What Do YOU See? NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts Volunteer/Educator Workshop Karla Knoepfli karla.knoepfli@okstate.edu NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts "The arts aren't extraneous, extracurricular or expendable. They are essential." Governor Mike Huckabee, ECS Chairman, 2004-06 http://www.ecs.org/html/projectsPartners/chair2005/OnTheArts.asp Mission Statement Our mission is to have business leaders, arts professionals, educators and others work together to educate the government, the public and the media to the need for returning Arts to the national curricula. Together we can demonstrate that Arts is a necessary aide to STEM "by connecting the dots" • Arts education is a key to creativity • Creativity is an essential component of and spurs innovation • Innovation is necessary to create new industries • New industries equals jobs which is our future economic wellbeing. “Employers are increasingly saying that they don’t just need people with basic job skills, but people who are creative (and) who can generate new ideas and new ways of solving problems.” Rosenberg http://steam-notstem.com/ Health – Youth Development NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts What is taking place through youth programming and project work? Physical Health Social Health Emotional/Mental Health Cognitive Moral – Character Health All Youth Need to Experience Mastery Mastery means having opportunities for meaningful achievement and to develop skills and confidence. Something to think about… NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts “Business leaders and analysts tell us that imagination, innovation and creativity are the primary skills that will keep America competitive in the global economy.” Richard J. Deasy Director, Arts Education Partnership What Do YOU See? NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts “Interpretive ARTS Web Exhibition” Encourages youth: How to think, but not what to think To look for ways to observe and interpret their surroundings Creatively express their thoughts and/or emotions through writing, music or some other form of visual medium. Program began in 2012 What Do YOU See? NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts http://4hwhatdoyousee.wordpress.com/ What Do YOU See? NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts Written piece must be: • Fiction or nonfiction story • Poetry • Etc. Visual piece must be: • Any form of media (food, photography, video painting, textile, sculpture, garden, dance, etc.) Written, Music or Visual piece which depicts the “4-H member’s artistic interpretation of “What do you See.” Music piece must be: • Original musical score with or without words • Recorded (audio or video) performance of the piece preformed by the writer. Program began in 2012 What Do You SEE? 2013 Pranshu’s Narrative: I have always been fascinated with the human brain. I am mesmerized when I think about how each and every one can look at something in a different way and comprehend it in their own unique way. I love to make videos. Making this video made me even more interested in the human brain and its mysteries. There is still so much we don’t know and I find that to be absolutely fascinating. I hope that you find my interpretation of what this campaign was about interesting and thought-provoking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50g51ZCoTaA&feature=em-upload_owner What Do You SEE? 2013 Annie’s Narrative: Inspiration - I like to look at things differently. Everything has beauty. I look beyond the obvious. Sometimes, the subject looks more interesting abstractly. Creative experience - Photography is my creative outlet. These photos are some of my most successful and popular when I exhibit my work. What Do You SEE? 2014 Triptychs are a good tool in order to tell a story. In “The Slide” I started out by photographing the slide, photographed me on the slide (the shadow tells more than the actual main part of the photo) and the empty slide. The use of shadows are a good way to include yourself in the photograph. The second photo was most effective due to the shadow and the graphic shape of the slide’s shadow. Annie Braggs, Cleveland County Slide What Do You SEE? 2014 Sometimes you have to look beyond the subject matter. Even the most basic of items have interesting shape and form. Even though many people would be grossed out by the subject, it created an interesting subject for a lighting and texture study. Annie Braggs, Cleveland County Fish What Do You SEE? 2014 Sometimes I am most creative when I go off by myself, away from noise and distractions. I went to the top of Mount Scott, near Lawton and found these trees that have struggled to squeeze between and over rocks, and against all odds have found a way to survive. The trees are often twisted and shaped oddly just to get the space that they need. Converted images to black and white to eliminate the distraction of color and only focus upon light, contrast and texture. Annie Braggs, Cleveland County Twisted What Do You SEE? 2014 Custer County Oklahoma What Do You See Ribbon Challenge 2014 Arapaho-Butler Jr. 4-H Club What Do You SEE? 2014 Stephens County Oklahoma What Do You See Ribbon Challenge 2014 4-H Horse Club What Do You SEE? 2014 Tribal 4-H Mentoring Grant Raney, Age 10 Hughes County What Do You SEE? 2014 Tribal 4-H Mentoring Grant Mackenzie, Age 10 Hughes County What Do You SEE? 2014 Tribal 4-H Mentoring Grant Maddie, Age 10 Hughes County What Do You SEE? 2012 Southern Region 4-H Volunteer Forum Look into the clover what can you find? Are you able to read between the line? Are you making decisions you may regret? Are you remembering things but sometimes forget? Are you helping someone along the way? Are you finding a kind word to say? Are you involving families as well as a friend? Are you willing to volunteer again and again? Rose Coffey Graham Oktibbeha County, Mississippi 4-H Volunteer, 2012 What Do You SEE? 2012 NJ - 4-H Creative Writing Contest “Beautiful America” “As you can see from the writing, the ‘What Do You See?’ theme was a great theme for encouraging creativity, diversity and individual self expression. “ Ellen Williams Expressive Arts 4-H Agent Rutgers University Beautiful America Rapid rivers shining clear and bright in the moonlight Magnificent mountains jagged and steep Seashores strong with foaming waters Towering, thick, abundant forests Grass-filled plains with endless skies Beautiful America--a reflection of God’s glory Rebecca Edwards- Ronning Burlington County , New Jersey What Do You SEE? 2012 WY - Camp Counselor Training …my Jr. Leaders/Camp Counselors decided to use a “What Do You See” moment to express what they learned about Youth Development and Ages & Stages of Youth Development through 4-H Camps… Megan Brittingham 4-H Youth Development Educator UW Extension GOSHEN COUNTY What Do You SEE? 2015 OK Project – Rockwell visits a… • 4-H Member • 4-H Volunteer • 4-H Club NAE4-HA Communication and Expressive Arts “What will YOU see in 2015?” To learn more contact your County Educator or Karla Knoepfli, State 4-H Office