THE NEED FOR A STRATEGIC APPROACH TO STATISTICAL DEVELOPMENT IN GRENADA HIGH LEVEL FORUM ON STATISTICS RADISSON BEACH RESORT GRAND ANSE ST. GEORGE’S GRENADA Presentation Outline The National Statistical System (NSS) National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (What? And Why?) Assessing the State of the NSS in Grenada: CSO Challenges & National Consultation Key issues emanating from consultation and benefits of consultation Challenges post National Consultation and lessons learnt The way forward THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM IN GRENADA COMPOSITION The National Statistical System The statistical system in Grenada is made up of Many Players who will fall into three major categories:-users, producers and suppliers of information. At the core of this system is the Central Statistical Office (CSO) the department that has the legal mandate to collect, produce and disseminate official statistics. Key producers of statistics Central Statistical Office (Core) Central Government (Ministries and Departments) Finance Agriculture Health Education Labour Police (RGPF ) Public National Insurance Scheme Grenada Tourism Athority Users of Statistics Central Government Ministry of Finance & Energy Ministry of Economic Development, Planning, Trade and Cooperatives Other Ministries- planning officers Regional organisations- ECCB, CARICOM,OECS, CDB etc. International- IMF, World Bank , United Nations, ILO etc. Civil society- NGOs, organisations, churches etc. Students and educational institutions Researchers Private and Public institutions General Public Suppliers Public and private Institutions and establishments Organisations, groups and embassies. Government Ministries department and agencies Households NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS (WHAT? AND WHY?) Background to NSDS (What?) The National Strategy for the Development of Statistics is a strategic planning process. Enables developing countries to build a reliable statistical system. Results in a statistical system producing the data necessary to design, implement, and monitor national development policies and programmes. The Need for NSDS for Grenada (Why?) The increasing demand for statistical information Limited statistical capacity The urgency of meeting the demands of the national, regional and international community. Lack of appreciation among persons at many levels of the role, power and importance of statistics as a strategic resource for planning decision making, good governance, accountability and management. The Need for NSDS for Grenada (Why?) Low priority given to statistical production the “vicious cycle” of underfunding and underdevelopment. Consequences: Limited organisational & institutional development Limited quantity and quality of statistical data. Ultimate Result Decrease demand for data eventually leads right back to the further underfunding of statistical production. • small size of the statistical office, • inadequate infrastructure • limited opportunities for training and development of staff. • non-response to surveys and data request, • An uncoordinated NSS, • Out-dated legislative framework and • Statistics not responsive to a changing environment and more specifically changes in the economy. ASSESSING THE STATE OF THE NSS IN GRENADA CHALLENGES OF THE CSO IN GRENADA AND THE NATIONAL CONSULTATION ON THE NSDS Major Challenges of Central Statistical Office in Grenada and Consequences Outdated Statistical System Low compliance, no enforcement of Act, Increase Moral suasion and burden on limited office staff. Little Coordination Duplication of resource/efforts, production of conflicting data, no established metadata or little harmonisation of metadata, increased burden on CSO. Wrong interpretation of statistics can lead to misguided policies. Insufficient and underdeveloped human and infrastructural resources Inability to respond efficiently to data users request, Infrequent and inconsistent undertaking of surveys, inability to produce survey results in a timely manner Low levels of Advocacy Non response to surveys, statistical underfunding, little use of statistics produced by public and for evidence based planning, lack of appreciation for statistics produced. National Consultation to Launch NSDS 24 April 2012 Participants/ Stakeholders: Users, producers & suppliers of statistical data within the National Statistical System: Representing a wide cross section of the economy (Private & Public sector, NGO) CARICOM Secretariat, PARIS21, ECCB and STATIN A total of 73 persons Rational for large size of conference: Important for mass sensitisation and to garner buy in to NSDS from the start To develop interest and support for Official Statistics in Grenada. Group Discussions The Main Gaps of the National Statistical System NSS in Grenada - User Perspective Priority Needs of Producing Agencies within the NSS Coordination of the NSS Reform and Restructuring for an Effective National Statistical System (NSS) by Revising the Institutional and Legislative Framework Statistical Advocacy Group 1: The Main Gaps of the National Statistical System NSS in Grenada - User Perspective Timeliness • Data not very timely • Late response to survey • Untimely submission of other producers to CSO Relevance • Statistics not targeted to needs of users • Not a wide variety of stats produced to meet needs of everyone (E.g LFS, Health, Literacy, SLC) Reliability • Statistical data produced by CSO are fairly reliable e.g economic statistics and household survey data. Are we producing the statistics that users need (relevance), when they need them (timeliness)? Priority Needs of Users Data needs Labour Market Indicators Statistics on population with disability Migration Human Behaviour Providing regular progress updates to the public (public accountability) Make available more disaggregated data. Group 2: Priority Needs of Producing Agencies within the NSS Resource Competent human resource Training: short term specialised training courses or Degree/ scholarship Financial assistance IT: computer equipment (Software and Hardware) Sound Statistical Methodology Improved data collection techniques Improved data analysis competencies CSO to take leading role in Coordinating the NSS Updated and enforced statistical legislation More Education and awareness about statistics Development of statistical analysis in the school curriculum Additional incentives to pursue careers in statistics Utilise all forms of Media for public sensitisation Group 3: Coordination of the NSS - Challenges Breakdown in the linkage between the other producers of statistics and the CSO. As a result data is not timely and readily available. Lack of awareness of data needs of users Confidentiality concerns: Due to lack of knowledge of how information is disseminated and what it is used for, producers may be reluctant in providing requested information. Absence of adequate Human Resources: Staffing Issues Archaic legislative and regulatory framework governing the linkage and coordination arrangements within the NSS Outdated statistical software Coordination of the NSS - Challenges The absence of a standard template/ generic format for the submission of data by various producers Absence of user-friendly information