B2B stages at global e

Categories of the E-Commerce I
B2B and B2C
Lecturer : Bambang Warsuta, S.Kom, M.T.I
S1 Teknik Informatika
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
“Veteran” Jakarta
Pertemuan 1 (14 September 2013) : Introduction to Internet and E-Commerce
Pertemuan 2 (21 September 2013) : Categories Of E-Commerce I (B2B, B2C)
Pertemuan 3 (28 September 2013) : Categories Of E-Commerce II (C2C, G2B, G2C)
Pertemuan 4 (5 Oktober 2013) : E-Commerce Supporting Technology
Pertemuan 5 (12 Oktober 2013) : Case Study
Pertemuan 5 (19 Oktober 2013) : eBusiness Framework
Pertemuan 7 (26 Oktober 2013) : eProducts and eServices
Mid-semester test (Oktober / Nopember 2013)
Pertemuan 8 (16 Nopember 2013) : Presentasi Kelompok I
Pertemuan 9 (23 Nopember 2013) : ePayment (Wisuda)
Pertemuan 10 (30 Nopember 2013) : Internet Marketing and eMarketing
Pertemuan 11 (7 Desember 2013) : Internet and E-Commerce Security
Pertemuan 12 (14 Desember 2013) : eCRM
Pertemuan 13 (21 Desember 2013): Presentasi kelompok SESI I
Libur Tahun Baru
Pertemuan 14 (11 Januari 2014) : Presentasi kelompok SESI II
Final-semester test (Januari 2014)
The Origin and Development of
Pengembangan e-commerce sudah melewati 3 tahapan, yaitu :
Manual Business
based on EDI
(Electronic Data
based on
Tugas 1 (Review)
1. Carilah jenis-jenis pekerjaan dan jabatan yang
berkaitan dengan E-commerce. Deskripsi pekerjaan
(job description) beserta gaji yang diberikan
(Minimal 3 jenis pekerjaan)
2. Carilah pengertian dari e-concept beserta dengan
contoh nya minimal 2 contoh dan berikan
3. Apakah perbedaan EDI over Internet dengan EDI
E-concept e-commerce
Faktanya, E-Commerce adalah kombinasi dari teknologi
informasi dan aplikasi perniagaan/jual beli
E-concept E-commerce merupakan kombinasi dari teknologi
informasi dengan kebutuhan spesifik dari berbagai macam
bidang- bidang.
Selain untuk bisnis, teknologi informasi elektronik dapat
diterapkan pada berbagai macam bidang lainnya, seperti :
Bidang Kedokteran (teknologi informasi dan Kedokteran)
Pendidikan (teknologi informasi dan sistem pendidikan)
Bank Online (teknologi dan sistem keuangan)
Dan sebagainya.
Definition of e-commerce
e-commerce refers to various online commercial
activities focusing on commodity exchanges by
electronic means, Internet in particular, by
companies, factories, enterprises, industrial
undertakings and consumers.
Definition of e-commerce
A large number of well-known organizations and
corporations also have their own definitions on ecommerce.
For example, ISO defines e-commerce as: it is the
general term for exchange of information among
enterprise and between enterprise and customers;
the Global Information Infrastructure Committee
defines it as the economical activities using electrical
communications, with which people can purchase
products, advertise goods and settle.
Definition of e-commerce
The following are definitions given by transnational
corporations Intel, IBM and HP respectively.
 Intel: E-commerce = electronic market + electronic
trade + electronic service
 IBM: E-commerce = information technology + web
+ business
 HP: E-commerce is to accomplish commercial
business by electronic means.
Definition of e-commerce
It refers to commercial trade activities carried out by
electronic methods, the electronicization of traditional
The electronic means refer to electronic technologys,
tools, equipments and systems, including telephone,
telegram, television, facsimile, E-mail, electronic data
interchange, computer, the communication network,
credit card, electronic money and Internets.
Commercial activities comprise inquiry, offer,
negotiation, contract signing, contract fulfillment,
Narrow vs Broad Sense
In a narrow sense, e-commerce refers to various online
commercial activities focusing on commodity exchanges by
electronic methods, computer network in particular, by
companies, factories, enterprises, industrial undertaking and
In a broad sense, electronic business (EB) refers to the
electronicization of all business among all industries (including
governments, enterprises, and institutional units), such as
electronic government, electronic command, electronic
education, electronic public business, electronic household etc.
Components of e-commerce
Component of e-commerce
Network: It includes Internet, Intranet, and Extranet. Internet is
the foundation of e-commerce and the carrier of commercial
business information. As to Intranet, it means for enterprises to
carry out internal affairs. With regard to Extranet, it is the
link between enterprises and users to carry out commercial
E-commerce user. It includes personal consumers and business
consumers. The business consumer scientifically manages staff,
wealth, goods, production, supply and sales by Intranet,
Extranet and MIS. Personal consumer has access to
information and purchases goods by connecting Internet with
browsers, set-top boxes, PDA (the personal digital assistance),
Visual TV etc.
Component of e-commerce
Authentication Authority: The authentication Authority (CA), the
authority recognized by law, is responsible for issuing,
managing digital certificates and facilitating parties involved
in online sales to identify each other.
