Students click here Teacher’s click here Table of Contents • • • • • • • Overview Introduction Task Process Evaluation Credits and References Multiple Text Web Overview • This social studies webquest challenges 5th graders to explore what it means to be an American through inquiry-based instruction spanning several subject areas. The powerpoint should be shown by the teacher as a class, and not individually. Teacher will stop powerpoint to do lesson plans imbedded in the presentation until final goal is reached. • The Georgia Performance Standards addressed in this project include: • -SS5CG4 The student will explain the meaning of “e pluribus unum” and the reason it was the motto of the United States. • SS5CG1 The student will explain how a citizen’s rights are protected under the U.S. Constitution. a. Explain the responsibilities of a citizen. b. Explain the freedoms granted by the Bill of Rights. SS5H4 b. Describe the cultural developments and individual contributions in the 1920s of the Jazz Age (Louis Armstrong), baseball (Babe Ruth), the automobile (Henry Ford), and the airplane (Charles Lindbergh). S5L3. Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, single-celled, multi-celled). a. Use magnifiers such as microscopes or hand lenses to observe cells and their structure. b. Identify parts of a plant cell (membrane, wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts) and of an animal cell (membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus) and determine the function of the parts. M4N1. Students will further develop their understanding of how whole numbers are represented in the base-ten numeration system. a. Identify place value names and places from hundredths through one million. M4N5. Students will further develop their understanding of the meaning of decimal fractions and use them in computations. a. Understand decimal fractions are a part of the base-ten system. b. Understand the relative size of numbers and order two digit decimal fractions. DATA ANALYSIS M5D1. Students will analyze graphs. a. Analyze data presented in a graph. b. Compare and contrast multiple graphic representations (circle graphs, line graphs, bar graphs, etc.) for a single set of data and discuss the advantages/disadvantages of each. ELA5R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts. For informational texts, the student reads and comprehends in order to develop understanding and expertise and produces evidence of reading that: a. Locates facts that answer the reader’s questions. b. c. Identifies and uses knowledge of common graphic features (e.g., charts, maps, diagrams, captions, and illustrations). ELA5W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student a. Acknowledges information from sources. b. Uses organizational features of printed text (i.e., citations, end notes, bibliographic references, appendices) to locate relevant information. d. Uses the features of texts (e.g., index, table of contents, guide words, alphabetical/ numerical order) to obtain and organize information and thoughts. f. Creates simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features Introduction The Scenario: An alien girl from a far off galaxy has been informed that her planet will be destroyed by a meteor in two weeks. She must find a new home, and has chosen the planet earth. She learns that earthlings live in countries, and needs to choose one to reside. She is asking citizens of each country to tell her why she should choose theirs. Our fifth graders must solidify their own thinking on what it means to be an American to persuade their alien friend what an opportunity our country provides. -The question “What does it mean to be an American?”is open-ended, and can be answered in different ways. My hope is that students will discover for themselves the answer to this question by understanding the foundation of our country, and the people that exemplify her spirit. Task Students will learn about our country’s beginnings, and the original motto “e pluribus unum”, and how we are strengthened by the diversity of our nation. Students will work to find the characteristics that bind them together, and discover values held dear by Americans. They will then collectively formulate a persuasive powerpoint presentation to convince their alien friend that America is her best choice. Process -Students will learn standards as they proceed through this powerpoint. - Students will work in groups to research one of 4 roles. (game-changers, dream-seekers, freedom-finders, and culture-setters) -Each roles contain several famous Americans. Students will have to decide the characteristics and values that these Americans have in common to help formulate their own ideas about being an American. -Students will then come together as a class to share their findings. They will collectively come up with 3 main reasons why their alien friend should choose America as her new home in a powerpoint presentation. Also,each student will create at least one slide that expresses what being an American means to them from what they have learned about themselves and their country. Evaluation • Students will be evaluated on their group participation, graphic organizers, and oral presentation. • Students will also be graded on their individual powerpoint slide, and collective powerpoint presentation. • Click the icon for assessment rubric: References: Multiple Text Web •1. Bierman, Carol. 