disseminated to users CSO’s lack of understanding of Users’ needs Insufficient use of automated systems: manual production of information is often inaccurate, time consuming and expensive Ad hoc requests from users Absence of dissemination of regular scheduled reports similar to the CSO digest of the past (release calendar) Absence of regular submission of data by producers to CSO generate regular scheduled reports. Group3: Coordination of the NSS Mechanisms to Improve Collaboration and Coordination Among Agencies • National Statistical Advisory Committee: - • Established schedule of regular meetings to discuss specific needs and challenges. Pooling Resources: Increases financing of statistics and eliminates of duplication of resources. Eliminates the issue of conflicting data Increases cooperation among producers Mechanisms to Improve Collaboration and Coordination Among Agencies Conduct frequent user needs assessment and communicate results to producers (Gap analysis) Conduct producer assessment-methods and procedures, adherence to international standards, constraints and problems (Gap analysis) Undertake public awareness campaign that enhances persons understanding of frequently used statistical terms to ensure greater efficiency in the submission of data and the interpretation of the information. Establishment of a Public Relations Officer position within the CSO Ensure officers within the CSO and stakeholders are aware of the mission and vision of the NSS and how they fit into this mission in ensuring a well coordinated system. Group 4: Reform and Restructuring for an Effective National Statistical System (NSS) Revising the Institutional and Legislative Framework Autonomy vs. Dependence In favour of transforming CSO into a Statutory body Ensure integrity of data and unbiased reporting Eliminate government interference in statistical process Raises the profile of statistics and will attract more experienced and qualified persons suitable for these job types. Increase in services provided. Anticipate higher productivity by staff Greater credibility and accuracy of data and dataset increases requests (increased demand) Create a small stream of revenue. ‘Statutorisation’: Challenges Foreseen High start up cost may be needed: Additional burden in difficult economic times in light structural adjustment Need to Source external funding Inadequate revenue hence dependence on government financial resources, which may hinder the speed of growth of the institution Revision of Statistical Act 1960- Contents of New Statistical legislation Independence of the CSO Organisational Structure, authority and powers Storage of information Confidentiality, privacy, safety of confidential data information Non-disclosure/disclosure of Information Stiffer penalties for non-compliance. Flexibility to incorporate future changes to allow statistics to be responsive to changing environment Reporting mandates and clear coordination mechanisms Group 5: Statistical AdvocacyKey Messages and Target Audience Role and importance of Statistics in improving development outcomes Evidence-based policy/ integration of statistics into policy frameworks Role of statistics for better allocation of resources The importance of data providers in an effective NSS Appropriate and sustained financing of the NSS Statisticians and data producers Government, Donors, Regional and international organisations What’s in it for me? How can better statistics benefit me or my organisation? -Policy Maker, Senior Managers -Regional and International Organisations Education Institutions and General Public Statistical Advocacy Methods of Reaching the Target Audience with the Key Messages of Advocacy Presentation to Cabinet (political will- highly important) Use of media techniques Have Workshops for specific users Identification of Champions for statistics to deliver key messages- in public, private sector and informal sector. Examples: Persons who are currently key users Key influential persons in society Prime Minister and Minister for Finance & Energy Minister for Economic Development, Planning, Trade and Cooperatives Professional organizations Universities (SGU, UWI) Policy makers Key Issues Emanating from Consultation and Benefits of Consultation Key Issues Emanating from Consultations Better Coordination (highly recommended) • A common issue in all the groups. Conclusion that better coordination would reduce the gap between users and producers of statistics and correct many of the inefficiencies plaguing the NSS. The revision of Statistical Act is also of paramount importance to the effective functioning of the NSS. It was an issue arising in other groups apart from the assigned group of ‘reform and restructuring’ Increased advocacy Unanimously agreed upon as an important action for the future of statistics Need for additional IT and Human resources and increased capacity building Also common issue arising in group discussion as way forward for improvement Benefits of the Consultation Consensus on the most important issues to address in the context of NSDS. Identification of Champions of Statistics among the participants Greater appreciation of the challenges within the CSO and NSS among stakeholders Stakeholders commitment to support the strategic design process CHALLENGES POST CONSULTATION AND LESSONS LEARNT Post NSDS Consultation Shift in focus & Loss of attention on NSDS for some time Reasons (1) Priorities Devoting all efforts into the production of census results 2011, the completion of ICP project, the hosting of the 37th SCCS and LFS 2013. Election and change in administration –New government settling into office. Late budget call. (2) Resources Shortage of Staff: Reduced staff compared to an increasing work load. Lessons Learnt Need to capitalize early on momentum from the consultation, the positive responses from participants and promised support of the stakeholders. The Key issues emanating from the group session is indicative of the need for a Strategic approach to statistical development Political will is critical to the success of the NSDS. Need for Ministry of Finance Management team on board Need to target the senior managers board to gain consensus Need for an officer dedicated to NSDS besides the Director (a champion within the CSO) THE WAY FORWARD The Way Forward Submission and Presentation to Cabinet about the need for and benefits of NSDS for Grenada including report from NSDS Launch. Identification of Champions at the top and targeting them Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, no. 1 champion Minister for Economic Development and Planning Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance Formation of a national steering committee for statistics Formation of a national steering Committee to drive process Seek funding to recruit consultant for NSDS to assist in steering process forward Having a series of key stakeholder visits to be followed by a national consultation to reflect the findings. The Way Forward A National Consultation to present the findings of stakeholders visit. Incorporation of Statistics Canada project (ISFP) as a component to the NSDS. To get consensus on the Road Map Writing of Strategy Paper to be facilitated by consultant Implementation of plan Thank You