Biography: Where did Ida B. Wells grow up?

Ida B. Wells
Occupation: Journalist, civil rights and women's activist
Born: July 16, 1862 in Holly Springs, Mississippi
Died: March 25, 1931 in Chicago, Illinois
Best known for: Leading a campaign against lynching
Where did Ida B. Wells grow up?
Ida B. Wells was born into slavery in Holly Springs, Mississippi on
July 16, 1862. Her father was a carpenter and her mother a cook.
They were slaves owned by man named Mr. Bolling. They were
treated well by Mr. Bolling, but they were still slaves. They had to do
whatever he told them and any one of the family could be sold to
another slave owner at any time.
Shortly after Ida was born, President Abraham Lincoln issued the
Emancipation Proclamation. This made Ida and her family free as far
as the United States was concerned. However, Ida lived in
Mississippi. It wasn't until after the Civil War that Ida and her family
were finally set free.
Becoming a Teacher
When Ida was sixteen years old both of her parents died from Yellow
Fever. In order to keep her family together, Ida went to work as a
teacher and took care of her brothers and sisters. A few years later,
Ida moved to Memphis to teach where she could make more money.
She also took college courses during the summer and began to write
and edit for a local journal.
Seat on the Train
One day Ida was taking a train ride. She bought a first-class ticket,
but when she boarded the train the conductor told her she had to
move. The first-class section was for white people only. Ida refused to
move and was forced to leave her seat. Ida didn't think this was fair.
She sued the train company and won $500. Unfortunately, the
Tennessee Supreme Court overturned the decision later.
The Free Speech
Ida began to write articles about the racial injustices of the South. At
first she wrote articles for local newspapers and magazines. Then
she began her own newspaper called the Free Speech where she
wrote about racial segregation and discrimination.
In 1892, one of Ida's friends, Tom Moss, was arrested for murdering
a white man. Tom had been protecting his grocery store when some
white men broke in to destroy the store and put him out of business.
Tom was hoping that the judge would understand that he was just
protecting himself. However, before he could go to trial, he was killed
by a mob. This type of killing without a trial was called a lynching.
Ida wrote about the lynching in her paper. This made many people
mad. Ida fled to New York to be safe. The offices of the Free Speech
in Memphis were destroyed and Ida decided to stay in New York and
go to work for a New York newspaper called the New York Age.
There she wrote articles about lynching that let people throughout the
country understand how often innocent African-Americans were being
killed without a trial. Ida's efforts had a great impact in lowering the
number of lynchings that occurred throughout the country.
Civil Rights Activist
Over time, Ida became famous through her writings about racial
issues. She worked with African-American leaders such as Frederick
Douglass and W.E.B Du Bois to fight discrimination and segregation
laws. Ida also believed in women's rights including the right for
women to vote. She founded the first black women's suffrage
association in 1913 called the Alpha Suffrage Club.
Ida is remembered as one of the early leaders in the fight for African-
American Civil Rights. Her campaign against lynching helped to bring
to light the injustice of the practice to the rest of the United States and
the world. Ida died from kidney disease in Chicago on March 25,
Interesting Facts about Ida B. Wells
• Ida was one of the original founders of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
• She married Ferdinand Barnett in 1898. Ida and Ferdinand had four
• She ran for the Illinois state senate in 1930, but lost.
• She started the first African-American kindergarten in Chicago.
• Ida once said that "the people must know before they can act, and
there is no educator to compare to the press."