Distribution center. It is in charge of sending goods that
cannot be delivered on line to consumers and keeping track
of goods flow.
Online bank. It provides the sellers and buyers the traditional
bank business, such as settlement, and round-the-clock service.
The administration of the commercial activity. It consists mainly
of departments of industry, customs, tax and trade.
Categories of the e-commerce
business to business (B2B),
business to customers (B2C),
customers to customers (C2C),
governments to business(G2B),
And goverment to customers (G2C)
B2B (Business to Business)
B2B, is the mainstream in e-commerce and the
principal method to improve competition ability in
the competitive market.
B2B, is carrying out commercial activities by EDI via
special networks or Value-Added Networks (VAN,
for short).
B2B (Business to Business)
B2B plays central part and will be the mainstream in the future, for
the following reasons.
Volume of business transaction of B2B takes up the majority of
the total trading volume in e-commerce
The B2B e-commerce companies hold an advantage in lowering
operation cost
B2B e-commerce companies are more suitable for modern
logistics management
B2B e-commerce companies are competitive in guaranteeing
credit and capital security during operation course
E-commerce of B2B is more mature in both theory and practice
1. Volume of business transaction of B2B takes up the
majority of the total trading volume in e-commerce
B2B transaction in 1999, taking up 78% of $139.6
billion of total e-commerce transaction volume
B2B, reached $455.7 billion in 2000, taking up
83% of $496.2 billion of total e-commerce
transaction volume.
2. The B2B e-commerce companies hold an advantage
in lowering operation cost (Reducing Cost)
The online business of B2B companies covers
production, supply, sales, or purchase, transfer and
storage, which are so extensive that it can provide
many ways to reduce the cost:
First, reducing procurement cost by purchasing multitudinous
commodities of single kind.
 Second, reducing production cost by shortening production
 Third, reducing operation cost by efficient inventory control.
 Fourth, reducing sales cost by global batch sale.
3. B2B e-commerce companies are more suitable
for modern logistics management
According to statistics, B2B e-commerce companies
are more competitive than B2C e-commerce
companies in reducing logistics dispatching by 20%
- 60%.
4. B2B e-commerce companies are competitive in
guaranteeing credit and capital security during
operation course
Contrary to B2C companies, it is easy for B2B
companies to inspect and identify the credit of their
trade partners, because of their operation methods,
fewer in batch and larger in quantity.
5. E-commerce of B2B is more mature in
both theory and practice
E-commerce of B2B involved here refers to ecommerce of B2B based on Internet.
E-commerce based on EDI started at the beginning of
the 70s of 20th c is typically B2B e-commerce  it
means e-commerce takes the form of B2B at the very
B2B stages at global e-commerce
B2B categories will become the main categories of e-commerce in the future,
to which great importance shall be attached.
According to experts, global e-commerce has already entered the third
The first stage, attention economy presented by Yahoo.  Awareness
The second stage, professional network economies (B2C, C2C) with
Amazon and eBay as representatives of.
The third stage, integration economy, facing the four elementary markets
(e-market, e-channel, e-procurement, e-enterprise etc.) by Internet and
B2B e-commerce to boost the interaction of new economy and old
B2C (Business To Customers)
B2C takes place between business and customers, in
which online sales are carried out by Internet, such
as the online bookstore Amazon.
B2C (Business To Customers)
B2C, Internet is resorted by businesses or enterprises
to provide customers goods and services via websites.
Presently, various types of B2C websites spread all
over Internet to supply customer a variety of goods
and services, varying from flowers and books, to
computers and cars etc.
B2C (Business To Customers)
From the perspective of the business relations
between enterprises and customers, B2C falls into
two categories:
 seller
(enterprises)—the personal buyers, and
 buyer (enterprises)—the personal sellers.
Seller (enterprise)-personal buyers
Seller (enterprise)-personal buyers, is the
categories in which enterprises sell goods and
commodities to individual customers.
This e-commerce categories requires the support of
high-efficient, low-cost logistics, the representative
of which is the global distinguished online bookstore
Amazon (http://www.amazon.com).
Buyer(enterprise) - personal sellers
Buyer (enterprise)-personal sellers, is the category
in which business purchases goods or service from
This categories is usually used for online job
application. For example, many enterprises
advertise various job offers in Shenzhen Human
Resources Network (http://www.szhr.com.cn),
JOBSTREET, Karir.com.
E-commerce B2C categories of intangible goods
and services
E-commerce categories of intangible goods and
services are :
Online subscription categories
Advertisements-supported categories
Online donation categories
1. Online subscription categories
Customers subscribe intangible goods and services
provided by enterprises and can consume them
directly on line.
This categories is mainly used by some online
enterprises to sell newspapers, magazines and
programs of cable TV.
2. Advertisements-supported categories
Online service providers provide customers online
information service freely and obtain income from
advertisements published in the websites.
This is the most successful categories, though it does
not directly charge from customers.
Example : Yahoo, Google, Kapan Lagi, Detik.com,
dan sebagainya
3. Online donation categories
This categories is usually adopted by software
companies to submit software to customers to
improve its popularity and market share.
Some software companies offer alpha-version
products to Internet users freely.