Kiev retail real estate market overview Results of the 1st half of 2015 Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 Socio-economic development of Ukraine……………….……3 Kiev retail real estate market overview .……………...……..8 Market supply …………….………………………………..……….9 Vacancy rate/ attendance in shopping centers…………….14 Rental rates dynamics …………………………………..………15 Demand analysis……….…………..…………..…….…………..16 Tendencies and forecasts …………………………..….………18 Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 2 Socio-economic development of Ukraine Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 3 Socio-economic development of Ukraine Real GDP (1st quarter of 2015)* Inflation** Retail turnover* -19,3% +40% -24,6% Export * -35,60% Import* -37,10% Industry* -21,8% Agricultural sector -5,40% National debt** +22,2% Real estate development * -31,2% Commissioning of residential properties* -19,2% Average wages** Direct investments +1% -23,1% *according to index of the similar period in 2014 **according to index of December 2014 Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 4 Socio-economic development of Ukraine Real GDP (I Q 2015) - 19,3% Inflation Gross Domestic Product According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2015 the nominal GDP in Ukraine is 367, 577 bill. hrn., that is 54 bill. hrn. or 15% more than in the similar period of the last year (313, 568 bill. hrn.). Real GDP displays the 19,3% fall, that in money equivalent accounts 296, 712 bill. hrn. Consumer price index Inflation index in Ukraine was 102,2% in May 2015. As a result of hryvnya devaluation and consequently increase in price of imported products, inflation has become 140,1%. + 40% Retail turnover GDP dynamics, bill.hrn 1800 20% 1 566 1600 1 404 1 449 1400 7% 1000 15% 15% 1 300 6% 14% 079 8% 1200 720 800 0% 0% 0% -5% 367.577 -10% 544 600 400 -13% 200 -15% -15% 2006 2007 2008 2009 -20% 2010 2011 2012 Nominal GDP, bill. hrn. 2013 Consumer market of Ukraine 3,500 29% 22% 25% 2 633 12% 12%2 239 1 906 8% 1 806 30% 3 026 15% 25% 20% 16% 17% 19% 2,000 1,500 2015 Real GDP, % 4,000 2,500 2014 50% 4 012 3998 40%40% 3 619 4,500 3,000 10% 5% 948 2% 913 0 Retail turnover Retail turnover for 5 months of the year 2015 is 385,2 bill. hrn., that is 11 % more than in the similar period of the last year. Such a positive dynamics was gained due to national currency devaluation and price increase of food products. But if to compare the retail turnover in 2015 of compared prices in 2014, it is 75,3% volume of January-May 2014, that is 24,7% less. Retail turnover in Ukraine decreased in 15% as a result of 2014, whereas the similar period in 2013 showed the decrease in 2%. Decrease in trade started in May, 2013. The most vivid decrease in retail turnover as compared to the similar period in 2014 was fixed in Lugansk (87%) and Donetsk regions (68%). Absolute leaders of retail turnover volume index remain Kiev (14,591 bill. hrn, Kiev - 45, 065 bill. hrn), Dnepropetrovsk (27,657 bill. hrn), Kharkov (26,6 29 bill. hrn) and Odessa (20,615 bill. hrn) regions. 24,7% 10% 9% 5% 0% 1% 1 351 0% -2% 1 042 1,000 -15% -17% 500 0 2006 2007 Average wages Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Consumer prices index 2013 2014 -10% -20% -25% -30% 2015 Retail turnover dynamics 5 Socio-economic development of Ukraine Export -35,6% Import -37,1% Volume of residential properties commissioning International economic activity -19,3% Ukrainian international economic activity 90000000 80000000 70000000 60000000 50000000 40000000 30000000 20000000 10000000 0 Current state of the country has significantly influenced its foreign economic situation. As of April, a 35,6% decrease in products export and 37,1% decrease in import is observed in comparison with the similar period in 2014. As a result of a significant decrease in import, positive surplus in the amount of 59, 7555 mln. dollars is fixed in the country. Dominant position in the structure of the international economic activity take in the following countries: Russia remains the leader (export-11,8%,import–16,2%), China (7,4%, 10,9%), Turkey (7,3%, 2,2%), Italy (5,4%, 2,3%), Poland (5%, 5,5%), India (3,7%, 1,3%), Germany (3,4%, 11,3%), Spain (2,8%, 1,3%). 438 860 779 028 835 394 805 662 580 944 717 347 364 373 707 953 520 588 444 859 269 200 323 205 834 133 681 899 549 365 770 121 423 564 253 707 12495908.2 11898353.2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Export Import Volume of residential properties commissioning in Ukraine in dynamics in 2006-2014 12000 Construction 10,750 45.00% 10,244 10,496 9,339 10000 50% 11,217 40% 9,741 9,410 30% 8,628 As of May 2015, Ukrainian enterprises have completed construction activities for the value of 15705,7 bill. hrn, that was 31,2 % less than in the similar period in 2014 (in money equivalent 17639,5 bill. hrn). New construction, reconstruction and technical recommission makes 84,9% from the total volume of performed construction activities, major and current repairs – 7,7% and consequently 7,7%. 