Due Today

Monday 9/8
Due Today:
• Cornell notes 1.1-1.9 – please put in inbox
• Observation/inference lab – please put in lab crate
• Atomic model project – please set on desk by prep room
 Ace sig fig quiz
 Work on Easy Dimensional Analysis worksheet
 PP 9 Dimensional Analysis
 Finish worksheet – grade and correct
 Mandatory STEM Information/brainstorming meeting –9/16
HHS AUD 7-8:30
DQ: na
Today’s Handouts: Dimensional Analysis worksheet, scan tron
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Tuesday 9/8
Due Today: Easy dimensional analysis worksheet
Objectives: Work on Harder Dimensional Analysis worksheet
 PP 10 Density
 Test on Monday over :
Sections 1.1-1.8 and 2.1-2.5
Powerpoints 1-10
Lab equipment, procedures, and safety
Scientists and their Experiments and Atomic Models
Metric conversions, Scientific Notation, Sig figs
Dalton, Rutherford, Thomson
Solve problems similar to worksheets, DQs, and quiz
Calculate density, mass, volume
Temp Conversions - Formulas will be provided
 Finish Dimensional analysis work for Friday (you will have some time to
work on this in class on block day)
 Complete prelab and have Rutherford lab set up in lab notebook
 Mandatory STEM Information/brainstorming meeting –9/16 HHS AUD 78:30
DQ: see handout – it is over PP 7 (this was assigned last week on block day)
Today’s Handouts: Harder Dimensional Analysis worksheet, Rutherford lab Slide
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? Did you use the 3 documents on website to complete atomic model project?
Block 9/10-11
Due Today: Rutherford lab prep
Objectives: Shopping & review graded work
Rutherford lab & Work on Harder Dimensional Analysis ws
 Finish Dimensional analysis worksheet for Friday (check and correct your
answers with key on our website)
 Learn conversion factors – see last page of test review – we are having an
extra credit game called “Conversion Mania” on Friday
 Test Review due on Monday (check answers and correct with key on website)
 Test Monday
 conversion factors will NOT be provided;
 density formula (mass/volume) will NOT be provided;
 temperature formulas will be provided;
 Mandatory STEM Information/brainstorming meeting –9/16 HHS AUD 7-8:30
- parent note/email in advance if you can not attend
DQ: over PP 9
1.A car is traveling at a rate of 70 miles per hour. How fast is
the car traveling in km per sec? (1.61km = 1 mile)
2. The temperature is 24 C. What is this temperature in K?3 Slide
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Today’s Handouts: Test Review Tc = Tk – 273.15
T k= Tc + 273.15
Friday 9/12
Due Today: Hold on to Harder Dimensional Analysis
Objectives: Test your Speed and Accuracy and earn extra
credit with Conversion Mania
 Rutherford lab due on Monday
 Test Review due on Monday (check answers and correct
with key on website)
 Test Monday
conversion factors will NOT be provided;
density formula (mass/volume) will NOT be provided;
temperature formulas will be provided
 Mandatory STEM Information/brainstorming meeting –
9/16 HHS AUD 7-8:30 - parent note/email by Monday if
you can not attend
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DQ: Not today – please go shopping for atomic project