1998. Journey to Ellis Island How my came to America. New York: Madison Press. •2. Book/Syonoptic •3.This is a true story that chronicles one Russian family’s experience to and out of Ellis Island. It supplements the theme of America being a country of immigrants, and “e pluribus unum” , by providing a real life connection to expand prior knowledge. •1.United Streaming (2001). Our Government . (don’t know creator) •2.Video clip/Complementary •3.This short video clip gives a short history of our founding government, and the motto “e pluribus unum.” •1. Factmonster. Retrieved October 18, 2008, from http::// •2 Website/Complementary •3.This is the main website from which students learn about specific Americans featured in the webquest. •1.Wikipedia. Retrieed October 15, 2008, from •2.Website:: Painting/controlling •3.This is a painting by George Seurat that illustrates pointillism, and ties into the theme “out of many, one”. •1.Copland, Aaron. Appalachian Spring. Leonard Berstein and the New York Philharmonic CD. New York: 1991 •2.CD: Music/complementary •3.Appalachian Spring has a uniquely American sound, and exemplifies an aspect of American culture. •1.Photo: Immigrant Family On Ellis Island.. Retrieved from http.// on October 15, 2008. •2.Photo/Synoptic •3.Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. This photo visually expresses the hopes and dreams of immigrants who came through Ellis Island. •1.Feinberg, B.S.1999. The Dictionary of the U.S. Constituion. New York: Grolier Publishing. •2.Book/Controlling 3.This *3.Thisreference referencebook book is isananexcellent excellentresource resourcethat that provides in easy-to-understand language everything needed to understand our Constitution. Credits and References • • • • • lor_aftereffect.html • • • Vans-McLaughlin, V. and Lightman, M. (1997). Ellis Island and the Peopling of America. New York: New Press. • Fall 2008 TOSS Click Here to return to main page Have you ever asked yourself what it means to be an American? Consider what values and ideals Americans hold most dear. There’s no time to waste! Listen to this urgent request: Click on the star to hear an urgent message! How about our essential question? Click on the spinning object. E Pluribus Unum A Thematic Unit Science Cells: Out of Many, One Lang. Arts. Reliving the Immigrant Experience Social Studies Discovering Our Country’s Beginnings Art Many dots, One Picture Math Many parts make a whole E Pluribus Unum was a motto adopted by the United States government in 1782, and still appears on the Great Seal of the United States , though in 1956, “In God We Trust” became our nation’s official motto. (The eagle is holding it in his beak.) Can you think of where you have seen this symbol? Click Here to find out! “E Pluribus Unum” What does it mean?!?!? Translating E PLURIBUS UNUM The general meaning of each Latin word is clear: Pluribus is related to the English word: "plural." Unum is related to the English word: "unit." E Pluribus Unum describes an action: Many uniting into one. An accurate translation of the motto is "Out of many, one" – a phrase that elegantly captures the symbolism on the shield. Our founding fathers originally chose this motto to signify the union between the 13 original states and the federal government. Today, “Out of many, one” signifies the strength of our diverse nation. Click Here to watch a short video clip One of the strength of our democracy lies in the fact that we elect our president, and the people who make our laws and represent us. Our Federal Government Legislative Branch Congress: The Senate and House of Representatives Department of Agriculture Department of the Interior Department of Commerce Department of Justice Executive Branch Judicial Branch The President and his Cabinet The U.S.Supreme Court Department of Defense Department of Labor Department of Education Department of State Department of Energy Department of Transportation Department of Health & Human Services Department of Housing & Urban Development Department of Treasury Department of Veterans Affairs The people elect the branches in green. Remember that not all governments are democratic. • Many immigrants came to America to escape political and religious persecution. Other reasons immigrants came: -to escape starvation and hardship -to avoid war or revolution -for jobs and opportunity -in search of a better life and future Immigrants from Europe in 1870 1.7% 2.2% 2.7 million 11.5% 15.4% 1.3% 11.8% 27.4% 7.6% 21.1% Ireland Germany U.K. Scandanavia Canada Russia Austria/Hungary Italy Other 1) In 1870, from which country did the most number of immigrants come from? 2) How many immigrants came from that country? 3) From which country did 415,800 immigrants come from? Click here for a hint! Immigrants from Europe between 1820-1910 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 In million 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 What reasons abroad and in America might cause immigration to peak in 1900? Ellis Island (in New York) was not the only immigration processing center into America, but from 1892 to its closing in 1954, over 12 million people passed through its doors. Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island were greeted by the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom and opportunity throughout the world. “…Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...” Most of the immigrants who came through Ellis Island were from Europe. 1954 1907 • Ellis Island Opens 1892 • Peak year: 1,004,756 people processed • National Origins Law reduces flow of immigration 1924 • Ellis Island • Ellis Island Immigration Center Closes Immigration Museum opens 1990 Can you imagine taking the long journey to America, only to be turned away? You had to : • Pass a physical and mental exam • Pass a government inspection • Answer questions • Have some money OR you could be detained (kept on the island) or worse, deported! (sent back) Can YOU pass the citizenship test? Try a sampling of the questions new immigrants today are asked, by clicking on Lady Liberty. Click Here to skip test. Click the Great Seal to view a media clip on citizenship and our responsibilities. Click here for next slide AFTER the movie Now, let’s begin your task! Before we can help our alien friend, we need to solidify our own thoughts on what it means to be an American. Your team will be assigned to research a group of Americans . Your task is to learn about each of them and discover what values, ideals and characteristics bind them together. Share your findings, and collectively come up with 3 reasons why our alien friend should choose to live in America! What you will do: 1) Divide yourselves into 4 groups. Each group will choose one of the following roles on the right. 2) Go through the powerpoint and follow directions. 3) Research each American by clicking on their picture. Use a graphic organizer to process the information. 4) Summarize your findings and present them to the rest of your classmates by answering the questions posed on your main slide. 5)Then, come together as a class and decide on the three most persuasive reasons why your alien friend should choose to make her home in America. 6) Make a powerpoint presentation to send to your alien friend. Give her your 3 main reasons. Also, each student will make one slide to express what being an American means to them. Game -changers Freedom-finders Dream-seekers Culture-setters Dream-seekers Immigrants often came to America in search of a better life…to fulfill a dream that may not have been possible in their home country. Below are four examples of people who chose, or who’s parents chose to leave their country and become U.S. citizens. Ask yourself: What do they have in common? What did they contribute to America? Why couldn’t they have done what they did in their own country? Use a graphic organizer to help you process the information. Albert Einstein Madeleine Albright Igor Stravinsky JohnMuir Game-changers There are certain people in American history, who have invented or done something that fundamentally changed the course of our lives and the way we live. Below are four examples. As you learn of their accomplishments, ask yourself: How have they done this? What are their similarities and differences? What would life be like, if they had not been here to do what they did? Use a graphic organizer to help you process the information. Lewis & Clark Henry Ford Charles Lindberg Bill Gates Freedom-finders Tn the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The following are a sample of individuals who have fought to fulfill this promise for all Americans. Ask yourself: What do these four people have in common? Who and what did they fight for? What barriers did they break? Use a graphic organizer to help you process the information. Caesar Chavez Thurgood Marshall Susan B. Anthony Russell Means Culture-setters There are certain things that are uniquely American, that embody the American spirit or have become a part of the American culture. The following individuals are examples of Americans who through sports, art, music, and entertainment exemplify these qualities. Ask yourself: What did they accomplish? How did they contribute to American culture? Use a graphic organizer to help you process the information. Babe Ruth Norman Rockwell Louis Armstrong Walt Disney What to do next: • You have researched your Americans. Now decide what common thread binds them together. • Present your findings to the class by answering the questions posed, and defining the common thread. Make sure each group member has a chance to speak. Rehearse it! • Come back when you have finished. Create a Powerpoint • Now, as a class, decide on THREE main reasons your alien friend should make America her home. Make a powerpoint presentation to make your case. (Use this powerpoint as an example on all that you can do!) -Each of you will make an individual slide where you can express what being an American means to you. -Out of MANY slides, we will have ONE great presentation! Come back when your powerpoint is complete. Now, send an astronaut to deliver your powerpoint to our alien friend. Will she choose America as her new home? You’ve convinced me to choose America as my new home. Thank you fellow earthlings! Great job, patriots! Reflect on your journey. What part did you like best? What did you like least? What contributed most to your learning? What would you like to learn more about?