20% 18.70% 8000 10.40% 10% 6,400 2.50% 6000 4.40% 0.80% 0% -2.10% -10% 4000 -19.30% -20% 1,620 2000 -30% -40% -39.80% 0 -50% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Ukraine, thousand. sq. m Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 Growth rate, % 6 Socio-economic development of Ukraine Competitiveness index of Ukraine WEF ranking WEF ranking According to WEF data, Ukraine has reinforced rankings in the world competitiveness index GCI (WEF), going up to 76 from former 82. One of the main factors of positive tendency is the change of the government of Ukraine and its actions towards European integration. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Investments Active military actions based on economic recession have suspended business activity in the country, first of all rolling back the plans of foreign investors. Regarding the results of 2014 investment volume was cut in 23%, in nominal equivalent is 45 916 bill.dollars (accrued results from the beginning of investment). 39% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2014 Enterprises registration 76 Obtaining a building/construction permits 70 Joining electric services 185 30% Property registration 59 20% Receiving a loan 17 10% Minority investors protection 109 Imposition of taxes 108 International business 154 Contract performance security 43 Non-solvency permit 142 40% 0% -20% -23% -30% 2014 2009 2007 96 10,000$ 2008 2008 76 73 Conduct of business -10% 2007 72 84 82 Categories 20,000$ 0$ 73 89 Economy of Ukraine in Doing Business ranking 50% $58 156 $54 462 $49 362 $44 708 $45,916 50,000$ 21% $40 026 $35 723 40,000$ $29 489 12% 12% 10% 10% 4% 30,000$ 60,000$ 82 63 2006 Dynamics of direct foreign investments into Ukraine 70,000$ 78 Direct foreign investments into Ukraine (accrued results from the beginning of investment, mln.doll.USA) Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 7 Socio-economic development of Ukraine Industry In May 2015 compared to the last month and May 2014, industrial products index became 99,8% and 79,3%, and as a result of JanuaryMay 2015 - 78,8%. In raw materials industry and quarries development in comparison with January-May 2014, industrial products index makes 74,5%, processing industry - 79,5%, supply and distribution of electricity, gas and air conditioning- 84,4%. Dynamics of industry index,% 120.0% 100.0% 78.80% 80.0% 60.0% National debt Total amount of national and guarantee debt of Ukraine as of May 2015 was 67,660 billion dollars, in hryvnya equivalent - 1,424 trillion hrn. In the structure of national and guarantee debt the internal debt makes 35% from the total debt or 508,137 mln. hrn, the external one – 65% or 915 990,412 hrn. 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Correspondence of internal and external debt, mln. hrn. Dynamics of the change in exchange rate 1000000 30.00 24.44 25.00 21.63 15.00 10.00 800000 19.23 20.00 15.77 10.44 6.65 600000 508,137 400000 7.98 300000 5.05 200000 0.00 2006 700000 500000 7.41 5.00 5.05 915,989 900000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 July 276,746 211,752 155,490 173,708 309,000 300,025 284,089 206,511 105,133 100000 0 2010 dollar 299,414 euro Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 2011 2012 Internal debt 2013 2014 External debt 2015 8 Retail real estate market overview Kiev 1st half of 2015 Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 9 Key figures of Kiev retail real estate market Market indicators 2013 2014 1st half of 2015 Alteration Total supply, sq.m. 1 000 000 1 073 939 1 094 639 +2% New supply, sq.m. 164 420 80 620 20 700 -75% Minimal rental rate, hrn./sq. m/month (fashion gallery 100-200 sq. m) 30 25 20 - 20% Maximal rental rate, hrn./sq. m/month (fashion gallery 100-200 sq. m) 100 80 50 -37,5% Average rental rate, hrn./sq. m/month (fashion gallery 100-200 sq. m) 70 49,7 30 1,7 7,5 7,5 - Daily attendance, ppl./1000 sq. m 945 867 742 - 15% Attendance of regional shopping malls, ppl./1000 sq. m 530 654 620 -5% Attendance of community shopping malls , ppl./1000 sq. M 1127 937 766 -19% Vacancy, % Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 -35% *dollar rate fixation 10 Kiev retail real estate market supply 1 094 639 Total supply, sq. m