Inferno Circles Notes



Dante travels through Hell,

Purgatory, then Heaven (Inferno,

Purgatorio, Paradiso)

 Virgil (author of Aeneid) his guide

Entrance & “Lobby”

Enters Hell

 Gate inscription: “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”

 “the Uncommitted”

 People who did NEITHER right nor wrong

Entrance & “Lobby”

 Pontius Pilate

 Punishment: pursued/stung by wasps/hornets, other insects drink blood/tears

 Contrapasso

 Symbolic instance of “poetic justice”

Crossing into Hell

Acheron (river)

 Ferried across by Charon

 Does not want to take Dante (still alive)

Circle One: Limbo

Unbaptized & virtuous pagans

 Similar to Fields of Asphodel


 Neutral (neither punishment nor reward)

 Green fields, castle (“wisest men of antiquity”)

Circle One: Limbo

Beyond this, all circles are punishments for “active, deliberately willed sin”

 Divided into groups of

“wantonness, violence, and fraud”

 Descending in level, increasing in severity (lower = worse)

Circle Two: Lust

 Minos – “judge of the dead”

(determines which “circle” each soul is

“sentenced” to here)

 Punishment: souls “blown back & forth by terrible winds of violent storm”

 Contrapasso – mirrors the power of lust to “blow about” one’s desires aimlessly

Circle Three: Gluttony

 Guarded by Cerberus

 3-headed guardian dog

 Punishment: souls forced to lie in a

“vile slush” created by equally foul, icy rain

 Contrapasso – gluttons lie sightless, heedless of others, mirroring the empty, cold, selfish nature of their sin

Circle Four: Greed

 Avaricious or miserly (hoarded possessions)

 Prodigal (squandered possessions)

 Punishment: souls forced to “joust” using great weights pushed with their chests

 Contrapasso – “so absorbed in their activity (i.e. focused on wealth) they have lost their sense of self ”

Circle Five: Anger

 Punishment

 Wrathful – fight on the surface of the river Styx


 Sullen – lie beneath the water

 Contrapasso: Eternally “at war” with each other

 Souls in Hell are eternally fixed in the state in which they arrive

 No redemption/salvation possible at this point

Circle Six: Heresy

 But first…

 “lower parts of Hell” lie within Dis (city)

 Protected by walls/fallen angels, surrounded by

Stygian marsh

 Active, not passive, sins here

 Dante, at first, refused entry

 Poem begins to deal with sins “philosophy and humanism cannot understand”

Circle Six: Heresy


 Punishment: trapped in flaming tombs

 Contrapasso: heretics denied the immortality of the soul, and are punished with eternal pain


Circle Seven: Violence

“Lower Hell” begins here

 Violent / malicious sins punished here

Circle Seven: Violence

 Guarded by the Minotaur

 ½ man, ½ bull

 Divided into three rings

 Outer ring

 Violent against people/property

 Punishment: immersed in Phlegethon (river of boiling blood & fire) to a “level commensurate with their sins”

 Contrapasso: greater the sin, deeper the immersion

 Centaurs patrol the ring, fire arrows at any who attempt to rise higher than allowed

Circle Seven: Violence

 Middle Ring

 Suicides

 Punishment: transformed into thorny bushes, fed upon by Harpies

 Contrapasso: can only “speak” if broken (twig broken from branch)

 Broken, in part, by profligates


Circle Seven: Violence

 Middle Ring

 Profligates (wastefully extravagant)

 Punishment: pursued & mauled by dogs

 Contrapasso: “threw away” wastefully their lives, in part they “throw away” lives of suicides (pursuit by dogs, destruction of suicide bushes)

Circle Seven: Violence

 Inner Ring

 Violent against God (blasphemers)

 Violent against nature (usurers)

 Punishment: desert of flaming sand, fiery snakes rain from the sky

 Blasphemers lie on the sand, usurers sit, others wander about in groups

 Contrapasso: the culture of the day saw these sins as “unnatural and sterile,” like the fire rain/fire sands

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Frauds (deliberate, knowing evil)

 Malbolge

 10 “Bolgie” (ditches of stone)

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 1: Panderers and seducers

 Punishment: march in separate lines in opposite directions, whipped by demons

 Contrapasso: used passions of others to drive them to do bidding, now driven by whip-wielding demons

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 2: Flatterers

 Punishment: engulfed in human excrement

 Contrapasso: excrement symbolic of the words used to flatter

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 3: simony

 Selling of church offices

 Punishment: placed head-first into holes in rock, flames burning soles of feet

 Contrapasso: holes symbolize baptismal fonts

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 4: sorcerers, astrologers, false prophets

 Punishment: heads twisted around backwards

 Contrapasso: response to attempts to “see into the future”

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 5: corrupt politicians

 Punishment: immersed in a lake of boiling pitch

 Contrapasso: represents the sticky, black nature of corrupt deals/actions

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 6: hypocrites

 Punishment: walk wearing gilded lead cloaks

 Contrapasso: cloaks represent the falsity of actions, which also weighs them down & makes spiritual progress impossible

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 7: Thieves

 Punishment: bitten by snakes/lizards

 Bites cause transformation, loss of identity

 Contrapasso: as they stole in life, their identity is “stolen”

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 8: fraudulent advisers / evil counsellors

 Punishment: concealed w/in flames

 Contrapasso: “hidden” within the flames, as their true motives were


Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 9: sowers of discord

 Punishment: demon hacks their bodies apart with a sword

 Contrapasso: as they divided others, their bodies are divided

Circle Eight: Fraud

 Bolgia 10: falsifiers

 Alchemists, counterfeiters, perjurers, impostors

 Punishment: disease affliction

 Contrapasso: they are themselves a

“sickness” on society

Circle Nine: Treachery

 Ringed by “classical & Biblical giants”

 4 “rounds”

 Frozen in ice at progressively greater depths

Circle Nine: Treachery

 Round 1(Caina)

 Family (chins)

 Round 2 (Antenora)

 Community (same as Caina)

 Round 3 (Ptolomaea)

 Guests (lying in ice, only faces uncovered)

 Round 4 (Judecca)

 Liege lords / benefactors

 Completely encased, distorted positions

Circle Nine: Treachery

 Satan

 Waist-deep

 Three faces

 Six wings (create icy winds of Hell)

 Each face chews a traitor

 Brutus

 Cassius

 Judas Iscariot
