REU 2006 –Purpose Detection For Individual Travel Behavior Narin Persad-Maharaj, Mentor: Sean Barbeau CUTR, University of South Florida RESULTS PROBLEM • The collection of traffic data is currently performed using cumbersome surveys and questionnaires. 5 sample trips Human Vs. Purpose Detector DOR Code Purpose Detector: General Purpose Predicted: General Purpose Predicted: Specific Purpose 3200 Social & Go out: Recreatio- Sports bar, Nal Movies etc. Social & Recreational Movies (Muvico) 8800 WORK Go to work Meals Eat out 1310 Shopping & Errands Buy goods: groceries, clothing, etc. Shopping & Errands Buy goods… (WalMart) 8300 School or Religious Go to School Social & Rec. Exercise (Baseball) 3500 Social & Rec. Relaxation, Vacation Vacation (Busch Gardens) MOTIVATION The dependency on human memory to record and recall personal travel behavior introduces a strong likelihood of errors. SOLUTION Fig 5c. A table tbltrips is then updated with the purpose information per tripid. Fig 3. Broadcasts from Satellites are used by Matt’s cell phone to determine his coordinate. By using data collected from GPS enabled cell phones and relating it to electronic maps the task of determining an individual’s travel purpose can be fully automated. Fig 5a. The Purpose Detector program obtains the DOR CODE from ArcMap. Fig. 5b It then queries it against a database to retrieve its General (ex. Shopping) and Specific Purpose (ex. Buy Gas/car services) THE SOFTWARE The Purpose Detection program uses a java API belonging to ArcGIS (a GIS mapping application package) to calculate a cell phone’s global coordinate and relate it to a spatial environment. In this research the spatial environment is Hillsborough County and it is represented in ArcGIS as a 2-d map divided into several polygons that represent individual real-estate. Among the several attributes of a polygon is a field called the Department of Revenue Resources Code (DOR_CODE). By first retrieving the value of this DOR_CODE and then querying it against a database that was categorized by the researcher according to the DOR CODES’ business type, the traveler’s purpose can be determined. IMPLEMENTATION: ArcGIS, ArcMap, NetBeans IDE 5.0 Purpose Detector Software Fig 4. Matt ends his trip. The featured screenshot shows the DOR_CODE of the pink highlighted polygon in ArcMap, a GIS mapping application. Purpose Detector: Specific Purpose Social & Rec. CONCLUSION The performance of the Purpose Detector shows that it is significantly more dependable than archaic methods of purpose determination and is liberated of the problems that burden archaic methods of traffic data analysis. FUTURE WORK: The discrepancies between the purposes of DOR CODES 8800 and 8300 were due purely to the classification of the DOR CODE business types by Hillsborough County. In fact, DOR CODE 8800 is classified as Federal under HBC’s zoning laws but is actually a restaurant—Red Lobster, and the trip pertaining to DOR CODE 8300 concluded at a baseball field that is owned by a school. Future revisions of the Purpose Detector will include improving the classification of these somewhat ambiguous DOR CODES. Acknowledgements Sean Barbeau—Mentor, Alfredo Perez— researcher, Tiffany Burrel—co researcher. Department of Computer Science & Engineering