New supply 2014, sq. m 20 700 Perspective supply 2016, sq. m 496 579 2 shopping centers have been opened in the capital during the 1st half of the year: Doma center (GLA - 7 000 m2) and Novus (7G Zdolbunovskaya Street), (8200 m2 hypermarket and 5 500 m2 of retail space). As a result, the total market supply as of December 2014 is 1 094 639 m2 of professional rental spaces, having been increased in 2%. Till the end of 2015 a shopping and entertainment center of a large neighborhood type «New Way» is expected to be opened (GLA - 16 200 м2), located in the intersection of Verbitsgogo St./Trostyanetskaya St. and SC at 6 Murmanskaya St. (GLA – 7000 m2). The following projects are planned to be opened in 2016: Retroville, Podol Mall, Respublika, Lavina Mall, Blockbuster Mall, TsUM, SC at Pochtovaya Square with the total leasable area around 496 579m2. Market supply dynamics, thousand sq.m. 1,800 1200% 1,600 1000% SC Prospekt Shopping centers opened in 2014 Address GLA, sq. m Developer Krasnoarmeyskaya str./ 41 000 Arricano Group Krasnotkatskaya str. Opening Q3 Q3 Atmosfera 103 Stolichnoe shosse 30 000 De Vision 800% Doma Cenrter 7 000 KDD Engineering Q4 1,000 600% Aprel 40 Stroiteley str. Koltsevaya, 19 Lesja Kurbasa Avenue 5 800 Local developer Q2 800 400% Appetite 1,400 1,200 600 200% 400 0% 200 2016F 2015F 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 -200% 2005 0 Epicentr Leroy Merlin New supply, GLA, thous. sq. m Total supply as of the beginning of the year, GLA, thous. sq. m New supply share, % Doma Center Novus New Life Darynok Shopping Mall Growth, % Ukrainian Investment Alliance Specialized shopping centers 20d, Polyarnaya str. 70 000 26, Saperno-Slobodskaya str. 12 500 Shopping centers opening in 2015 1, Nikolaya Bazhana Avenue 40, Stroiteley str. 3 420 7000 Q3 Q4 Local developer Q1 7g, Zdolbunovskaya str. 13700 Verbitskogo str. 16 200 Local developer 6, Murmanskaya str. 7 000 Local developer Bazhana Avenue 2400 Local developer Shopping centers opening in 2016 Q2 Q4 Q4 Q4 Respublika 1a, Koltsevaya doroga 135 000 К.А.Н. Development is specified Blockbuster Mall Lavina Mall Retroville TsUM Podol Mal 36, Moskovskiy Avenue Akademika Palladina Av. Pravdy Avenue 38, Kreshatik str. 23, Elenovskaya str. 100 000 127 500 91 254 20 000 13 825 Megaline Megaline Stolitsa Group Esta holding Building Invest Group is specified is specified is specified QI is specified Shopping mall at Pochtovaya Square Pochtovaya Square 9 000 Local developer Q2 Total Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 496 579 11 Kiev retail real estate market supply According to ICSC classification, except for shopping centers with the area less than 5000 sq. m and stand-alone super- and hypermarkets, the total area of professional capital shopping centers is 1 094 639 sq. m, that corresponds to the indicator 381,1 sq. m per 1000 residents according to the degree of saturation of high-quality retail spaces. About 20 shopping center projects with the total leasable area of about 983 523 м2 with different percentage of completion (design, construction start, construction on hold) are announced to be opened in Kiev in 2017-2018. Announced super-regional Entertainment and Shopping Malls are the main objects of successful development for Ukrainian and international retail chains. Their commissioning will lead to qualitative market growth and (in case the condition of human wellbeing improves) will contribute to the further expansion of international retailers. Market saturation, ppl./1000 sq. m Odessa 393 Kiev 386 Dnepropetrovsk 373 Khmelnitskiy Gorodok (2 turn) Petrovka Mall Perspective supplies of rental spaces 2017-2018 Address GLA Developer Onufriya Trutenko str. 42 000 Liko-Holding Zlatoustovskaya str. 68 000 Budhaus Group 7-7а, Degtyarevskaya str. 47 052 Arricano Group 1, Inzhenernaya str. 69 200 Forum Evolution Nikolaya Bazhana Avenue 140 000 ХХI century 10, 14, Dneprovskaya 55 000 Local developer Naberezhnaya str. 2, Nikolaya Vasilenka str. 54 300 Viktoriya Petra Grigorenka Avenue 75 400 Dilise Zdolbunovskaya str. 55 000 Immochan Ukraine Horkogo str. 45 000 KAN Development Silver Sky 52-54, Horkogo str. 64 500 Development 23а Moskovskiy Avenue 29 650 KEMZ Svarka 10, Moskovskiy Avenue 65 360 Tiko Construction Nivki City Pobedy Avenue 74 036 Local Developer project Univer City Vladimirskaya str. 18 700 Kievgorstroy Invest project Kiev E95 Outlet (1 turn) Odesskoe shosse 18 525 Evo Land Development Shopping center Happy Mall HARTZ Lukyanovka Manhattan Mall Vyrlitsa River mall 315 Nikolaev 279 Victoria Kyiv mall Auchan Ocean Mall Vinnitsa 282 Gorky Park Lutsk 307 Simferopol 256 