McCarthy Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan

Descriptive Data

Teacher – Kelly Kraft

Class – Social Studies


– April 15 th 2010

Grade Level/Team

– 8D/8M

Unit – The Cold War

Topic – McCarthyism/Red Scare

Standards: 18.A.3

: Explain how language, literature, the arts, architecture and traditions contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

Resources: SmartBoard with internet access, Articles, butcher paper, small papers for dot game, Laptop lab, materials for creating ad (markers, paper, colored pencils etc)


Introduction-Gaining Attention


Students will be led through a simulation called the “Dot-Game”

Students pick a small piece of paper from a plastic bag. Some of the pieces of paper have a red dot on them while most of the pieces are blank. Students are not to reveal what is on their piece of paper to anyone else.


The object of the “game” is for the students to create the largest group possible without any red dots. They may question each other as they form groups. The largest group without a member with a red dot wins.

Any person who holds a red dot and has infiltrated a group wins.


The purpose of the “game” is for the students to experience some of the suspicions associated with the McCarthy Era.

Afterwards discuss with students how difficult it was to determine who had a red dot and who didn’t, also what types of things made you determine whether or not a person had a red dot? What was the feeling amongst you and your fellow students – who did you trust or not trust and why? This is representative of communism and McCarthyism.

Introduction-Conducting a Review

Questions on previous concepts: Describe Communism in your own words.

Equality for all – is that a good thing?

What was happening at this time in regards to Atomic Bombs? What does the ‘arms race’ refer to? How did the

Adapted by: Dr. Ellis Hurd, 2009

Soviet Union obtain information about the US atomic bombs? What role did propaganda ads play in the Red Scare?

Introduction-Behavioral Objectives

Students will identify who Joe McCarthy

Students will define the terms: Red Scare, McCarthyism, Arms Race

Students will identify the components of propaganda

Students will recognize propaganda from this period and its affects

Students will recognize several affects of McCarthyism on the country during this time period

Introduction-Establishing Relevance

Short-term Incentives: Define terms listed above and understand concept of propaganda and its effects on the American Public

Long-term Incentives: Understand the effects of McCarthyism on the American public and create a piece of propaganda of their own

Content Presentation-Form of Knowledge

Activities/Components: PowerPoint Presentation, Article Readaloud/reflection/, Examining Propaganda activity, creating Propaganda Ad


Discussion Questions: Who was McCarthy and for what is he remembered?

What groups of people did McCarthy find suspicious? Why these people?

What impact did McCarthy’s allegations have on those accused?

Did the country buy i nto McCarthy’s crusade? If so, why? (What current events made people willing to believe McCarthy?)

Is there any evidence of public support or opposition to McCarthy? (Propaganda ads)

Is McCarthyism apparent today?

What impact did McCarthy have on America?




– ‘containment’; definition of

Red Hots activity

Red Scare – what is/ was it?

Adapted by: Dr. Ellis Hurd, 2009

Article activity

– Jigsaw

Senator Joe McCarthy – background, accusations

He used propaganda to persuade the US that there were spies and communists


View examples from the era of propaganda

-Examining Propaganda:

View examples

Are there any examples today?

Groups of three will examine one specific example and answer the following questions in their notebook:

-Which of the five techniques is used? Why is that your choice?

-What is the overall message of the ad?

-Who is responsible for this ad?

Introduction to Propaganda Assignment:

-Create your own ad

-Use at least two propaganda techniques

-Must be from American perspective

-Uses imagery

Time-Plan: Introductory activity

– 20 minutes; First half of PowerPoint – 20min;

Jigsaw Article - 25 min; second half of PowerPoint 10min; Examining

Propaganda activity – 20min; explanation of Propaganda Assignment and Blog


– remainder of class

Other Issue-Learners with Unique Needs

Learning, Visually, Hearing, Physically, or Social Impaired: PowerPoint submitted to aide of visually impaired students for Braille translation; article also provided for Braille translation; Propaganda Assignment sent for Braille

Adapted by: Dr. Ellis Hurd, 2009

translation; ‘Dot-Game’ card will have a Braille dot; Videos will be paused and explained verbally;

Adapted by: Dr. Ellis Hurd, 2009
