The Inferno - AHS-AP

The framework of arguments
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Philosopher, politician, poet
Lived in Florence, Italy
White Guelph = reduction of church power
Exiled by Pope Boniface VIII
Wrote The Divine Comedy in 1315
Dante Alighieri
Literary Devices and Themes
 Satire
 Similes/Metaphors
 Irony
 Allegory
 Written In Italian
 Symbolism
 Vivid Imagery
 Beatrice
 Idioms
 Animal nature of sin
 Justice
 Guilt
 Italian politics
 Logic v. Faith
3 Cultures in One Poem
2 “Real” Cultures
 Biblical References
 The culture of the Italy
 Mythical creatures
 Readers know the culture
 Myths
Manufactured Culture: Logic
 Belief in a logical order of the divine
 Contradicts the church
 Individual interaction with faith
We The People of Hell
Absolute rule of God
Law of Hell
Management by guilt
Evidence Supporting Dante
Plot and Literary Devices
Start of the Journey
 Lost in woods half way through life
 Stopped on way to eternal happiness
 Symbols of sin: she-wolf, lion, leopard
 Symbol of logic: Virgil
 Reassurance
 Simile Pattern
Lost in the woods
River Acheron
 Opportunists
 Idiom: Fallen Angles
 Idiom: Pope Celestine V
 Law of Hell
 Symbol: Charon
 Metaphor: Fainting
1st Circle: Limbo
 Unbaptized good pagans
 Eternity without hope
 Famous ancients brighter than others
 Some ascended into heaven
2nd Circle: Carnal Sin
 Minos
 People swept by passion forever caught in the wind
 Simile pattern
 Lovers tale
 Metaphor: Fainting
3rd Circle: Gluttons
 Dirty snow
 Cerberus
 Swollen and fat souls
 Ciacco’s prophecy
4th Circle: Hoarders and Wasters
 Idiom: Plutus
 Symbol: souls pushing rocks
 Clergy
 Symbol: Dame Fortune
5th Circle: Wrathful and Sullen
 Marsh of Styx
 Sullen entombed bellow mud
 Wrathful tear each other apart
 Phlegyas
 Metaphor: FilIippo Argenti
6th Circle: Heretics
 Symbol: Gates of Dis
 Symbol: Mosques
 Symbol: Medusa
 Symbol: Heavenly Messenger
 Heretics
 Farinata Degli Uberti
 Pope Anastasius
7th Circle: Violence Part 1:
Violence Against Neighbors
 Symbol: River of boiling blood
 Ancient conquers
 Centaurs
7th Circle: Violence Part 2:
Violence Against Self
 Forest of suicides
 Metaphor: Accidental pain
 Harpies
 Metaphor: speaking through blood
 Dogs
7th Circle: Violence Part 3:
Violence Against God Part 1:
 Symbol: desert of fire
 Symbol: rain of fire
 Blasphemers
 Symbol: Old Man of Crete
7th Circle Part 3: Violence
Against God Part 2: Violence
Against Nature
 Sodomites
 Symbol: Brunetto Latino
 Running Off
7th Circle Part 3: Violence
Against God Part 3: Violence
Against Art
 Usury
 Coat of Arms
 Geryon
8th Circle: Fraud Part 1:
Panderers and Seducers
 Goaded by demons to run in endless circle
 Symbol: demons
 Symbol: horns
 Venedico Cacciamico
 Jason
8th Circle: Fraud Part 2: False
 False flatters forever domed to wallow in boiling human
 Alessio Interminelli
 Thais
8th Circle: Fraud Part 3:
 Symbol: Simonacs upside down in holes
 Symbol: fire burns the soles of the sinners
 Symbol: Pope Nicholas III
 Prophecy
8th Circle: Fraud Part 4:
Fortune Tellers
 Symbol: twisted bodies of sinners
 Eyes blinded with tears
 Walking backwards
 Italian and Greek fortune tellers
8th Circle: Fraud Part 5:
 Grafters stuck in tar
 Demons attack sinners who show themselves
 Senator of Lucca
 Dante's fear
 Symbol: demons
 Navarrese man
8th Circle: Fraud Part 6:
 Symbol: lead clothing of the sinners
 Idiom: Caiaphas
 Jovial friars
8th Circle: Fraud Part 7:
 Thieves in the dark bitten by snakes
 Symbol: snake
 Hands tied