Kherson 230 Donetsk 204 Ivano-Frankovsk 204 Lvov 182 SC on Sklyarenko str. Kirovohrad 123 Chernigov Avenue 89 Zaporozhe SC on Geroev Dnepra 72 0 100 200 300 400 Syretskaya str./ Sklyarenko str. 48, Kosmonavta komarova str. Subway station Geroev Dnepra Opening 2017 2017 2017 project on hold on hold on hold on hold project project project project project project 15 000 Local developer 2016 39 000 Dragon & TikoConstruction 2016 7 800 Local developer 2016 500 Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 12 Kiev retail торговые real estate центры market supply Действующие Киева Regional Shopping Malls Dream Town Ocean Plaza Sky Mall Karavan Community Center Bolshevik Gulliver Address Obolonskiy Ave. 174, Horkogo St.. 2, Generala Vatutina Ave. 12. Lugovaya St. Address Marmelade Art Mall Promenada Center Promenada Park Gorodok 6b, Vadima Hetmana St. 1а, Sportivnaya Sq. Krasnohvardeyskaya St./Krasnotkatskaya St. 154, Borshchagovskaya St. 37, Akademika Zabolotnogo St. 17-21, Bahhoutovskaya St. 4, Bolshaya Okruzhnaya St. 23а, Moskovskiy Ave. «Ukraina» 3, Pobedy Ave. Rayon Arcadia Magellan Kvadrat Globus Alta Center Arcadia Metropolis Silver Breeze Metrograd Piramida Plazma Alladin Atmosfera Arena City KOMOD DOMA center 4, Nikolaya Lavrukhina St. 10a, Dneprovskaya Nab. St. 13b, Akademika Hlushkova St. 36, Perova Ave. 1, Nezavisimosti Sq. 15, Moskovskiy Ave. 154, Borshchagovskaya St. 12, Malinovskogo St. Dneprovskaya Nab. St. Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya St. 4, Mishuhi St. 20b, Moskovskiy Ave. 3-5, Hrishko St. 103, Stolichnoe shosse St. Krasnoarmeyskaya St./Basseynaya 4, Lunacharsoho St. 4, Stroiteley St. Prospect Neighborhood Shopping Mall VMB Kvadrat Polyarnyi Olimpiyskiy Europort Interval Plaza Address 136, Pobedy Ave. 20, Hnata Yury St. 2, Maiorova St. 72, Bolshaja Vasilkovskaya St. 15А, Lukashevicha St. 143/2, Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya St. Year of opening 2009 2012 2007 2008 Year of opening 2008 2013 GLA, sq. m 81 000 70 000 67 000 44 000 GLA, sq. m 37 000 45 200 2014 41 400 2013 2013 2003 2009 2003 40 000 37 000 34 000 32 000 7 000 2003 23 000 2012 2008 2003 2008 2002 2004 2007 2005 2013 2002 2004 2006 2004 2014 2005 2007 2014/2015 Year of opening 2004 2003 2013 2004 2005 2004 23 000 22 000 21 600 19 000 18 579 17 000 17 000 15 284 14 600 11 000 12 000 12 000 10 030 30 000 8 000 7 647 7000 GLA, кв. м 5 000 11 502 8 630 8 250 4 195 7 874 Neighborhood Shopping Mall Kvadrat InSilver Darnitsa Specialized Shopping Mall Detskiy Mir Blockbuster 4ROOM Arax Ultramarine Manufaktura Diamant Makros Dom mebeli B-52 Domosfera Mandarin Plaza DIY Epicentr Epicentr Epicentr Novaya Liniya Novaya Liniya Metro Metro Metro Metro Auchan Auchan Epicentr Epicentr NOVUS Leroy Merlin Leroy Merlin Leroy Merlin Epicentr NOVUS NOVUS NOVUS Epicentr Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 Address 2, Belorusskaya St. 3, Sribnokilskaya St. 2/1, Vossoedineniya Ave. Address 3, Andreya Malyshka St. 34v, Moskovskiy Ave 6, Petropavlovskaya St. 110, Bolshaya Okruzhnaya St. 1a, Uritskoho St. 2 , Novoobukhovskoe shosse 14Е, Petropavlovskaya St. 16b, Moskovskiy Ave. 23, Druzhby Narodov Blvd. 52, Bratislavskaya St. 101, Stolichnoe shosse 4, Basseynaya St. Address 20d, Polyarnaya St. 4, Viskoznaya St. 6, Khrustalnaya St. 65/1, Balzaka St. 8,Odesskoe shosse 26v, Moskovskiy Ave. 2а, Saburova St. 43, Petra Grigorenka Ave. 1v, Bolshaya Okruzhnaya St. 15а, Moskovskiy Ave. 6, Berkovetskaya St. 11, Bratislavskaya St. 1b, Bolshaya Okruzhnaya St. 7a, Akademika Palladina Ave. 17а, Polyarnaya St. 3v, Brovarskoy Ave. 26, Saperno-Slobodskaya St. 40, Petra Hrigorenko Ave. 4d, Krasnozvezdnyi Ave. 1a, Krasnohvardeyskaya St. 8, Nikolaya Bazhana Ave. 6v, Berkovetskaya St. Year of opening 2002 2011 2008 Year of opening 1987 2008 2009 2009 2004 2013 2013 2004 1984 2008 2009 2003 Year of opening 2014 2008 2008 2004 2005 2005 2009 2004 2003 2008 2009 2008 2005 2010 2010 2013 2014 2005 2013 2013 2013 2009 GLA, sq. m 6 000 5 909 5 830 GLA, sq. m 8 000 24 750 24 000 16 000 15 000 15 000 11 250 8 286 16 000 12 003 24 500 9 400 GLA, sq. m 70 000 11 000 12 000 6 795 13 131 9 500 9 500 9 500 9 500 15 000 15 660 12 000 30 000 4 008 13 000 ~10 000 ~10 000 43 000 8 800 6 000 6 500 56 000 13 Map of existing and announced shopping centers in Kiev Regional SC District SC Community SC Free standing hypermarket Specialized SC Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 Regional shopping centers: 1) Dream Town - Obolonskiy Ave. 2) Ocean Plaza – 174, Horkoho St. 3) Sky Mall – 2, Henerala Vatutina Ave. 4) «Караван» - 12, Luhovaya St. Community shopping centers: 