Romanticism Unit Test Review

Romanticism Unit Test
A review game to prepare for the test
Romantic writers embraced nature
and distrusted which environment?
The City
Describe Tom Walker.
Miserly, greedy, fearless, heartless
Romanticism is ultimately a literary
movement and artistic movement
that is a reaction against what
other literary movement?
Rationalism, The Age of Reason
The woods in “The Devil and Tom
Walker” is supposed to represent…
In “The Devil and Tom Walker,”
what symbolizes hidden greed and
The rotten trees in the forest
Why is dark romanticism different
from romanticism?
Dark romantic writers write about the
darker aspects of human nature.
Before he reveals it, how can the
audience tell that Tom is talking to
the Devil?
He is described as having red eyes, strange
clothes, black bristly hair
Describe Mrs. Walker
Miserly, greedy, fearless
What do the names on the trees in
the forest indicate?
Others within the town who have a made
a deal with the devil.
Why does Tom not sign a deal with
the Devil initially?
He wants to think it over, and he wants to
spite his wife
What is a likely theme for “The
Devil and Tom Walker”?
Greed and mean-spiritedness lead to
Irving uses indirect characterization
by having Tom enter the forest to
show he is…
Fearless, unlike the superstitious
What is Tom’s major motivation for
signing his deal with the Devil?
What is a likely theme for
Humans beings are an ongoing part of the
earth itself.
According to the speaker of
“Thanatopsis,” what happens after
Humans become a part of the earth
According to the speaker of
“Thanatopsis,” what should people
do when they start to think about
Go out into nature
The title “Thanatopsis” means…
Death view or view of death
Why is “Thanatopsis” an example
of Romantic poetry?
Nature awakens emotions and insights in
the speaker
What is the term for poetic device
where the poet switches the typical
word order?
In “The Cross of Snow,” what does
the speaker compare his loved to?
A martyr
What is the cycle of life according
to “Thanatopsis”?
The dead are replaced by the living, who
then die
What is the cross that the speaker
has to bear in the poem “Cross of
His constant pain over his lost loved one
What is the mood of “Cross of
In “Cross of Snow,” the images of
the halo, fire, and sunlight are
contrasted with…
The sunless ravine
What type of poem is “Cross of
An Italian Sonnet
The first three stanzas of “She
Came and Went” are examples of
what literary device?
i.e. “As twig trembles which a bird
lights on to sing then leaves
How is the female subject of the
poem remembered in “Cross of
Fondly and they are missed
What is a likely theme for “Annabel
Love can bring intense sorrow as well as
What is a possible theme for “The
The intense grief that accompanies the
loss of a loved one can lead an individual
to lose their grasp on reality.
What is the tone of “She Came and
“Annabel Lee” most likely
expresses Poe’s grief over…
His wife’s death
Who does the speaker in “Annabel
Lee” blame for the death of his
loved one?
Envious angels
What is rhyme scheme?
The pattern of end rhyme in a poem
What is a word that describes the
tone of “Annabel Lee”?
What is a word that describes the
tone of the narrator in “The
What literary device is being used the following
“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing”
Internal rhyme
What is alliteration?
Repetition of an initial consonant sound
Why does the raven in “The Raven”
probably only repeat the word
It is the only word it knows
Why is Lenore “nameless here for
She is dead and has no earthly name
What is the mood of “The Fall of
the House of Usher”?
The narrator of “The Fall of the
House of Usher” tried to portray
himself as more what than Usher”?
What is the “remarkable fact”
concerning the Usher family?
They are in a direct line if descent
What is a central theme of “The Fall
of the House of Usher”?
A person cut off from the world can fall
prey to irrational fears and mental illness
What is the name of Roderick
Usher’s sister?
What is the single effect created for
the reader of “The Fall of the House
of Usher”?
What detail early the “The Fall of
the House of Usher” foreshadows
the story’s ending?
The crack or fissure in the house
What is the point of view of “The
Fall of the House of Usher”?
1st person
What is the “fiend intemperance”
that the narrator of “The Black Cat”
struggles with?
What is the likely climax of “The
Black Cat”?
When the cat cries behind the wall
The second cat in “The Black Cat” is
most likely a symbol for…?
The narrator’s guilt
The narrator of “The Black Cat” is
telling his story from…?
What happened to Edgar Allan
Poe’s wife?
She died from tuberculosis
What happened to Edgar Allan
Poe’s mother?
She dies from tuberculosis
What happened to Edgar Allan
Poe’s father?
He was an alcoholic that abandoned the
Why was Poe’s marriage
He married his 13 year old cousin
Why were the fireside poets given
that name?
Families would sit around the fire and read
their works to each other
What literary device does Poe seem
to use most in his short stories?
What literary devices does Poe
seem to use most in his poems?
Sound devices
What is an allusion?
A reference to another work of literature,
a famous historical event, or a famous
historical person
Define mood
The atmosphere created for the reader by
the author.
Why is the narrator’s crime
discovered in “The Black Cat”?
He raps his cane against the wall of the
“tomb” where he placed his wife, and the
cat lets out a scream
Define tone
The attitude of the author towards the
subject and characters.
Name and label a conflict from the
“The Black Cat.”
Answers will vary
What does the narrator see in the
remains of his house after it has
been destroyed by fire?
A lone wall still standing with the
silhouette or image of a hung cat
During what century did American
Romanticism take place?
19th century
What is personification?
Giving human characteristics to inanimate
Name an allusion from “The
Pluto, Aidenn, Pallas Athena
American Romantic writers
thoughts that logic and reason
were inferior, or less valuable, than
Imagination, feelings, emotions,
spontaneity, nature