US/UK Tax Talk Roland A. Sabates Director of Operations 0 Agenda Brief Overview of H&R Block Expat Tax Services Importance of U.S. tax compliance from both the expat and HR professional US / UK Tax Talk Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 1 Largest Tax Preparer in the World 680+ million returns worldwide since 1955…24.2 million in 2015 ~12,000 offices globally, with over 80,000 tax professionals and associates worldwide1 Well-established operations in the U.S., Canada and Australia • Start-up operations in India and Brazil Files approximately 1 in every 7 U.S. tax returns • 96% brand awareness • Capable of serving clients anywhere, anyway and anytime they choose (Assisted and DIY) Offers complementary “Tax Plus” products to clients • Emerald Card is the 3rd largest general purpose reloadable debit card in the U.S. 2 1 Excludes tax professionals and associates at franchise locations Established & Growing International Presence One of our fastest growing businesses is International Canada Completed 51st Tax Season 10% Segment Share Australia Completed 44th Tax Season 7% Segment Share Emerging Markets India US Expat Tax Services Brazil Offices on/near 25 U.S. Military Bases Evaluating other opportunities 3 H&R Block Expat Tax Services Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 4 H&R Block Expat Tax Services Retail expat services available in Canada, Australia, and India Expat Tax Services launched in May 2013 • Served thousands of clients in over 160 countries • U.S. tax return preparation and filing, FBAR, consulting • Highly specialized. Most advisors are CPA’s, tax attorneys, or enrolled agents (EA’s) • Virtual service using Skype, email, or phone with secure document sharing and storage 1. Register @ 2. Provide Tax Information 3. We Prepare Tax Return 4. Review & E-file Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 5 Why is this important? 3,415 2015 American Taxpayer – • Penalties • Costly Compliance Fees • Avoidable U.S. Tax Exposure HR Professional – • Associate Engagement and Retention • Popularity of International Assignments Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 6 Meet Irene… Irene is high potential digital marketing manager with your organization and accepts a two-year assignment working in London. She meets a British national, gets married, and requests to be localized to the London office. Irene contacts the accounting firm she had been working with through her employer and is given a quote of several thousand dollars. She decides to look for another option but misses the filing deadline. By the time the next year’s filing deadline rolls around, her first child is on the way and U.S. taxes falls down the priority list. She enrolled in the group personal pension offered through her employment and begins making a monthly contribution to an Individual Savings Account with a UK-based financial institution. Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 7 U.S. Tax Filing Deadlines April 18, 2016 – Deadline to pay 2015 U.S. tax June 15, 2016 – Deadline to file for U.S. taxpayers overseas (automatic extensions can be requested to October 15th) June 30, 2016 – FBAR filing deadline (no extension) October 15, 2016 – Extended filing deadline December 15, 2016 – Additional extension for U.S. taxpayers overseas Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 8 Benefits to Reduce U.S. Taxation Foreign Earned Income Exclusion $100,800 excluded from taxable income Qualifications • Physical Presence Test • Bona Fide Residence Test Additional housing exclusion amount - $85,300 (London) Foreign Tax Credit Dollar for dollar credit for tax paid Income Tax Carryover of unused credits for up to 10 Years Different limitations for passive and active income Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 9 Comparative US / UK Tax Rates U.S. Tax Rates U.K. Tax Rates Rate Single Married Separate Head of Household Rate 10% $0 to $9,225 $0 to $9,225 $0 to $13,150 20% Basic Rate £0 - £31,785 40% Higher Rate £31,786 £150,000 45% Additional Rate £150,000 + 15% 25% 28% 33% 35% 39.60% $37,450 to $90,750 $90,750 to $189,300 $189,300 to $411,500 $411,500 to $413,200 $37,451 to $75,600 $75,601 to $115,225 $115,226 to $250,750 $205,751 to $232,425 $13,150 to $50,200 $50,200 to $129,600 $129,600 to $209,850 $209,850 to $411,500 $411,500 to $439,000 $413,200 + $232,426 + $439,000 + $9,225 to $37,450 $9,226 to $37,450 Standard Deduction Personal Exemption All Taxpayers Personal Allowance £10,600 $6,300 $4,000 Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 10 British Pension Schemes Favorable Treatment Under U.S.-U.K. Income Tax Treaty • Elective deferrals and tax-deferred earnings available for most American participants Employer v. Personal Pension Schemes Strategy and Grey Area Watch Outs • QROPS – early access • Contribution limitation differences Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 11 British Investments Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) • Cash ISAs • Stock and Shares ISAs Passive Foreign Investment Company • • • • No capital gains rates Losses do not offset gains Punitive tax and interest charges Costly compliance Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) • 3.8% tax on investment income − $125,000, $250,000 • Problems with foreign tax credit Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 12 Foreign Account and Entity Information Reporting Foreign Accounts • FBAR – Foreign accounts valued in excess of $10,000 − Ownership or Signature Authority − Penalties – > > Non-Willful - $10,000 Willful – Greater of $100,000 or 50% of the highest balance of the account • Form 8938 – FATCA – Foreign accounts and assets valued in excess of $200,000/$300,000 Foreign Trusts • Non-employer pensions • Flat Penalties - $10,000 Foreign Limited Companies • Forms 5471, 8865, 8858, 926 • Flat Penalties - $10,000 Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 13 International Family Issues Nonresident Spouse • • • • Filing Status Election to file jointly with foreign spouse Transfers of assets between spouses Divorce Children born overseas • U.S. citizenship for children born overseas • Child tax credit • Dependent care credit Affordable Care Act - Health insurance coverage Constructive ownership rules for foreign businesses Signature authority over accounts maintained for relatives Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 14 UK Home Ownership Mortgage Interest Deduction • Offset Mortgages Sale of Home Exclusion • $250,000 ($500,000 – MFJ) • Foreign Currency Fluctuations Rental Activities Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 15 Additional Child Tax Credit $1,000 per U.S. citizen child claimed as a dependent • • • • Under age 17 Claimed as a dependent No foreign earned income exclusion Social security number required by filing deadline FILING STATUS PHASEOUT Single, HOH $75,000 MFS $55,000 MFJ $110,000 $20,000/child Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 16 Miscellaneous Issues State Taxes • Continued state residency status Equity Compensation • Source of Income from RSUs and stock options Social Security Taxes Business Ownership • Sole Trader v. Limited Entity • Changes to UK dividend taxation – U.S. implications Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 17 Options Available to Non-Filers Delinquent Information Reports • For taxpayers who have filed all income tax returns and paid all tax but neglected to file certain information reports. Streamlined Compliance Program • Nonwillful filers – definition of “nonwillful” not entirely clear • 3 years of delinquent tax returns and 6 years of delinquent Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program • Structured penalty exposure Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 18 Tax Savings Strategies Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and cash ISAs Child Tax Credit for certain taxpayers Excess UK taxes paid • 10-Year Carryover • Subsequent move to low tax country • Pension planning Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 19 Let’s Check in With Irene Irene receives a letter in the mail from her financial advisor requesting that she provide them with a Form W-9 and sign a waiver allowing them to disclose her information to the U.S. Department of Treasury. They explain that signing the documents is a condition of maintaining an investment account. In addition, the notification that her financial advisor sends her includes a three-page letter describing in detail her obligations to report non-U.S. accounts. She immediately contacts an accountant in the United States. • • • • Filing status – MFS or Head of Household Likely phased out of child tax credit Individual Savings Account reporting UK pension plan likely exempt from U.S. tax • Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures − Exposure to penalties? Contents are material, nonpublic, confidential and proprietary. Unauthorized distribution or dissemination is prohibited 20