5) Bolshevik- 6b, Vadima Hetmana St. 6) Gulliver – 1a, Sportivnaya Sq. 7) Marmelade- 154, Borshchagovskaya St. 8) Art Mall - 37, Akademika Zabolotnogo St. 9) Promenada Center - 17-21, Bahhoutovskaya St 10) Promenada Park – 4, Bolshaya Okruzhnaya St. 11) Gorodok- 23а, Moskovskiy Ave. 12) Department store Ukraina- 3, Pobedy Ave. 13) Rayon – 4, Nikolaya Lavruhina St. 14) Arcadia - 10a, Dneprovskaya Naberezhnaya 15) Magellan- 13b, Akademika Hlushkova St. 16) Kvadrat- 3b, Perova Blvd. 17) Globus- 1, Nezavisimosti Sq. 18) Alta Center- 15, Moskovskiy Ave. 19)Arcadia – 154, Borshchagovskaya St. 20) Metropolis- 12, Malinovskoho St. 21) Silver Breeze - Dneprovskaya Naberezhnaya St. 22) Metrograd- Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya St. 23) Piramida- 4, Mishugi St. 24) Plazma- 20b, Moskovskiy Ave. 25) Alladin- 3-5, Hrishko St. 26) Atmosfera- 103, Stolichnoe shosse 27) Arena City - Krasnoarmeyskaya/ Basseynaya 28) KOMOD – 4, Lunacharskogo St. Neighbourhood shopping centers: 29) VMB – 13 b, Pobedy Ave. 30) Kvadrat- 20, Hnata Yury St. 31) Polyarnyi- 2, Maiorova St. 32) Olimpiyskiy-72, Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya St. 33) Europort- 15а, Lukashevicha St. 34) Interval Plaza- 143/2, Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya St. 35) Kvadrat- 2, Belorusskaya St. 36) InSilver - 3, Sribnokilskaya St. 37) Darnitsa- 2/1, Vossoedinenija Ave Specialized shopping centers: 38) Detskiy mir- 3, Andreya Malyshko St. 39) Blockbuster – 34v, Moskovskiy Ave. 40) 4ROOM - ул. Петропавловская, 6 41) Araks- 110, Bolshaya Okruzhnaya St. 42) Ultramarin- 1а, Uritskogo St. 43) Manufaktura- 2, Novoobukhovskoe shosse 44) Diamant- 14e, Petropavlovskaya St. 45) Makros- 16b, Moskovskiy Ave. 46) Dom mebeli- 23, Druzhby Narodov Ave. 47) B-52 – 52, Bratislavskaya St. 48) Domosfera- 101, Stolichnoe shosse 49) Mandarin Plaza- 4, Basseynany St. 14 Kiev shopping centers, announced to be opened in 2016-2018 Respublika** Kiev, Koltsevaya doroga, 1а GLA – 135 000 m2 Lavina mall** Kiev, Ak,Palladina Ave. GLA – 127 500 m2 Blockbuster Mall** Kiev, Moskovskiy Ave. GLA – 100 000 m2 Retroville Kiev, Pravdy Ave. GLA – 91 254 m2 Ocean Mall** Kiev, Horkoho St. GLA – 45 000 m2 Kiev mall Kiev, P.Hrihorenka Ave. GLA – 75 400 m2 «New Life»** Kiev, Verbitskogo St. GLA – 15 952 m2 «Vyrlitsa»* Kiev, N.Bazhana Ave GLA – 140 000 m2 Petrovka Mall* Kiev, Moskovskiy Ave.,10 GLA – 65 360 m2 HARTZ Kiev, Zlatoustovskaya St. GLA – 68 000 m2 «TsUM» Kiev, Kreshchatik St., 38 GLA – 20 000 m2 Manhattan Mall** Kiev, Inzhenernaya St., 1а GLA – 69 200 m2 * UTG - consultant ** UTG – consultant иand exclusive tenant mix agent Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 15 Attendance and vacancy in Kiev shopping centers Attendance According to the results of the 1st half of 2015 the average daily attendance in Kiev shopping centers is: for regional entertainment and shopping malls - 620 ppl. per 1000 sq. m GLA, for community shopping malls - 766 ppl. per 1000 sq. m GLA. Average indicator - 742 ppl. per 1000 sq. m. We observe a positive tendency of increasing of visitors in regional entertainment and shopping malls. This factor indicates the significant competitiveness of regional shopping centers, able to offer a wide range of product groups and entertainment to a final consumer. The highest attendance rate of about 30 000-40 000 people in weekdays and about 60 000 people in weekends is observed in Ocean Plaza, Sky mall, Dream Town (1st part), Karavan. Average daily attendance of shopping centers (ppl. per 1000 sq. m, GLA) Vacancy Average market vacancy rate in the existing shopping centers and shopping entertainment centers continues to be 7,5% during 20122014, due to shrinking plans of development from retailers, complicated economic situation, decrease in consumer demand. For some new big trade facilities the vacancy rate exceeds 50%. Appearance of free leasable areas can be witnessed even in the most successful shopping centers - Ocean Plaza, Dream Town (1st part), Sky Mall, which are traditionally characterized by the lack of vacant leasable areas. Average vacancy of shopping centers in Kiev, % 8% 7% 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 01-Jul-15 01-Jun-15 01-May-15 01-Apr-15 01-Mar-15 01-Feb-15 01-Jan-15 01-Dec-14 01-Nov-14 01-Oct-14 01-Sep-14 01-Aug-14 01-Jul-14 01-Jun-14 01-May-14 jul 15 jun 15 may 15 apr 15 mar 15 feb 15 jan 15 dec 14 nov 14 ocr 14 sep 14 aug 14 jul 14 jun 14 0% 16 Rental ratesАрендные in Kiev shopping ставки в торговых центрахcenters Киева Rental rates Rental rates at the retail real estate market have significantly changed under the influence of economic and political situation in the country, particularly due to the national currency record devaluation. As a result of the 1st half of 2015 the average rental rate in Kiev shopping centers for fashion gallery (leasable area 100-200 m2) is 28,6$ / m2/ month net of VAT, that is 35% less than in the similar period of 2014. Moreover, landlords practice «individual agreements»: short-term fixation of dollar rate, repair compensation, etc. Percent of retail turnover is a kind of payment scheme, which is widely spread among anchor tenants – 2-5% and retail gallery operators - 7-15%. 