 Sinners bursting into flames
 Vanni Fucci
 Prophecy
 Figs
 Noble Thieves of Florence
8th Circle: Fraud Part 8: Evil
 Flames hiding sinners
 Symbol: flame
 Ulysses and Diomede
 Count Guido
8th Circle: Fraud Part 9: Sowers
of Discord
 Vivid Imagery
 Those who broke things
apart are ripped apart
 Muhammad and Ali
Political and Kin
 Historical politicians
 Man who started the
Guelph-Ghibelline war
 Berntrand de Borne
8th Circle: Fraud Part 10:
Falsifiers Division 1: Alchemists
 Diseased, immobile, and blind
 Idiom: Griffolino D’arezzo
 Idiom: Capocchio
8th Circle: Fraud Part 10:
Falsifiers Division 2:
 Impersonators running around attacking other sinners
 Idiom: Gianni Schicchi
 Idiom: Myrrha
8th Circle: Fraud Part 10:
Falsifiers Division 3:
 Idiom: Master Adam
 Thirst
8th Circle: Fraud Part 10:
Falsifiers Division 4: Liars
 Fevers
 Idiom: Potiphar’s Wife
 Idiom: Sinon
 Adam v. Sinon
 Dante’s repentance
 Idiom: Nimrod
 Idioms: Ephilaties, Briareus, Tityos, Typhon
 Antaeus
9th Circle: Serious Fraud Part
1: Family
 Ice
 Caina
 Punishment
 Alessandro and Napoleone Degli Alberti
9th Circle: Serious Fraud Part
2: Country
 Antenora
 Idiom: Bocca Delgi Abbati
 Metaphor: beating Bocca Delgi Abbati
 Count Ugolino and Archbishop Ruggieri
9th Circle: Serious Fraud Part
3: Guests
 Ptolomea
 Idiom: Friar Alberigo
 Idiom: Branca D’oria
 Severity of sin
9th Circle: Serious Fraud Part
4: Masters
 Judecca
 Not visible
 Three ugly heads
 Trapped in ice
 Generates cold winds
 Idiom: Judas
 Idiom: Brutus
 Idiom: Cassius
 Metaphor: Embracing Satan
Beating a Dead Horse in a Creative Way
Division of hell (Christian culture)  monster/sinner (Greek culture)  punishment (logic
Shock the most people
Great Meaning Applied Subtlety
• Fainting in the first third circles of hell (sins of the she-wolf)
• Wishing a soul greater punishment
• Accidentally hurting a soul in the second third of Hell (sins of
the lion)
• Purposefully harming a soul in the finally third of Hell (sins of
the leopard)
• Climbing Lucifer
• The more thought involved, the greater the sin
• Relates to the progression of humanity
Solving Problems
Understanding the severity of sin
Understanding the source of sin
Identifying the people who sin
Correcting sin
Better Future
Hell = Italy, Sin = Problems
Making Progress
It’s Funny it Really is!
Comedy in Context
The church holds to keys to heaven, yet
many sinners are the clergy
 Church says to not interpret the divine,
yet the church is mortal and interprets
the divine
 If Christianity is so original then why do
older cultures have the same ideas?
Comedy Today
Dante’s contradictions
 Humanity’s contradictions
Reading Recommendation
And reasons for it
 Insightful
investigation of humanity
 Funny
 Ideas
are seen everywhere
Academy of American Poets. Dante Alighieri. n.d. HTML Document. 5 November 2011.
Alighieri, Dante. The Inferno. Trans. John Ciardi. Dante Alighieri, 1308. Book. 24 October 2011.
Ciardi, John. The Inferno. Trans. John Ciardi. New York: Signet Classics, 1954. Book. 24 October 2010.
LibriVox. The Divine Comedy. 20 January 2010. Sound. 6 November 2011. <>.
Meyers, Rick. E-Sword. Franklin, 2012. Program. 6 November 2011.
Microsoft Corporation. Dante Alighieri. Redmond, 2009. DVD. 5 November 2011.
Paine, Thomas. The Age of Reason; Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology. Thomas Paine,
1794. Pamphlet. 12 November 2011. <>.
Wetherbee, Winthrop. Dante Alighieri. Ed. Edward N. Zalta. 18 December 2009. Stanford University. Web
Encyclopedia. 5 November 2011. <>.