OM 410Tui Na-II Syllabus Fall 2015 lau

3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Course Syllabus: OM410 Tui Na II
Course Description: Tui na includes massage, acupressure, and manipulation techniques used
to re-establish normal flow of Qi in the body. This course introduces the student the principles
and practice of Tui na, and teaches the treatment of specific disorders.
AC501 AcuAnatomy: Channel Theory & Pathology I
WS301 Anatomy & Physiology I
WS304 Anatomy & Physiology II
Instructional Contact Hours: 60 Hours Academic Credits: 4 Academic Credits
Homework Hours: 120 Hours
Instructor’s name and contact information:
Brian Lau, DOM, AP, C.SMA, EWCNM
Campus Main Line 941-355-9080
Student Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
• Perform Tui na hand techniques and sequences
• Perform training exercises for Tui na
• Perform treatments of specific diseases with Tui na
• Perform tests and analyses for Tui na
Instructional Materials / References: Handouts and routines learned in class, internet material.
Required Text: None
Recommended Text:
 Luchau, T. Advanced Myofascial Techniques, v. 1. Handspring Publishing, 2015.
 Muscolino, J. The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points, Referral
Patterns, and Stretching. Mosby Elsevier, 2009.
P age |1
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Teaching Strategies:
Classroom lecture
Classroom demonstration of techniques
Student practice and participation
Requirements for Successful Completion:
Student success is evidenced by: satisfactory completion of all required assignments, satisfactory
attendance and achieving a passing final grade of 70% or higher.
Student Learning Outcomes Rubric:
(failing grade)
under 70
(mid-range grade)
Highly Developed
(high end grade)
Perform Tui na hand
techniques and
Student is unable to
perform Tui na hand
techniques and
Student is somewhat
able to perform Tui na
hand techniques and
Perform training
exercises for Tui na
Student is unable to
perform training
exercises for Tui na
Student is somewhat
Student is well able to
able to perform training perform training
exercises for Tui na
exercises for Tui na
Student is well able to
perform Tui na hand
techniques and
Perform treatments of Student is unable to
specific diseases with perform treatments of
specific diseases with
Tui na;
Tui na;
Student is somewhat
able to perform
treatments of specific
diseases with Tui na;
Perform tests and
analyses for Tui na
Student is somewhat
Student is well able to
able to perform tests
perform tests and
and analyses for Tui na analyses for Tui na
Student is unable to
perform tests and
analyses for Tui na
Student is well able to
perform treatments of
specific diseases with
Tui na;
P age |2
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
Methods of Evaluation:
Homework and Participation: 20%
Midterm Exam: 40%
Final Exam: 40%
Grading Scale: Standardized & Set By EWCNM
A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%
C: 70-79%
No grade below a 70 is considered passing.
Academic Honesty:
EWCNM recognizes the value of academic honesty and requires all students to abide by the code
of conduct and professional ethics. Students are expected to be honest in all areas of their academic
life. Cheating, plagiarism, violation of test conditions, complicity in dishonest behavior, or other
falsification of academic work is a serious breach of college expectations and is subject to
immediate disciplinary action. A student guilty of academic dishonesty will receive an “F” in any
course in which the work was involved. Additionally, depending upon the nature of the case and
the severity of the infraction, the student will receive a penalty ranging from probation to expulsion
from the college. The official actions of the college may be either academic in nature or both
academic and disciplinary.
Plagiarism is any attempt to represent the work of others as your own. It includes the unauthorized
use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of
them as one's own original work. Copyright laws protect writers' words as their legal property. To
avoid the charge of plagiarism, students must take care to credit those from whom they borrow
and quote. Students are responsible for accurately citing any sources used in the research and
writing of all assignments. This includes all formats of materials, print and electronic.
Dress Code and Professional Demeanor:
Students are expected to wear scrubs during both class and clinic, and to maintain health,
personal hygiene and cleanliness. Handwashing before and after contact with each peer/patient is
required. Hand sanitizer is NOT a substitute for proper hand washing! Clothing and shoes worn
while functioning as a medical student should reflect professional status, provide for mechanical
P age |3
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
safety of the student and patients, allow for full performance of all duties, and provide for easy
identification of the student to patients and supervisors and staff. During class, different areas of
the body may be exposed and all students are expected to maintain a "hands off" policy
anywhere the bathing suit touches for men and women. This includes the gluteal region and
permission must be obtained before treating this area. Proper draping techniques will be
employed at all times. Students are discouraged from making idle comments about any other
student's body, physique, or ailments. Discussion of any health information outside of class is a
violation of HIPAA law.
Code of Conduct:
a) Honesty and Integrity
b) Respect for Others
c) Reliability and Responsibility
d) Commitment to Self-Improvement
P age |4
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
OM410 Tui Na II
Instructor: Dr. Brian Lau, AP, DOM, C.SMA
Phone: 941-355-9080
Instructor Email: Office Location: EWCNM Campus
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Week Number
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3: 05/19
Week 4: 05/26
Week 5: 06/02
Week 6: 06/09
Week 7: 06/16
Week 8: 06/23
Week 9: 06/30
Week 10: 07/07
Week 11: 07/14
Week 12: 07/21
Week 13: 07/28
Week 14: 08/04
Week 15: 08/11
Chapter/Topic to be covered
Working with the Neck
Labor Day
Guided Practice
Working with the Scalenes
Guided Practice
Reading assignment
Homework assignment
(4 Hours/Week)
Reading Assignments for Each
Lesson will be posted on, a 1
page synopsis of the technique
goals, application, and
acupuncture points used before
these techniques will be typed
and turned email to me before
the date of the midterm and
Working with Headaches
Guided Practice
Practical Midterm
Working with the TMJ
Guided Practice
Working with Hip Mobility
Guided Practice
Working with Rib Mobility
Guided Practice
Final Practical
Acknowledgement of Conditions and Obligations in Syllabus:
P age |5
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
I (student name) _____________________________ agree to adhere to all EWCN campus
policies and procedures and to follow the conditions and obligations set forth in this course
syllabus. I have reviewed this course syllabus and understand the requirements and expectations
herein. I also understand that I can find all student policies in the Student Manual.
Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __/__/____
OM409 & OM410 Tui Na II
Instructor Topical Outline: Material provided must be covered, additional and/or more detailed
information may be added to topical outline, all updates must be submitted to the academic
P age |6
3808 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34234
941-355-9080 (fax) 941- 355-3243
I. Anatomy of the Sinew Channels
II. Basic Fascial Release Techniques
A. Body mechanics
B. Finger, Knuckle, Hand, Arm positions
C. Starting, Ending of Stroke
D. Pacing of Stroke
III. Postural Assessment to Determine Dysfunction Between Internally-Externally
Related Sinew Channels
IV. Common Dysfunctions Associated with the Sinew Channels
V. Techniques for the Sinew Channels
A. Lung Sinew Channels
B. Large Intestine Sinew Channel
C. Heart Sinew Channel
D. Small Intestine Sinew Channel
E. Pericardium Sinew Channel
F. Sanjiao Sinew Channel
G. Stomach Sinew Channel
H. Spleen Sinew Channel
I. Urinary Bladder Sinew Channel
J. Kidney Sinew Channel
K. Gallbladder Sinew Channel
L. Liver Sinew Channel
P age |7