45 40 25 $100 $49 $28 Restorants and Cafes $12 Bowlingalley/billiards $8 $4 Children’sentertainment center $8 $4 Cinema 700 Fashion gallery (100-200 sq. m.) 600 Electronics supermarkets $10 $4 $20 $8 $50 $10 $16 $8 28.628.628.628.6 500 400 21.6 18.2 20 Kiosks, souvenir, gifts, jewellery, accessories shops (1-10 sq.m) Department stores and large format clothes shops (600-1,500 sq. m.) Rental rates dynamics in Kiev SC, USD, hrn. 38.5 38.5 37.6 35.1 34.8 33.432.4 33.4 33.3 35 31.5 29.3 30 Average scope of rental rates in Kiev SC ($/sq. m/month net of VAT and OPEX) Typical lease terms in shopping centers 300 Lease term From 3 to 10 years, for anchors 5-15 years 15 200 10 100 5 Rental rate, USD Rental rate, UAH 01-Jul-15 01-Jun-15 01-May-15 01-Apr-15 01-Mar-15 01-Feb-15 01-Jan-15 01-Dec-14 01-Nov-14 01-Oct-14 01-Sep-14 01-Aug-14 01-Jul-14 01-Jun-14 01-May-14 01-Apr-14 0 01-Mar-14 0 Payment policy Rates are nominated in dollars, payment in hryvnas according to exchange rate, annual indexation at the CPI level. Rate $1 is fixed at the level 18-20UAH Deposit From 1 to 3 months, possible guarantee for anchors Rental space Shell and core, fit-out condition Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 17 Demand Demand Despite the economic situation of the country, particularly population solvency, decrease in retailers` turnover, reduce of development plans, we observe a positive tendency and retail real estate market revival. Over the 1st half of 2015 4 new brands have been entered into the Ukrainian market, among which appear Ukrainian companies, that characterizes the development of this field. It is also worth mentioning that 3 well-known brands have returned: Bosco, Marella, Marina Rinaldi, which shut down their operations in the end of 2014. Negotiations with large-scale international operators continue to be held (IKEA, H&M, Intersport, Cotton, Defacto, etc.), being not introduced at the Ukrainian market yet and whose introduction is expected in 2016 together with commissioning of large-scale projects. Brand Country Opened in 2014 Pedro del Hierro, fashion Spain Sinsay (LPP Group), fashion Poland Keddo, shoe shop Great Britain Vittorio Spernanzoni, shoes shop Italy Twin Set, fashion Shopping Malls Gulliver King Cross, Lvov Kreshchatik St. Saksaganskoho St. Italy Gulliver - Ocean Plaza Coffee Shop Company Austria Lvov, Sobornaya Sq., 2 Paul, confectionery France Yaroslavov Val St., 26 Calzedonia, underwear Intimissimi, underwear Italy Italy Karavan Karavan Prenatal, maternity wear Italy Dream Town Germany Arena City, Kiev Hnatyuka St., 12, g.Lvov Great Britain Sweden Piramida Street retail, Rovno Paker, multi-brand shoe shop Vapiano, chain restaurants Peacocks, fashion* Fika, fast food outlet 1st half of 2015 Due to tense military situation and combat activities in the eastern Ukraine, most operators wrap up their business in Donetsk and Lugansk regions and move to the more profitable regions (Lvov, Kiev). adL/ADILISIK, fashion Turkey Udress, designer wear Bosco*, sports goods Ukraine Russia Silenza, underwear Betty Barclay, fashion Marina Rinaldi *, fashion Marella*, fashion Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 Italy Germany Italy Italy Dream Town Piramida Gulliver Art Mall Проспект, SkyMall, Dream Town, Gulliver Осеan Plaza Осеan Plaza Осеan Plaza 18 Dynamics of foreign brands introduction at the Ukrainian market Commissioning of foreign brands in 2012 Brand Country SC Furla Italy Ocean Plaza Dolce&Gabbana MaxMara Weekend Italy Italy Mandarin Plaza Ocean Plaza Russia Ocean Plaza Kari Trussardi Jeans Italy Camper США Napapijri Italy Karavan Ocean Plaza Cinque Italy Ocean Plaza Испания Ocean Plaza Diesel Italy Street retail Reiss UK Ocean Plaza Why Denis Romania Strellson Germany Ocean Plaza Ocean Plaza Turkey Ocean Plaza Michael Kors USA Ocean Plaza Marina Rinaldi Italy Ocean Plaza France Ocean Plaza Valentino Italy Street retail Piazza Italia Italy Ocean Plaza W52 Jeans Portugal Dream Town Gilda Tonelli Italy Ocean Plaza KFC USA Ocean Plaza Germany Sky Mall Italy