital trading route from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and beyond to Africa and Asia. Colonies could only trade with their mother countries (known as “colonial pact”). Colonies provided raw materials to their mother countries at low cost. In turn, the mother countries sold colonies manufactured goods at a profit. Europe used this system to control the world. The colonies did not benefit from this system. Resistance to colonization Some began to criticize Europe's domination over Africa as early as the 1890’s. Journalists and politicians began to criticize and challenge Europe's presence in Africa. Resistance and protests in the colonies were unsuccessful and the African continent was colonized. What were the 3 effects of European imperialism 1. Economic effects Colonization led to economic inequality (the economies in Europe were better off). Industrialized countries (wealthy countries that had factories) were located in Europe. Non-industrialized countries (poor countries without factories) were only allowed to extract (remove) raw materials. By the 1950's, Africa won their freedom from the Europeans, but were left without any manufacturing infrastructure (factories, roads etc.), no industry and no capital (money in government banks). 2. Cultural effects Africans adopted many aspects of European cultures, at the expense of their own: Many Africans converted to Christianity Africans attended European-built schools and learned their conqueror's language, history, and way of life 3. Human and political effects Africans who resisted colonization were killed. Others died because of harsh work conditions and cruel punishments. Europeans even passed discriminatory laws. Blacks were not allowed to live in white neighbourhoods in the Congo. Europeans re-arranged existing African territories and kingdoms. By doing this, they forced different ethnic and religious groups to co-exist in the same regions. This led to ongoing conflicts and wars once the Europeans left. Effects of European Imperialism on international relations Europeans still fought over the division of Africa in spite of the agreement made at the Berlin conference in 1885 Two (2) significant conflicts: In 1898, the United Kingdom and France fought over Sudan…for control over the Nile…it was ceded to the U.K. From 1905-6 and 1911, France and Germany disputed over Morocco. In 1913, the arms race between the United Kingdom, France, and Germany began to intensify! World War One in 1914! These 3 countries were highly industrialized and had the means to make large quantities of weapons. Germany is an example of a high industrialized country in the early 20th century. The Krupp family, a prominent 400-year-old German dynasty from Essen, have become famous for their steel production and for their manufacture of ammunition and armaments. The family business, known as Friedrich Krupp AG, was the largest company in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. White King, Red Rubber, Black Death King Leopold II of Belgium He is famous as one of the most brutal colonial ruler of the 19th century for his policies in central Africa. He was the founder and owner of the Congo Free State and used slave labor and torture on the Africans to extract raw materials (rubber, ivory, minerals, etc.) to build his personal fortune. In 1908, criticism of his rule forced his withdrawal as ruler. Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) He was a British explorer who went to Africa for the first time as a journalist in search of another explorer, David Livingstone. 1885, he founded the Congo Free State with King Leopold ll. Africans named him “stonebreaker” because of his brutality towards them. Henry Stanley is in charge of his African men: "If you drop that, I will shoot!". He must have been really proud of himself as the drawing is from Stanley's own book "How I found Livingstone". King Leopold II of Belgium TIMELINE 1870s: Begins his colonial project in central Africa 1885: Formally acquires Congo territory as his own private property, naming it Congo Free State 1885-1908: Leopold and his army terrorize inhabitants in pursuit of resources (RUBBER). An estimated 10 million Congolese, half the population, die 1908: Belgian parliament takes over Congo Free State from Leopold, renaming it Belgian Congo 1959: Major nationalist riots in the capital threaten Belgium's control over Belgian Congo territory May 1960: Mouvement National Congolais (MNC) party wins parliamentary elections. Patrice Lumumba becomes prime minister. Joseph Kasavubu is elected President. June 30, 1960: Belgian Congo gains independence, becoming Republic of Congo Patrice Lumumba became the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1960, and was killed in 1961.