2016 Symposium Call for Papers

The University of Memphis Law Review Annual Symposium
March 18, 2016 in Memphis, TN
It is a pleasure to invite you to The University of Memphis Law Review’s 2016 Annual
Symposium. The them this year is “Urban Revitalization: The Legal Implications in
Restoring a City.” As the name suggests, we will be focusing our attention on the legal
issues of cities that face large turnover, abandonment, and blight of properties. The
University of Memphis Law Review, organizer of the event, will host Symposium
sessions at the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at 1 North Front Street Memphis, TN
38103 on March 18, 2016.
The University of Memphis Law Review Symposium is held every spring on a topic of
current interest to the student population, the legal community, and the city. The
Symposium is a one-day CLE event. An issue of The Memphis Law Review will be
published in conjunction.
This law symposium is unique in that it will be followed by a Community Summit at the
Law School on March 19, 2016. The Summit is specifically designed for local, regional
and state officials, civil leaders and others who put law and public policy into practice.
Topics of interest
This symposium with focus on the legal implications of revitalizing distressed
communities, neighborhoods, and properties. It is particularly interested in the
intersection of law and policy as local government, together with community,
institutional and philanthropic partners, deploy a wide variety of policies, strategies, and
legal remedies. Our topic specifically covers the areas of municipal, real property, and
environmental law. Under this broad umbrella, we are particularly interested in articles
 Code enforcement laws and policies to defeat residential blight
 Mortgage foreclosure, bankruptcy and property abandonment
 Use of data in the fight against blighted property
 Criminal nuisance theory and procedure
 Health law and Healthy Homes theory and procedure
 Disparate impact in revitalizing neighborhoods
 Property rights in the light of community beautification projects
 Land banking functions, structures and legislative requirements
 Tax delinquency and issues of takings or eminent domain
 Disparate racial impact in neighborhood stabilization policies and practices
 HUD’s new affirmative fair housing policy in blighted urban neighborhoods
 Administrative versus judicial remedies in property revitalization
 Special purpose housing and environmental courts
 Public policies and programs for better health in homes and neighborhoods
Guide for authors
The deadline to submit abstracts is October 1, 2015. To submit your abstract, please click
on the following link: http://law.bepress.com/expresso/
Click “Submit Now” and search for The University of Memphis Law Review. Follow the
remaining prompts to upload and submit your article. Please identify your submission as
a symposium proposal so it will be sent to the correct editor.
You may also submit directly to The University of Memphis Law Review through email at
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: November 1, 2015
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2015
Organizing committee:
For any additional questions about the event or about submitting an article, please email
Kelly Masters Peevyhouse at kmsters1@memphis.edu.