Greece Ukraine Ocean Plaza Pepe Jeans Suvari Atelier S.Oliver Oviesse kids Soocre Commissioning of foreign brands in 2013 Brand Country SC Happylon Kazakhstan Ocean Plaza LC Waikiki Turkey Ocean Plaza Armani Jeans Italy Ocean Plaza Cinnabon USA Ocean Plaza Style Avenue Czech Republic Ocean Plaza Z-Generation France Ocean Plaza Petit Bateau France Ocean Plaza Bebe USA Ocean Plaza YAMAMAY Italy Gulliver Versace Collection Italy Gulliver Antica Murrina Italy Gulliver Hadley Russia Ocean Plaza Fabs Italy Gulliver Nautica USA Sky Mall Kanzler Germany Ocean Plaza Camicissima Italy Gulliver Agent Provocateur UK Gulliver Commissioning of foreign brands in 2014 Mango Megastore(Mango, Spain Street retail Mango H.E., Mango kids) Pedro del Hierro Spain Gulliver Sinsay (LPP Group) Poland King Cross (Lviv) Keddo UK Street retail Vittorio Spernanzoni Italy Street retail Twin Set Italy Gulliver Coffee Shop Company Austria Street retail (Lviv) Paul France Street retail Prenatal Italy Dream Town Vapiano Germany Arena City Peacocks UK Piramida Paker Ocean Plaza Cazledonia Italy Karavan Intimissimi Italy Karavan Fika Sverige Street retail (Rivne) Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 19 Stakeholders at the fashion retail market of Ukraine № Group of companies Brands Number of stores Intertop, Plato, Geox, Ecco, Skechers, Clarks, MARC O'POLO, TIMBERLAND, Armani Jeans, Atelier de Courcelles, Napapijri ,Pandora, Urban United, Lee/Wrangler, Lenovo 213 MD Group TOMMY HILFIGER, GANT, G-STAR RAW, OGGI, ACCESSORIZE, WALKER, DKNY Men, Pepe Jeans, Etam lingerie, Diesel, Fornarina 123 City moda Marc Aurel, Reiss, Marina Rinaldi, Marc Cain, MAX&Co, Airfield,Rene Lezard, Bogner, Braxx 72 4 LPP Group Reserved, Cropp Town, House, Mohito, Sinsay 64 5 Ultra jeans Levi’s, Baldinini, Lagerfeld, Guess, Pierre Cardin 59 6 Delta Sport Nike, Mexx, Converse 55 7 Argo Mango, Benetton, Promod, Parfois, Orsay, Desigual, Only, Piazza Italia, Aldo, Argo Center 54 8 Inditex Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho 52 1 2 3 MTI 9 TransUkrainaIntersport Tally Weijl, Pimkie, Karen Millen, Oasis, Warehouse 10 KarKat Fashion Group 11 BNS Trade Springfield, Women'secret, Pedro Del Hierro, Cortefiel Calvin Klein Jeans,Top Shop, Michael Kors Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 45 23 8 20 Key tendencies of retail real estate market Tendencies and forecasts • During the 1st half of the year 2 new objects have been opened in the Kiev: Doma Center (GLA - 7 000 m2 ) and Novus (8200 m2 hypermarket and 5 500 m2 of leasable areas). As a result, the total market supply in December 2014 come up to 1 094 639 m2 of professional retail spaces, having increased the total supply in 2%. Till the end of 2015 a new shopping and entertainment center of community (large neighborhood) type «New Way» (GLA - 16 200 м2) is expected to be opened in the intersection of Verbitsgogo St./Trostyanetskaya St. and Shopping center at 6 Murmanskaya St. (GLA – 7000 м2). • The commissioning of new shopping centers is announced to be postponed for the year 2016: Retroville, Podol Mall, Respublika, Lavina Mall, Blockbuster Mall. • Retail real estate market has faced a real challenge: reduction of consumption volumes, retailers` turnover, chain development plans, number of stores, that resulted in 30-70% decrease in rental payment, vacancy growth from 2% to 7,5%, decrease of active tenants from about 1000 to less than 100, and the number of new retailers entering into Ukrainian market was reduced in 2 times; • Nowadays market relationships and conditions have stabilized. Tenants have got benefits, that is why they can get maximally flexible terms; • Significant difference in rental payment in new and existing shopping centers; • Kiev shopping malls managed to maintain currency fixation with the U.S. dollar on a quarterly basis; • Retail turnover percent became a compensator of the fall of rental rates; • Redistribution of retail turnover and traffic among shopping centers and retailers; • Consumer sentiment has been gradually reactivated, but there is no • • • • • • • • • • • background for a rapid growth; Tenants have become more selective regarding new stores opening due to drop in income and lack of reasonable debt financing; Retailers have optimized their operation, shut down unprofitable stores, the most progressive chains have invested into marketing; For some retail chains this crisis has become a period of active development; New possibilities and niches for Ukrainian manufacturers have appeared in current conditions; Tendency of tenants rotation from street retail objects into the shopping centers; Marketing and promotion have become a crucial factor of successful business in shopping centers; Property management companies have optimized OPEX without reducing the expenses onto objects promotion; Till the end of 2015 a vague rental rates increase is expected due to the fact, that new supply of this year has been postponed for the year 2016; Due to retail real estate market stabilization, perspective rental spaces availability and minimal rental rates, there is a solid background for new franchise introduction; Further real estate development will be connected with the entering of new brands into the Ukrainian market; On the whole the situation in real estate segment will remain stable till the end of this year. Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 21 Consumer preference of Kiev residents Purchases in shopping centers and opinion concerning the best one Ocean Plaza, Lybedskaya underground st. Dream Town, 1,2 turns Sky Mall Bolshevik Karavan Prospekt Gulliver Promenada Park Aladdin Raion, Lavrukhina St. Piramida Metropolis Ukraina Kvadrat, Perova blvd. Darynok, Lesnay aundergroung st. Magellan City markets No one 37.1% 21.9% 27.4% 17.3% 25.3% 10.9% 11.0% 5.1% 12.9% 5.1% 12.9% 4.0% 10.8% 3.5% 4.3% 2.4% 6.8% 1.9% 3.1% 1.8% 9.1% 1.6% 4.4% 0.9% 5.5% 0.9% 3.4% 0.8% 11.0% 0.6% 5.3% 0.5% Clothes and shoes 12.6% purchases 0.3% 9.9% 15.3%Best • Ocean Plaza is the leader in the number of unique consumers. 37% of Kiev respondents have bought clothes or shoes in this shopping center at least once for the last half of the year. This mall takes the 1st place for the loyalty level in Kiev. 22% of respondents consider Ocean Plaza to be the best shopping entertainment center. • Dream Town and Sky Mall (27% and 25%, accordingly), show high rates of the number of unique consumers. The loyalty level prevails in Dream Town (17%). 11% of respondents consider Sky Mall to be the best shopping center in the city. *Data introduced displays the percentage of the number of unique consumers. Unique consumer presupposes at least one purchase for the last half of the year. Quantitative survey of Kiev residents was held in the way of standardized face to face door enquiry. Sample group contains 800 respondents, maximum accuracy is less than 3,5%. Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 22 Socio-demographic profile of Kiev residents Distribution according to income level* Less than 2959 hrn 0.6% 25.9% Entertainment 5.2% Meal outside home 4.6% 10.5% 8240-9999 hrn 20.9% 10 000 - 14 999 hrn People in a family– 3.22 9.1% Other purchases 6480-8239 hrn No answer 13.1% Clothes and shoes purchases 13.1% 4720-6479 hrn 20 thous.hrn and even more 38.0% Products 5.9% 2960-4719 hrn 15 000 - 19 999 hrn Distribution of family expenses, % Utility services and other payments 4.6% 18.6% 7.9% Transport 1.5% 17.0% Average family income level– 8 647 hrn.* Credit payment 2.0% Save up for future 1.6% • Average monthly family income level of Kiev households makes about 8 647 hrn., 70% of which are accounted for consumer expenses. Decrease in consumer expenses level is accompanied by an increase in utility fees expenses . Quantitative survey of Kiev residents was held in the way of standardized face to face door enquiry. Sample group contains 800 respondents, maximum accuracy is less than 3,5%. Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 23 Contacts Vadim Neposedov President Evgeniya Loktionova Director Viktor Oborsky Head of Strategic Consulting Dept. Thank you for attention! Contacts Dina Katerenuyk Analyst of Strategic Consulting Dept. Ukrainian Trade Guilt (UTG) – is a large scale national real estate consulting company. UTG today – is 55 highly qualified specialists and more than 500 clients. Participation in 450 business projects and more than 700 market researches let us remain a reliable, responsible and competent partner. Working with various types and sizes of real estate at different stages of the project development, we guarantee a highly professional productivity level and individual approach to the tasks assigned by the client. This presentation is a publication bearing a generalized character. Ukrainian Trade Guilt has no liability towards possible loss of any third parties as a result of information use, introduced in this market overview. Any publication of the materials presented in the Report, wholly or partially, is possible only in case the company is mentioned as a data source. Ukraine and regions retail real estate market overview| Results of the 1st half of 2015 Ukrainian Trade Guilt 2a, Mechnikova str. (BC «Parus») Kiev 01601, Ukraine Tel.: (+380 44) 537 23 64